August 23, 2005

[The following is a press release from Move America Forward.]
Backlash Against Cindy Sheehan Grows
Radio Talk Show Hosts Joining the “You Don’t Speak for Me, Cindy” Caravan
– Heading to Crawford, Texas on Sat. August 27th
(SACRAMENTO) – Cindy Sheehan has announced she plans to return “very soon”
to her anti-war vigil in Crawford, Texas. When, and if she does, she’ll find
she has some company.
The national organization that supports our troops and the war against
terrorism, Move America Forward (website:, is leading the “You Don’t Speak for Me,
Cindy” tour, and the effort is growing by the hour.
Military families and talk radio hosts are bringing Americans along caravans
– with all roads leading to Crawford, Texas for a giant “We Support Our
Troops & Their Mission” rally in Crawford on Saturday, August 27, 2005.
Leading the delegation is Deborah Johns of Northern California Marine Moms.
Deborah’s son, William, has served 2 tours of duty in Operation Iraqi
The main caravan leaves from San Francisco, California on Monday morning
(August 21st). Supporters will be joining the caravan along the way and
cheering it on at stops. The caravan heads throughout California (stopping
in Sacramento, Fresno, Bakersfield, Los Angeles and San Diego) traveling
through Arizona (stopping in Phoenix) and New Mexico (stopping in
Albuquerque). Once in Texas the caravan will pick up even more supporters at
stops at Amarillo, Fort Worth, Dallas and Waco before arriving in Crawford.
Radio Hosts Joining the Caravan
Talk radio hosts are helping to promote this event – with many joining the
caravan along the way.
The caravan kicks off in San Francisco where
Melanie Morgan of KSFO 560 AM will lead her listeners along the first
leg of the caravan. Morgan will also travel to Dallas, Texas on Friday to
join the final two legs of the caravan into Crawford.
“For the past few weeks this nation has heard from those voices in America
who advocate surrender in the war against terrorism. Now, it’s time to hear
from the other side of this debate. We are going to rally Americans together
to show the terrorists overseas that our nation has not lost its resolve nor
its nerve to prevail in the fight against their violent, extremist agenda,”
said Melanie Morgan who serves as Chairman of Move America Forward.
When the caravan arrives in Sacramento, California it will stop off at the
studios of KFBK 1530 AM – where
KFBK’s Mark Williams will interview the caravan attendees as he fills in
for the “Tom Sullivan Show.” Williams will get live reports on the caravan
each day before he flies to Dallas, Texas on Friday to join the final two
legs of the caravan into Crawford.
“Since our region of northern California is the place Cindy Sheehan calls
home, we owe it to the nation to present another voice from this area.
That’s why Deborah Johns, the Marine mother, and I are heading to Crawford,
Texas. We have a message for the President and the American people: Now is
not the time to pull our support from the heroic mission our sons and
daughters are serving in Iraq,” said Williams.
Talk show host
Martha Zoller of WDUN 550 AM Atlanta/Gainesville is also heading to
Dallas to join the final two legs of the caravan and she’s invited her
listeners to come down for the caravan and pro-troop rally in Crawford on
August 27th – to stand by her side.
“I am going on the "you don't speak for me, Cindy" tour because of the
American heroes who have lost their lives in the Global War on Terror. Casey
Sheehan is an American hero and he had to live with the knowledge that his
mother didn't understand what he was doing...he had to die with that
knowledge, too. The media has elevated Cindy Sheehan as the voice of those
families who have lost loved ones, but Cindy Sheehan speaks for a very small
minority. We’re going to tell the rest of the story now,” said Zoller.
Also traveling from the Atlanta area is Lt. Col. Buzz Patterson (Ret. – U.S.
Air Force) who broadcasts “The Buzz Cut” radio show on the
RighTalk Radio Network.
Patterson shares something in common with the other talk show hosts heading
to Crawford, Texas – he just returned from Iraq as part of the 10-day
“Voices of Soldiers” tour.
“Our troops serving in Iraq made it very clear that they believe in the
mission they are serving in. We must stand by them now, for if we don’t we
only will embolden the terrorists who are doing everything they can to
weaken America’s resolve. If we turn our backs on the mission in Iraq now,
then our sons and daughters who have been killed in this conflict will have
died in vain,” said Patterson.
Additionally, caravans to Crawford to join the August 27th rally are being
planned from Louisiana, Florida, Connecticut and other areas throughout the
nation. Many caravans are being organized in conjunction with the supporters
of Free Republic at their website,
Starting Wednesday this week, Move America Forward will begin airing a
60-second television commercial promoting the “Support Our Troops & Their
Mission” rally in Crawford, Texas. The ad is expected to air nationwide on
cable news networks. You can view the ad online at the Move America Forward
website –
Move America Forward will provide continuous updates on the caravan and
rally at its website –
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