the Iowa Daily Report
Manchester (N. H.) Union Leader editorial pages:
Yesterday – under the headline “Bumbling Dems: Dean,
Kerry make some goofy slips” – the Union Leader opened
an editorial with this question: “Can’t the Democrats
get better Presidential candidates than these?”
Editorial says Dean was “embarrassed into
sending a letter of apology”
to Edwards for inaccurately criticizing Edwards
for hiding his pro-war stance during CA Dem state convention
address. Editorial also highlighted Kerry comments –
also at the California convention – indicating the
Dems could win presidency without
Southern support, forcing Kerry to hand
out notes to Southern Dem sens assuring them he plans to
campaign in their states. The Union Leader editorial
concluded: “In New Hampshire, Kerry and Dean are the
leading candidates for the Democratic Presidential
nomination. Their behavior so far has made them look less
than worthy of front-of-the-pack positions.” (4/1/2003)
apparently isn’t going to settle for second best in the
Dems’ fundraising derby. Kerry not only reported
that he raised about $7M during the first quarter FEC
disclosure period, but he transferred $2.9 million from
his Senate account for a campaign total of $10 million during
the period – leaving him with $8 million cash on hand. (Iowa
Presidential Watch, 4/3/2003)
Paul Harvey told his national broadcast audience yesterday
that Dean and Lieberman have each raised
$3 million, and Edwards and Kerry have
reported $7 million in contributions – adding “early
money is supposed to indicate something.” (4/4/2003)
New Hampshire media websites – from Concord to Manchester to
Berlin – cluttered with reports about Kerry comments
that Americans will have to elect a new president to repair
and rebuild the nation’s global relationships. The Union
Leader headline: “Kerry: America needs a ‘regime change’
too” (Iowa Presidential Watch, 4/4/2003)
In Peterborough, Kerry repeated theme he used during
California appearances last month – “Just because the U.
S. Supreme Court made a decision in its selection, and an
error in its decision in the year 2000, doesn’t mean we
have to live with it six more
years.” (Iowa Presidential Watch, 4/4/2003)
In an apparent continuation of his running verbal battle with
rival Dem presidential candidate Dean, Kerry
said he would appreciate it if those who criticize the
military would keep quiet for a while. Kerry, a
Vietnam war veteran: “War is tough. Trust the process for a
few days. We’re achieving our goals, war is unpredictable.”
(Iowa Presidential Watch, 4/4/2003)
Although the Senate voted unanimously 93-0 for supplemental
funding to support Iraq war and homeland security, Kerry
and Lieberman were among the seven
“not voting.” (Iowa Presidential Watch,
Former IA GOP Attorney General – and retired military
reserve general – Evan (Curly) Hultman called Mickelson’s
talk radio show on WHO (Des Moines) and WMT (Cedar
Rapids) radio stations yesterday morning to condemn Kerry’s
New Hampshire remarks about need for “regime change” in
Washington. Hultman – a past-president of
the Reserve Officers Assn. who
remains active in other military organizations in Washington
– said he saw Kerry (a Vietnam war vet) in DC on
Tuesday, the day before the remarks were made. Hultman also
took on those who “use the dodge” they support the
troops, but not the commander-in-chief. Hultman: “How can
you separate the commander-in-chief from the troops?”
Mickelson added that Kerry’s remarks were “borderline
treasonous.” (Iowa Presidential Watch, 4/5/2003)
Despite considerable GOP criticism, Kerry refused to
back down from his New Hampshire comments. The
Atlanta Constitution yesterday reported “Kerry said
he had ‘the pleasure’ of being attacked
by Republicans for ‘speaking out regarding the direction
of our country.’” Kerry quoted as saying: “I
don’t need any lessons in patriotism or in caring about
America from the likes of the right wing and Tom DeLay and
others.” (4/5/2003
Kerry told Associated Press yesterday: “The
Republicans have tried to make a practice of attacking
anybody who speaks out strongly by questioning their
patriotism. I refuse to have my patriotism or right to
speak out questioned. I fought for and earned the right to
express my views in this country.” He added: “If they want
to pick a fight, they’ve picked a fight with the
wrong guy.” (4/5/2003)
Dean attended the Georgia Democratic Party
Jefferson-Jackson Day dinner, but the Atlanta Constitution
said “he offered no opinion about Kerry’s latest [New
Hampshire] statement.” By yesterday afternoon, Dean told
AP he had “not criticized Senator Kerry for
that, nor am I going to. It certainly would be unusual
for me to line up with
Tom DeLay, and I don’t intend to start now.”
At Dem State Convention in New
Hampshire yesterday, state chairwoman Kathy
Sullivan jumped into the fray over Kerry’s “regime
change” remarks. Speaking before a cheering crowd,
Sullivan accused Republicans of trying to squelch freedom
of speech by criticizing debate over the war. (Iowa
Presidential Watch, 4/6/2003)
Kerry continues responding to GOP criticism of his
“regime change” comments and, according to the L. A.
Times, accused Republican leaders of “purposely
distorting a tongue-in-cheek remarks and vowed ‘not to
be silenced by their fake patriotism argument.’” Kerry,
quoted in yesterday’s Times: “Republicans are falsely
and phonily trying to trump up an issue.” He said the
remark “was a rhetorical twist, nothing serious”
and “had nothing to do with the troops and nothing to do
with over there.” Mark Z. Barabak’s report added Kerry
“also insisted that he has stayed true to his promise
not to second-guess Bush’s conduct of the war once it
commenced. ‘I’ve defended the administration against
the armchair quarterbacking, which I think is premature.’”
