the Iowa Daily Report
acknowledged that some voters in Massachusetts, the nation’s
most Irish-American state, may have had the impression that he
had Irish roots… Numerous publications, including the Globe,
have stated that KERRY is Irish-American…KERRY is a
practicing Catholic who said he disagrees with his church on
some issues, such as abortion.” Excerpts from Boston Globe
story after a genealogy specialist hired by the Globe
determined that KERRY’s grandfather was born Jewish. (The
Boston Globe, 2/2)
“The Los
Angeles Times reported that the share of Americans favoring
President Bush’s re-election in 2004 has fallen below 50%,
while Sens. Joseph I. LIEBERMAN of Connecticut and John KERRY
of Massachusetts have emerged as leaders for the Democratic
nomination to oppose him, according to the paper’s poll.
Only 45% of registered voters said they are now likely to
support Bush. While 40% said they were inclined to back the
Democratic nominee. Fifteen percent said they don’t now lean
in either direction.” (,
said with such “strong evidence” against Iraq, the White
House should work with its allies and prepare for an immediate
strike. LIEBERMAN is calling for military action in coming
weeks, saying that U. N. support would not be needed in the
case of what he called Iraq’s “dangerous lawlessness.”
(AP, 2/5)
In the Battle
of New Hampshire Neighbors, DEAN is No. 2 among likely voters
in the Democratic primary – but is doing well among
independent voters. A recent American Research Group poll
indicated that KERRY was leading DEAN 27-25 among likely
Democratic voters. But, according to an AP report out of
Concord, DEAN had “a slight edge among the 38 percent of
registered New Hampshire voters who identify themselves as
independents – and the state lets independents vote in
either party’s primary.” (AP, 2/5)
“Sen. John
KERRY, D-Mass., put his newly discovered roots to political
use last night, appearing before a Jewish audience and
explained that he has a personal reason to care about Israel;
both his paternal grandparents were Jewish, and had changed
their name from Kohn in 1902. Genealogists hired by the Boston
Globe this week revealed KERRY’s ancestry, which was news to
him. While talking to the American Israel Public Affairs
Committee, KERRY used his newfound ancestry to connect with
Jewish voters.” (,
said Thursday (2/6) that President Bush, in a push against
Iraq, is ignoring a potentially greater danger in North
Korea’s advancing nuclear program.” BIDEN, the top
Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said:
“Mr. President Bush, please, please, if you don’t want to
enunciate it, in your mind Mr. President, treat this as a
crisis because it is, if not contained.” At a committee
hearing, KERRY accused the Bush administration if having a
“fuzzy policy.” He contended the administration had taken
all options off the table, including use of force and economic
pressures. (AP, 2/6)
Under the
heading, HILLARY Clinton Leads Dem Pack for President, the
national Quinnipiac University poll finds that HILLARY gets 42
percent of Democratic vote, compared to 15 percent for her
nearest rival, LIEBERMAN. KERRY and GEPHARDT get 11 percent
each, followed by EDWARDS with 7%, DEAN 3% and SHARPTON 2%.
The director of the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute,
Maurice Carroll, said, “Put Sen. HILLARY Clinton in the mix
-- even though she says she is not running for President –
and she sweeps the Democratic field.” MORE: Without HILLARY,
the 2000 vice presidential candidate leads the pack with 27
percent, KERRY has 18 percent, and GEPHARDT 16%, EDWARDS 14%,
SHARPTON 6% and DEAN 3%.
NOTE: From 1/29-2/3. Quinnipiac University surveyed 1,307
American voters, with a margin of error of +/- 2.7 percent.
The survey includes 441 Democrats with a margin of error of
+/- 4/7 percent. (Quinnipiac University news release,,
KERRY “is the Democrat’s strongest hope to defeat
President Bush in 2004, providing Mr. KERRY can ‘break the
bubble’ of public support Mr. Bush enjoys on foreign policy
issues, said Jerry McEntee, chairman of the AFL-CIO’s
political committee and president of one of its largest
unions.” McEntee, president of AFSCME, told AP reporters and
editors that KERRY has been “quite aggressive” since
forming his presidential exploratory committee. He said
KERRY’s status as a Vietnam War hero also makes him the best
Democrat to counter an expected effort by GWB to make foreign
policy and the war on terrorism central issues in 2004.
(Inside Politics, The Washington Times, 2/6)
From an
Associated Press summary of political situation in the
“early” states: “IOWA: The state that holds caucuses
tentatively set for Jan. 19, 2004, is drawing plenty of
attention from the field. Some have been surprised at the
effort put in by Massachusetts Sen. John KERRY after Missouri
Rep. Dick GEPHARDT was believed to have the early advantage.
With strong ties to labor and Midwestern roots, GEPHARDT could
expect to have a big advantage in Iowa. But KERRY has been in
“a full-court press” in the state, said state Democratic
chairman Gordon Fischer. A poll done for an interest group
recently showed GEPHARDT and KERRY in the lead, though polling
for the caucuses is difficult…. Former Vermont Gov. Howard
DEAN is spending more time in the early states than any of the
better-known candidates and could be a factor…. Valuable
endorsements could come from either Gov. Tom Vilsack or Sen.
