Thursday, April
Debate coverage
Outrage as ex-Clinton staffer runs
Stephanopoulos helped run Mr Clinton's 1992 election
campaign and acted as his press secretary and advisor on policy and
strategy before joining the ABC.
Stephanopoulos defends: "We
asked tough but appropriate questions"
Not a good debate for Obama, period
... This debate is going to lead a lot of Obama
supporters to ratchet up the calls on Clinton to either withdraw or
tone down the attacks. Clinton supporters will point to this debate as
proof that he's not yet ready for the general, that's why she should
stay in, and that's why superdelegates should overturn the winner of
pledged delegates.
see also:
Obama's honeymoon over, and it shows
Clinton, Obama won't vow to put loser
on as veep
Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama both declined
Wednesday night to pledge a spot on their ticket this fall to the
loser of their epic battle for the Democratic presidential
Obama kept on defensive during debate
Sen. Barack Obama faced his toughest grilling yet in a
presidential debate Wednesday night, spending the first 45 minutes of
his last scheduled meeting with Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton defending
his own words and his associations with several controversial figures.
clear loser is ABC
... For the first 52 minutes of the two-hour,
commercial-crammed show, Gibson and Stephanopoulos dwelled entirely on
specious and gossipy trivia that already has been hashed and rehashed,
in the hope of getting the candidates to claw at one another over
Democratic debate turns personal
Clinton, seeking momentum in the dwindling weeks of the
primary campaign, accused Obama of associating with controversial
figures, including his own former preacher. Though she called Obama a
"good man" and said, after some prodding, that he could win the White
House, Clinton said he would have many liabilities in the fall
... The first 45 minutes of the nearly two-hour debate
- broadcast by ABC from Philadelphia's National Constitution Center -
were devoted solely to politics and electability.
Debate is a slugfest
The debate not only covered recent controversies over
comments Obama made about small-town America and Clinton's exaggerated
claims of landing under sniper fire in Bosnia, but also ranged far
afield to Obama's association with former Weather Underground member
William Ayers and President Bill Clinton's clemency for two other
members of that Vietnam-era radical group...
Obama is pressed in Penn. debate
... The encounter, particularly in the early stages,
seemed more like a grilling of Obama on a Sunday-morning talk show
than a debate between the two candidates.
... Pressed to answer directly whether Obama can win,
[Clinton] responded: "Yes. Yes. Yes." But she added: "I think I can do
a better job."
see also:
Obama had the tougher night
Clinton revisits Wright's role
Mr. Obama was treated as the front-runner he has become
by winning more state primaries and caucuses. He was hammered by the
ABC News debate moderators and by Mrs. Clinton for his misstatements
and personal associations and was peppered with questions about his
Obama forgets writing on gun questionnaire
Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., maintained at Wednesday's ABC News debate
in Philadelphia that his handwriting does not appear on a 1996
questionnaire stating support for a ban on the manufacture, sale, and
possession of handguns. The Democratic presidential frontrunner made
this claim even though a copy of the original document suggests
John McCain... today's headlines
with excerpts
AP/Yahoo poll shows McCain winning back unhappy
Partly thanks to an increasingly likable image, the Republican
presidential candidate has pulled even with the two Democrats still
brawling for their party's nomination, according to an Associated
Press-Yahoo news poll released Thursday...
McCain outlines broad proposals of U.S. economy
McCain's economic speech transcript
National poll: McCain even with
Obama, leads Clinton
McCain 45, Obama 45
McCain 46, Clinton 41
McCain narrowing his veep choices?
McCain's comments during "Hardball" regarding whether
his running mate would have to pro-life.
MCCAIN: I don't know if it would stop him but it would be difficult.
CHRIS MATTHEWS: But why that one issue? Why is there that one litmus
MCCAIN: I'm not saying that would be necessarily, but I am saying it's
basically the respect and cherishing of the right of the unborn is one
of the fundamental principles of my party and it's a deeply held
belief of mine.
Hillary Clinton... today's
headlines with excerpts
Newsmax/Zogby poll: deadlocked in Pennsylvania
With just five days left before Democratic primary voters go to polls
to decide who they want to be their presidential nominee, Hillary
Clinton of New York and Barack Obama of Illinois are locked in a
battle that is too close to call, the latest Newsmax/Zogby telephone
poll shows.
Bill tells Hillary: 'block out' media
In the e-mail addressed “Dear Friend,” Bill writes: “I’m going to give
you the same advice I give to Hillary: block out the distractions —
the skeptics, the media coverage, the beltway chatter — and keep your
eyes on the prize.
Barack Obama... today's headlines with excerpts
Obama picks up 3 more, now LEADS in overall
Barack Obama has now moved
past Hillary Clinton in
terms of announced support from elected superdelegates (governors,
senators and representatives).
He picked up three more on Wednesday.
Obama still trails Clinton slightly in overall superdelegates,
But in overall delegates he leads by 141, 1,650-1,509. This according
the authoritative NBC count.
Obamas' income for 2007: $4.2 million
... The couple paid nearly $1.4 million in federal taxes last year,
and made $240,370 in charitable contributions. Their largest gifts
were to the United Negro College Fund ($50,000), the international
relief organization CARE ($35,000) and Trinity United Church of Christ
in Chicago ($26,270).
Obama critical of Carter-Hamas meeting
Sen. Barack Obama on Wednesday criticized former President Carter for
planning to meet with leaders of the Palestinian militant group Hamas
as he tried to reassure Jewish voters that his candidacy isn't a
threat to them or U.S. support for Israel.
The Democratic presidential candidate's comments to a group of Jewish
leaders were his first on Carter's controversial meeting scheduled
this week in Egypt.
The presumptive Republican presidential nominee, Sen. John McCain,
earlier in the week called on Obama to repudiate Carter's meeting.
Obama endorsed by gun group on anniversary of
V-Tech killings
The good news, for Obama: the support of this gunowners' rights group
may help him overcome the controversy over his suggestion that
small voters "cling to guns and religion" because they're "bitter."
The bad news? Today was
anniversary of the deadly Virginia Tech massacre.
Obama: no earmarks for 2009
The dramatic change is in line with a statement Obama issued last
month in connection with an amendment calling for a one-year
moratorium on earmarks in the Senate.
The amendment, sponsored by federal earmark foe Sen. Jim DeMint,
R-South Carolina, was shot down by a vote of 79-21.
Michelle Obama rejects elitist characterization
"So when people talk about this elitist stuff, I say, 'You couldn't
possibly know anything about me.'
Ralph Nader... today's headlines with excerpts
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