Monday, April 21, 2008
Obama $42M for primary at start of
April; Clinton $9M
In Pennsylvania, white male vote
tomorrow is key
Dem party chiefs plan push to avoid
long fight
Undecided superdelegates don't feel bound by
Many of the Democratic superdelegates who are still undecided say the
most important factor in their decision is simple — they just want a
winner in November.
... That's good news for Clinton, who cannot catch Obama in delegates
won in the few remaining primaries and caucuses.
Carter: Hamas is willing to accept Israel as
Carter said the group promised it wouldn't undermine Palestinian
President Mahmoud Abbas' efforts to reach a peace deal with Israel, as
long as the Palestinian people approved it in a referendum. In such a
scenario, he said Hamas would not oppose a Palestinian state in the
West Bank and Gaza.
Hamas, a militant Islamic group that both the U.S. and Israel consider
a terrorist organization, calls in its charter for Israel's
destruction. It has also traditionally opposed peace negotiations with
the Jewish state.
Sami Abu Zuhri, a Hamas spokesman, later said Carter's comments "do
not mean that Hamas is going to accept the result of the referendum."
Carter's comments came after his much criticized meetings with the top
Hamas leaders in Syria in last week.
see also:
Carter strongly hints he supports Obama...
John McCain... today's headlines
with excerpts
Based on new financial disclosure reports released
Sunday, and interviews with his finance team, the
Republican Party’s presumptive nominee will instead
accept taxpayer money to finance his general election
and share other costs with the Republican National
McCain visiting poor areas of U.S.
Republican presidential candidate John McCain spends
this week visiting economically struggling areas of the
United States to show Americans he is a different kind
of Republican.
McCain's trip is part of a bid to attract more independent voters who
could be crucial in the November election...
McCain claims racial high ground
McCain aides ... are acutely aware of the unique challenges that would
come in running against the first African-American nominee and the
need to stake out turf early that makes clear to both blacks and
whites that a) he still won't forfeit any vote and b) he will appeal
to, as Lincoln said, "our better angels" and keep his campaign on the
racial high ground...
The Arizona senator raised $15.2 million in March, his best
fundraising performance of the campaign. His finances still
significantly trail Barack Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton, the two
Democrats in the race.
Rick Santorum: Republicans should
support McCain
As for the Reagan Axiom, given his opponent, McCain is
close enough to 80 percent for government work. That is
why I am going to vote for my friend - John McCain.
McCain spokesman: Obama
'recklessly dishonest'
McCain spokesman Tucker Bounds said: "It is clear that
Barack Obama is intentionally twisting John McCain's
words completely out of context. Obama is guilty of
deliberately distorting John McCain's comments for pure
political gain, which is exactly what Senator Obama was
complaining about just yesterday."
McCain alleges Obama radical ties
“I'm sure he's very patriotic. But his relationship with
Mr. Ayers is open to question,” McCain said.
“He became friends with him and spent time with him
while the guy was unrepentant over his activities as a
member of a terrorist organization, the Weathermen,”
McCain said. “Does he condemn them? Would he condemn
someone who says they're unrepentant and wished that
they had bombed more?”
McCain eases proposal for
alternative to U.N.
McCain first proposed a league of democracies last year,
describing a formal organization that could use military
force as well as economic and diplomatic pressure. It
would be organized by the U.S., much like NATO after
World War II...
... Now, however, McCain says the group would not use
military force, and would be an informal organization in
which democratic nations come together in different
groupings, depending on their concerns....
The DNC is going after McCain in a paid TV spot starting
April 22nd on national cable. It attacks McCain for
saying it could be argued that we’re better off now than
before the Bush presidency. The DNC uses McCain’s words
at a debate, splices that with ominous-sounding (almost
Exorcist-like) piano music and titles on screen
combating McCain’s economic outlook.
Hillary Clinton... today's
headlines with excerpts
Zogby Pennsylvania poll:
Hillary gains in final weekend
She gained two points over the past 24
hours as Obama lost one point, and she now leads 48% to 42%, the
latest polling shows.
Hillary needs record
margins, turnout to catch Obama
To overtake Barack Obama in the nationwide
popular vote, Hillary Clinton needs a bigger win in tomorrow's
Pennsylvania primary than she has had in any major contest so far. And
that's just for starters...
Pennsylvania undecideds
flock to Clinton
Mrs. Clinton of New York bested rival Sen.
Barack Obama of Illinois among voters making last-minute decisions by
an average six-point margin in previous primaries, exit polls show,
and about 9 percent remain undecided here.
Hillary slaps Obama for praising McCain
“We need a nominee who will take on John McCain, not cheer on John
McCain. And I will be that nominee,” Clinton said.
'Vast right-wing
conspiracy' leader's paper backs Hillary
Democrat Hillary Rodham
Clinton was endorsed Sunday by the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, whose
owner and publisher, billionaire Richard Mellon Scaife, personally
funded many of the investigations that led to President Clinton's
impeachment in 1998.
He paraphrased the claims in Obama’s ad,
saying, “‘Oh, it’s the end of the world. Oh, you’re gonna be forced to
buy health care you can’t afford.’” He quickly added: “That’s bull.
The only way you can afford it over the long run is that everyone is
Paglia: Why women shouldn't vote
for Hillary
Chelsea hits the gay bars
Led around the neighborhood by Gov. Ed Rendell, Chelsea was mobbed by
local gays and lesbians, as she walked from one club to the next. They
ran up to hug her, posed for pictures and certainly invaded her
personal space.
“I grabbed her ass,” one young woman exclaimed to her friends after
snapping a picture with her arm around the former first daughter...
Barack Obama... today's headlines with excerpts
Obama: 'I'm not predicting a win'
Obama says on
KDKA radio in Pittsburgh this morning:
"I’m not predicting a win. I’m predicting it’s going to be close and
that we are going to do a lot better than people expect," he says.
Michael Moore endorses Obama
So, if you live in Pennsylvania, can you do me a favor? Will you
please cast my vote -- and yours -- on Tuesday for Senator Barack
Obama? ..."
Obama sharpens his tone; criticizes Clinton's
negative turn
Obama: McCain would be better than Bush
"You have a real choice in this election. Either Democrat would be
better than John McCain," Obama said to cheers from a rowdy crowd in
central Pennsylvania. Then he said: "And all three of us would be
better than George Bush."
Obama: Hillary throwing 'the china' at me
"You know, over the last several weeks since she fell behind, she's
resorted to what's called 'kitchen sink' strategies," Obama said, per
ABC News' Sunlen Miller. "She's got the kitchen sink flying, and the
china flying, and the, you know, the buffet is coming at me...
Novak: What's the matter with Obama?
Ralph Nader... today's headlines with excerpts
view more past news & headlines
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