the Iowa Daily Report
1-15, 2003
Dear Mr. President,
Sen. John Kerry wrote the
President a letter charging him with failure in
the manufacturing sector. The letter was pointedly
aimed at the President’s trip to Michigan.
President Bush touted the good economic news while
he was in Michigan and promoted tort reform.
Writing a letter is a frequent
campaign trick to call out the opponent. It is a
good trick to use when you are not getting any
attention. It is the old fashion way of calling
your opponent out. The odds are that the President
will not respond. Here is a copy of the letter:
Mr. President,
the past three years, this country has lost one
out of every seven manufacturing jobs – 2.7
million jobs. To date, your Administration’s only
plan to save manufacturing is to create a new
government position -- the “Assistant Secretary
for Manufacturing and Services” within the
Department of Commerce. This simply just isn’t
acceptable and amounts, in my view, to a
dereliction of duty on the economic front.
As you
give your speech on the economy today in Michigan,
I hope you will finally offer a long overdue plan
to restore the nation’s manufacturing base, which
has been eroded under your watch. Your
Administration has stood by and watched as the
loss of manufacturing jobs – including 110,000 in
Michigan -- has undermined the strength of our
economy and the bread and butter for millions of
America’s working families.
only are manufacturing jobs good jobs but they are
critical to overall economic growth, technological
innovation, and a high standard of living for
Americans. In fact, over the past ten years
manufacturers have performed nearly 60 percent of
all research and development in the United States
and have paid over one-third of all corporate tax
payments to state and local governments.
Kerry attacks Ashcroft
Sen. John Kerry appeared on the
campus of Iowa State University and continued on
his ‘first 100 days in office’ theme saying that
he would restore our commitment to civil
liberties. The
Des Moines Register coverage of the Kerry
speech indicates:
He contends that Ashcroft has gone overboard in
carrying out provisions of the Patriot Act, which
contains law enforcement tools to combat terrorist
threats in this country.
"I voted for the Patriot Act right after September
11th, convinced that, with a sunset clause, it was
the right decision to make. . . . But George Bush
and John Ashcroft abused the spirit of national
action after the terrorist attacks. They have used
the Patriot Act in ways that were never intended
and for reasons that have nothing to do with
terrorism," Kerry said.
He said he would stop "roving" wiretaps, restrict
authority to seize library or business records,
and provide more oversight of searches that don't
require notification.
His other proposals include increased efforts to
stop money-laundering by terrorist groups and
other criminals, and improving communication among
intelligence and law enforcement agencies.
The Boston Globe covered the
story as well and is more complete in its
coverage. The story also runs at length on
National Public Radio. The
Globe offers the following:
Kerry said one of his first acts as president
would be to replace the Patriot Act -- which he
voted for -- with a new law that kept some of the
act's provisions, such as tougher penalties for
terrorists, while also strengthening civil
liberties protections. He said the federal
government would stop indefinite detentions of US
citizens, and guarantee legal and other rights for
those who are held. (12/2/2003)
Kerry’s moves
Sen. John Kerry continued his
Iowa College Tour visiting the University of
Northern Iowa and the University of Iowa. He
stressed education at UNI, which was previously
known as the Teachers College before becoming a
university. The
Waterloo Courier coverage of the events showed
that some students had changed from Howard Dean to
Kerry. However, Kerry remains back in third place
behind both Gephardt and Dean:
UNI sophomore Courtney Blake, an early supporter
of rival Democrat Howard Dean, said she decided to
back Kerry after hearing about his educational
"He lit a fire in me, I guess," Blake said of
Dean. "And then I stepped back this fall and
looked at their policies and both their ideas. On
the surface, Dean's looked good, but when I dug a
little bit deeper, Kerry's made a lot more sense."
Blake especially liked Kerry's "Service for
College" plan. The program would allow students to
earn the equivalent of four years' tuition to one
of their state's public universities in exchange
for two years of public service.
Kerry’s attack on Bush was harsh
and he used a twist on his “Real Deal” theme, "Ask
any teacher in America what kind of deal George
Bush has given children in America, and they'll
tell you it's a raw deal," Kerry said.
In Iowa City Kerry was joined by
Congressman Earl Blumenauer, D-Ore., a leading
legislator on environmental issues who has
endorsed Kerry. Kerry said he would establish a
"toxics task force" within the Environmental
Protection Agency to identify and address the
nation's top toxic threats. (12/3/2003)
Peanut butter & jelly brigade
A Manchester
Union Leader story covers Kerry’s speech in
Boston where he tried to recruit students to join
his campaign over break.
“It was students who became known as the ‘peanut
butter and jelly brigade,’ who went up to New
Hampshire and knocked on doors and handed out
leaflets and talked to people in houses and told
them what was wrong with the war in Vietnam,”
Kerry told the auditorium filled with students.
Rally round the flag
Massachusetts Senator John Kerry
announced his state’s campaign and their joining
to help him in Iowa and New Hampshire as well.
Kerry released a 2,096 Steering Committee of Kerry
Patriots today and the Massachusetts’ chairs who
will lead the campaign’s efforts in his home
state. These committee members will also canvass
in New Hampshire, make phone calls to undecided
voters in IA and NH and travel in early primary
states in January as “Kerry Travelers”. In a rally
at Boston University today, Kerry also urged
students to join his “peanut butter brigade” and
volunteer and canvass during January
Recent polls have shown that
Kerry would lose his home state to Dean. This
effort is clearly an attempt to dispel those
rumors. Kerry in making the announcement sounded a
little like Howard Dean in his “take back America”
remarks. You know -- the one where he tells
everyone the power is in this room, it is with
you, and you have the power to take your America
“George W Bush is going to find our own secret
weapon—he’s going to find an army of volunteers
with the courage to change America and the energy
to get it done. I couldn’t have come this far
without all of you, and I can’t get it done in
January without you either,” Kerry said.
Change everything
Candidate John Kerry, in a
speech to the New York Council of Foreign
Relations, announced his new plan to stem "a
widespread and widening network of terrorists,"
such as targeting Saudi Arabia for sanctions and
naming a special ambassador to the Mid East. Kerry
also said that he would reverse President Bush’s
foreign policy.
Kerry said that he would
consider naming former Democratic Presidents
Clinton and Carter as well as James Baker,
secretary of state in the first Bush White House
to the Mid East post.
