the Iowa Daily Report
Biden, Hillary, Edwards, Kerry, Lieberman
– voted the party line yesterday in opposing cloture motion
to cut off filibuster on the judicial nomination of Miguel
Estrada. That’s not surprising, but Iowa Pres Watch wanted
to get it on the record. (Only one senator missed the vote –
Dem candidate Graham, who’s recovering from surgery.)
news for the Dem aspirants if Hillary runs. The
Quinnipiac poll says she would get 37% in the Democrat field
with Gephardt a distant second 13%, Lieberman 12% and Kerry at
8%. Without Hillary, Lieberman gets
21%, Gephardt 17%, Kerry 12%, Edwards 8%.
Moseley (No Hyphen) Braun 7%, Graham 6%, Sharpton 5%,
Dean 4% and Kucinich 2%. (3/7/2003)
Senate roll call vote this week – a resolution expressing
support for the Pledge of Allegiance.
It passed 94-0 (with Graham absent due to medical
recovery), but among the other five “not voting” were two
Dem presidential wannabes – Edwards and Kerry…Missing
the Senate vote on the Pledge of Allegiance resolution may be
the least of Kerry’s problems, especially among Irish
voters as he sorts out his
own ancestry. Despite Kerry’s insistence
(after it was reported he had a Jewish grandfather) he never
claimed to have Irish ancestors, the Boston Globe reported
yesterday the Congressional Record – 3/18/86
– quoted Kerry as telling his Senate colleagues, “For
those of us who are fortunate to share an Irish ancestory, we
take great pride in the contributions that
Irish-Americans…have made to building a strong and vibrant
nation.” (3/7/2003)
media outlets indicate five Dem presidential
candidates – the five low-rung candidates: Dean,
Edwards, Kucinich, Moseley (no hyphen) Braun and Sharpton – will
accept public campaign financing (taxpayer dollars) for their
campaigns. John Kerry, the richest Dem prospect, will delay
decision on public funding for a couple months – or possibly
tap into wife Teresa Heinz Kerry’s fortune.
in Des Moines. DSM Sunday Register headline: “Kerry:
Bush should bend on Iraq…The
senator says president has not allowed diplomacy to work while
trying to build support from other nations.” More than
30 Iowa Republicans staged a protest
where Kerry was scheduled to speak, supporting the Estrada
judicial nomination. (3/9/2003)
Although family patriarch Ted is supporting Kerry, Congressman
Patrick Kennedy, Rhode Island, was in Davenport
yesterday to boost Gephardt’s candidacy.
Quad-City Times report says Kennedy addressed group of 70,
telling them he stands behind Gephardt’s
plans on health care, education, jobs and the economy.
He also said he supports the troops overseas and that U. S.
must disarm Saddam before he can make nuclear
weapons or supply international terrorists with weapons of
mass destruction. (3/9/2003)
Political Plagiarism 101: Which Dem
candidate is stealing ideas, issues and concepts from the
other? On Friday, two candidates – Kerry in New Hampshire
and Kucinich in Iowa – made similar statements
about the nation’s energy policy:
Both said the U. S. should have the same kind of commitment to
energy independence that JFK (John F. Kennedy, not John F.
Kerry) made in the 1960s to put an American on the moon. (Iowa
Presidential Watch, 3/10/2003)
The hospital ward roll call for
Dem presidential candidates and prospects grows again. WDEL
Radio (Dover, Delaware) reports Biden is “on the mend
after having his gall bladder removed.”
Report says surgery was Sunday and Biden is expected to remain
in Florida, where he was spending weekend with wife and
daughter, for “a day or two” to rest and recover. Biden,
who’s still a prospective Dem candidate,
is third to experience surgery in recent weeks – Kerry
has returned to campaign trail (including DSM stop last
weekend) and Graham is awaiting medical clearance to
begin active campaigning. (3/11/2003)
this week’s U. S. News & World Report, Paul Bedard
reports in “Washington Whispers” column Sharpton’s
strong showing in polls is scaring Dems to the
point that the draft Hillary movement may
pick up steam. Bedard reports Sharpton
“could actually score big in, of all places, the South.”
