Saturday, Feb. 2, 2008
The billion-dollar president?
The highly competitive field has forced corporate
interests to generously spread their contributions to
ensure continued good standing with potential future
World captivated by
Germans are gaga over Barack Obama. He's
got Japan pretty jazzed, too, along with Hillary Rodham
Clinton. Russia's leaders, not so much: They prefer a
Republican—as long as it's not Kremlin critic John
And Mexico's president? He doesn't have
much use for any of them.
America's extraordinary presidential
campaign has captivated politicians and ordinary people
around the globe. With so much at stake in the race for
the White House, the world is watching with an intensity
that hasn't been seen since the Clinton era began in
Waiting for Gore...
... A well-connected Tennesseean told me two things
today that got me thinking about this. The first is that Obama and
Gore have been speaking regularly, about every two weeks or so. The
second is that, despite this, and despite Tennessee’s primary on
Tuesday, Obama has not visited the state since June. It may be simply
that he does not plan on competing there. Or it may be that he’s been
waiting for a special occasion.
Democrats' superdelegate info
Republicans' delegate info
upcoming dates/delegates
Tuesday, February 5 SUPER TUESDAY
Over 20 states: GOP list
here; Dems list
Mike Huckabee... today's headlines with excerpts
Suspicious, Huckabee skips
Baptists' meeting
But the top vote-getting Southern Baptist on the Republican side is
skipping the event, citing concerns about the organizers’ motivations.
Former President Carter and former Vice President Al Gore have already
addressed the Celebration of a New Baptist Covenant, and former
President Clinton is to speak this evening.
Huckabee targets Romney during Tulsa rally
Mike Huckabee
took some shots at rival Mitt Romney but left GOP front-runner John
McCain almost untouched Friday during a campaign stop at Tulsa
International Airport.
Seeking to
counter arguments from the Romney camp that "a vote for Huckabee is a
vote for McCain," Huckabee said "a vote for Mitt Romney may be a vote
for Hillary Clinton."
Huckabee says president should have a sense of
Huckabee's response to reporters: "[Romney] would have never have
liked Ronald Reagan 'cause Ronald Reagan had a great sense of humor
and he used it to bring a sense of levity to the seriousness of the
"And that's another reason why Mike Huckabee ought to be the nominee.
Because if people are looking for somebody in the mold of a true
leader, they want somebody who takes God seriously but doesn't take
themselves so seriously. That's what a sense of humor does. And maybe
that's an affirmation: Mitt Romney said a few years ago that he wasn't
part of that Reagan-Bush thing. I guess that means he didn't care a
whole lot about Ronald Reagan's humor or his policies, either one."
see also:
Huckabee questions Romney's... maturity
Mitt Romney... today's headlines with excerpts
Romney: voting for Huckabee helps
Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney said Friday
that evangelicals who are inclined to back rival Mike
Huckabee would be wasting their votes and handing the
party nomination to a "liberal," John McCain.
Evangelicals can "vote for Mike Huckabee and feel good
about their vote," the former governor of Massachusetts
told a Missouri TV station. "But they're basically
saying, 'We're going to give the conservative vote --
we're going to divide it in half, give some to Mike
Huckabee, give some to Mitt Romney.' "
Romney concedes NE to McCain, aims
for a split in California
... If he fails to capture enough delegates to offset
McCain's likely wins in other states and strong showing
in California, where the Arizona senator has the backing
of Gov.
Arnold Schwarzenegger, Romney could end his
campaign in
Boston on Wednesday.
During a news conference Friday outside a Ford
dealership here, he passed up three opportunities to
declare he would carry on if he fails to surpass McCain
in the Super Tuesday voting.
Huckabee factor could sap Romney
in South
Voters identifying themselves as evangelicals and
Christian conservatives could make up more than half of
the Republican electorate in the four Southern states
voting Tuesday, analysts said. The contests - out of 21
across the country - are being held in Huckabee's home
state of Arkansas as well as Alabama, Georgia, and
One of Romney's most prominent supporters in Atlanta
said in an interview yesterday Romney must peel away
Huckabee backers in order to win in the South.
Romney: McCain weak on economy
Citing his strong business and economic experience, Mitt Romney argued
in Denver Friday that John McCain would be wrong for the country in
the current climate.
Speaking before an overflow crowd of about a thousand at a Denver Ford
dealership, Romney reminded those gathered that McCain had said the
economy isn't his strong point.
"I think at this time, we need a president for whom the economy is a
strong suit," the former Massachusetts governor and successful
businessman said.
Black conservatives rally to urge Huckabee to
stay in race
A broad coalition of black conservatives from across the country are
holding a press conference on Feb. 4 to urge former Governor Mike
Huckabee to stay in the presidential race for the Republican
nomination until the Convention.
