Friday, Feb. 15, 2008
Texas anger: Obama-Clinton debate
closed to public
McCain-Obama race could redraw
electoral map
But Barack Obama's success in rallying
African-Americans and John McCain's difficulty with conservative
evangelicals raise an intriguing question: Would a general election
between the two put additional states -- particularly in the South --
into play?
McCain and Obama skirmish on financing
John McCain’s presidential campaign said Thursday that it stood by a
year-old pledge made with Barack Obama that each would accept public
financing for the general election if the nominee of the opposing
party did the same. But Mr. Obama’s campaign refused to reaffirm its
earlier commitment.
Obama would seek McCain deal
Poll: Obama would beat McCain or
Obama would beat McCain in a national election,
with 47 percent supporting Obama and 36 percent supporting McCain, the
poll indicated. In a match-up with Huckabee, Obama would win 49
percent to 34 percent.
The poll also found that presidential hopeful
Hillary Clinton would lose to McCain, but narrowly defeat Huckabee, in
the general election.
Clinton, Obama offer similar economic
Clinton and Obama both promised that they would make the tax code more
middle-income-friendly and would protect consumers from threats --
including predatory credit card companies and rapacious college
lenders. Both candidates condemned corporate tax breaks that they say
send jobs overseas. Both pledged to protect homeowners and said they
would repeal President Bush's upper-income tax cuts while extending
those for the middle class. Both promised to rein in credit card
companies that arbitrarily raise interest rates, sending families into
a downward spiral of debt.
Meet the superdelegates: Dem governors
evenly endorsing Obama and Clinton
Overall, 11 governors are behind Clinton, but only 10 are able to vote
for her at this time...
Obama has the support of 10 governors, picking up Washington State's
Gov. Chris Gregoire before the state's caucuses last weekend and
receiving an endorsement from Puerto Rican Gov. Aníbal Acevedo-Vilá on
Wednesday. He is also backed by Washington, D.C., Mayor Adrian Fenty,
who, according to Democratic Party rules, is considered a "governor"
for all practical purposes. Virginia Gov. Tim Kaine, who boasts that
he was the first official outside of Illinois to endorse Obama, is
also a supporter.
Ten others have chosen not to bet on a horse just yet, including New
Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson, who at one time was seeking the
nomination himself.
*see also:
men hold superdelegate power balance
Superdelegates get campaign cash
Obama's political action committee has doled out more than $694,000 to
superdelegates since 2005, the study found, and of the 81 who had
announced their support for Obama, 34 had received donations totaling
Clinton's political action committee has distributed about $195,000 to
superdelegates, and only 13 of the 109 who had announced for her have
received money, totaling about $95,000.
Mike Huckabee... today's headlines with excerpts
Huckabee says Romney part of
'me-too' crowd
"There’s a lot of the folks sort of in the establishment
of the party that is now not wanting to be left out," he
Despite impossible odds, Huckabee
supporters still plan to vote for him
... “In many ways, the discussion over the next several
weeks is not just about the next election, it is about
the next generation,” Huckabee said. “It’s not just
about the politics of the Republican party, it’s about
the principles of the Republican party. It’s not just
about winning and losing an election, it’s about winning
and losing a culture. It’s about whether or not we will
stand for something or whether we will fall for anything
just so that we can beat the other guys.”
NH Huckabee backers see no reason
to give up
Mike Huckabee's top New Hampshire supporters, like their
candidate, are a "never-say-die" group.
Even as John McCain yesterday won the support of Mitt Romney and,
presumably, the bulk of Romney's 286 national convention delegates,
Huckabee's New Hampshire faithful refused to urge the former Arkansas
governor to end his campaign for the Republican presidential
"No, I really think Huckabee should stay in," said former Executive
Councilor Ruth Griffin, who backed the former Arkansas governor last
"You have to have someone and something to stimulate people and give
them something to think about besides what the anointed one says,"
said the former member of the Republican National Committee.
What Huckabee hopes to win
... as he battles onward, Huckabee, 52, is gaining
something else: A chance to be seen as a national leader
of conservative evangelicals -- a potent force in the
Republican Party -- and perhaps as their standard-bearer
in a future presidential race.
Fueled by support from evangelicals, he won two
Republican contests Saturday -- in Louisiana and Kansas.