He adds: “If a favorite other than Sharpton
doesn’t become obvious by late fall, look for a strong
effort to draft Sen. Hillary
Clinton. The Iowa Democratic Party
is already thinking that. We hear it wants Clinton as
the featured speaker at an annual fall
dinner – an invite that’s irked
Sen. John Kerry.” (3/12/2003)
Hillary, Edwards and Lieberman voted for
a provision to make contraceptives more available
as Senate Dems continued efforts to whittle away at the
“partial abortion” bill. Kerry did not vote on the
amendment. Graham and Biden – both recovering
from recent surgeries – were absent. The vote was 49-47.
Under the headline “Kerry is the Granite in New
Hampshire Democratic Primary Poll,” a Suffolk University
news release reports the Mass. Sen “holds a commanding
lead.” A survey of 496 likely Dem voters – in an
exclusive 7NEWS-Suffolk University poll – gave Kerry 32%
with Lieberman 17 %.
Dean, the former VT gov earlier assumed to be a
regional favorite, had 10%, followed by Gephardt 6% and
Edwards 2%. Three others each got 1%.
That leaves 30% undecided…Also from the 7NEWS-Suffolk poll,
about one-third (32%) of the likely Dem voters expect
GWB to win a second term, 45% are
undecided. (Yes, the poll identifies these folks as “likely
Democratic voters.) Eleven percent expect Kerry
to be the next president,
while Dean and Lieberman each register 3% support when it
comes to naming the ultimate 2004 winner. (3/14/2003)
“granite” showing in New Hampshire is wimpish when matched
against Graham’s stronghold on Florida.
The Orlando Sentinel reports a poll by Lauderdale-based
Florida Voter indicates Graham is favored
by 45% of the state’s likely Dem voters. Lieberman,
who’s continued to campaign in FL since being Gore’s 2000
running mate, gets 10% while “several other contenders
are sharing single-digit ratings,”
according to the Sentinel report. On issues, 60% oppose Iraq
war (29% support one) and more than half (54%) expect
nation’s economy will “worsen.” …(3/14/2003)
Only two announced Dem presidential candidates – Lieberman
and Graham, who just returned to the Senate on
Wednesday after surgery – showed for the
Senate partial-birth abortion final
vote. They, along with Hillary, joined 30 others
in opposing the partial-birth ban. With a 64-33 (64 supporters
included 48 GOPs, 16 Dems) vote, only three senators AWOL – Biden,
Edwards, Kerry. (3/14/2003)
Boston Globe reporter Glen Johnson wrote in yesterday’s
editions Kerry is “pushing a financial vacuum cleaner
across the country this week, collecting hundreds of thousands
of dollars for his presidential campaign at major fund-raisers
in New York, San Francisco and Boston.
A fund-raiser [Wednesday] night at the Sheraton Boston Hotel grossed
more than $2 million, according to
organizers, which the campaign said was a record amount
raised in a single night from donations by
More than 650 attended a New York event
Tuesday night and today a San Francisco fundraiser
is planned. At the Boston event, Globe reporter Johnson quoted
Kerry as saying: “This campaign is about which party has the
ideas to make America safer, stronger and more secure in the
21st century. And if that is the test, then back up
the U-Haul, because George Bush is moving
out. Just because the Supreme Court of the United
States made the wrong decision in 2000 doesn’t
mean we have to live with it for another six years, my
friends.” Kerry also called the Bush
administration’s handling of Iraq the “weakest diplomacy
in our history.” (3/14/2003)
Survey conducted by Research 2000 for KCCI-TV 3/10-3/12
indicates Gephardt (22%), Kerry (20%) and Lieberman
(16%) are bunched together at head of Dem presidential pack. Edwards
was fourth with 8%, followed by Dean (6%) and Sharpton
(1%). KCCI said Graham, Clark, Moseley Braun
and Kucinich all registered less than 1%.
Twenty-seven percent were undecided.
They haven’t been in Iowa for a week, but Kerry and Dean
haven’t lost their touch for irresponsible, reckless
rhetoric. They are probably feeling more at home on the
Left Coast, however, since – according to the San Francisco
Chronicle – they both “ramped up criticism”
of GWB and called “the president an inept
diplomat who has bungled the nation’s foreign
policy” during California appearances. Edwards
was also in the state for fundraising events with – whom
else? – trial lawyers in San Francisco and L. A. (Iowa
Presidential Watch, 3/15/2003)
A Los Angeles Times online headline: “State Supporters Line
Democratic War Chests” Times report
says “none of the candidates has established a firm
advantage in California” – but that “Kerry staked
his ground Thursday with a tough speech in
San Francisco defending [CA] Gov.
