Middle East intractable
NY Times offers a slant on a poll that shows many Americans see the
problem in the Middle East as a long-standing problem that can’t be solved.
However, the underlying message of the poll is that American’s believe this
is an age-old problem that can’t be solved:
Americans are overwhelmingly pessimistic about the state of affairs in the
Middle East, with majorities doubtful there will ever be peace between
Israel and its neighbors, or that American troops will be able to leave Iraq
anytime soon, according to the latest New York Times/CBS News poll.
No-bid contract abuse
Something to cause the Bush administration further migraines is a
bi-partisan congressional report on abuses in no-bid contracts for Homeland
Security. The
Washington Post reports on the issue:
The value of contracts awarded without full competition increased 739
percent from 2003 to 2005, to $5.5 billion, more than half the $10 billion
awarded by the department that year. By comparison, the agency awarded a
total of $3.5 billion in contracts in 2003, the year it was created.
Among the contracts that went awry were deals for hiring airport screeners,
inspecting airport luggage, detecting radiation at the nation's ports,
securing the borders and housing Hurricane Katrina evacuees. Investigators
looking into those contracts turned up whole security systems that needed to
be scrapped, contractor bills for luxury hotel rooms and Homeland Security
officials who bought personal items with government credit cards.
New Hampshire schedule
Gov. Bill Richardson (D-NM) makes an appearance on Aug. 3 and 4. He will
attend events in Manchester, Concord, Tilton, Keene and Peterborough,
according to state lobbyist Dick Bouley who is helping Richardson.
Arkansas Republican Gov. Mike Huckabee and his band will appear at a $50
fundraiser for Executive Councilor Ray Wieczorek on Aug. 10 at the Palazzi
Corporation in Manchester.
Democrat John Edwards will return to New Hampshire in two weeks for a
fund-raising event with state Sens. David Gottesman and Peter Burling and
District 6 candidate Jackie Cilley.
Bill Clinton coming to Iowa
Former President Bill Clinton will headline the Iowa Democrat Jefferson
Jackson Day Dinner in Des Moines, Oct 14th.
It is widely expected that his wife, Sen. Hillary Clinton, will be a
candidate for her party's presidential nomination. Of course, President
Clinton's visit kicked-off speculation about that possibility.
"All he's got to do is show up, and people within the press and general
citizens are going to ask if this some tipping of the hand toward his wife.
She is going to win this or lose this nomination independently of him," said
Dennis Goldford, a political science professor at Drake University.
"Let's be clear - Senator Clinton is campaigning for re-election with her
constituents in New York. We are very glad that President Clinton is going
to be able to be in the company of Iowa Democrats this fall," Ann Lewis,
Sen. Clinton's spokeswoman, said in response to the
Des Moines Register's inquiry.