He gave McCain another scare in Virginia on Tuesday,
even though he lost.
Bob Wickers, a Huckabee strategist, said the former
Arkansas governor still hoped to best McCain, but added
that there were "bigger issues here about the next
"It's about conservatives," Wickers said. "It's about
the movement. It's about people under-represented in the
party who need a voice, and him being that voice."
If Huckabee can pick up another 39 delegates -- his best
shots will come next month in Texas and Mississippi --
he also would get the satisfaction of surpassing the
total collected by Mitt Romney, who dropped out of the
John McCain... today's headlines
with excerpts
McCain: early withdrawal from Iraq would mean
"That means undoing all the success we've achieved, and Al-Qaeda tells
the world they defeated the United States of America. I won't let that
happen, as president of the United States."
Former President Bush to endorse McCain
Former President George H.W. Bush will endorse John McCain in Texas on
Monday. The endorsement represents another step in McCain's tightening
grip on the Republican presidential nomination.
McCain calls on Obama to disclose
'pork' projects
“So I call on the senator … to go ahead and tell people how much money
in earmarked projects and pork barrel projects that he got for his
state and what they were for. And my friends, examine my record on
pork barrel projects and you will see a big fat zero.”
Once derided as idealist, McCain
hands label to Obama
In his first presidential race eight years ago, opponents pinned that
caricature on McCain. This week, he used it on Obama.
... "I do not seek the presidency on the presumption that I am blessed
with such personal greatness that history has anointed me to save my
country in its hour of need," McCain said....
Romney releases his delegates,
backs McCain
Romney released the 280 delegates he had won from their
pledge to support him and urged them to back McCain. He
called McCain a "true American hero" and said the party
needs to unify behind him.
McCain aide says he will quit if
Obama gets nod
Mark McKinnon, a top adviser to Republican presidential front-runner
John McCain, says he will quit the campaign if Barack Obama wins the
Democratic nomination.
McKinnon — a Democrat-turned Republican who was President Bush’s chief
media adviser in 2004 — told National Public Radio he would leave the
McCain team to avoid involvement in any attacks on Obama.
“I met Barack Obama. I read his book. I like him a great deal,” he
“I disagree with him on very fundamental issues. But I think … it
would be a great race for the country and I would simply be
uncomfortable being in a campaign that would be inevitably attacking
Barack Obama.
Warring on McCain, Limbaugh see no
“It’s entirely possible I will go the distance without saying I
support a candidate,” he said, still sweating from his three-hour
performance, his blue-and-white striped dress shirt untucked and
draped over dark dress slacks.
The effect of Mr. Limbaugh’s resistance could be substantial, serving,
at the least, to reinforce doubts among other conservatives about Mr.
McCain, who would seem to need the party’s conservative base to turn
out in force in November.
Asked what Mr. McCain might do to change his mind, Mr. Limbaugh said:
“I don’t think there’s anything he could do. If he did do it, he would
be accused of selling out.” Then, in a familiar baritone as resonant
as it is on the air, he added, “If I were to endorse McCain based on
the current circumstances, I’d be looked at as a party hack.”
Ron Paul... today's headlines with excerpts
Hillary Clinton... today's
headlines with excerpts
Noonan: Confidence or derangement?
... imagine if she tried honesty and humility. When everyone in
America knows you're in a dreadful position, admit you're in a
dreadful position. Don't lie about it and make them roll their eyes,
tell the truth and make them blink.
Hillary's new anti-corporate,
populist rhetoric
Earlier in the race, Clinton defended her relationships with business
lobbyists, telling a blogger convention this summer that many of them
“represent real Americans.”
But she took a very different stance today as she delivered as she
delivered a “Solutions for the American Economy” address to General
Motors employees in Warren, Ohio.
Here are the areas she is vowing to take on: big oil companies, credit
card companies, insurance companies, drug companies, Wall Street,
student loan companies.
Putin vs. Clinton
When Hillary Clinton
said, way back in New Hampshire, that Vladimir Putin "doesn't have
a soul," I figured that would be the sort of thing the Russian
wouldn't be pleased about. But when I called the foreign ministry the
next day for comment, it was Orthodox Christmas, and I let it slide.
He was asked about the remark at his press conference yesterday,
however, and indeed wasn't pleased.
The former KGB lieutenant colonel appeared to lash out at U.S. Sen.