Gray Davis and blaming President Bush for
California’s hard economic times.”
The Times report said, however, the main goal is money – not
for their CA efforts yet, but to fuel campaign operations in
New Hampshire and Iowa. Times also reports on Dem Hollywood
derby: Dean has Rob Reiner and Martin Sheen. Gephardt
has Michael Douglas (3/15/2003)
During a fundraising visit to New York during
the week, Kerry picked up early endorsement from former
NYC mayoral candidate Mark Green.
Green, according to Boston Globe, said of Kerry, “He’s among
the top Jewish candidates running
for president,” jokingly referring to the senator’s recently
discovered Jewish roots. On a more
serious note, Green said: “To beat a team as ruthless
as Bush and Rove requires someone
of his [Kerry’s] toughness.”3/15/2003
Things turned a bit nasty yesterday at California Dem
state convention as Dean named opponents
by name. L. A. Times coverage reports Dean criticized Edwards
and Kerry – by name – for supporting Congressional
resolution authorizing military force
against Iraq. Quotes Dean as saying, “I
don’t think we can win the White House if we vote for
the president’s unilateral attack
on Iraq and then come to California and
say we’re against the war.” Never fear, however,
cuz Dean pledged to support Edwards or Kerry if
either gets the Dem nomination. (3/16/2003)
Kerry continued his relentless – albeit
inaccurate, inexcusable
– criticisms of the president, continuing to
blame GWB (rather than Gov. Gray Davis)
for state’s multiple woes. He charged
GWB treats California as “foreign territory,”
adding: “Over and over again he
[Bush] has stood in the way
of this state’s progress, choosing special interests
over California’s interests.” Kerry
said GWB’s economic policies have increased unemployment and
kept incomes down. (Iowa Presidential Watch, 3/16/2003)
Hillary continues to overshadow
Dem field. CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll also shows she
would get 28% if in the field – but
without her Gephardt (20%) leads Kerry
(16%) and Lieberman (15%). Call them the Big
Three – or Big Four if Hillary’s
included – because best any of the other Dem wannabes
can do is 8%. (3/18/2003)
From yesterday’s Boston Globe online – “Late arrival
Kerry is star of show”
– report: Kerry, after indicating he’d miss the
annual St. Patrick’s Day breakfast in South Boston on
Sunday, made surprise appearance. Earlier reports
indicated Kerry, who had been considered an
Irish-American until it was discovered his grandfather was
Jewish, would skip event, but he surfaced saying, “Who said
I didn’t have the matzo balls
to be here?” Kerry explained he had intended to rest
up as part of recovery from surgery, but he made a brief
appearance, shook some hands and left. Prior to Kerry’s
arrival, others offered jokes – Gov. Mitt Romney,
“I’m disappointed Senator Kerry is
not here today. I wasn’t surprised he threw
his yarmulke into the ring.
If he were here he’d be eating his corned beef
on a bagel.” (3/18/2003)
Speaking at the International Association of Firefighters
gathering in D. C., Kerry said the “federal
government has provided too little support,
provided too little leadership and
provided too little vision for the common
defense of our homeland.” Kerry, who urged more
reliance on National Guard and AmeriCorps to help with
post-attack operations, said administration has created a
“huge bureaucracy” and “a run on duct tape.”
– who is rapidly becoming, with Kerry, the most
visible Dem candidate – surfaced on CNN’s “Inside
Politics” yesterday to reaffirm his anti-Saddam
stance, saying the “blame for war is Saddam
Hussein.” He added Saddam was given “every chance”
over the past 12 years to
shape up and comply with U. N. resolutions (3/19/2003)
From AP’s Will Lester, “Homeland security is President
Bush’s issue, but his Democratic rivals are determined
to take it back.” Lester noted
that yesterday both Kerry and Lieberman
criticized the Bush administration for “a budget they say inadequately
funds first responders and other
responsible for the nation’s defense.” Kerry
addressed the firefighters association meeting in Washington
yesterday while Lieberman, who issued another statement
yesterday about homeland security, also criticized the Bush
homeland security approach during a speech before the
firefighters on Monday. (3/19/2003)
Four senator-candidates – Edwards,
Graham, Kerry, Lieberman -- were on deck
and voted against the latest cloture
motion to end filibuster of the Estrada judicial
nomination. Edwards, was AWOL for the votes.
