tracking the Larry Sinclair/Obama limo-cocaine-sex
story --
Feb. 25, 2008 Cleveland Leader Obama accuser fails polygraphs
Whitehouse.com acquired the services of two expert polygraph examiners, who have examined Mr. Sinclair. The results of the first polygraph examination by Dr. Ed Gelb (Former President of the American Polygraph Association) indicate "deception" in regards to both the drug and sex claims by Sinclair. The second expert's conclusions have not yet been revealed, but should be early this week. These will either confirm or deny the first examiner's results. Whitehouse.com has additionally promised to post video recordings of the examinations for complete disclosure and transparency. With regards to the $10,000 payout that Larry Sinclair had agreed to for taking the polygraph test, it has been modified upon Sinclair's request and Whitehouse.com's approval. Prior to taking the test, Sinclair asked for a reduced payout to cover some of his mother's debt, and requested $10,000 to be paid directly to a few Minnesota charities. The lucky charities are: the Duluth Salvation Army Housing Loan Program and the Girls and Boys Club of Duluth.
Feb. 22, 2008 Bill O'Reilly Show, transcript Bill O'Reilly tap dances around alleged Obama scandal? O'REILLY: There has been a longstanding rumor, and you know it, about a Democratic, powerful Democratic person in this country, longstanding, been around, people have looked at it, never reported by anyone, never mentioned by anyone. Easily done in the same way The New York Times did it. I could do it. I could do it. I could do it tomorrow, anonymous sources told me this individual in America, again, a prominent Democrat...
Feb. 19, 2008 PageOneQ
Man to take polygraph to answer
claims that he had gay sex, Larry Sinclair, the man who claims to have done cocaine and fellated Democratic presidential candidate Senator Barack Obama (D-IL), will be paid $10,000 to take a lie detector test to substantiate it. If the test indicates he is telling the truth, the amount will jump to $100,000. The payment and reward are being offered by political commentary website WhiteHouse.com (not affiliated with WhiteHouse.gov). "My motivation for making this public is my desire for a presidential candidate to be honest," Sinclair, of Duluth, Minnesota, tells right-wing publication WorldNetDaily. "I didn't want the sex thing to come out. But I think it is important for the candidate to be honest about his drug use as late as 1999."
Feb. 19, 2008 ClevelandLeader posts story...
Feb. 17, 2008 WorldNetDaily.com: posts story of supposed Obama gay/cocaine liaison
When his story was ignored by the news media, Larry Sinclair made his case last month in a YouTube video, which has now been viewed more than a quarter-million times. And when it was still ignored by the media, Sinclair filed a suit in Minnesota District Court, alleging threats and intimidation by Obama's staff. Sinclair, who says he is willing to submit to a polygraph test to validate his claims, will now get his chance – thanks to a website offering $10,000 for the right to record it and $100,000 to Sinclair if he passes. "My motivation for making this public is my desire for a presidential candidate to be honest," Sinclair told WND by telephone. "I didn't want the sex thing to come out. But I think it is important for the candidate to be honest about his drug use as late as 1999."
Feb. 11, 2008 Claiming harassment in an effort to suppress his story, Larry Sinclair files a federal lawsuit against Senator Obama, Obama campaign consultant David Axelrod and the Democratic National Committee. Sinclair claims slander, Internet harassment, including physical threats, and attempts to suppress his speech in violation of his First Amendment rights.
Jan. 23, 2008 Jeff Rense Radio interview with Larry Sinclair appears in 3 parts on YouTube.com the intro, part 1, part 2
Jan. 17, 2008 Claiming mainstream media's refusal to report it, Larry Sinclair posts his story on YouTube.com [LINK]
paid for by the Iowa Presidential Watch
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this page was last updated: 02/26/08 |