(Iowa Presidential Watch, 4/6/2003)
Des Moines Register’s Thomas Beaumont reports on Kerry’s
eastern Iowa visit – headline: “Kerry defends
remark on U. S. ‘regime change’” (4/7/2003)
Quad-City Times Ed Tibbetts reports on Kerry’s Davenport
visit – “In the Quad-Cities for the first time this
campaign, U. S. Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., said
Sunday the Bush administration botched diplomatic efforts
to gain support to disarm Iraq. And while he did not
repeat his belief there needs to be a ‘regime change’
in the United States, Kerry said he wouldn’t
shrink from a fight with the administration or the Republican
Party.” (4/7/2003)
Matt Drudge notes – during current controversy over Kerry’s
“regime change” comments that it has been a consistent,
on-going theme for Democrats and anti-Bush critics over
recent months. Drudge notes that Kerry may have been the
first Dem wannabe to use the phrasing, but “other
pillars of the party” have been using it for months.
Among others calling for “regime change” since last
October – Barbra Streisand, Jesse Jackson, Michael
Moore, Louis Farrakhan, former AG Ramsey Clark, Susan
Sarandon, Dem MI Rep. John Conyers. (4/7/2003)
AP’s resident caucus-watcher Mike Glover – who just last
week was in Sioux City covering Dean –
showed up in Cedar Rapids yesterday for Kerry
appearances. Glover reports Kerry said “democracy
affords rival Democrats the right to criticize President Bush
even with the nation at war.” Kerry comment: “This
is a democracy. We could be at war a year from now. Would
we put the election on hold?” (Iowa Presidential
Watch, 4/8/2003)
Coverage of Kerry
local appearance in yesterday’s Clinton Herald by staff
writer Scott T. Holland: Kerry “spoke at length on
education, promising to ‘criss-cross this country to confront
current leadership for making a mockery of the words ‘leave
no child behind.’ Kerry also vowed to ‘put arts,
music, dance, theater and good, working libraries back into
out schools and restore the full measure of what education
must be.” Another excerpt: “As president, Kerry
said, he would work to see health care recognized as a right,
not a privilege.” Holland also noted that Kerry was
accompanied by reporters from Boston and Washington
newspapers. (Iowa Presidential Watch, 4/8/2003)
From Jennifer Harper’s “Inside Politics” column in
yesterday’s Washington Times: “Sen. John Kerry’s
recent attempt to play hardball are not playing so well.
According to an online poll (, 89 percent
of some 13,000 people who
voted since Friday believe the Massachusetts Democrat ‘should
restrain his criticism of President Bush while the
nation is at war with Iraq.” (4/8/2003)
Kerry was blistered by a weekend editorial in a Laconia [N.
H.] Citizen because he has “changed his criticism
toward the war from that of honorable restraint to barbs that
drip vitriol.” The editorial continued that Kerry
is “perhaps feeling the heat from Dean and trying to attract
the anti-war crowd that forms the base of the former
Vermont governor’s support.” Noting that Kerry supported
the Iraq initiative and “even joined the president
to criticize ‘armchair generals’
who had been critical of the U. S. war plan,” the editorial
added: “Fine words, but apparently hollow words that
shift with the political winds. Another
excerpt: “On diplomacy and the U. N., Kerry said,
‘I don’t think they’re going to trust this president, no
matter what.’ And if Kerry were elected president, would
the U. N. delegates trust a man who talks from both sides of
his mouth?” (Iowa Presidential Watch, 4/8/2003)
From front page of
today’s Des Moines Register: “Kerry to back only
pro-choice justices” Register’s Thomas Beaumont
reports that Kerry told a group of Dem women in Des
Moines yesterday as president he would only appoint
justices to the U. S. Supreme Court who support Roe v. Wade
decision. (Iowa Presidential Watch, 4/9/2003)
“Kerry sided with opponents and supporters, saying,
‘I support the use of force, I support disarming Saddam
Hussein, but I’ve been very critical of the way this
administration went at it.” – Washington Post…”Kerry, while not expressing an opinion on the postwar Iraqi government,
previewed what is likely
to be a common Democratic argument in 2004 –
insisting that the administration match its commitment to
reconstructing Iraq with resources for social
needs in America as well.
‘As this administration makes plans to build schools in
Iraq, roads…hospitals, we say as correct as it is to finish
the job in Iraq, it is time for this administration to begin the job at home,’
he said.” – Los Angeles Times.
Kerry tells
WHO Radio (Des Moines) yesterday that protests
condemning his “regime change” remarks – such as the
one held over weekend outside his DSM campaign headquarters
– are being organized by Republicans. That may be the
most astute observation and most accurate statement Kerry has
made since announcing his presidential candidacy. (Iowa
Presidential Watch, 4/9/2003)
When the Senate voted
80-0 Monday to confirm the judicial appointment of Cormac J.
Carney as a federal district judge in CA, all of the
senator-wannabes – Edwards, Graham, Kerry, Lieberman –
were among the missing. Meanwhile over in the House, Gephardt
continued to assure his St. Louis area constituents
that they continued to be un-represented. (Iowa Pres Watch
Note: Actually, it’s a tossup whether he’s there or not.
