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JANUARY 2008 Notable Quotables:

"I kind of like to see Barack and Hillary fight"
-Bill Clinton

"Mr. Thompson is good-old-boy sly"
- Michael Powell, NYT

"He did the same thing to us that he did to Monica Lewinsky."
-Rev. Jeremiah Wright

"The race card is on the table in this election.
And it is not coming off"
-Roger Simon

"Hardly guiltless in the success of Huckabee,
the GOP is reaping what it has sown"
-James Kirchick

"Anyone who believes Hillary spontaneously teared up
and got emotional on the campaign trail
has been in a coma the last three decades."
-Michelle Malkin

"The people from Hope are arguing against hope."
-Maureen Dowd

"I really wonder if it was yesterday, when Hillary became a person,"
-Obama N.H. supporter

"This whole [Obama] thing is the biggest fairy tale I've ever seen."
-Bill Clinton

"I can't make her younger, taller, male..."
-Bill Clinton

"Sold as a winner, she's exposed as a loser."
-Dick Morris about Hillary

"The son of a mechanic with crooked teeth
beat the corporate titan with a superhero chin."
-Michael Scherer

“This is a defining moment in history."
-Barack Obama after IA caucus

"This is really sad."
-Clinton supporter after IA caucus

"It looks like it might work"
-Barack Obama, 1/1/2008





December 2007 quotes                 view more past quotes


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