Hillary Clinton — a leading Democratic candidate for president — when
one reporter quoted her as saying that former KGB officers have no
"At a minimum, a head of state should have a head," Putin said.
Hillary seeks to regroup in ad
The ad, airing in Wisconsin, questions why Mr. Obama declined to
debate Mrs. Clinton before the Feb. 19 election in the state. He has
agreed to two other debates before March 4.
The Clinton campaign is betting that going toe-to-toe with Mr. Obama
on the airwaves in Texas and Ohio, where Mrs. Clinton enjoys wide
leads in the polls, will deny him the sort of uncontested opening that
helped him narrow similar deficits in previous states. But doing so
will be expensive.
Hillary bets big on Ohio, Texas
Hillary Clinton's public bet that Ohio and Texas will be
the firewall that salvages her presidential hopes from
immolation is shaping up to be the biggest gamble of her
campaign -- and perhaps the decisive one.
... The March 4 votes in Ohio and Texas, with 389 total
convention delegates between them, offered the first
realistic prospect for Sen. Clinton to make her
Hillary steps up rhetoric against
"That's the difference between me and my Democratic opponent," she
said, using some of her strongest language yet against the Illinois
senator, who has won eight straight primaries and caucuses. "My
opponent makes speeches, I offer solutions. It's one thing to get
people excited; I want to empower you."
John Glenn endorses Hillary
Hillary Clinton's effort to win Ohio's critical
presidential primary got a boost Tuesday when former
senator and astronaut John Glenn endorsed her candidacy.
Hillary airs military ad in Texas
The spot highlights her championing of a bill to expand
healthcare for National Guard and Reserve members. It
uses uplifting music, as well as images of soldiers in
the field, an injured service member walking down a
hallway, and a military retiree hugging Clinton.
Bill and Hillary launching hectic
fundraising schedule
Either Mrs. Clinton or Mr. Clinton will headline
fund-raisers almost every day through the end of
February as they try to cut into the financial edge of
several millions dollars that Mr. Obama is believed to
have in campaign cash...
Civil Rights leader Lewis drops
Clinton support for Obama
story not confirmed by Lewis
"It is plain there is a lot of enthusiasm for Barack Obama," Lewis
spokeswoman Brenda Jones said. But, she said, "those things are
observations," not statements of preference. She said Lewis has left
the option of changing his superdelegate support for Clinton on the
table, but made no decisions.
Black lawmakers rethink Clinton support
Rep. David Scott's defection and Rep. John Lewis' remarks highlight
one of the challenges confronting Clinton in a campaign that pits a
black man against a woman for a nomination that historically has been
the exclusive property of white men.
"You've got to represent the wishes of your constituency," Scott said
in an interview in the Capitol. "My proper position would be to vote
the wishes of my constituents." The third-term lawmaker represents a
district that gave more than 80 percent of its vote to Obama in the
Feb. 5 Georgia primary.
Lewis, whose Atlanta-area district voted 3-to-1 for Obama, said he is
not ready to abandon his backing for the former first lady. But
several associates said the nationally known civil rights figure has
become increasingly torn about his early endorsement of Clinton. They
spoke on condition of anonymity, citing private conversations.
Clinton camp may regret largely turning
its back on caucus states
Like Obama, Clinton threw everything possible into the Jan. 3 Iowa
caucuses, spending $20 million to $25 million on what turned out to be
a losing effort. The experience seemed to sour the Clinton campaign on
caucuses -- she has repeatedly disparaged the caucus process in public
remarks -- and ever since, her team has largely ignored them in favor
of states with primaries. If the Democratic race is all about
delegates, as the Clinton campaign declared shortly after the Jan. 8
New Hampshire contest, the decision has given Obama an unexpected
New Mexico finally called - for Hillary
Hillary Clinton was declared the winner of the New
Mexico caucuses, a Feb. 5 state that took its time tallying the
Clinton strategist tied to nuclear
energy company
Earlier this month, Hillary Clinton’s chief campaign
strategist, Mark Penn, circulated a memo calling attention to a New
York Times article about Senator Barack Obama’s dealings with Exelon
Corporation, a nuclear power company.
The article showed how legislation sponsored by Mr.