Kerry's campaign said he would
announce tough new actions to deny terrorist
sanctuaries, cut off terrorist financing and
improve intelligence. He also planned deal with
what the campaign called Saudi Arabia's "marriage
of convenience with terrorists," including
imposing economic sanctions unless the Arab nation
cracks down on terrorism.
Kerry said American can't
neglect its role in resolving the
Israeli-Palestinian conflict in the Mid East -- a
breeding ground for terrorist activity. He pledged
to appoint a presidential ambassador to the peace
process, who would report directly to him and to
the secretary of state.
Kerry is trying to use Howard
Dean’s lack of foreign policy as reason to
disqualify Dean for President. Look for Dean to
respond with accusations about how Kerry and the
others are disqualified because they voted to go
to war.
Kerry's campaign manager, Mary
Beth Cahill, touted his foreign policy pitch in a
fund-raising letter to supporters. She said he
would "immediately declare the Bush policy of
unilateralism over" as president, and urged
backers to donate $60 before Kerry turns 60 on
Dec. 11. (12/3/2003)
Barney Frank’s visit
Kerry announced that Barney
Frank would be campaigning in Iowa for him. In
announcing Frank’s visit Kerry made no mention of
the fact that Frank is an openly gay Congressman.
Kerry said about Frank’s visit, “I am proud to
have the support of Barney Frank, my friend and
colleague from Massachusetts. He is a champion of
the progressive causes that the people of Iowa
care about - improving healthcare, supporting our
schools, protecting our civil liberties, and
chartering a smarter course internationally.
Together we have fought to give the American
people the real deal they deserve.”
Kerry’s policy fallout
Senator John Kerry’s speech to
the NY Council on Foreign Relations continues to
receive coverage and rebuke from Wesley Clark.
Clark took exception to Kerry’s including the name
of former Secretary of State James Baker under
President H.W. Bush on a list of names that he
would consider being a special Mideast ambassador
according to Reuters:
"Sen. Kerry's suggestion that he might use Bush
family consigliere James Baker as a special envoy
to the Middle East is offensive," Clark's
spokesman Matt Bennett said, referring to Baker's
role in the 2000 presidential recount vote in
Florida which led to Bush's election.
"Baker, who was the driving force behind George W.
Bush's theft of the 2000 election in the Florida
recount, helped to disenfranchise thousands of
voters," Bennett said.
Kerry also said he would "launch
a 'name and shame' campaign against individuals,
banks and foreign governments that are financing
terror." "Those who fail to respond will be shut
out of American financial markets," he said. He
also said he would challenge Saudi Arabia on the
issue of funding violent, radical groups. "The
Saudi government now claims to be cracking down on
terrorist financing, but frankly their actions
have not matched their words," he said.
Manchester Mayor endorses Kerry
Sen. John Kerry will receive
Manchester Mayor Robert Baines endorsement today
at a news conference at Manchester Central High
School. (12/5/2003)
Kerry scrambling
Sen. John Kerry knows he is in
trouble and is doing everything he can to turn
around his campaign. The latest two polls show him
losing ground rather than gaining it in New
Hampshire. A Washington Post story reveals the
candidate’s frenetic efforts:
Even before the latest numbers in New Hampshire,
Kerry said he recognized that time was of the
essence. "I need to campaign like a bandit over
the course of the next weeks and make sure people
are clear about my candidacy," he said, "and I
intend to make them clear."
Kerry recognizes that his voting
for the war remains his biggest hurdle:
What he must now do, Kerry said, is "make sure
people understand that I have the qualities of
leadership to get us out of this problem, that
everything that happened I foresaw [and] warned
the president about -- in fact that my position
was 100 percent consistent from day one and
unequivocating." (12/5/2003)
Kerry has wrong strategy
Dante J. Scala,
an associate professor at Saint Anselm College and
a research fellow at the College’s New Hampshire
Institute of Politics, offers an analysis of
Kerry’s campaign approach casting himself as a
populist. The professor points out that the last
populist who won New Hampshire was Jimmy Carter
and that the rest have lost. His analysis of how
to win is on New Hampshire Politics online:
To win, then, Kerry must either:
• win back support among liberal Democrats, the
constituency least likely to respond to a populist
• hope that a competitor (Wesley Clark? John
Edwards?) cuts into Dean’s support among liberal
Democrats, while Kerry fends off Edwards, Clark,
and Joe Lieberman among moderate-to-conservative
Democrats and manages to increase his support
there. How much can Kerry, a senator with a
solidly liberal voting record from a very liberal
state, hope to increase his standing among such
• hope that in the week between Iowa and New
Hampshire, he can cast himself as the “stop Dean”
candidate to whom all non-Dean voters would flock.
If Richard Gephardt wins Iowa, this will not work
because Gephardt will claim that role for himself.
If Gephardt loses to Dean in Iowa, this probably
still will not work because Clark, Edwards, and
Lieberman will all find it in their interest to
keep Kerry from becoming the “stop Dean” candidate
in New Hampshire.
The ultimate problem for Kerry, of course, is that
he does not enjoy the luxury Clinton and Mondale
had to fight another day after New Hampshire. It
is difficult to see why the national media would
give the benefit of the doubt to a candidate who
cannot win in his own backyard. The only way Kerry
becomes the “stop Dean” candidate is if he stops
Dean on January 27. And it’s tough to see how a
populist pitch will make that happen. (12/5/2003)
Wash his mouth out with soap
Sen. John Kerry has moved into
an X-rated campaign. He is quoted in the Rolling
Stones Magazine as having used the ‘F word’ in
describing President Bush. The
NY Post is covering the story and kids in New
Hampshire are asking Kerry if it is appropriate
language, according to the Post:
"I voted for what I thought was best for the
country. Did I expect Howard Dean to go off to the
left and say, 'I'm against everything'? Sure. Did
I expect George Bush to f _ _k it up as badly as
he did? I don't think anybody did," Kerry told the
youth-oriented magazine.
Brookings Institution presidential scholar Stephen
Hess said he can't recall another candidate
attacking a president with X-rated language in a
public interview.
"It's so unnecessary," Hess said. "In a way it's a
kind of pandering [by Kerry] to a group he sees as
hip . . . I think John Kerry is going to regret
saying this."