Tom Harkin, but both will probably wait until later to decide
what they will do.” (AP, 2/7)
“On a New
Hampshire Web site dedicated to the 2004 race, almost a third
of the 105 top party activists had chosen a candidate. KERRY
and EDWARDS had nine apiece, GEPHARDT six, DEAN and LIEBERMAN
three and former NATO commander Wesley CLARK, who is not
currently a candidate, one.” (Will Lester, AP, 2/7)
the 59th annual Congressional Dinner for the
Washington Press Club Foundation Wednesday night, Sen. John
“Media Darling” McCain, Arizona Republican, saw fit to
bestow nicknames on two new Democratic presidential aspirants,
who also happened to be named John. As for the Massachusetts
Democrat who married into the Heinz ketchup fortune, he should
now be referred to as Sen. John “57 Varieties” KERRY,
while Sen. John “Pretty Boy” EDWARDS is a name that speaks
for itself.” (Inside the Beltway, The Washington Times, 2/7)
“accused the Bush administration of putting special
interests ahead of the environment and called for a renewed
national commitment to clean air, water and land,” according
to an Associated Press report. In remarks prepared for a
speech at the John F. Kennedy Library in Boston on 2/9, KERRY
said: “Corporate polluters have found that in the Bush
administration the doors of government are wide open…the
result was the biggest retreat on environmental protection in
a generation.” (AP, 2/9)
“criticized his rivals for the 2004 Democratic presidential
nomination Saturday (2/8) for their positions on potential war
with Iraq and continued his attack on President Bush’s
handling of the crisis. DEAN said it was disingenuous for
Democrats who voted for a resolution authorizing use of force
in Iraq to criticize Bush’s war posture while campaigning
for president.” EDWARDS, GEPHARDT, KERRY voted for the
resolution. (Thomas Beaumont, Des Moines Sunday Register, 2/9)
the heading “The Democratic quagmire,” columnist Ellen
Ratner wrote: “…if you analyze the trend of Sen. John
KERRY’s remarks about the war, it looks like the EKG of a
man in cardiac fibrillation – he’s for it, he’s against
it, he wants it, he doubts it, it’s wise, it’s stupid,
it’s pop-goes-the-weasel. This picture begins to resemble
one of Vincent Van Gogh’s late self-portraits, painted after
he had gone insane – brilliant, colorful but disordered.”
(Columnist Ellen Ratner,,
one’s Jewish ancestry is suddenly all the rage in the
Democratic Party. You will recall that when she assayed the
possibilities of winning a Senate seat from New York, HILLARY
Clinton disclosed that some distant relation had been
Jewish…that was nothing compared with former NATO commander
Gen. Wesley CLARK. CLARK, who has so far merely showed a
little ankle in the presidential sweepstakes, has proclaimed
that he descends from “generations of rabbis in Minsk. Ah
yes, the Minsk Clarks…Generations of rabbis may be hard to
outbid, but John KERRY – that is John Forbes KERRY – has
managed it. He claims no distant relations but instead an
actual parental grandfather.” (Columnist Mona Charen,,
Is it an omen? On 2/11, a KERRY Blue Terrier won the
Westminister Dog Show in New York City.
Pierce reports the “Democratic presidential hopefuls are
busy trying to win the hearts of Hollywood’s liberal
elite.” He wrote that, according to the Los Angeles Times,
Rob Reiner arrived at his office the day after Al GORE bowed
out of the 2004 presidential race he found three messages
awaiting – from DEAN, KERRY and LIEBERMAN. Reiner also has
visited with EDWARDS and GEPHARDT. (Greg Pierce, Inside
Politics, The Washington Times, 2/12)
expected to be in hospital about three days and will be
“running, not literally, but running for the presidency as
soon as he possibly can” – probably about two weeks.
(CNN’s Candy Crowley, Inside Politics, CNN, 2/11) In Iowa,
KERRY’s state campaign director John Norris says prostate
surgery will prevent his candidate from making Iowa visit
during Presidents Day recess. KERRY plans to be in state next
on March 8 for annual Drake Supreme Court activities. (The Des
Moines Register sidebar, 2/12)
deserves an enduring place in Democratic history as the
campaign manager and architect of George McGovern’s 1972
nomination…The coming election is going to force the
Democratic Party to make a decision. If it wants to be trusted
again on national security, it needs to pick a candidate who
supports America’s right to go to war – with or without U.
N. approval – without ideological ifs or partisan buts. Or
it can choose somebody, such as DODD or KERRY, who just
isn’t sure what’s right.
