March 16, 2005
Not already!!

Edwards/Kerry strains
Adam Nagourney of the
NY Times writes about the conflict developing between John
Edwards and John Kerry:
John Kerry and John Edwards, rivals turned running mates in the last
presidential campaign, have become rivals once again, assembling
competing political networks, jostling for attention and staking out
ideological turf in preparation for a potential rematch in 2008.
... Mr. Edwards has begun criticizing major tactical decisions of the
Kerry-Edwards campaign last year, saying he disagreed with them at the
time. Mr. Kerry's campaign advisers disputed those recollections, and
described Mr. Kerry as irritated by what appeared to be a calculated
effort by Mr. Edwards to distance himself from the losing campaign.
"John Edwards is not going to comment on confidential and private
conversations with John Kerry," said David Ginsberg, an adviser to Mr.
Edwards. "He will decide whether or not he is going to run again based
on how Elizabeth and how his family are doing and where the country is
at that time."
But wait – isn’t 2008 a bit far away for all of this? Apparently not,
in the new political climate:
The image of former running mates heading so quickly back to their
corners is highly unusual in recent American political history. It
reflects the pressure on potential candidates from both parties to get
moving earlier in a campaign that will feature wide-open contests on
both sides for the first time in 50 years.
After 2000, Mr. Lieberman delayed recruiting supporters and raising
money in keeping with his pledge to Mr. Gore, a delay that Mr.
Lieberman later said contributed to his weak showing in the 2004
contest, and a lesson that presumably has not been lost on Mr.
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