Kerry was accurately quoted in Rolling Stone, said
spokesman David Wade, adding the X-rated language
reflects the fact that Bush's Iraq policy "makes
John Kerry's blood boil."
Kerry yesterday angrily cited his war record in
Vietnam when asked by a New Hampshire student
about charges that it's unpatriotic to attack the
commander-in-chief, fuming: "I left some blood on
a battlefield that President Bush never left
anywhere. (12/6/2003)
Kerry in Florida
"On issue after issue, George
Bush has given America a raw deal, and everyone in
this room knows it," he said in the text. "George
Bush goes to Baghdad to carry around a fake
Thanksgiving turkey while he cuts support for our
troops and 40,000 veterans are left on a hospital
waiting list." (12/6/2003)
Kerry on Baker
“As long as the world sees
Halliburton cashing in on what George Bush's
campaign manager Joe Allbaugh called the 'gold
rush' in Iraq, James Baker or anyone else will be
handcuffed by this President's unilateralism.
"George Bush needs to change the
policy, not just the personnel.”
"To make up for their failure at
Madrid to get the world invested in Iraq’s future,
the Bush Administration must take meaningful steps
to make Iraq's debt and its reconstruction the
world's mission, not just an American one. They
must transfer authority for Iraq’s reconstruction
to the international community." (12/6/2003)
Max Cleland in Iowa for Kerry
Former US Senator Max Cleland
will return to Iowa on Thursday, December 11th and
Friday, December 12th to rally support for John
Kerry and his campaign for the presidency. Cleland
visited Iowa earlier this fall and will return
again in January.
Cleland lost three limbs while
serving in the Vietnam War. When he returned he
became the youngest VA Administrator in history
and helped institute “vets centers”, which for the
first time offered psychological counseling to
combat veterans to heal the emotional wounds of
war. While serving as Georgia Secretary of State,
Cleland fought for tougher campaign finance laws
and implemented the “motor voter” program adding
almost one million new registered voters to the
system. (12/6/2003)
Kerry’s Madness
Sen. John Kerry is employing one
of those wonderful pop-ups on his website. He is
not the first -- Dick Gephardt is the first
website among the nine candidates to employ
pop-ups asking for funds.
Kerry, however, has one that
catches your attention with the admonition of
“Stop the Madness.” The madness features pictures
of Bush, Cheyne and Ashcroft. Also pictured is a
blackened photo of smokestack polution,
Halliburton and Enron. Cronyism, extremism,
pollution, deception and economic failure are the
five madnesses that you can explore in depth.
Kerry also offers his solutions to these madnesses.
Then you can contribute to help stop the madness.
Kerry believes in positive thinking
When Sen. John Kerry announced
that Manchester Mayor Robert Baines was endorsing
his candidacy. He boldly stated that he would
still win according to the Manchester Union
“I’ve been behind before in races,” Kerry told
students and reporters gathered in the school
library. “I’m known as a good closer, and I intend
to be a good closer in this campaign.
“I am going to win this race,” he insisted. “And I
will win because I do have a passion — 35 years of
it — that I’ve exhibited from the day I came back
from Vietnam. I will show a passion and an energy
that’s second to nobody in this race.”
Kerry then clarified that by “this race,” he was
predicting not only that he eventually will win
the Presidency, but that first, “I intend to win
New Hampshire. I’m going to do my best to win in
New Hampshire. You bet I am.” (12/6/2003)
Kerry’s four steps for Medicare
John Kerry today outlined a
four-step plan to restore Medicare and provide
‘real’ prescription drug relief for all Americans.
In his first 100 days as President, Kerry will
propose a bill that keeps Medicare strong, instead
of privatizing it, and allows seniors to choose
their doctor, instead of forcing them into HMOs.
“If you want to see a prime example of
Republican’s working for powerful interests, just
look at this latest Medicare bill. This bill is
less about prescription drug benefits and more a
prescription to benefit big drug companies. This
bill is less about prescription drug benefits and
more a prescription to benefit big drug
companies,” said John Kerry. “Say what you want
about President Bush, it’s clear his powerful
campaign contributors get what they pay for. But
we’re getting left with the tab. The AARP pays
actors to play seniors in TV commercials. But
real-life seniors are getting left out in the
John Kerry’s four-step
plan to restore Medicare:
John Kerry will change that so Americans can get
lower-priced medications.
will make sure seniors can choose their doctors
and aren’t forced to join an HMO.
IT: Kerry will strengthen drug coverage
for those who have it – not make it worse.
Kerry will make sure there is always a
Medicare-run plan for every senior. There will be
access to providers that are fairly reimbursed for
their high quality services. (12/7/2003)
Attack Bush for 9/11
Democratic candidate for
President John Kerry today stood up to the Bush
Administration for their response to the terrorist
attacks of September 11th and for failing to
provide U.S. soldiers in Iraq with the proper
protective body armor.
"After the attack on Pearl Harbor sixty-two years
ago, President Roosevelt responded quickly and
decisively, not just to go to war with our
attackers but also to find answers for what had
gone wrong in order to prevent such a tragedy from
happening again," said John Kerry. "After the
attacks of September 11th, George W. Bush has done
the opposite. Where Roosevelt sought answers, Bush
has sought to avoid blame by stonewalling the 9/11
commission and congressional inquiries into
intelligence failures."
In San Diego today, John Kerry
and two of his Viet Nam swift boat crewmates
commemorated the sacrifice of those who died in
the attack on Pearl Harbor by placing a wreath at
the swift boat memorial at the Coronado Naval
Amphibious Base where Kerry trained for his
service in Vietnam. John Kerry also unveiled
details of his plan to improve intelligence
gathering, protect U.S. ports, and reimburse
military families for body armor purchases. John
Kerry's plan:
Enhanced Intelligence Capabilities:
1) Fix the information flow between the
intelligence and law enforcement communities; 2)
Reform domestic intelligence capabilities so that
the Director of the CIA is the true director of
domestic intelligence with authority and power;
and 3) increase the number of linguists in
critical languages in our intelligence agencies.
Improved Port Security: 1) Develop
standards for security at ports for containers and
ensure that facilities can meet basic standards;
2) Accelerating timetable for the U.S.-Canada and
U.S.-Mexico "smart border" accords; 3) implement
security measures for cross-border bridges; 4)
pursue moderate safety standards for privately
held infrastructure; and 5) develop and fund a
system of container security that includes
tracking devices.
