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"CBS: Behind the 8 ball

CBS political cartoon.


Sept. 13, 2004...


Guys in Pajamas bust CBS?

John Fund of the Wall Street Journal opines today about what he considers to be “a watershed media moment” [LINK.] Referring to the CBS/Bush memos debate last Friday on FoxNews between former vice president of CBS News Jonathan Klein and The Weekly Standard writer Stephen Hayes, Fund writes:

Mr. Klein dismissed the bloggers who are raising questions about the authenticity of the memos: "You couldn't have a starker contrast between the multiple layers of check and balances [at '60 Minutes'] and a guy sitting in his living room in his pajamas writing."

He will regret that snide disparagement of the bloggers, many of whom are skilled lawyers or have backgrounds in military intelligence or typeface design. A growing number of design and document experts say they are certain or almost certain the memos on which CBS relied are forgeries.

Fund writes of a ‘defensive’ Dan Rather going on the air last Friday and claiming a counterattack from partisan political operatives. And says that ‘in reality, traditional journalism now has a new set of watchdogs in the "blogosphere."


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