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Quotables / Bush Beat / JustPolitics / Clinton Comedies / Cartoons 06-23-2004 "The Daschle amendment appears to have been put on the floor so Senator Kerry, who hasn't been here all year, missed 80 percent of the votes, parachutes in for one day and then he's out of here, can vote," Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist said. "I canceled my events, and I returned here hoping to be able to vote on this important issue," said Kerry. "Evidently, this is not a normal time for those courtesies in the life of the Senate," he said. "I regret that, for the Senate and for the country and for veterans." "We're all agog," said Sen. John Sununu (R/NH) of Kerry’s showing up to vote. "how far would a presidential candidate travel in one day to not cast a vote on an issue critical to his campaign? For Senator John Kerry of Massachusetts on Tuesday, the journey was 3,910 miles." – writes NY Times’ Jodi Wilgoren. "Surrogates attack. They defend. They insulate. Think Karen Hughes for President Bush or Max Cleland for John Kerry. But when a kinder, gentler touch is needed, cue the first lady. She's warmer than Dick Cheney, more congenial than Donald Rumsfeld. Plus, she can stay on message." – writes Atlanta Journal-Constitution’s Marlon Manuel. "Forget the scream, the temper, the D.C. bashing. Howard Dean is fully committed to getting John Kerry elected president, and don't dare suggest otherwise."—writes Hartford Courant’s Cavid Lightman. "Fortunately, Mrs. Kerry and I don't have to debate. Our husbands will be doing plenty of that. I think the only debating we'll be doing is over who bakes a better cookie!" the first lady wrote in the chat on the Bush-Cheney campaign Web site.
Kerry’s D.C. flopSen. John Kerry who had been getting flack for only voting on 14 bills decided to show up for his real job of being a U.S. senator to vote on healthcare benefits for veterans. The decision to cast a rare vote was, of course, politically calculated to win veterans votes for his candidacy. Kerry found the Senate controlled by Republicans not very hospitable. In fact, the Senate did not bring up the Daschle Amendment that would have made mandatory the coverage of all veterans while Kerry was present. "The Daschle amendment appears to have been put on the floor so Senator Kerry, who hasn't been here all year, missed 80 percent of the votes, parachutes in for one day and then he's out of here, can vote," Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist said. "I canceled my events, and I returned here hoping to be able to vote on this important issue," said Kerry. "Evidently, this is not a normal time for those courtesies in the life of the Senate," he said. "I regret that, for the Senate and for the country and for veterans." Kerry after offering his comments boarded his campaign jet and flew out of our nation’s capitol and went back on the campaign trail. Fahrenheit’s supportThe Washington Times reports that Michael Moore’s Fahrenheit 9-11 is receiving support from a terrorist organization: The company distributing filmmaker Michael Moore's Bush-bashing movie "Fahrenheit 9/11" says it won't reject an offer of help from Middle East terrorist organization Hezbollah, reports. Hezbollah is not the only organization supporting Moore’s movie, is also pushing support for the movie. Here is a recent e-mail by Dear MoveOn member, Around a million people -- including at least 110,000 pledged MoveOn members -- will see Fahrenheit 9/11 when it opens this weekend. The film will leave them shocked, moved, and furious at the Bush administration's duplicity. And we have an opportunity to turn that anger into action. That's why next Monday, June 28th, we're organizing "Turn Up the Heat", an evening of nationwide house parties that will culminate in a national online town meeting with Michael Moore. Our friends at True Majority Action are participating, too. At more than a thousand parties across the country, we'll discuss Fahrenheit 9/11 with neighbors, hear Michael Moore and ask him questions about the film, and then plan local actions to win back the White House. It'll be a lot of fun -- meeting other members of MoveOn always is. Hillary's fighting backSen. Hillary Clinton is sending out e-mails asking for funds to fight to take back our country: Dear Friends, Just 133 days until Election Day, 2004, when we will be able to turn this country around, and get going in the right direction once again! I know you share my concerns. In just three and a half years, George W. Bush and his congressional allies have exhausted the surplus that they inherited, running up the highest deficit our nation has ever seen. Their irresponsible, go-it-alone foreign policies have squandered the good will and trust that America had in the rest of the world. The Bush administration has rolled back environmental regulations that protect clean air and water, endangering our families' health. Their nominees as federal judges include radical activists with records of hostility toward civil rights, women's rights and constitutional protections. This election is our chance to take our country back, and insist on a government that respects our families, our future, and our values. That's why I am committed to doing all that I can to elect Democrats this year, whether it's registering voters or campaigning for other Democrats. I am registering voters on the HILLPAC site at . With so much at stake this November, I want to do all I can to ensure that as many people as possible clear the hurdle of voter registration. My PAC website provides a one-click process for people who want to register to vote. You're able to fill out official forms to become a voter, change your registration if you've moved, or request an absentee ballot. And even if you are already registered, please help register your friends and family. Check it out now. I am helping John Kerry and the Democratic National Committee raise funds for the Presidential campaign, and I have campaigned for dozens of Senate and House candidates, in Washington and in their home states. I have traveled to key target states, including Florida, Iowa, Missouri, and Arizona on behalf of their get-out-the-vote efforts. Your contributions have made our work at HILLPAC possible, and provided badly needed support for Democratic campaigns. Now, I am writing to ask if I can count on you once again. Your contribution, for whatever amount you can afford, will help us continue our work. As we make our plans for the fall, I hope I can tell our hard-working HILLPAC staff that we will have the budget for these final, critical months. Together, we can make a real difference! Our next FEC filing deadline is June 30 - just eight days away. Please help me show the Republicans that we are ready to win back the White House and the Congress this November. We want to get your contributions into the candidates' hands as soon as possible so that they can start showing their strengths. Please visit .
Thank you for anything you are able to do, and thank you
again for your friendship and support over the years. I
look forward to hearing from you. Hillary Rodham Clinton P.S. At this point, the polls are encouraging - but you and I know that a flood of negative attacks are coming. Your contribution will help our candidates fight back.
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