IPW's photo-graphic shown on FoxNews!

Iowa Presidential Watch continues to make a difference in who will be our next president. On May 18, IPW artist Linda Eddy (known as "IPWGOP" in the FreeRepublic forum) took a news story she saw posted on a FreeRepublic.com Forum thread [LINK] and created a photo-graphic that made it clear that Sen. John Kerry had more than stretched the truth with demonstrating support from his so-called band of Vietnam swift boat brothers.

Of the 19 Navy veterans pictured with Kerry in the Vietnam Unit photo, only two actually support him.

What about the other 17 vets? Two are deceased, four are ‘not involved’ and the remaining ELEVEN vets have asked Kerry to stop using their photo because they do not support his candidacy. These eleven veterans have also signed a letter stating Kerry is ‘unfit to serve as Command-in-Chief.’

Imagine our surprise when we received this message on June 2nd:

Want to do something about this issue?

Post this image everywhere and see what happens.


Add this to your collection and mail mail mail

The linked graphic in the message sent to us was the very one IPW artist Linda Eddy created and posted on FreeRepublic for all to use on May 18th!

We at IPW tried as politely as possible to explain that we were the ones who researched and created this photo-graphic to help to show the general public about Kerry’s untruthful Vietnam photo fraud propaganda. (And we have since included our info on the photo-graphic.)

Now, we have received word that on June 2, Fox News also used the very photo-graphic we created. In the on-going story of the Kerry swift boat veterans photo fraud, FoxNews showed our photo-graphic and reported that the 11 swift boat Navy veterans are now suing Kerry to get him to stop using their picture:

Swift Boat Veterans for Truth also questions Kerry's honesty: "Both then and now, we have concluded that you [Kerry] have deceived the public, and in the process have betrayed honorable men, to further your personal political goals."

We at IPW have and are in the process of making a real difference in the upcoming Presidential Election. We continue to need your support of our efforts. We are in the process of raising $20,000 for the launch of a national campaign that would enable IPW to make significant impact in key battleground states in the Midwest.

If you can support our efforts through a contribution to helping to make this campaign happen, it would be greatly appreciated.

Again, keep faith and continue the fight. This battle is not over and this war is yet to be won for those who choose a path towards a nation secure, filled with economic opportunity and where families can live in the serenity of God.