"Governor Huckabee should not be intimidated to stop his bid for the
John McCain... today's headlines
with excerpts
LA Times endorses McCain
McCain leads rivals 2-1 in
McCain had the backing of 43 percent of likely GOP
primary voters in the state, compared with 20 percent
for former Gov. Mitt Romney of Massachusetts, 15 percent
for former Gov. Mike Huckabee of Arkansas and 4 percent
for Rep. Ron Paul of Texas.
It's the Rudy and John show
... it seemed a little odd when Mr. Giuliani showed up
for Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s endorsement of Mr.
McCain. While Mr. McCain spoke, Mr. Giuliani stood at
his side; at one point the Governator was almost
eclipsed behind them.
Then it was truly weird Thursday night on the “Tonight
Show,” where Mr. McCain was the guest — with Mr.
Giuliani still at his side and at one point was perched
in the catbird seat next to Jay Leno.
1. Mr. Giuliani doesn’t want to leave the limelight.
2. Mr. Giuliani doesn’t want to go home and face the
letdown of no longer being on the trail and/or the
potential difficulties in rebuilding his business.
3. Mr. McCain is running a trial balloon of Mr. Giuliani
as his running mate.
This last theory seems the most implausible...
Raucous crowd boos McCain at
Romney event
A boisterous crowd of several hundred people gathered at
a Ford dealership here and gave Mitt Romney the warmest
welcome he’s received in some time. But they were not so
generous to John McCain.
“Senator McCain is a wonderful person,” Romney said,
drawing loud boos from the crowd.
McCain's bumpy ride
Yet it's still true...
Personality driving force in
McCain's resurgence
McCain, however, has gotten there less by winning voters
over to his policy positions than by investing them in a
national cult of personality that has made McCain's
greatest political weakness - dissenting with his party
on major issues - into a virtue.
"It's about a constellation of attributes more than
issues," said Mark McKinnon, McCain's media consultant.
"If you think someone has character, you're willing to
suspend your disagreements."
Ron Paul... today's headlines with excerpts
Ron Paul's economic adviser
Dr. Paul announced that his new economic adviser is Peter Schiff, who
runs Euro Pacific Capital Inc., a securities brokerage. He is also the
author of “Crash Proof,” a book about a coming economic collapse that
on Friday was listed as #224 at Amazon.com.
Not mentioned by the Paul campaign is that Mr. Schiff is the son of
Irwin Schiff of Las Vegas, now serving his third federal prison
sentence for tax crimes. He is also the author of such books as “The
Federal Mafia,” which asserts that federal judges are paid off by the
Internal Revenue Service, and other books describing the federal
government as a criminal organization that illegally extracts income
Peter Schiff was the co-author of “the Great Income Tax Hoax.”
Ron Paul's big chance for a modest splash
This could be a big weekend for Rep.
Ron Paul's longshot but determined campaign to acquire some
Republican delegates in the race for his party's presidential
On Friday Republicans started three days of caucusing in Maine, a
largely rural state where Paul's brand of independence and smaller
government might well fit. He's got several hundred volunteers working
the caucuses with the same kind of determination and imagination that
drove Paul to a distant second-place finish behind
Mitt Romney in Nevada's
caucuses last month.
Hillary Clinton... today's
headlines with excerpts
Hillary tops Romney, Obama in 4th
Q Wall Street cash
Clinton took in $388,391 from employees of the top 10
underwriters of U.S. stock offerings. That topped the
biggest Republican fundraiser on Wall Street, former
Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney, who brought in
$293,750 from that group. Democrat Barack Obama
followed, with $251,860.
FoxNews poll: Hillary seen as
ready, most likely to 'do anything' to win
That’s the good news for Clinton. The bad news for the former first
lady is she is also seen as the candidate most likely to "do anything
— including something unethical — to win," and most likely to
embarrass the country.
Clinton advisers see a race through March
All eyes are on Feb. 5, but the Clinton campaign is looking ahead even
further: to March 4, when both Ohio and Texas will hold their
nominating contests.
Clinton hopes to win the majority of votes in four states next
Tuesday: California, New York, New Jersey and Arkansas. But her
advisers are already quietly conceding that the delegate count will be
close at the end of the day, thanks to Democratic rules that award
most delegates proportionally by congressional district.
Hillary Clinton claims health care mantle
Hillary Clinton said Friday she's the last remaining presidential
candidate — from either party — who is advocating universal health
care coverage.
... Clinton favors mandatory universal coverage, tax credits for
working families to make insurance more affordable and requiring
businesses to offer insurance to employees or pay into a pool for
people without it.
Rival Barack Obama calls for mandatory coverage for children, but not
a mandate for all. He aims for universal coverage by requiring
employers to share costs of insuring workers and by offering coverage
similar to that in plan for federal employees.