Also opposing the effort to proceed with debate on nomination
– potential presidential draftee Hillary and
prospective candidate Biden. The motion was approved
55-45 – with four Dem sens joining GOP – but needed 60 to
end filibuster. (3/20/2003)
Kerry had minor surgery on Monday to remove a wart
from his eyelid, which has left him with
a black eye. Two wannabes – Kerry and Graham
– along with prospective candidate Biden have had
surgeries in recent weeks. All have returned to the Senate,
but Graham awaiting medical clearance (and probably end
of war) to begin active campaigning. (Iowa Presidential Watch,
The Senate rejected a proposal yesterday to allow drilling for
oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
(ANWR), but prior to the vote Kerry – apparently
never seeing an issue (or opportunity to disagree
with the Bush administration) he
could resist – described ANWR as “a national treasure.”
Kerry said the refuge’s oil would only reduce imports by 2%
-- “God only gave us 3% of the world’s oil. The Middle
East has about 65%…the destruction of the
wilderness does not solve America’s
problem.” The amendment, sponsored by CA Dem Boxer,
to prohibit drilling was approved 52-48
with eight GOPs voting with most Dems to oppose drilling,
while five Dems supported drilling. Among co-sponsors on the
Boxer amendment: Kerry, Lieberman, Edwards (3/20/2003)
yesterday’s Washington Post: Headline – “GOP to
Hammer Democratic War Critics”
Relevant Excerpt: “Sen. John F. Kerry (D-Mass.), who
is running for president, has come under heavy criticism
within his own party for backing
Bush on war. This week, however, he
sharply criticized the president’s diplomacy
before the start of the war. “The administration’s
handling of the run-up to war with Iraq could not possibly
have been more inept or self-defeating,” Kerry said. His Democratic
opponents privately accused him of
trying to win support among the
party’s antiwar base.” (3/21/2003)
latest New Hampshire survey showing Dean’s
virtually tied with Kerry in battle of regional
favorite sons. American Research Survey poll, conducted
3/16-3/19, indicates Dean gained 6 points
over past month – although Kerry
still leads with 23% to Dean’s 22%. Gephardt
third (15%), Lieberman fourth (12%), 20%
still undecided. Other Dem candidates in low – very
low – single digits with Edwards
leading that group with 3%. (That’s right 3% -- but it’s
better than the 0% received by Kucinich, Sharpton
and Clark, who’s doubtlessly getting better numbers
for his current gig as CNN military analyst.) Interesting
sidebar: 99% of respondents were
“aware” of Hart, but he received only
2% on the ballot support question. (Iowa Presidential Watch,
The U. S. senators seeking Dem nomination further reinforced
their anti-taxpayer credentials
Friday by supporting efforts to reduce the proposed
tax cut from $726 million to
$350 million. The amendment (to the 2004 budget
resolution) was defeated on a 62-38
margin with the four announced
Dems – Edwards, Graham, Kerry, Lieberman
– supporting it. Prospective Dem candidate Biden
also voted for it, but Grassley, Harkin and
Hillary joined 59 other senators
to defeat the effort. (Iowa
Presidential Watch, 3/23/2003)
From this morning’s Des Moines Register: Thomas Beaumont
reports, headline “Candidates tangle over
Iraq…John Edwards and John Kerry dispute
deception accusations by Dean”
Beaumont coverage of Dean campaigning in Des Moines
yesterday, “Former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean on Monday
accused rivals John Edwards and John Kerry of being intentionally
deceptive about their positions supporting
the Bush administration’s war in
Iraq.” (3/25/2003)
rolled through several New Hampshire communities
-- and media markets -- Sunday to produce some interesting
media website coverage. WMUR reports Kerry told a
Manchester crowd: “Remember that we do
not make the mistake that was
made in Vietnam. Do not confuse
the war with the warriors.”
