"Buying America"

George Soros political cartoon.

December fundraising email from the Bush-Cheney campaign:

In my last e-mail I told you wealthy liberals, led by billionaire George Soros, plan to spend $400 million to defeat President Bush. Now comes word that Soros and his anti-war allies are soliciting foreign money to use against President Bush.

One group Soros supports is telling liberal foreign donors they have "a chance to defeat [Bush] -- even if you are not an American." Read more at:


To beat these billionaire liberals and the flood of foreign money they're encouraging, we need your help today!

Please help us reach our goal of 450,000 AMERICAN grassroots contributors to the Presidents campaign by sending $100, $75, $50, $25 or whatever you can afford today by contributing online at:


If you thought liberal special interest groups raising foreign cash to attack our President was bad enough ... Democrat presidential candidates are doing it too!

Web sites for Wesley Clark and Howard Dean direct visitors from outside the United States to liberal fundraising Web sites where foreign donors can pledge money to fund left-wing efforts to defeat President Bush.

This news comes days after Democrat candidate Howard Dean floated the absurd conspiracy theory that President Bush knew of the terrorist attacks of 9/11, saying, "The most interesting theory that I've heard so far ... is that he was warned ahead of time by the Saudis."

It doesn't stop there. This week, Dean declared that, "The capture of Saddam has not made America safer."

And Dean is not the only Democrat making such reckless charges. Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright on Sunday floated the theory to a FOX News correspondent, "that the Bush administration has Osama bin Laden hidden away somewhere and will bring him out before the election."

Wesley Clark, who was in Europe when Saddam Hussein was captured, criticized the President this week and said that rather than going after Saddam, he would have let the United Nations continue to seek the dictator's cooperation. Clark also declared that, "Weapons of mass destruction are no longer a threat to the United States."

Democrats will do or say anything to defeat our President -- wild accusations, reckless conspiracy theories, and now raising money from foreign, anti-American activists!

We need your help to overcome these attacks!


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