Monday, March 17, 2008
Obama plans major race speech tomorrow
He was pressed there, as he has been at recent
appearances, on statements by his former pastor, Jeremiah Wright.
"I am going to be talking about not just Reverend
Wright, but the larger issue of race in this campaign," he said.
He added that he would "talk about how some of these
issues are perceived from within the black church issue for example,"
he said.
He also briefly defended Wright from the image that has
come through in a handful of repeatedly televised clips from recent
Wright sermons.
"The caricature that’s being painted of him is not
accurate," he said.
The speech could offer Obama an opportunity to move
past the controversy over his pastor, and to turn the conversation to
a topic he'd rather focus on: his Christian faith. But the speech also
guarantees that the Wright story will continue to dominate political
White male vote especially critical
Clinton, Obama court Catholics
... The Obama campaign is trying to show that its message resonates
with Catholic voters. In the coming weeks in Pennsylvania, the
campaign says it will send mailings to religious voters and launch a
Catholic-specific phone-banking system. The campaign recruited Vicki
Kennedy, the wife of Massachusetts Sen. Ted Kennedy -- an Obama
supporter and perhaps the country's best-known Catholic Democrat -- to
hold roundtable discussions with Catholic women before the April 22
Pennsylvania primary.
Michigan legislation in limbo over do-over
Matt Marsden, spokesman for Senate Majority Leader Mike Bishop,
R-Rochester, also said that both presidential camps need to give the
go-ahead before legislators forge a bill.
"Unless there is guaranteed sign-off by both candidates, I'm not sure
what is the point of circulating legislation," Marsden said. "And
there's no reason for us to get involved until the Democrats work it
out internally."
Hunter labeled charges by some Clinton allies that Obama allies like
himself are trying to derail the proposed primary because Obama can't
win Michigan as "ludicrous and preposterous."
More election troubles in Florida - good for
“It wouldn’t surprise me if he was having some fun with this,” said
Rick Wilson, a Republican consultant here. “When your two enemies are
beating each other to pieces, enjoy the show.”
John McCain... today's headlines
with excerpts
McCain visits Iraq
Mr. McCain was scheduled to meet with officials
including the American ambassador to Iraq, Ryan C.
Crocker, and the senior American military commander in
the country, Gen. David H. Petraeus. He was also
scheduled to meet with the Iraqi prime minister, Nuri
Kamal al-Maliki, said Yaseen Majid, a media adviser to
Mr. Maliki.
McCain talks progress in Iraq
The specter of McCain Democrats
A recent Pew Research Center survey has 20 percent of
white Clinton voters saying that if their candidate does
not get the Democrats' nomination, they might vote for
McCain. Older, lower-income and less-educated Democrats
also indicated some willingness to support McCain if
Obama is the candidate. These are your Reagan Democrats
-- blue-collar voters who responded to the broad appeal
of Ronald Reagan.
... Lots can happen between now and November. But if
Obama is the nominee, a chunk of the Democrats'
heartland could well be up for grabs.
Hillary Clinton... today's
headlines with excerpts
Obama accuses Hillary of withholding vital data
Sen. Barack Obama's campaign on Sunday boosted its efforts to paint
Sen. Hillary Clinton as a secretive politician who has failed to
disclose vital information, a charge that prompted her camp to
complain of negative campaigning.
Many voting for Hillary to prolong battle, boost
... Spurred by conservative talk radio, GOP voters who say they would
never back Clinton in a general election are voting for her now for
strategic reasons: Some want to prolong her bitter nomination battle
with Barack Obama, others believe she would be easier to beat than
Obama in the fall, or they simply want to register objections to
Bill Clinton: 'chill out,' let
voters decide
"I expect a spirited election in the fall, no matter what happens,"
Clinton said. "But we should just let the Dems decide. This is a tough
choice for them. They got two candidates, they basically like them
both, and they have different strengths," he said. "And they have to
decide which skilll set is more important, number one, for the
country's welfare in the long run, and which one is more likely to be
elected. And you know I have my strong convictions, but I might be
Bill Clinton defends stance on Obama
Clinton declared that he has been inaccurately portrayed as attacking
Obama during the South Carolina primary. The issue is sensitive
because Clinton’s aggressive campaigning has threatened his
overwhelming popularity in the African American community.
