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John Edwards

excerpts from the Iowa Daily Report

January 2003

“John EDWARDS, the handsome, and comely, and attractive senator from North Carolina (well, those are his chief assets) has announced plans to seek the Democratic nomination for president. A relative newcomer to politics, EDWARDS has caught the eye of party elders due to his, well, his looks.” (Mona Charen,, 1/3)

He’s just running because he thinks he can get away with it in this day and age.” – Ed Rogers, GOP consultant, on rookie Sen. John EDWARDS’s Democratic presidential bid. (U. S. News & World Report, 1/13)

 “Democratic pros are still looking for somebody along the model of Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton, a Southerner who can break the Republican hammerlock on Dixie and who talks like a moderate but acts like a liberal.” EDWARDS “fits the description, but there is serious doubt in party ranks about nominating a political novice who only four years ago was trying personal injury cases.” Because of that, GRAHAM has been “attracting more attention in party ranks than with the news media. Not only would he be considered a lock in critically important Florida, but would threaten President Bush in other important states.” (Evans & Novak column, Human Events, 1/13)

 CNN’s Jonathan Karl: “But, privately, senior Democratic aides are aiming some fire at John KERRY and John EDWARDS and warning, as one person said: This is a harbinger of things to come. We are facing critical votes and these guys are off campaigning for president.” (Jonathan Karl report, Inside Politics, CNN, 1/17)

Under the heading “Marching Orders,” it was reported that the “three U. S. senator seeking the Democratic presidential nomination – Joseph I. LIEBERMAN of Connecticut, John KERRY of Massachusetts and John EDWARDS of North Carolina – received a blunt warning…at NARAL Pro-Choice America’s celebration of the anniversary of Roe v. Wade. NARAL President Kate Michelson warned the senators, “I fully expect pro-choice senators to filibuster any (judicial) nominee who does not affirm a women’s constitutional right to choose.” (Inside politics, The Washington Times, 1/23)

Dem reaction to GWB’s State of the Union address: EDWARDS said the president “just doesn’t get it. Giving tax cuts to the very wealthiest Americans should not take priority over the real economic, health care, and security concerns facing regular people.” KERRY said GWB has “too often practiced a blustering unilateralism that is wrong, and even dangerous, for our country.” GEPHARDT: said Bush “failed to ease the nation’s anxiety over his economic plan and fell short of addressing the nation’s increasing concern about the future.” (AP, 1/29)

“Democratic divisions weaken party in Iraq debate…KERRY says his war vote won’t muzzle him: He blasts Bush’s ‘clumsy’ and ‘inadequate diplomacy.’ With 2004 rivals GEPHARDT, LIEBERMAN and EDWARDS also war backers, students are ‘flocking’ to former Vermont Gov. DEAN’s side in Iowa and New Hampshire, says an unaffiliated party strategist.” (Washington Wire, The Wall Street Journal, 1/31)

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