They are un-represented when he misses House votes –
and are misrepresented when he is there and voting.) Gephardt
was recorded as “not voting” when the House considered a
series of fairly non-controversial bills. (Iowa
Presidential Watch, 4/9/2003)
Washington Times’ Donald Lambro – under the online
headline, “Republicans
say Kerry broke vow not to attack Bush” – reports: “Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry, who said both Iraq and the United States ‘need a regime change,’ broke
his vow not to politically attack President Bush while
the country is at war, Republican
officials charged yesterday
[Monday]. At the same time, New York City’s former
Democratic mayor, Ed Koch, warned Mr. Kerry that he ‘is going to end
for what he said.” The Koch
quote: “I think Senator Kerry
is going to end up on the garbage
heap because of his quote attacking
the president and, in effect, by using language, which was, we
need a regime change here at home, and that the president, in
effect, has embarrassed us by the way he has conducted himself
internationally.” (4/9/2003)
From Donald Lambro report in yesterday’s Washington Times:
“Sen. John Kerry of Massachusetts, who has been on
the defensive lately for saying that both Iraq and the United
States ‘need a regime change,’ continued to defend his
remarks yesterday. But in a sign that Mr. Kerry may have
suffered some political damage for his controversial
comment, his campaign released a brief statement that said,
“American troops have done an extraordinary job in Iraq,
and all of America should be proud of their selfless service
to the country. ‘Saddam Hussein made a grave error when
he chose to make war with the ultimate weapons-inspections
enforcement mechanism,” Mr. Kerry said. (4/11/2003)
Amber Alert legislation approved yesterday – 400-25
in House and 98-0 in the Senate. In the House, Kucinich –
apparently opposed to protecting children – voted
against the proposal while Gephardt was in IA and recorded
as “not voting.”In the Senate, the
two missing senators were both presidential wannabes – Kerry
and Lieberman, who also were campaigning in Iowa.
(Iowa Presidential Watch, 4/11/2003)
In Des Moines Sunday Register “Roses & Thistles”
column this morning, a thistle was awarded to “Kerry, who
said in picking Supreme Court justices he would consider only
those who would affirm Roe v. Wade – and then
denied it was a litmus test. Of course it is a litmus test.
All politicians do it; most use code words (like ‘right to
privacy’). Kerry just blurted out the
truth.” (4/13/2003)
In Des Moines Sunday Register “Roses & Thistles”
column this morning, a thistle was awarded to “Kerry, who
said in picking Supreme Court justices he would consider only
those who would affirm Roe v. Wade – and then
denied it was a litmus test. Of course it is a litmus test.
All politicians do it; most use code words (like ‘right to
privacy’). Kerry just blurted out the
truth.” (4/13/2003)
Bonus coverage from New Hampshire: Headline on
editorial in this morning’s The Union Leader and New
Hampshire Sunday News – “Sen. Kerry’s rights: The
right to make an ass of himself” Editorial focuses on
(and revisits) Kerry’s “regime change” remark
from a week ago – saying he “apparently thought his own
military service in Vietnam would somehow immunize him from
criticism of his incredibly tasteless Saddam-Bush
comparison in the middle of the war.” Key excerpt:
“Kerry was in fact a decorated combat veteran…[but] in
this war, Kerry seems to be on both
sides. He voted for the resolution the President sought
to authorize military action in Iraq but then has done
little but criticize the President for taking that action.”(4/13/2003)
on Dean’s campaign appearance in Cedar Falls –
AP’s resident caucus-watcher Mike Glover writes Dean
“said Friday that the U. S-led war against Iraq will remain
a divisive issue for Democrats despite the collapse of
Saddam Hussein’s regime.” Dean quote: “All these
folks [other Dem candidates] who are crowing about their
vote and the outcome are going to learn that the
occupation [of Iraq] will be very difficult. That’s probably
going to be the next lesson.” Glover reminds readers
– and presumably IA Dems – about the four Dem
wannabes who supported the Iraq
resolution: Lieberman, Edwards, Kerry and
Gephardt. . (Iowa Presidential Watch, 4/13/2003)
Letters to editor in Des Moines Sunday Register – “The
blue yard signs showing support for President Bush and our
troops are one of the most popular yard signs provided by
the Polk County (Des Moines) Republican Party. It’s
a result of Senator John Kerry’s [regime change] remark that
may well have cost him any chance of success in his
presidential campaign.” – Charles Finch, Des Moines.
And another view:
“I am amazed and saddened that the Republican Party is distributing
Bush yard signs to exploit the war with Iraq for political
positioning. The
signs are rather indicative of why the war
is being fought in the first place – it is Bush’s strategy
to stay in power.”
– Mark Challis, West
Des Moines. .
(Iowa Presidential
Watch, 4/14/2003)
on coverage from Iowa in yesterday’s Los Angeles Times
online edition, “Democrats May Face War Quagmire…Fighting
in Iraq threatens to divide the party like nothing has
since the Vietnam era, putting its candidates in a
political minefield.” Times staff writer Mark Z. Barabak
reviews the respective Iraq war positions of the Dem
wannabes and interviews several Iowa Democrats
about their candidate preferences – and reports, “There
are minefields aplenty.” Example: “Sen. John F. Kerry
of Massachusetts, who voted to support the war in Iraq,
has been pilloried by Republicans for a quip he made
April 2 about the need for ‘regime change’ in Washington.