In which case, the Democrats might as well nominate
HART and let him finish in 2004 what he and McGovern began in
1972.” (Columnist Zev Chafets, New York Daily News, 2/2;
Reprinted in Des Moines Register, 2/12)
on his prostate surgery – and presidential opponent: “I
wasn’t worried until they told me the assisting physician
for my surgery was Dr. Howard DEAN.” (Washington Whispers,
U. S. News,,
In Greenville, S.C., “As SHARPTON rose to leave, the white
manager of the restaurant stopped him for a quick photo. The
reverend obliged, and then, cruising past his waiting
entourage on his way to the restroom, mumbled dryly, ‘He
thought I was John KERRY.’” (“Black Power,” Michelle
Cottle, The New Republic,,
expect Sen. John KERRY (D-Mass.) to run one of the meanest
presidential campaigns in memory, having just hired Mike
Gehrke, chief of ‘opposition research’ for the Clinton
White House, to dig up dirt on his opponents.” (The Insider,
Insight Magazine, 2/18)
Democrats are coming, the Democrats are coming – Democratic
presidential wannabes, that is, who are leaving the campaign
trail ever so briefly to address the party leadership in
Washington. Always looking to make a buck, the financially
depleted Democratic National Committee, we’re told, is
preparing to peddle an ‘exclusive video’ of the 2004
declared candidates ‘going head to head’: Howard DEAN,
SHARPTON and perhaps Carol MOSELEY-BRAUN. The DNC will sell
the video for a ‘contribution’ of $75, which by the way is
not tax deductible.” (John McCaslin, Inside the Beltway, The
Washington Times, 2/18)
something missing here – like a prospective Dem presidential
candidate most Democrats have a favorable impression of as
their nominee? The
latest CNN-TIME poll indicates that less that half of the
nation’s leading Democrats (49%) have a favorable view of
LIEBERMAN, who also – and ironically -- ranks as their top
presidential prospect. The CNN-TIME poll, according to an
Associated Press report, indicated that LIEBERMAN topped the
Dems with 16% while GEPHARDT had 13%. Others: KERRY at 8%,
GRAHAM at 3% and KUCINICH 2%. But, the CNN-TIME poll of 529
Democrats or those who lean Democrat (margin of error: +/- 4%)
indicated that HILLARY was viewed favorably by 72% while
LIEBERMAN got a 49% favorable and GEPHARDT was at 41%
favorable. (CNN/TIME/AP, CNN-TIME survey,,, 2/21)
the Associated Press – Nedra Pickler byline -- report on the
DNC winter meetings: “EDWARDS, KERRY, GEPHARDT and Sen. Joe
LIEBERMAN support use of military force in Iraq. ‘I know of
a lot of you here don’t agree on this, but I do believe
Saddam Hussein must be disarmed,’ EDWARDS said. DNC members,
interviewed after the last of the [presidential candidate
speeches], said all the candidates helped themselves, some
more than others. GEPHARDT, whose candidacy had seemed stalled
coming into the meeting, impressed many activists with a
speech that contained more policy initiatives than his rivals
and more passion than they’re accustomed from him. DEAN’s
speech, in which he accused Democratic leaders of going soft
on Bush, appealed to the left wing of the party. But he left
activists wondering whether his anti-war, liberal message
could beat the Republican president. (Nedra Pickler, AP, 2/22)
Washington journalist Donald Lambro on the DNC winter meeting:
Democratic strategist Donna Brazile said that “Dean won the
day hands down,” adding that his feisty delivery and
anti-war rhetoric “could carry the day in many state
primaries.” But she did not see his anti-war agenda
“winning the White House, because people want to be sure
that we protect our national security and our homeland.”
(Donald Lambro,,
The Washington Times, 2/22)
understand why Democrats lack credibility in the war against
terror, consider the under-reported comments of current
Presidential front-runner John KERRY. Asked after a February 9
Boston speech (televised later on C-SPAN) about the U. S. war
on drugs, Senator KERRY referred to the recent bombing at the
Club Nogal in Bogata, Columbia, ‘It seems to be a renewal of
the kind of chaos fueled partly by guerillas who have legitimate
complaints and the combination of drugs and war and drug
lords,’ he said (our emphasis). The guerillas in question
are Columbia’s notorious FRAC terrorists, whose Club Nogal
bomb killed 35 innocent civilians.” (Editorial, Opinion
Journal, The Wall Street Journal,,
take back the White House in 2004, any Democratic candidate is
going to have to convince voters that he or she is serious
about the war on terror. The start of being serious is to drop
all the socio-babble about root causes and ‘complaints,’
and declare that we’ll kill them before they kill us. Joe
LIEBERMAN and Dick GEPHARDT have shown signs they understand
this. Senator KERRY has a long way to go.” (Editorial,, The Wall Street Journal,,
emergence as the early front-runner in the race is a mixed bag
for the other candidates. The person it hurts the most is
probably Joe LIEBERMAN …KERRY has consistently been a step
ahead of the Connecticut senator in the places where LIEBERMAN
should have had the edge. While LIEBERMAN sat on the sidelines
of the race last year, clinging to his pledge not to run if Al
GORE did, KERRY hired some of the best talent from the
GORE/LIEBERMAN operation.” (Ryan Lizza, The New Republic,,
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