Clinton ads feature Robert Kennedy, Chavez kin
ANALYSIS: A direct appeal to Hispanic voters who have been among her
strongest supporters, Clinton wins a strong endorsement from the
grandson of Chavez, the legendary founder of the United Farm Workers
union. Clinton has been endorsed by the UFW and by Dolores Huerta, who
co-founded the union with Chavez.
[Dick Morris]
Bill Clinton: rogue co-president in waiting
And sometimes, that will be exactly what Hillary wants.
Chaos is Bill Clinton’s signature style and he’s not about to suddenly
change. No way.
Nor does Hillary necessarily want him to be a new Bill. In many ways,
his divisive role in her campaign has been carefully crafted by
Hillary and her team. It might come in useful in the White House, too.
Throughout Hillary’s campaign, Bill has given us an unfortunate
preview of what we can expect of him in the White House. And, it’s not
a pretty picture.
As barriers fall, a black politician sticks with
Being one of Hillary Clinton’s most visible black supporters has
complicated the life of David A. Paterson, the lieutenant governor of
New York.
... “I try to always handle all these moments with levity,” Mr.
Paterson, a Harlem Democrat, said in an interview this week.
“In Iowa, when we lost, I turned to my assistant, who’s
African-American, and I said to him, ‘Look at that, black people
finally won and we’re on the other side!’ ”
But Mr. Paterson, 53, has been a stalwart supporter and campaigner for
Senator Clinton and is seen as a leading contender to be appointed by
Gov. Eliot Spitzer to fill her Senate seat should she win the
Barack Obama... today's headlines with excerpts
Obama says he'd be better against
But he also likes to lump the two of them together as co-supporters of
the war in Iraq.
"It is time for new leadership that understands the way to win a
debate with John McCain or any Republican who is nominated is not by
nominating someone who agreed with him on voting for the war in Iraq,"
Obama said
Obama calls Hillary Clinton's
appeal limited
Obama said that Clinton would be unable to attract new
voters and that would severely inhibit Democrats if
McCain, who has a proven ability to attract independent
voters, were atop the Republican ticket.
"We can't start off just with the same playing field and expect to
win," he said. "We've got to broaden the playing field. We've got to
expand the electoral map."
Obama went on to cite the tremendous surge in Democratic voter
participation in the primaries and caucuses to date. He won't take all
the credit for that, he said, but he'll take a lot.
"I'm confident I will get her voters if I'm the nominee," Obama said.
"It's not clear that she would get the voters I got if she were the
Oprah, Caroline Kennedy, Michelle
to stump for Obama on Sunday in Los Angeles
Kennedy revels in limelight as he
stumps for Obama
“Yes!” Santa Fe roared back.
... Mr. Kennedy, 75, is hot, hot, hot on the trail, stumping for
Senator Barack Obama, who was 15 months old when Mr. Kennedy began his
Senate career in 1962. He is drawing raucous crowds, invoking the
family legacy, working the lunch crowd at the Flying Tortilla in Santa
Fe and getting the kitchen staff together for a photo.
Arriving at a rally in East Los Angeles on Friday, Mr. Kennedy was
swarmed by a couple of dozen reporters and the like, a big, fuzzy boom
mike hovering over his head, autograph hounds and cellphone-camera
paparazzi at the perimeter.
“It’s like when Tony Bennett suddenly became hip again after the kids
discovered him,” observed Bill Carrick, a Democratic strategist and
former Kennedy aide who attended the rally. “It’s the same thing with
Kennedy. He’s MTV now. And instead of jazz clubs, he’s doing the
Hollywood Bowl.”
Obama leads Hillary 2-1 in
The survey found Obama, a first-term Illinois senator
from Chicago, with the support of 55 percent of likely
Democratic primary voters. Clinton, a two-term New York
senator born in Chicago and raised in suburban Park
Ridge, had 24 percent.
Calif. service union backs Obama
That endorsement, by the California state chapter of the
nation’s most political potent union, will help build
momentum for Mr. Obama. In addition, because of the
union’s large Latino membership, the endorsement could
prove important in persuading more Hispanics to vote for
Mr. Obama in the California primary next Tuesday.
LA Times endorses Obama
...In the language of metaphor, Clinton is an essay,
solid and reasoned; Obama is a poem, lyric and filled
with possibility. Clinton would be a valuable and
competent executive, but Obama matches her in substance
and adds something that the nation has been missing far
too long -- a sense of aspiration.
MoveOn.org endorses Obama
Barack Obama has won the endorsement today from the
membership of MoveOn.
In a vote of the group’s members, Mr. Obama outpaced
Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton 70 percent to 30 percent.
The political action committee of MoveOn.org has 3.2
million members across the country, including 1.7
million members who live in the 22 states with
Democratic primaries or caucuses on Tuesday.
Kerry praises Obama in Seattle
"Barack Obama is in a position to unite the people of America, to bring Democrats, Republicans and independents together, to turn a page of history and present a story of America that reaches well beyond our shores," the Massachusetts senator said at speech at the University of Washington.
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