It was a line Kerry had used before with little notice
– then the shooting started and the rules of the
political engagement suddenly changed.” Barabak reports
that “the presidential candidates are not the only ones
pulled by the crosscurrents of wartime politics.” He
notes that Iowan – and antiwar activist -- Diane Krell
“said that despite her disappointment with Edwards and
other Democrats who backed Bush on Iraq, she has not ruled
out supporting one of them if he seems best able to defeat
the president in November 2004.” James Peterson, who was
seated just a few rows over from Krell at the Des Moines
forum, was quoted as saying, “It’s great to win
battles. But I want to win the war. And right now the war
[for Democrats] is beating Bush and winning the White
House.” (Iowa Presidential Watch, 4/14/2003)
on column by Bernadette Malone – the newspaper’s former
editorial page editor -- in yesterday’s online edition of
The Union Leader and New Hampshire Sunday News: “‘President’
Kerry would set bizarre litmus test for judges’ (4/14/2003)
Also from South Carolina – and yesterday’s The State –
again: “Kerry won the endorsement Sunday of Alex
Sanders, the former College of Charleston president and
appeals court judge who ran unsuccessfully for the U. S.
Senate last year. In a statement, Sanders said he chose Kerry
for three reasons: “courage, compassion and
charisma.” (4/15/2003)
Headline from yesterday’s online report on The State
(Columbia) website: “Kerry tries to motivate S. C.
Democratic party” Story says Kerry “attempted
Monday to light a fire under a lethargic Democratic Party that
he said had gotten lazy the past few years.” He said: “We’ve got
to get tough.
We’ve got to get out there.” More from The State report by
Lee Bandy: “The senator talked
a lot about where the party has been.
He cited its fight for civil rights, clean water and clean
air, early childhood education, minimum wage, and quality
health care. But
cynicism and distrust of
elected leaders exists and is reflected in voter attitudes, he
said. Kerry mentioned a recent
poll showing that 60 percent of Americans say they don’t
know whether they’ll vote next year. He
called it a serious problem.
‘We’ve got to start organizing,’ he urged.” Meanwhile,
the Florence Morning News reported that South Carolina House
Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Harrison – a Columbia
Republican and Gulf
War veteran –
called on Kerry to apologize to
President Bush for his “regime change” remarks and Iraq
war criticisms. Harrison said in a release: “First John Kerry
called for a regime change and now he wants to
question the president’s character in a time of war.”
Kerry continues to gather South Carolina support.
After announcing over weekend that former College of
Charleston president Alex Sanders – the Dem candidate in
last fall’s U. S. Senate campaign – had signed on the
alleged Kerry bandwagon, the Mass Sen also has been
endorsed by State Sen. John Matthews, as 28-year legislative
veteran, and Columbia attorney Steve Benjamin, who lost a bid
last year for attorney. (Iowa Pres Watch Note: Looks like Kerry
attracting endorsements from more losers than winners in
South Carolina.)
There’s no place like home – especially when it
comes to fundraising – for Dem wannabes Kerry and Lieberman.
That’s the main thrust of an Associated Press analysis of
first-quarter fundraising that indicated their respective home
states “accounted for more than $1 in every $5”
they collected for the January-March reporting period. Dean
collected more from CA and NY than from home state
Vermont. (4/17/2003)
Paul Bedard’s “Washington Whispers” column in this
week’s U. S. News & World Report – under the item
head, “Charity case” – “When Sen. John
Kerry’s donation came in for Boston’s Holy Name Parish
School spring auction, organizers expected something special
from the multimillionaire Democratic presidential candidate.
After all, fellow Sen. Ted Kennedy gave a personally
designed print and Mayor Thomas Menino offered dinner. Kerry’s
gift: A signed 8-by-10 photo.
What gives with the cheapo gift? Associates whine that Kerry
gets 36 auction requests a week and not everything can be
great. ‘Our best auction offerings are yet to come,’ says
one associate. ‘Personally guided Oval Office
tours by President John Kerry.’” (4/17/2003)
California Dreamin’ I: Although some numbers from The
Field Poll (among registered Democrats) in California have
been reported, Iowa Pres Watch notes that – as far as
early observers are concerned – the field of Dem wannabes
is breaking into three distinct factions. The Big Three
with double-digit numbers: Lieberman (22%), Kerry (16%) and
Gephardt (12%). The single-digit group: Dean (7%),
Sharpton and Moseley Braun (both with 4%), Edwards (3%),
Graham (2%) and Kucinich (1%). The third – and largest
– faction: Undecided (29%). (4/18/2003)
On the Dem money trail – a headline from
yesterday’s Los Angeles Times: “Kerry’s $8 Million
Puts Him in Front of Democratic Rivals…First detailed
look at the presidential hopefuls’ war chests shows Edwards
raised more in three months of 2003. Gephardt is
third.” Staff Writer Mark Z. Barabak writes: “As
the Democratic presidential campaign picks up,
Massachusetts Sen. John F. Kerry
on the best financial footing,
with more than $8 million in the bank, according to the first
detailed accounting of
the candidates’ fund-raising performance. Sen. John Edwards
of North Carolina, who raised slightly more than Kerry
the first three months of the year, had
$5.7 million on hand.