Reimbursements for Body Armor
Purchase: One-fourth of the 130,000 U.S. troops in
Iraq are still waiting for the latest body armor.
In the meantime, family members and friends are
paying hundreds of dollars for the updated armor
themselves and shipping it to Iraq. On Tuesday
Kerry will introduce legislation to reimburse
family members who paid money out of their own
pockets to provide the personal body armor that
the government failed to deliver.
"In the rush to war, this administration failed to
adequately outfit military personnel shipping off
to Iraq. As a result, many of our fighting men and
women do not have the latest technology for body
armor. It's a disgrace that their families had to
use their own funds to buy the body armor and ship
it to Iraq. My legislation will reimburse those
families," said John Kerry.
Kerry also noted that the Bush Administration has
done very little to improve port security.
"With 95 percent of shipping containers coming in
through U.S. ports, we need a President with a
real plan to protect our ports from dangerous
materials hidden in these containers, not one who
continues to ignore real imminent threats to our
security. My plan would put in place an affordable
technology to track containers and their contents
and improve security at U.S. ports," said Kerry.
Florida Dem Convention:
I’d rather be in Iowa or New
Democrat candidates for
President gathered in Buena Vista, Florida for
their party’s state convention and preached to
over 4,000 of the faithful. The state’s Democrats
are still bruised from the recount and subsequent
loss to George Bush. They are also upset over the
loss of the straw poll and the $100,000 per
candidate they were going to collect for allowing
the candidates on the straw poll ballot. In
addition, the state’s influence in choosing a
candidate is nearly zip -- the state’s March 9th
primary date is so late that a one of the
candidates will already have the delegate-count
needed to secure the nomination.
Howard Dean once again showed
that he is the candidate with money and
organization. Dean’s union friends helped him pack
the convention hall. Dean shelled out $50,000 to
the Florida Democrat Party so he could receive
special treatment. The real cost for Dean in
Florida is probably more in the $100,000 range.
For the $50,000 price tag, Dean's staff were able
to hold campaign-training seminars for their
supporters. None of the other candidates made as
much effort. Dean’s campaign was also able to
practice their National Democrat Convention
technique by staging a made-for-television arrival
on the convention stage. Hundreds of supporters
screamed his name, waved signs, blew whistles,
carried banners and delayed the start of his
speech with a 10-minute demonstration.
Away from the stage-managed
events, Clark and Dean both struggled a bit during
their news conferences. Clark, who has praised
President Bush and attended a GOP fund-raiser, was
repeatedly asked why he did not complain about the
2000 election before he became a Democratic
candidate for president.
Florida recount – sound bytes
from the candidates:
"We had more votes. We won," North Carolina Sen.
John Edwards said.
"I never thought the frontline for democracy would
be the United States in the beautiful state of
Florida," former Gen. Wesley Clark said.
"Florida is the place where America's democracy
was wounded," Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry said.
Language flack
Sen. John Kerry’s use of
profanity continues to play in the media and
editorial columns are beginning to blast away at
him as well. Meanwhile, Kerry’s campaign shows no
sign of an apology for the foul language in the
Rolling Stone magazine interview. Kerry’s campaign
issued the following statement:
"John Kerry saw combat up close, and he doesn't
mince words when it comes to politicians who put
ideological recklessness ahead of American
troops," said spokeswoman Stephanie Cutter. "I
think the American people would rather Card and
the rest of the White House staff spend more time
on fixing Bush's flawed policy in Iraq than on
Sen. Kerry's language." (12/8/2003)
Kerry lowering expectations
A Boston Globe story reports
Sen. John Kerry’s campaign is lowering
expectations about his performance in New
Hampshire. The campaign is suggesting that second
place is adequate because under Democratic Party
rules: Candidates who receive at least 15 percent
of the vote in a primary or caucus will receive a
share of the delegates who will go on to nominate
the Democrats' presidential candidate at the party
convention in Boston in late July.
Many other prognosticators
suggest Kerry’s advantage of being a Senator from
nearby Massachusetts with Boston being a dominant
media source for Southern New Hampshire. The
question persists: if Kerry can’t win in New
Hampshire, where can he win? (12/8/2003)
Kerry to address jobs issue
Democratic candidate for
President John Kerry will address students at
Stanford University on Monday, December 8, at
12:00 p.m. PT / 3:00 p.m. ET where he will unveil
his plan to create jobs, invest in technology, and
build a 21st Century workforce to compete in a
global economy.
President Bush has presided over
the loss of 3 million jobs in America, including
425,000 high-tech jobs in California and other
technology hubs throughout the nation. Through his
plan, John Kerry will bring an end to the nation's
so-called "jobless recovery" by assuring the work
force has the skills so that America can go back
to work and compete in the global marketplace.
Kerry asked to fire consultant Robert Schrum
The Boston Globe reports that
Jason Kinney, a former speechwriter for ousted
Democratic governor Gray Davis, sent a letter to
Kerry urging him to fire Shrum for his "betrayal"
of the Democratic Party. A political opponent of
Kerry's provided the letter to the Globe. Kerry,
asked two weeks ago about Shrum's California role,
said Shrum was not expected to clear his clients
by the Kerry campaign and declined further
comment. Yesterday, Kerry spokesman Michael Meehan
said he had nothing to add to Kerry's earlier
remarks. Shrum, an ally of the Kennedy family, of
which Schwarzenegger is a member by marriage,
could not be reached for comment. (12/8/2003)
Kerry’s making it up
Washington Post covers the fact that Kerry’s
statements don’t always add up:
Let me tell you something," he said Thursday on
the CBS "Early Show." "John McCain was 30 points
behind Bush in New Hampshire at this point in
time." The point was clear: Kerry, far behind
Howard Dean in New Hampshire, would have a
come-from-behind victory, just as McCain did over
George W. Bush in 2000.
Well, not exactly. At this time four years ago, an
American Research Group poll found McCain with a
37 percent to 30 percent lead over Bush in New
Hampshire. And a Franklin Pierce College poll put
McCain's lead at 15 points. (12/8/2003)
Liberal Frank’s no sale
Rep Barney Frank was in Iowa’s
most liberal community, Iowa City. He was there
campaigning for his friend Sen. John Kerry
according to the Daily Iowan. He stood atop a box
with a Kerry banner as backdrop during lunch hour.
