Linda Eddy

Linda Eddy's political cartoons have captured some of the most famous faces in politics today and are among the most circulated on the Internet – viewed in over 20 countries worldwide (United States, Taiwan, Saudi Arabia, United Kingdom, Germany, France, Australia, Netherlands, Hong Kong, Singapore, Canada, Sweden, South Africa, Belgium, New Zealand, Poland, Portugal, Mexico, Switzerland, Finland). They have been requested for use nationally and internationally, including the London Sunday Telegraph Times.

Two Vietnam Veterans groups – Vietnam Veterans for the Truth ( ) and Swift Boat Veterans for the Truth ( ) – use Linda Eddy's artwork.


Here are some examples of Linda's caricatures:

John Kerry

Bush v Kerry


click here for larger view

Condi v Clarke

click here to see Linda's cartoons for IowaPresidentialWatch



email Linda Eddy about commissioned artwork

other cartoons, not affiliated with

Ya -- cry, blue girlie man!!


Bush Rides!

Schwarzenegger vs. Kerry

Jewish Guy

French Guy

Clarke Hole

Kerry's Creation

Last Call Ted

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this page was last updated: 08/14/04