Rep. Richard A. Gephardt
with roughly $5
a week ago while rivals Lieberman
and Kucinich cancelled IA stops to cast
votes in Washington. Gephardt spokeswoman
Kim Molstre quote: “Dick has said all along
you can’t make all the votes and run for
president…He feels very strongly that being
out in Iowa is very, very important.” At
the other end of the spectrum, Kucinich hasn’t
missed any votes this year. In the Senate, Kerry
has missed the most (52 votes), Lieberman
was absent for 29 votes (22%), Edwards 21
votes (16%), and Graham has missed only
three votes. (4/19-20/2003)
The Drudge Report said last night Mass. Sen
– and Vietnam War hero -- Kerry missed
the funeral of a home state Iraqi victim to
attend a presidential fundraising event in
Arizona. The report – filed by Matt
Drudge – said: “So why wasn’t U. S.
Sen John F. Kerry (D-MA) at last
week’s funeral of Matthew Boule, 22, the
Dracut, Massachusetts native who was the state’s
first soldier to die in the Iraq war? Kerry,
the decorated Vietnam War veteran who is
seeking the Democratic presidential
nomination, was in Arizona on Tuesday –
fundraising and campaigning – the very hour
Boule was buried, the DRUDGE REPORT can
reveal. Kerry’s office did not
respond to a request for comment…Kerry missed
the service honoring Boule to speak to the
Arizona Democratic Caucus, where he proposed
a ‘Veterans Prescription Drug Reform Act.’” (4/21/2003)
Over the weekend, Senior Political Reporter
John DiStaso of The Union Leader and New
Hampshire Sunday News wrote: “Five
Democratic Presidential candidates spent
$78,230 on salaries and consulting fees to
12 New Hampshire staffers and a local paid
consultant between Jan. 1 and March 31.”
DiStaso reported that Kerry “leads the
New Hampshire staff salary parade with $30,772
spent on four Granite Staters.” Lieberman
spent $16,906, Edwards $15,789, Dean
$11,236 and Gephardt $3,527.(4/21/2003)
From Drudge Report this morning: “KERRY
From Greg Pierce’s “Inside Politics”
column in yesterday’s Washington Times –
under the subhead “Globe probes Kerry”
– “Sen. John Kerry, Massachusetts
Democrat and presidential hopeful, is coming
under close scrutiny from his hometown
newspaper. Mr. Kerry ‘will be the subject
of a multipart investigative series soon
to appear in the Boston Globe,’ the Hill
newspaper reports.” The Hill report said the
Globe has assigned “a team of reporters to
dig through Kerry’s legislative,
political and personal lives.” (Iowa
Pres Watch Note: Without doubt, IA Dem
caucusgoers – and Kerry’s Dem
rivals – are eagerly awaiting the story
mentioned in the Hill about the “attractive
25-year-old reporter” who “dumped Kerry
for a member of Pink Floyd.”) (4/23/2003)
Edwards’ West Coast fundraising rampage
continues. On the heels of a Monday Tacoma
(WA) News Tribune report that Edwards was
the leading Dem fundraiser in Washington
state, the Portland Oregonian reported
yesterday that Edwards received nearly $62,000
of the almost $100,000 the Dem wannabes
raised in Oregon during the first quarter of
the year. It also proved there are trial
lawyers in Oregon – noting that “at
least $33,000 of the nearly $62,000 he
raised in Oregon came from trial lawyers or
their spouses, according to reports filed last
week with the Federal Election Commission.”
As in Washington state, Dean was second in
Oregon fundraising – with “just less
than $25,000. Staunch opposition to the war
in Iraq helped bring him to the attention
of Democratic activists.” Others: Kerry,
$8,050; Gephardt, $2,000; and Lieberman
and Kucinich “received less than
$4,000 from Oregon contributors.” Graham
and Moseley Braun did
not have any Oregon contributors and
– as the New Hampshire media and Tacoma
account have reported – Sharpton did
not file a first-quarter FEC report.
Headline from Kerry’s presidential
campaign website – “On Earth Day,
Kerry Calls for New Commitment to
Environmental justice in America” (Iowa
Pres Watch Note: There’s something of a
hidden message there – that the Kerry
team capitalizes “Environment,” but that
“justice” wasn’t capitalized.) From
the Kerry website: “BOSTON – John Kerry
today called for a new commitment to ‘make
environmental justice the law of the land’
in America by empowering communities with the tools
they need to protect their neighborhoods and
fight pollution. His remarks came at an
Earth Day celebration at the Vine Street
Community Center in Roxbury.”(4/23/2003)
The headline: “Touché! Kerry fires back
at Bush camp” The coverage – by Joe
Battenfeld in yesterday’s Boston Herald: “Responding
to a taunt by the White House that he ‘looks
French,’ U. S. Sen. John F. Kerry
yesterday brushed off the political insult –
saying it’s part of an expected barrage
of Republican attacks on his character.
‘It means the White House has started the politics
of personal destruction,’ Kerry said of
the comment by an unnamed Bush adviser. A New
York Times report quoted Republican officials
and Bush advisers yesterday saying that Kerry’s
presidential campaign wouldn’t play well out
of New England because of his ‘haughty
air’ and Boston upbringing. ‘He looks
French,’ said one Bush adviser, handing the
Massachusetts Democrat what is probably the
ultimate postwar political putdown.”