He delivered the not electable line regarding
Kerry’s opponent. It is highly irresponsible to
support a candidate who won't be able to beat
President Bush. The paper said that his
endorsement confused many in attendance:
UI Student Government Vice President Mayrose
Wegmann, who attended the reception, said she was
"really confused." "I've always been very
impressed with Barney Frank," she said, "but I'm
disappointed that a progressive congressman would
side with someone who has a poor voting record on
progressive issues like the war resolution, the
Patriot Act, and tax cuts." She said she does not
see the same passion in the Kerry campaign that
she sees in the campaigns of other presidential
candidates such as Howard Dean and Dennis
Kucinich. "I was really confused," Wegmann said.
"It seemed like he supported Kerry because he's
from the same state and has known him a long
time." (12/8/2003)
Death Penalty
Boston Globe has an article on how Democrats
are changing their stripes on the death penalty:
All six upper-tier candidates are on record as
supporting at least some application of the death
penalty. Moreover, four were opponents who have
modified their views -- Howard Dean, John F.
Kerry, Joseph I. Lieberman, and John Edwards.
Richard A. Gephardt has been a consistent death
penalty supporter, and Wesley K. Clark initially
said after joining the race in September that he
backed a moratorium on executions, but has voiced
support of capital punishment as a punishment
option for "the most heinous crimes."
The three Democrats who steadfastly oppose the
death penalty are all lower-tier candidates in the
polls -- Dennis J. Kucinich, Carol Moseley Braun,
and the Rev. Al Sharpton. All three have said they
would seek to abolish capital punishment.
Kerry’s great hair
Jonah Goldberg’s column in the
Union Leader takes exception with Kerry’s
seemingly contradictory statements. He also states
that Kerry has no chance of becoming President or
winning the nomination. He does say, though, that
everyone can agree that Kerry has “got very
important hair.” Here is a sample of his
The fact is that short of buying a ranch outside
Baghdad, President Bush couldn’t be more clear
that we’re in Iraq for the long haul. And if Kerry
were concerned about the problems of bugging-out
of Iraq, you’d think he would have voted for the
Iraq reconstruction package. No, instead, Kerry
voted for attacking Iraq but not rebuilding it.
Then later, he turned around and criticized both
the war and the lack of reconstruction.
Kerry on technology
Democratic presidential
candidate John Kerry is proposing a broad economic
recovery program that ties job creation to
technological innovation, investment and training
as he campaigns in a Silicon Valley – which is
still reeling from the technology bust.
"Today, an agenda for high-tech is an agenda for
our economic future," the Massachusetts senator
said in a speech to be delivered Monday at
Stanford University. "And the promise of the
Information Age was more than a bubble — it was a
breakthrough from which we will never turn back."
Kerry's praise for Silicon
Valley's fabled garage-based startup companies and
the soaring possibilities of the Internet carried
an ironic note: Former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean
catapulted to the top of the field through his
campaign's innovative use of the Internet in
fund-raising and organization. Kerry had planned
to win the Jan. 27 primary in New Hampshire, and
then ride on to victory in other states. But with
Dean dominating polls in that state, Kerry's aides
released a memo over the weekend that said the
senator now is "competing for the top three spots
in Iowa and top two in New Hampshire."
The memo noted that any
candidate who gets 15 percent of the vote will win
delegates to the party's national convention next
summer. It also cited statistics from the last
presidential election that showed 82 percent of
New Hampshire Democrats didn't decide for whom to
vote until after Jan. 1.
In his remarks at Stanford,
Kerry did not mention Dean or any other Democrat
by name. Instead, he charged President Bush with
having an "anti-science attitude" that had
hindered research into stem cells and global
warming (news - web sites). He also blamed Bush
for the loss of 3 million jobs nationwide,
including thousands of high-tech jobs in New
Hampshire. Kerry outlined five major goals of his
job-creation plan:
Encouraging technological innovation
by investing in small technology companies,
offering tax credits for research and development,
and expanding broadband Internet capability;
Improving high-tech infrastructure
and making Internet access universally available;
Strengthening markets by enforcing
trade law, preventing intellectual piracy,
boosting corporate accountability and balancing
the federal budget;
Preparing students for the work
force by improving math and science education and
making college more affordable;
Using technology to improve health
and safety through biotechnology, stem-cell
research and national security. (12/9/2003)
Kerry’s town hall meeting
Sen. John Kerry is taking a page
from Joe Lieberman and going to hold a televised
town hall meeting, but in Iowa. It shows how
important this Midwest state has become to the New
Englander. Kerry will hold the televised town hall
meeting this Sunday, to be telecast statewide,
campaign aides said Monday.
The event will be telecast from
Davenport and will be carried live at 11:30 a.m.
on KWWL in Cedar Rapids, WHO in Des Moines, WQAD
in Davenport, KTTC in Mason City and KTVO in
Ottumwa. The event will be aired at noon on KETV
in Council Bluffs and KTIV in Sioux City. Roughly
50 Democratic activists who have not yet decided
whom they will support in the Jan. 19 caucuses
will be selected to attend the event in Davenport,
where Kerry will answer questions from the group
and by e-mail. The
Boston Globe reports that Kerry has boosted
his Iowa staff:
In Iowa, Kerry's staff has grown from 88 aides at
Thanksgiving to about 100 today -- roughly the
same as in New Hampshire, spokesman Michael Meehan
said -- and several more aides are expected to go
to Iowa shortly. Among them is a leader of Kerry's
campaign operation in Arizona, Summer Oesch.