“Contrary to the myth, I went through South Carolina and never said a
bad word about Sen. Obama — not one,” Clinton said.
Bill's image damaged by campaign role
A Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll released Thursday found that more
Americans view Bill Clinton negatively than positively, 45 to 42
percent. It marked the first time since January 2002 that a plurality
of Americans disapproved of the former president.
Hillary backs Michigan revote plan
"It needs to get resolved and hopefully Michigan by the
end of this week will have done that," Clinton told
reporters. "I think they are moving in an appropriate
direction to have a revote."
Barack Obama... today's headlines with excerpts
Fox News Sunday prods Obama on
... "Many of you have sent us e-mails asking why the
senator won't come on 'Fox News Sunday' and face tough
questioning," Wallace said toward the end of the
hourlong broadcast. "It has now been 730 days, 13 hours,
53 minutes and nine — no, 10 seconds and counting since
Obama agreed to be a guest on 'Fox News Sunday.'"
Fournier: Obama walks arrogance
Arrogance is a common vice in presidential politics. A
person must be more than a little self-important to wake
up one day and say, "I belong in the Oval Office."
But there's a line smart politicians don't cross — somewhere between
"I'm qualified to be president" and "I'm born to be president."
Wherever it lies,
Barack Obama better watch his step.
He's bordering on arrogance...
Obama: No to 'forces of division'
Obama sought to portray Wright as more than a polarizing figure —
someone who bears the scares of racism — while conceding that “if all
I knew was those statements that I saw on television, I would be
“And it just reminds me that we’ve got a tragic history when it comes
to race in this country. We’ve got a lot of pent-up anger and
bitterness and misunderstanding.”
With all that, Obama drew loud cheers when he added, “But what I
continue to believe in is that this country wants to move beyond these
kinds of divisions.”
Obama's Wright ties may be 'big
problem,' some say
"This is a man who he chose to be associated with. It's not a family
member," said Juan Williams, a Fox News analyst and National Public
Radio correspondent. "It could be a big problem."
He said Obama's relationship with Wright "speaks to his character, and
it speaks to the judgment which is the basis on which Barack Obama has
been running."
There were hints the controversy may be taking a toll on Obama's
candidacy and prospects against presumptive Republican presidential
nominee Sen. John McCain.
Pollster Scott Rasmussen's tracking polls of the presidential race,
published on his website Rasmussenreports.com, showed McCain had moved
from a tie with Obama nationally, 44%-44%, on Thursday, to a 47%-43%
lead on Sunday.
Obama under fire as personal ties
stir controversy
"Being a voice of unity is a part of Obama's brand, and anything that
injures that is a serious blow," says Geoff Garin, a Democratic
pollster who isn't affiliated with either candidate.
... The controversy over the minister's sermons erupted just as Sen.
Obama answered anew questions about his relationship with Mr. Rezko, a
Chicago developer and former Obama fund-raiser who is on trial in
federal court, accused of soliciting kickbacks in return for Illinois
state contracts.
In interviews with two Chicago newspapers Friday, Sen. Obama said that
Mr. Rezko's political patronage for all of his past political
campaigns totaled around $250,000. The campaign had previously
estimated the figure at $150,000 and said it had donated that amount
to charity.
Obama's church blames media
Barack Obama's church, Trinity United Church of Christ, responds to
the media coverage of Rev. Jeremiah Wright's more inflammatory
Nearly three weeks before the 40th commemorative anniversary of
the murder of the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., the Reverend
Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr.’s character is being assassinated in the
public sphere because he has preached a social gospel on behalf of
oppressed women, children and men in America and around the globe...
read full response
see also: Pastor
defends his predecessor at Obama's church
accuses media of 'crucifixion'
Ralph Nader... today's headlines with excerpts
view more past news & headlines
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