Buried under the barrage of Democratic demands
GOP Sen. Santorum resign
his Senate leadership post – the No. 3
ranked in the Senate Republican -- for
comments comparing homosexuality to bigamy,
etc., Kerry issued a statement
condemning Santorum’s remarks and
criticizing White House – “The White
House speaks the rhetoric of compassionate
conservatism but they’re silent while
their chief lieutenants make divisive and
hurtful comments that have no place in our
politics.” He added, “Every day in our
country, gay and lesbian Americans get up, go
to work, pay their taxes, support their
families and contribute to the country they
love. These comments take us backwards in
America.” This must have been a
priority statement for Kerry – since he
issued it through his U. S. Senate office,
not his presidential campaign operation.(4/24/2003)
Kerry warning – from yesterday’s
Boston Globe: “If Republicans forge ahead
with plans to spend $200 million or more on
President Bush’s re-election campaign,
Senator John F. Kerry would make it
a campaign issue and would not rule out
tapping his personal wealth to compensate,
he said yesterday. The Democratic presidential
contender, who recently reported $8 million
cash on hand in his campaign kitty, said that
if Republicans double the amount they spent
on their 2000 campaign, it would confirm the
party as the handmaiden to the wealthiest
Americans.” The Glen Johnson report
added, “While Kerry’s personal wealth
is limited, his wife, Teresa Heinz Kerry,
has a family fortune that has been assessed as
worth $550 million or more. Federal election
law makes it unlikely she could transfer
the bulk of that money to Kerry, but in
the past, both he and his wife have said they
would consider tapping the reserve if either
one was attacked personally in a campaign.”(4/24/2003)
For Dem wannabes, it’s too bad Earth Day
only happens once a year. Headline from
Ron Brownstein’s coverage in yesterday’s
Los Angeles Times – “Kerry Calls for
Pollution Fight in Urban Areas…Fellow
Democratic presidential candidates Edwards and
Lieberman also use Earth Day to promote
environmental causes.” Brownstein reports Kerry
“urged a new offensive against
inner-city pollution, an Earth Day effort
to elevate the visibility of environmental
issues in the Democratic presidential race.”
He noted that Kerry called for
establishment of
‘environmental empowerment zones’
to concentrate federal efforts against
pollution-related health problems --- such as
asthma – in low-income neighborhoods.
Also from the Brownstein article: “Other
Democratic presidential hopefuls offered their
own proposals at Earth Day appearances
elsewhere in the country. In upstate New York,
Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman of Connecticut
called for a crackdown on power-plant
emissions. In Los Angeles, North Carolina
Sen. John Edwards proposed a $500-million
federal program to boost production of
clean-burning energy sources, such as ethanol.”
(Iowa Pres Watch Note: Although all the Dem
proposals are questionable, it should be clear
Edwards is a true environmentalist who
believes in issue recycling, too. How much
coverage does Edwards expect to get on
his $500-million proposal – and that
highlights his pro-ethanol appeal to
IA farmers? His plan would be even more
impressive – and attractive to Iowa corn
growers – if it had a prayer of ever getting
passed by the Congress or Edwards had a
prayer of being elected president.)(4/24/2003)
Headlines from Kerry’s Earth Day swing
through New Hampshire: Nashua Telegraph,
“Kerry offers ways to fight pollution”
The Union Leader and New Hampshire Sunday
Times online, “Kerry wants enforcement of
‘environmental justice’”(4/24/2003)
Quinnipiac survey
showed that in New York state
GWB would beat Lieberman
(50-38), Kerry (50-38) and Gephardt
(49-38). (Iowa Pres Watch Note: Suggested
strategy for Bush in New York: Take the NY
electoral votes – and move on, not to
mention most New Yorkers are still trying to
figure out who Kucinich is or whether
to go with “favorite son” Sharpton?) (4/25/20030
Excerpts from “Caucus Notebook” by Des
Moines Register’s caucus correspondent
Thomas Beaumont – Kerry, Edwards and Lieberman
“may have unwittingly upped the ante in
their caucus quests by raising expectations,
a no-no in Iowa presidential politics where beating
expectations often trumps winning…Kerry’s
Iowa supporters say the Massachusetts
Democrat has discussed increasing his
visibility in the state. Kerry has
stressed his ability to wage a national
campaign. With seven days in
Iowa planned in May,
including his second three-day swing, higher
expectations may precede Kerry…Edwards,
who has done less to dampen Iowa expectations
than Kerry, said the $7.4 million he
raised in the first-quarter is going to afford
him a lot more time in Iowa…For a guy up
against 1988 caucus winner Dick Gephardt
and 30-time Iowa visitor Howard Dean,
Edwards has his work cut out for him…For
Lieberman, who has campaigned in
Arizona more often than he’s campaigned in
Iowa or New Hampshire, the picnic appearance
[at the annual Vilsack family picnic in
Mount Pleasant on 6/8] will boost
the Connecticut senator’s visibility and
perhaps his expectations.”(4/26/2003)
From yesterday’s “Best of the Web Today”
on, James Taranto wrote:
“Last month Sen. John Kerry accused
President Bush of having ‘botched the
diplomacy’ in the run-up to Iraqi
liberation. Maybe the haughty,
French-looking Massachusetts Democrat, who
by the way served in Vietnam, should be running
against Bill Clinton. London’s Guardian
reports that ‘Tony Blair repeated secret
advice from…Clinton on how to unlock the
diplomatic impasse between Europe and the
US in the build-up to the war on
Iraq.” (4/26/2003)
Comparing the search for renewable energy
sources to JFK’s commitment to land a man on
the moon – and probably wishing he could
compare himself more favorably to JFK –
Kerry told a crowd at the University of
New Hampshire the U.S. should have a goal of
providing 20% of the nation’s electricity
from renewable resources by 2020. Headline
from The Union Leader: “Kerry says U. S.