Arizona is one of seven states that has a
nominating contest Feb. 3, a week after New
Hampshire's, making Oesch's move a notable shift
in personnel from a state that Kerry hopes to win
to a state where Kerry must turn in a strong
Cahill said the Iowa focus would not detract from
Kerry's political efforts in the 17 other states
where he is on the primary ballot or has filed
papers. She predicted Kerry would win at least 15
percent of the vote in several early primaries --
"that's the number we're watching" -- and have the
financial resources to outlast his rivals and
emerge in a two-way nomination race with Dean by
late February or early March. (12/9/2003)
Kerry for children
At a childcare center in
Manchester, New Hampshire, John Kerry outlined a
three-point plan today to make kids safer and
healthier and assure they enter school ready to
learn. His plan includes a new Kids Safety Effort
requiring safety labels for food allergens and
mandatory testing of prescription drugs used for
treating children; setting comprehensive standards
for early childhood education; and providing
health insurance for every child in America. John
Kerry believes that we have a moral obligation to
cover America’s children. His plan would assure
that nearly 99 percent of all children have health
care coverage. Kerry’s plan would include:
* A New Deal to Provide Health Coverage to Every
Child. Kerry's plan would assure that the Federal
government picks up the cost of the nearly 20
million kids enrolled in Medicaid in exchange for
states covering kids in the Children’s Health
Insurance Program.
* Making Sure All Children Are Eligible. Kerry’s
swap plan would require states to cover children
in families making up to $60,000; eliminate the
current 5-year waiting period for eligibility for
legal immigrant pregnant women and children; and
enable children with disabilities to keep their
health care coverage when their parents return to
* Assuring Automatic Enrollment. The Kerry plan
would assure every child gets health care coverage
by automatic enrolling kids when they come to
school with a simple form. Since the Federal
government would be picking up the costs for these
kids, this would not undermine states' fiscal
situation. (12/10/2003)
Special interest “feeding frenzy"
Sen. John Kerry is going up with
another new TV ad in Iowa that will expose
President Bush’s special interest feeding frenzy.
Kerry says in the ad that he will "stand up to the
drug companies to lower the cost of prescriptions,
take on the insurance industry to finally get
health care reform, and break the grip of big oil
to make America energy independent."
France would send troops
Sen. John Kerry in an editorial
board meeting with the
Boston Globe stated that France is willing to
send troops to Iraq:
I've talked with a friend of mine who was in Paris
the other day who was meeting with President
Chirac at length, exploring some ideas, and the
clear conclusion was that there is a place where
the president is prepared to be involved and even
perhaps put troops on the ground," Kerry said.
Pressed, Kerry refused to identify the friend who
spoke with Chirac, or offer further details. "I
don't want to drag the president of France into
this presidential race."
Kerry also expressed that Howard
Dean would be "eviscerated" by President Bush's
re-election team because of his "enormous deficit"
in international experience. Kerry also bashed
Bush on foreign policy and expressed that we would
never have gone to war if he were President. Then
he backed down:
Kerry also added, "If any person in this table
believes we would be at war today in Iraq if I
were president, you shouldn't support me," saying
he had urged Bush before the war to build a
coalition for military action in Iraq and not
"rush" into battle.
A few minutes later Kerry clarified his remark,
saying that "there wouldn't have been a war in
Iraq the way we went to war. If I had gone to war,
it would have been making real the promises of
this president," such as exhausting diplomatic
options and building support among Americans and
an international coalition. (12/12/2003)
The National Review Online
column suggests Sen. John Kerry is helping to lead
Democrats into insanity:
"John Kerry put an ad on the air that sort of
knocked my socks off," Jay Nordlinger writes in
his Impromptus column for National Review Online (
"It reads, in part, 'Kerry will make energy
independence a national priority so no American
will have to fight for Mideast oil.' That is a
breathtaking statement, with its implication that
American boys are being made to shed their blood
for oil — a stock charge of the lunatic Left," Mr.
Nordlinger said.
"I sometimes feel guilty for thinking that the
Democratic Party has gone nuts. But it's hard to
ignore the evidence," he said.
Kerry challenges Saudi alliance
Sen. John Kerry, citing the fact
that more than a year after the September 11
terrorist attacks the Saudi interior minister
(Prince Nayef) told an Arab media outlet that he
thought "the Jews" were responsible for the
attacks on the World Trade Center and the
Pentagon, alled into question American policy
toward Saudi Arabia:
When a senior member of the Saudi ruling family —
its top law enforcement officer responsible for
tracking down terrorists — promotes wild,
antisemitic conspiracy theories to explain away
the September 11 attacks, it is time for America
to look seriously at our relationship with Saudi
Arabia and its reliability as an ally against
The war on terrorism requires unprecedented
cooperation and diplomacy among the global
community — especially among countries in the
Middle East. But America cannot afford to hold its
nose and play nice with a country whose actions
often speak louder than its words when it comes to
fighting terrorism. It's time to put the
American-Saudi relationship on a frank and
balanced basis. Not surprisingly, the
Saudi-friendly Bush administration has failed to
get this point.
Saudi Arabia's role in financing terrorism is
well-documented. A report published by the Council
on Foreign Relations tells us that "For years,
individuals and charities based in Saudi Arabia
have been the most important source of funds for
Al Qaeda. And for years, Saudi officials have
turned a blind eye to this problem," Kerry stated
in a release.
Kerry expressed that it was even
more disturbing is the allegation that Al Qaeda
continued to receive money from inside Saudi
Arabia long after the September 11 attacks.
According to the council's report, "some, whose
donations go to Al Qaeda, know full well the
terrorist purposes to which their money will be
put." The Saudi government now claims to be
cracking down on terrorist financing, but its
actions have not yet matched its words.
Saudi Arabia's support for Islamic extremism here
and elsewhere is also well known. Saudi-funded
hate speech can be found in schools, mosques and
other institutions across the world, fostering
hatred of Jews, Christians, Americans and the
West. This kind of officially sanctioned bigotry
breeds terrorism.
Spokesmen for the Saudis now say that their
textbooks are being rewritten to remove "possibly
offensive" language and that Islamic clerics are
being told to tone down their rhetoric. But we
need more than promises. We need to see the new
textbooks. We need to hear what the
government-financed clerics are preaching.
Likewise, we need to see the fruits of real effort
and cooperation on terrorist investigations. Full
cooperation has never occurred on the 1996
killings of Americans at the Khobar Towers
military complex in Saudi Arabia. Even after this
year's Riyadh bombings, we still await the results
of the investigation; we still await a detailed
report on the crackdown.
And while Saudi officials and spokesmen have said
repeatedly that the Saudi government is opposed to
every form of terrorism, the Saudi regime openly
and enthusiastically supports Palestinian
terrorist groups, such as Hamas. The Saudis cannot
pick and choose among terrorist groups, approving
some while claiming to oppose others.
Maintaining a close relationship with a government
that blesses Hamas with their seal of approval can
only hinder America's ability to effectively
engage in a meaningful Middle East peace process.
