"But I really AM better than everyone else!"
John Kerry political cartoon
10, 2003
What do John Kerry and a Gilligan’s
Island character have in common? In his
“Washington Whispers” column in this week’s U.
S. News & World Report, Paul Bedard writes: “Have
you even found yourself wondering if
Democratic presidential candidate Sen. John
Kerry is really Thurston Howell III, the
Gilligan’s Island millionaire? No?
Well, you will soon if Republican
strategists follow through with their
prankster plans for the 2004 presidential
race. ‘We’ll gig ‘em whenever and wherever we
can,’ says one source. The idea is simple.
Send an ‘attack mascot’ to primary and caucus
appearances of leading Democratic White House
hopefuls to heckle and unnerve the candidates.
Initial plans by GOP strategists focus on
Kerry, Rep. Dick Gephardt, Sen.
John Edwards, and Sen. Joe Lieberman.
Just this weekend, Edwards will be met
in his home state with a Welcome Wagon,
a dig at how much time he has been away
campaigning. The most original is the Kerry
gag mascot: somebody dressed as Howell,
the lock-jawed dim bulb who inherited his
wealth. In his straw hat; a $150 price
tag to represent his barber’s fee.
Suggests Kerry spokesman David Wade,
the GOP ‘should lay off the Gilligan’s
Island imagery before we cast George W.
Bush as Gilligan in the remake.’”