must decrease oil dependence” Associated
Press coverage: “U. S. Sen. John Kerry said
decreasing dependence on oil from the Middle
East is the great challenge facing the
nation.” Kerry quote: “We spend
$1.8 billion in subsidies for oil and gas
…and only $24 million for alternative and
renewable energy. We ought to flip-flop
those numbers.” (4/27/2003)
Chicago Tribune weekend article – under the
headline “Catholic politicians feel
church heat on abortion” – includes Kerry
along with CA Gov. Davis and Sen Dem
Leader Daschle as those getting church
pressure for their pro-abortion positions. The
report by Washington Bureau’s Mike Dorning
says, “With several recent messages
taking to task prominent politicians, Catholic
Church leaders are showing signs of more
aggressively challenging Catholic
officeholders who support abortion
rights.” And excerpt: “Despite decades of
exhortations from church leaders, polling data
consistently show that Americans who identify
themselves as Catholics are not
significantly more likely to oppose abortion
rights than the public at large. Many of
the Democratic Party’s leaders offer highly
visible examples of church members’ resistance
to Catholic teachings on abortion
law. Along with Daschle, House Minority
Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) is a Catholic
who supports abortion rights. So is Sen.
John Kerry (D-Mass.), a presidential candidate.
And Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.), also an
abortion rights supporter, represents a family
dynasty that for many still symbolizes the
political success of Catholics in America.”
The Tribune coverage also mentions the
“Deadly Dozen” – 12 members of
Congress identified by the American Life
League as Catholics who support abortion
rights, including Kerry and IA Sen Harkin.
(For more on the Deadly Dozen, see the issues
section “abortion” on the Iowa Pres Watch
website.) (4/28/2003)
Donald Lambro reported in yesterday’s
Washington Times – under the headline, “War
gives Democrats ‘invisible primary’ –
that the “Democratic presidential contest
– so eclipsed by the U.S. war in Iraq
that few Democrats can name any of their
candidates – is being called the
‘invisible primary.’”
Excerpts: “Interviews with Democratic
officials confirmed that after several
months of campaigning in the early primary
states around the country, the contenders
and their issues have received relatively
little public attention on the national stage…There
seems to be a growing consensus among
party strategists who have not endorsed any of
the candidates that Mr. Kerry is the clear
front-runner, with Mr. Gephardt,
Mr. Lieberman and former Vermont Gov.
Howard Dean battling it out for second
place. Despite having raised more money than
any of his rivals, Mr. Edwards’ campaign
has not caught on
and his recognition remains in the low single
digits in the early primary states of Iowa and
New Hampshire.” (4/29/2003)
The on-going – and
escalating – two-wannabe feud between Dean
and Kerry moved to national defense issues
yesterday after a Time magazine report quoted
Dean as saying the U.S. should be planning for
a time when its not the world’s greatest
superpower. The Time article by Karen
Tumulty quoted Dean as saying – while
campaigning at a Stonyfield yogurt factory in
New Hampshire two weeks ago – that: “We
have to take a different approach [to
diplomacy]. We won’t always have the
strongest military.” That was enough to
give Team Kerry an opening to go after Dean
again – as the two New Englanders
battle over New Hampshire primary voters.
Associated Press coverage reported that Kerry’s
campaign questioned Dean’s “capacity to
lead the U.S. military in a sign of escalating
tension” in the party’s race for the
White House. Quad-City Times, in report by Ed
Tibbetts this morning -- Kerry campaign
spokesman Chris Lehane said: “Howard Dean’s
stated belief that the United States won’t
always have the strongest military raises
serious questions about his capacity to serve
as commander in chief. No serious
candidate for the presidency has ever
before suggested that he would compromise
or tolerate an erosion of America’s military
supremacy.” According to polls, the two
wannabes are locked in a tight contest in New
Hampshire – a state that borders their
home states.(4/29/2003)
Headline on poll in News & Observer of
Raleigh online: “Uphill battle in his
home state” which reported that
Edwards would lose to GWB if the election were
held now in North Carolina. The poll
indicated that Bush would have a 58-39 win
over Edwards. The News & Observer’s
Washington correspondent, John Wagner,
reported the “19-point margin is the largest
since Edwards entered the race four months ago.”