And while Saudi officials and spokesmen have said
repeatedly that the Saudi government is opposed to
every form of terrorism, the Saudi regime openly
and enthusiastically supports Hamas. The Saudis
cannot pick and choose among terrorist groups,
approving some while claiming to oppose others.
One would think that an American president who
threatens the world by announcing "you're either
with us or you're with the terrorists" would be
particularly troubled by the actions of the Saudi
regime. But then one would be underestimating the
hypocrisy that has become the hallmark of the Bush
This president refuses to come clean on his
administration's relationship with the Saudi royal
family. Shortly after the September 11 attacks,
when airplanes were still grounded, the White
House allowed a Saudi charter flight to round up
members of the bin Laden family and leave the
country without time for an investigation.
Beyond Secretary of State Colin Powell admitting
that the flights were "coordinated within the
government," the Bush administration has said
nothing about why this flight was allowed.
Shockingly, we have an administration that is
ready and willing to rifle through the e-mails and
library books of innocent Americans in the name of
fighting terrorism, but refused to trouble the bin
Laden family for a moment of its time as it fled
America after the worst terrorist attack in our
Some may argue that the ties that bind us to Saudi
Arabia are inescapable, that our energy dependence
on Middle Eastern oil will never allow us to
pressure the Saudi regime to reform. I say that
this is only true if we allow it to be.
As president, I will not stand by and allow
America to be held hostage by Saudi oil. We can
unleash the spirit of American ingenuity to meet
this challenge.
I have a plan to reduce America's dependence on
oil by 2 million barrels a day — about the same
amount we import from the Persian Gulf — through
investment in clean energy technologies that will
increase efficiency and allow us to capitalize on
domestic and renewable sources of energy. No
foreign government can embargo this type of energy
— and no terrorist can seize control of it.
Every day and every year we delay, America will
continue to pay a high price for our over-reliance
on foreign oil. We spend $20 billion annually on
oil imports from the Persian Gulf. Instead of
indefinitely sending that money to the Middle
East, we should launch an energy strategy to
invest in the Midwest and in the rest of America,
generating new jobs and new technologies here at
home. My energy plan will create 500,000 new jobs,
produce 20% of American energy from renewable
fuels by 2020, and finally end America's
dependence on foreign oil in 10 years.
Our national security requires that we do
everything possible to ensure that Saudi promises
to join the fight in the war on terrorism are
real. Reforms must be genuine, not window
dressing, and there needs to be accountability.
Our relationship must be frank and open.
So far, in yet another example of the Bush
administration's failed foreign policy, this
president has been unable and unwilling to stand
up to the Saudi regime and make this happen. It is
time that America creates a real partnership with
Saudi Arabia — a genuine partnership against
terrorism,” Kerry concludes in his release to the
press. (12/12/2003)
Three dimensional chess
The Feb. 3 Super Seven Primary
War has already begun. But unlike the Iowa/New
Hampshire races, they will be fought in the media
and with organizations. Candidates will have to
figure out where they can win and where they
can’t. The outcome of it all will decide whether
they are still around on Feb. 4. The
Washington Post has a good inside look at what
is happening:
Now they're all playing three-dimensional chess,
studying one another's moves in market after
market. "You can find out within minutes of
someone going up what their competitive buy is,"
Trippi said.
The Feb. 3 states’ media buys
continue to be shaped by the big two, Iowa and New
Hampshire. This is because candidates need to come
out of those two races well enough to not be
pulled down too far in their targeting of the Feb
3rd round. This means that future
resources are being burned in those two states.
This may be Wesley Clark’s only saving grace of
being left out of the early media attention that
comes from the Iowa-New Hampshire connection.
Currently, the top four big
spenders in Iowa and New Hampshire are: Dean
(spending $440,000 on Iowa ads -- including
2,000-point levels in Des Moines, Cedar Rapids and
Quad Cities… this means the typical viewer would
see the ad 20 times during that period), Gephardt
(spending $100,000 in the must-win state of Iowa
from Dec. 9 through Dec. 15, with a maximum
500-point level in Des Moines), Kerry (spending
$185,000 in Iowa and $74,000 in New Hampshire
during the Dec. 9-15 period) and Edwards (spending
heavily in Iowa, New Hampshire and S. Carolina).
Kerry responds to Halliburton
“Halliburton is guilty of shameful
war-profiteering, and they need to be held
accountable. It’s dead wrong that Halliburton is
bilking American taxpayers by overcharging the
government $61 million for fuel while our troops
on the front-lines are under-funded, overextended,
and some have literally been left to buy their own
body armor. Think about what $61 million could buy
for our troops in need rather than lining the
pockets of Halliburton executives. The Bush
Administration should be ashamed that they bent
over backwards for their biggest contributors
while leaving American troops in danger. We need
to get our priorities back in order. As president,
I will fight the special interests, not coddle
them, and I will make sure that no American
soldier ever goes without the equipment they need
to do their job,” said John Kerry.
Kerry made the accusation that
U.S. soldiers serving in Iraq are facing
shortfalls in equipment including: 1) special body
armor, 2) armored Humvees to protect against
guerrilla attacks, 3) advanced anti-missile
systems for helicopters.
Body Armor
One-fourth of the 130,000 U.S. troops in
Iraq are still waiting for the latest body armor.
The Department of Defense says it will be the end
of January 2004 before all the troops have been
outfitted. $61 million would provide funding to
purchase more than 40,000 sets of body armor
($1500 each). John Kerry has introduced
legislation requiring the Department of Defense to
reimburse family members who paid money out of
their own pockets to provide the personal body
armor that the government failed to deliver.
Armored Humvees
Only a few hundred of the military’s
10,000 Humvees are armored with steel and thick
plastic windows to protect occupants against the
guerrilla warfare, they are facing in Iraq. $61
million would provide funding to purchase more
than 400 Humvees. ($150,000 each).
