Thursday, March 20,
McCain takes double-digit lead as
Obama, Clinton feud
African-American support for Clinton has collapsed,
falling to 55% in the general election match-up. Obama,
on the other hand, earns solid support from
African-American voters but attracts only 36% of white
voters in a match-up with McCain.
Hillary presses Obama on revotes in
Florida, Michigan
Hillary Clinton challenged Barack
Obama to live up to his claim that he cares about making sure people's
votes count.
"This is a crucial test: Does he mean what
he says or not?" Clinton said.
see also:
Clinton offers to fund Michigan do-over
DNC won't give in on Fla., Mich., official warns
Unless Florida and Michigan Democrats devise workable plans to redo
their outlaw primaries, there is no chance the national party will
yield to pressure and approve their delegates if it could tip the
outcome of the Democratic presidential race, a potential key arbiter
of the dispute said yesterday.
Arab financial offensive on US
companies concerns analysts
That development is leaving some analysts
concerned over the prospect of Arab financial prowess manifesting
itself in the political agenda, with negative consequences for Israel.
"There is concern that the purchase of
strategic assets provides the owners with the ability to intervene
politically," Prof. Gerald Steinberg, chairman of the Political
Science Dept. at Bar-Ilan University, told The Jerusalem Post...
... Should those fears materialize, he
added, there would certainly be "a strategic impact on Israel. There
has been increased Arab investment and control - but these are two
different things. The problem is not investment, but control. You
could start to see subtle aspects of a boycott [of Israel], even
though that is illegal under American law. You might find that some of
these firms [that have been heavily invested in by Arab states] place
obstacles to deals with Israel," Steinberg said...
full article
What to do about Gaza (from
Jerusalem Post)
John McCain... today's headlines
with excerpts
McCain shrugs off Obama attack
over Iraq gaffe
We all misspeak from time to time and I immediately
corrected it. Just as Sen. Obama said he was looking
forward to meeting the president of Canada, we all
misspeak from time to time," McCain told reporters in
"So we'll just move on," the presumptive Republican
nominee said after talks with British Prime Minister
Gordon Brown at his Downing St. residence.
Voters, McCain differ on quick
economic fix
As the economy sours, voters are increasingly demanding immediate
government relief — a boost for Democrats who propose just that sort
of quick fix, but a problem for Republican Sen. John McCain, whose
focus has been on longer-term solutions such as tax and spending cuts
and free trade.
McCain praises Britain's
'sacrifice' in Iraq after meeting with Brown, Cameron
"I fully appreciate that British public opinion has been frustrated by
sometimes our lack of progress in both areas."
McCain mobbed by crowds at Western
McCain was not hurt, but appeared rattled by the spasm of violence as
he began a second day of meetings with high-level Israeli officials as
part of a congressional trip to the Middle East and Europe.
see also:
Frenzy during McCain photo-op
Israeli family details relentless
"Every day, all day, we don't have any time," Amar said. "It can be
the morning, the afternoon, the night. You are running like a mouse .
. . almost every day. You can get two to three days of quiet. Then
after that . . . it making you crazy."
That was just the message senior Israeli officials hoped to impart to
the man who might be America's next president. McCain arrived at the
small house after a helicopter tour with Israeli Defense Minister Ehud
... Earlier in the day, McCain met with Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi
Livni; Binyamin Netanyahu, the head of the conservative Likud Party;
and Ehud Olmert, the country's prime minister.
see also:
McCain's Holy Land pilgrimage
Hillary Clinton... today's
headlines with excerpts
New Penn memo: 'the shift to Hillary'
...The more that the voters learn about Barack Obama, the more his
ability to beat John McCain is declining compared to Hillary. For a
long time we have explained that poll numbers for a candidate who has
not yet been vetted or tested are not firm numbers, and we are
beginning to see that clearly. Just a month ago, the Obama campaign
claimed that the polls showed Barack Obama doing better than Hillary
against Sen. McCain. Now such numbers are a lot harder to find...
Clinton facing narrower path to nomination
... Tad Devine, a Democratic consultant who is not supporting a
candidate, said Mrs. Clinton faced a challenge that although hardly
insurmountable was growing tougher almost by the day. Mr. Devine said
it was critical for her to come out ahead in popular votes, cut into
Mr. Obama’s lead and raise questions about Mr. Obama’s electability to
win over superdelegates.
Early word: Clinton papers reveal little
After poring over the data, he notes that the documents’ many
redactions make it difficult to judge the scope of Mrs. Clinton’s
influence on policy, since many of the pages include vague listings
such as “private meeting.”
Group seeks Clinton phone log
The schedules showing Clinton's engagement on a wide range of matters
are an outline and don't reflect phone calls or impromptu strategy
sessions, says her presidential campaign.
Those phone calls were at issue Thursday in federal court in
Washington. A conservative group that won release of the calendars was
pushing for release of 20,000 pages of the former first lady's phone
The National Archives estimates it will take at least one to two years
before it can begin processing the phone logs and offers no estimate
on a release date.
In Hillary Clinton's datebook, a shift
Hillary Rodham Clinton arrived in the White House with a schedule
befitting a president, packed with policy sessions, meetings with
senators and trips to promote an ambitious political agenda. But after
the collapse of her health-care plan in 1994, she largely retreated to
a more traditional first lady's calendar of school visits, hospital
tours, photo ops and speeches on a narrower set of issues...
Lewinsky and the first lady
Barack Obama... today's headlines with excerpts
Obama says war's cost too high
After giving a speech aimed at the strategic
consequences of the war in Iraq yesterday, Obama focused
on the effect it has had on the economy today...
Worsening polls reveal Obama's
pastor problem
Waging an acrimonious battle against
Hillary Clinton for the Democrats' White House nomination, Obama
confessed to being bruised by the controversy surrounding his longtime
Chicago preacher, Reverend Jeremiah Wright.
"In some ways this controversy has actually shaken me up a little bit
and gotten me back into remembering that, you know, the odds of me
getting elected have always been lower than some of the other
conventional candidates," the Illinois senator told CNN in an
interview that aired late Wednesday.
"As a practical matter, in terms of how this plays out
demographically, I can't tell you. And the speech I gave yesterday
(Tuesday) obviously was not crafted to hit a particular demographic,"
he said.
Groups respond to Obama's call for national race
Religious groups and academic bodies, already receptive to Mr. Obama’s
plea for such a dialogue, seemed especially enthusiastic. Universities
were moving to incorporate the issues Mr. Obama raised into classroom
discussions and course work, and churches were trying to find ways to
do the same in sermons and Bible studies...
Obama's odyssey on race
Today, Obama is under attack from the other end of the spectrum,
accused of tacitly endorsing the Afro-centrism and deeply critical
views of America expressed by his longtime pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah
A. Wright Jr. To those who know Obama and have followed the arc of his
career, the charge makes little sense against a man they have long
considered a beacon of a colorblind future.
But to critics, Obama's decision to associate himself for 20 years
with a church that preaches black nationalism - an association that
once helped establish his credibility in the black community - prompts
serious questions about his patriotism, judgment, and allegiances...
pastor unleashed:
'he was born trash'...
Ralph Nader... today's headlines with excerpts
view more past news & headlines
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