No break for Democrats
Analysis by: Roger Hughes
Democrats and weak-kneed Republicans were screaming and yelling yesterday
about how President Bush was warned about levees breaking before Katrina
made landfall. Now, Democrats are silent as they learn that their Democrat
woman Governor Kathleen Blanco left the Federal Emergency Management (FEMA)
team in confusion about whether the levees had been breached.
Yesterday, the Democrat Party sent out an e-mail saying in part:
After I sent my email to you yesterday, the AP released tapes of President
Bush being briefed on the dangers and impact of Hurricane Katrina the day
before the storm hit. The tapes directly contradict Bush's now infamous
claim after Katrina, "I don't think anybody anticipated the breach of the
Even though the Republicans have consistently stonewalled Democrat's efforts
for a thorough investigation of Hurricane Katrina, to find out what they
knew and when they knew it, the facts are getting out. It is vital that
everyone read the AP story and see the tapes for themselves. This story is
too important to be spun by talking heads and right wing pundits - now you
can see it firsthand.
No e-mail has been as equally fast from the Democrat Party concerning the
following subsequent Associated Press story:
"We keep getting reports in some places that maybe water is coming over the
levees," Gov. Kathleen Blanco said shortly after noon on Aug. 29 — the day
the storm hit the Gulf coast.
"We heard a report unconfirmed, I think, we have not breached the levee,"
she said on a video of the day's disaster briefing that was obtained
Thursday night by The Associated Press. "I think we have not breached the
levee at this time."
Somewhere in all of this no one is talking about the fact that the federal
government cannot invade a state without the permission of the governor of
that state. Of course, except in time of rebellion from the union.
It seems that Democrats would not want to use Hurricane as the example of
President Bush’s largest failure. Why would they keep pushing this as Bush’s
biggest failure - a case where a large urban black Democrat Mayor in a known
corrupt city was the first in charge? Add to that, the case that a female
Democrat Governor is the second in charge. It just doesn’t seem wise to use
that as the primary case where President Bush is the biggest failure on the
campaign trail.
If it were me, I would get a better example for my campaign attack.
If Democrats want the Black vote, just say that you will give out more
welfare than Republicans. I am sure that will create a different looking
world than the uni-dome after Katrina hit. Of course, that is not what they
want to do. They want to keep the same old failed policy of the "War on
Poverty" without having to look at the consequences of that policy.
Democrats, there is a reason that Democrat President Clinton said that
"welfare as we know it is over."