"Over HIS dead body..."

Teresa Heinz Kerry and John Kerry political cartoon.


Apr. 16, 2004...

The ketchup queen

Teresa Heinz Kerry is in for the spotlight. The Boston Globe has a story about how she is the secret weapon of the Kerry for President campaign. However, there is a movement to make Heinz Kerry show her tax returns -- as she would be required to do if she is First Lady.

Mary Beth Cahill, Kerry's campaign manager, calls the Massachusetts Democrat's wife the "unsung heroine" of the operation, noting in particular her groundwork in the New Hampshire primary while her husband made a go-for-broke gamble on victory in the Iowa caucuses. "She explains John Kerry really well to voters," Cahill said.

The NY Post writes:

There was new GOP pressure on Democrat John Kerry to release the tax returns of his mega-rich $525 million wife Teresa yesterday after it was learned that Kerry once said a politician who refuses to release tax returns can't be trusted.

When his wealthy GOP Senate challenger balked at releasing tax returns in 1990, Kerry demanded that he "come clean" and made it a central campaign issue, repeatedly asking: "What is he hiding?"

President Bush in his speech in Iowa commented that he paid his taxes early so that he could release his and Laura’s tax returns to the public. 


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