"A perfect 10 FlipFlop"

John Kerry political cartoon.


May 1, 2004...



When it comes to flipflopping Sen. John Kerry just took a 10 out of 10 in style, performance and substance.

Kerry now admits that weapons of mass destruction may still be found. Oh my, how does he reconcile such statements as: "George Bush sold us on going to war with Iraq based on the threat of weapons of mass destruction. But we still haven't found them."

He has frequently stated that, "We were misled about weapons of mass destruction." But this week in an interview with Chris Matthews, ABC’s “Hardball”, Kerry offered this statement regarding WMDs:

KERRY:  It appears, as they peel away the weapons of mass destruction issue—and we may yet find them, Chris.  Look, I want to make it clear.  Who knows if a month from now, three months from now, you find some weapons?  You may.

[read “Hardball” Kerry interview transcript]

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