Advanced Anti-Missile
Systems for Helicopters
There are 600 helicopters in Iraq, many
of which do not have anti-missile systems
technology. It has been reported that the Illinois
National Guard helicopter that was shot down in
Iraq killing 15 and injuring 21 soldiers did not
have the most updated anti-missile system. $61
million would buy over 1500 anti-missile systems
helicopters (or buy anti-missile systems
technology for all the helicopters in Iraq between
two and three times over). (12/13/2003)
Kerry champions health insurance
"The average Iowa family pays about $1,700 a year
on health-care premiums. Under my plan, you'll see
real savings of up to $1,000 on that bill. That's
$1,000 that can help buy groceries, pay the bills,
and give your family a break," Sen. John Kerry is
quoted in the
Des Moines Register.
Kerry’s cost control plan would
have the federal government shoulder 75 percent of
costs above $50,000 on insurance claims for
All of the Democrat candidates
are proposing some form of government assistance
for health care. Kerry’s approach would lower
insurance industries costs in covering the most
costly insurance claims that are the most
expensive for Insurance companies. Kerry said that
he would make the savings be passed on to the
workers and that would result in $1,000 a year for
workers. Kerry is quoted in the Register:
"Make no mistake, I'll fight like no one else to
provide coverage for the uninsured. But the major
reason Americans don't have coverage is that they
can't afford it," Kerry said. (12/11/2003)
Heinz in Iowa
As an indication of how
important Iowa has become to the Kerry Campaign,
Teresa Heinz Kerry is crisscrossing Iowa with her
husband. She is visiting Waterloo and Northeast
Iowa over the weekend to meet with voters. On
Saturday, she will visit the Payne Memorial A.M.E.
church's after-school activity center and then
attend a public cocktail reception at the Waterloo
Center for the Arts. On Sunday, she will visit
with Luther College students at the Vesterheim
Norwegian-Museum in Decorah beginning at 11 a.m.
John Kerry
"This is a great day for U.S.
forces, the Iraqi people, and the world. Capturing
Saddam Hussein and ensuring that this brutal
dictator will never return to power is an
important step towards stabilizing Iraq for the
"Let’s also be clear: Our
problems in Iraq have not been caused by one man
and this is a moment when the administration can
and must launch a major effort to gain
international support and win the peace. We need
to share the burden, bring in other countries, and
make it clear to the world that Iraq belongs to
the Iraqi people.
"Today is another opportunity to
invite the world into a post-Saddam Iraq and build
the coalition to win the peace that we should have
built to win the war.” (12/15/2003)
Kerry’s reaction team
The Kerry campaign plans a
conference call for 3:00 pm today, on which
supporters/advisers Max Cleland and Rand Beers
will react to Dean's speech. Kerry has added a
foreign policy address for Tuesday in Des Moines
titled, "Foreign Policy in a Post-Saddam World:
Rebuilding Our Alliances and Iraq." Kerry has
added lines to his Iowa stump speech -- "Now all
of us are glad that today Saddam Hussein was
caught... It's particularly a great moment and we
all join together in expressing our gratitude for
4,000 Iowa Guardsmen who are over in Afghanistan
and Iraq and for nine sorrowful families that have
lost sons already serving their country. Now, we
need to do the hard work of diplomacy that should
have been done in the first place."
Expect Kerry’s team to follow
the line of Dean’s speech on foreign policy that
this is about tone and nuance and that Dean is the
candidate who thinks calling Hamas soldiers is not
a problem… Dean’s not understanding that we took
sides in Israel years ago is a problem… Dean’s
thinking that we shouldn't use the military in
Iraq but we should use them in North Korea is a
problem… and, Dean’s thinking that this is a time
that underscores if we're going to beat George
Bush we need someone who has experience and
someone who got this policy right. Kerry still
believse there is a long way to go to get it
right. Capturing Saddam Hussein is a victory but
we need to do what we need to do to be stronger in
Sen. John Kerry went ahead with
his 30-minute forum in Iowa, which followed
directly after coverage of the capture of Saddam
Hussein, Sunday. Kerry answered only one question
about the war in Iraq. "I believe that the capture
of Saddam Hussein is helpful and it's a great
moment. But it's a moment," he said. "We need a
president who understands the real war on terror
is not Iraq. It's al-Qaida, Osama bin Laden."
Kerry offered one difference
between himself and the two candidates he is
competing against in Iowa, Howard Dean and Dick
Gephardt. He did it by obliquely criticizing
opponents who support repealing all of the tax
cuts enacted under President Bush. He blames them
of wanting to raise taxes on the middle class.
It is also reported by the
Associated Press that John Kerry encouraged his
Iowa supporters the day before at a firefighters
training session in Cedar Rapids to stick with his
Democratic presidential campaign despite lagging
poll numbers and Al Gore's endorsement of rival
Howard Dean. (12/15/2003)
Kennedy campaigns
Sen. Ted Kennedy campaigned in
New Hampshire for Sen. John Kerry and said that he
would be back to help Kerry out more, according to
the Manchester Union Leader.
Kerry’s a loving man, Kennedy said, who has fought
for years for the issues that matter, from
healthcare to the accounting for missing Vietnam
soldiers, to his tough stance on environmental
“You don’t see that talked about in any of those
national debates,” Kennedy said at one point. He
repeated similar statements throughout his speech.
Kerry was committed to important ideas “when there
weren’t a lot of television cameras on, and when
there weren’t a lot of writers on,” Kennedy said.
“It is that constancy of continuity, when he talks
about issues like healthcare, or when he talks
about issues like the environment.” (12/15/2003)
Piling on Dean
Ed Tibbets of the
Quad City Times has a story on how both Joe
Lieberman and John Kerry sought to score points on
Howard Dean and his anti war stance:
... Both said Hussein’s capture highlights their
differences over the war with Dean, who vaulted to
prominence on the strength of his anti-war
rhetoric, particularly in places like Iowa, where
liberal caucus-goers have tended to oppose the war
in large numbers.
Lieberman offered his harsh
comments several times on Meet the Press during
the coverage of the capture of Sadam Hussein.
Kerry was in Davenport taping a show to be shown
statewide in Iowa where Tibbets interviewed Kerry.
Kerry reminded reporters when Baghdad fell this
spring Dean reacted coolly to Hussein’s overthrow.
“Gov. Dean said very clearly, he wasn’t sure, I
guess he said he supposes it’s a good think to get
rid of Saddam Hussein. Well, I knew it was a good
thing, on that day. Day one.” The Massachusetts
senator also said that had more countries been
involved in the war effort, Hussein might have
been captured sooner and fewer troops might have
lost their lives. (12/15/2003)
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