Wagner also wrote that the survey “showed
a growing interest”
among North Carolina voters.
retained his home state dominance –
43% support for the Dem nomination, although
that’s a drop from 51% in January. Kerry,
on the other hand, had a 23% showing in the
April poll – up 9% from the January
sampling. All
the other Democrats seeking the Dem nomination
are in single digits in North Carolina
– Lieberman
9%, Gephardt
and Dean
7%, and Sharpton
6%. The rest did not even register 1% in the
survey. (Iowa Pres Watch Note: Another
possibility -- The North Carolina primary
more than
– May 2004 – and Edwards and
may be well-burnt political toast by then.)(4/29/2003)
Several DC media outlets – and the Memphis
(TN) Commercial Appeal
-- report that Congressman Harold Ford
Jr. has endorsed Kerry. This is a
big deal since Kerry not only gets Jr. –
but former Congressman Harold Ford Sr. has
signed on too. That gives Kerry access to
the Ford organizational and fundraising
operations in TN. In his endorsement
statement, the younger Ford said Kerry is
“the Democrats’ best chance to win the
White House.” (4/29/2003)
During “winners and losers”
segment on CNN’s “Judy Woodruff’s Inside
Politics” yesterday on Dem candidate conduct
during the Iraq war, political analyst and
syndicated columnist Robert Novak named two
war losers – Kerry
who are rapidly becoming the Odd Couple of the
Dem campaign.
He said Kerry,
who “a few weeks before the war looked
like the front-runner,”
made a “mistake” when he compared regime
change in Washington to regime change in Iraq.
said the “Democratic people” watching Kerry
are wondering if he has a “tin ear”
and added that Kerry’s
is hurt.” Novak added, however, that Dean is “the biggest loser of the war, politically.”
He said the Iraq war ended too early to
benefit Dean’s
antiwar theme, adding that Dean is in “bad
political trouble.
even John Kerry is attacking him for
suggesting we might not always have a strong
political newspaper, The Hill report said
documents filed with the FEC show that during
the first quarter Edwards
raised $4,000 in IA, Kerry raised
$11,000, Dean raised $7,750 and “even
Rep. Dennis Kucinich (Ohio) took in
$1,711 from Iowa supporters.”(4/30/2003)
Latest CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll
basically reaffirms conventional wisdom
that Dem presidential derby is a Big Three vs.
The Rest situation. Although Dean enjoys
good support in the “early states” and Edwards
showed superior first-quarter fundraising
prowess, the national sentiment reflected
in the CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll shows Lieberman
23%, Kerry 17% and Gephardt 15%.
Analysts said one of the most interesting
developments was that Lieberman, a
proponent of the war against Iraq, improved
his position in the poll conducted
4/22-23. (4/30/2003)
Kerry – in Alabama yesterday – said his
“regime change” criticism of GWB was,
according to AP coverage, “intended as a
lighthearted remark. ‘It was not about
the president, and it was not about the war. It
was about the election,’ Kerry said
during a campaign stop in Alabama.” AP also
reported that Kerry “brought his
presidential campaign to Alabama on Tuesday,
trying to build support in a state that Al
Gore virtually conceded to George Bush in the
last presidential election. ‘I don’t
think any area of the country ought to be
written off,’ Kerry said.” (Iowa
Press Watch Note: There may be another reason Kerry
has taken a southern detour in his campaign
– primarily because of comments he made
during a CA visit that resulted in a headline
in The State newspaper: “Kerry might have
written off the South.” That headline
resulted in Kerry giving Southern Dem
senators hand-written notes promising to
campaign in the South. So, he’s in the
South – and even stopped in Arkansas
before moving on to Alabama.
See 3/28 morning report for more
and/or Kerry file on Pres Watch website for
more. (4/30/2003)
Excerpt from KTHV-TV coverage of Kerry
visit to Little Rock: “It’s been a
long time since a roomful of powerful
Arkansas Democrats have been in one room,
smiling about a presidential candidate.
Senator John Kerry of Massachusetts
came to lunch in Little Rock to get
attention, and eventually, hopefully, the
dollars, from some deep Arkansas pockets.
The Democratic crowd at the Little Rock Club
and later at the Vietnam Veterans’ Memorial
was receptive to Kerry’s message …praising
Bill Clinton’s economics and criticizing
what Kerry calls President Bush’s growing
legacy of racking up more than $7 trillion of
debt in just two years. ‘I think it’s
about more than the economy. I think health
care is critical and it’s part of the
economy. I think education is important.
Arkansas is struggling with how it’s going
to fund its education system. Arkansas
needs a president who is committed to leaving
no child behind and not making a mockery of
those words.” Associated Press coverage
of Kerry’s Little Rock visit said:
“Kerry criticized President Bush for
‘reversing’ the budget surplus and job
growth accomplished during the Clinton
administration, saying, ‘We need to be
smart the way Bill Clinton was smart in the
1990s.’ Kerry also took shots at
his Democratic colleagues in Congress for
not standing up to the Bush administration…
‘We don’t need a second Republican
Did he have a crystal ball? Even before the
latest dustup between Dean
on their support for maintaining the
nation’s military superiority this week (see
yesterday’s morning report for more), Ryan
Lizza – in his New Republic commentary –
didn’t just focus on Dean’s
upcoming South Carolina adventure, but also
highlighted the potential Dean-Kerry clash. Lizza’s
commentary: “The other candidates, especially
Lieberman and Edwards,
neither of whom is expected to win in Iowa
or New Hampshire,
delighted by the prospect of a titanic battle
between Dean and Kerry.
could slay Kerry
for us,’ says an aide to a rival campaign.
Without the burden of having to win in the two
early states, both
Edwards and Lieberman are elbowing for
advantage in what might be called the February
3 strategy.
That’s the first primary day after New
Hampshire, and, while it originally was
monopolized by South Carolina, now Arizona and
Missouri are also scheduled for that day, with
Oklahoma, New Mexico and Tennessee preparing
to move there as well.”(4/302/003)
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