Obama regulating radioactive leaks at power plants was changed to
reflect the views of its opponents, including Exelon, “the company
whose plants created the issue and whose key executives are big
contributors and bundlers to his campaign,” Mr. Penn wrote. The
article also pointed out that Mr. Obama’s chief campaign strategist,
David Axelrod, was a consultant to Exelon.
Now it turns out that Mr. Penn’s company, Burson
Marsteller, has also been an Exelon consultant. An Exelon spokesman
confirmed a report today on the Huffington Post that Mr. Penn’s firm
was recently paid $230,000 for public relations work last year in New
Jersey, where Exelon was seeking to renew a license for one of its
nuclear plants.
Mr. Penn’s memo also left out another inconvenient
fact, one that had been mentioned in The Times article: Mrs. Clinton
was a co-sponsor of Mr. Obama’s radioactive-leaks bill.
Barack Obama... today's headlines with excerpts
Obama takes lead in Texas
American Research Group: Obama 48%, Clinton 42%
Clintonite Lewis to cast
superdelegate vote for Obama
Georgia Congressman John Lewis, the Civil Rights
movement veteran whose early and until-now steady
support helped
Hillary Clinton maintain a measure of political
credibility in the African-American community, has
announced that he will cast his superdelegate vote at
this summer's
Democratic National Convention for
Barack Obama.
story not confirmed by Lewis
"It is plain there is a lot of enthusiasm for Barack Obama," Lewis
spokeswoman Brenda Jones said. But, she said, "those things are
observations," not statements of preference. She said Lewis has left
the option of changing his superdelegate support for Clinton on the
table, but made no decisions.
Barack takes Valentines Day off -
to be with wife and daughters
Hillary ad pushes Obama to agree
to more debates
"Hillary Clinton has said yes," the announcer says.
"Barack Obama hasn't."
"Maybe he'd prefer to give speeches than have to answer
questions," the announcer adds in the 30-second spot.
"Wisconsin deserves to hear both candidates debate the
issues that matter. . . . And that's . . . not
Obama responds:
"After 18 debates, with two more coming, Hillary says Barack Obama is
ducking debates?" the narrator says. "It’s the same old politics, of
phony charges and false attacks."
Then, the ad (watch
it here) aims criticisms at Clinton.
"On health care, even Bill Clinton’s own labor secretary says Obama
covers more people than Hillary and does more to cut costs, saving
$2,500 for the typical family," the announcer says. "Obama’s housing
plan, it stems foreclosures and cracks down on crooked lenders. That’s
change we can believe in."
Large union backs Obama, another
likely to do same
Giving Senator Barack Obama new momentum, one of the
nation’s largest labor unions, the United Food and
Commercial Workers, endorsed him on Thursday. Another
giant, the Service Employees International Union, was on
the brink of backing him.
The endorsement of the service employees, which with 1.9 million
members is seen as the nation’s most politically potent union, would
be considered a special boon. Members of the service employees’ board
were casting votes by e-mail and fax on Thursday night, and two top
S.E.I.U. leaders said an Obama endorsement was likely.
The man behind Obama's message
David Axelrod is described as Obama's answer to Karl Rove and the most
powerful political consultant not on a coast. And at a time when New
York Sen. Clinton is shaking up her own campaign staff, he is someone,
said one political observer, who "ain't going to be fired."
Former GOP senator Chaffee endorses Obama
Former Rhode Island Republican Sen. Lincoln Chafee
endorsed Democratic candidate Barack Obama on Thursday,
setting the groundwork for a fight in the upcoming Rhode
Island primary on March 4.
"I believe Senator Obama is the best candidate to restore American
credibility, to restore our confidence, to be moral and just, and to
bring people together to solve the complex issues such as the economy,
the environment and global stability," Chafee said.
Obama vows $210 billion for environmental and
construction jobs
Barack Obama said that as president he would spend $210 billion to
create jobs in construction and environmental industries.
Obama's investment would be over 10 years as part of two programs. The
larger is $150 billion to create 5 million so-called green-collar
jobs; $60 billion would go to a National Infrastructure Reinvestment
Bank to rebuild highways, bridges, airports and other public projects.
He estimated it could generate about 2 million jobs, many of them in
the construction industry.
"This agenda is paid for," Obama said. He said the money for his
spending proposals would come from ending the Iraq war, cutting tax
breaks for corporations, taxing carbon pollution and raising taxes on
high-income earners view more past news & headlines
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