From the WMUR online report: “Speaking to activists still
looking for a candidate, Kerry took apart
the Bush domestic agenda. He
compared Bush to Franklin Roosevelt, saying that even while he
fought World War II, F. D. R. still lived up to the promises
of the New Deal. Kerry said
Bush needs to have the same enthusiasm for solving the problems
of health care, energy, and
the economy, that he has for the war on
terror.” From the Manchester Union Leader coverage: Kerry
said, “If we can find $6 billion to get Turkey
to join the war, we can find money
to fund Manchester schools.” (Iowa
Presidential Watch, 3/25/2003)
Gore supporters do everybody a favor – highlight
poll numbers indicating Gore is
“still the strongest challenger”
against GWB, but he’d still lose if
election held now and besides
he’s not even running. (Iowa
Pres Watch Note: So, where does that
leave the other Dem wannabes?) – slogan: “Now More
Than Ever” – says mid-March Zogby
International poll shows Bush would get 51%
with Gore at 42% and, “All
other Democrats lag behind Bush
by 12 points or more.”
The 1,129 respondents were “asked to indicate a preference
between George Bush and each of several likely Democratic
contenders.” Gore was preferred over Bush by 42% of
respondents, followed by Hillary Clinton (39%),
Richard Gephardt and Joe Lieberman (38%),
John Kerry (36%) and John Edwards (32%).
In addition, said: Gore also “enjoys the
greatest support” among Democratic
voters (74%), followed by Clinton (70%),
Gephardt (70%) and Kerry (65%)
Dean opens two-day Sioux City visit by saying Kerry
continues to “wobble around” on his Iraq war position.
Dean quote: “To this day, I don’t know what John
Kerry’s position is. It’s still hard to figure out,
reading his statements, which way he’s going to come down on
it, and I think you all ought to ask
him.” Dean made his comments before a couple
dozen activists – the Truman Club. (Iowa Presidential Watch,
Wall Street Journal’s Al Hunt – in “Politics &
People” column yesterday – indicates “party insiders
see four candidates with a realistic shot to win” the
Dem nomination: Gephardt, Lieberman, Edwards and Kerry.
Hunt notes the four all supported Iraq authorizing resolution
last fall and weighs their respective strengths based on “the
three critical Cs:” Credentials, Cash and Calendar. On
credentials, Hunt writes the “two most conformable here are
Sens. Lieberman and Kerry.” On cash, he says Kerry
“remains ahead of the pack”
with Gephardt and Edwards “closely
competing” for second in early fundraising. On calendar, he
says – despite other states trying to move up on nominating
schedule – “the initial test almost surely will remain
the Hawkeye and Granite States.” Key excerpt: “any
candidate who doesn’t finish first or second in one of those
states is dead. In the modern nominating system, the only
candidate to substantially jumpstart a primary campaign was
Ronald Reagan in 1976 against President Ford; that was a
two-way race and ideologically driven. So forget all the
scenarios of John Edwards scoring his first big
triumph in South Carolina or Joe Lieberman in Arizona. If
they don’t win or place in New Hampshire or Iowa, they’re
done. Conversely, the two favorites in those states, Dick
Gephardt in Iowa and John Kerry in New Hampshire, would be
dealt a lethal blow if they failed to meet those
expectations.” (Iowa Presidential Watch, 3/28/2003)
Dean has sent a handwritten letter to Edwards
apologizing for a statement he made charging Edwards has
been avoiding discussion of his support for the Iraq invasion
when appearing before anti-war audiences. Dean told
delegates at the CA Dem state convention earlier this month
that Edwards and Kerry – both supporters of
the Senate Iraq resolution last fall – were not standing by
their votes for the resolution. Edwards, however, reaffirmed
his support for military action – and was booed by
delegates – during his convention remarks. Meanwhile, Kerry
told reporters he had been “100 percent consistent” in his
position that Saddam must be disarmed, adding: “I have no
response to Howard Dean.” (Iowa Presidential Watch,
Kerry wasn’t consumed repelling Dean’s criticisms
yesterday, he apparently was busy assuring Southern
Democrats he plans to mount serious campaign efforts in
their states. Several media outlets indicate Kerry
has been distributing the text of remarks he made in CA
earlier in March about his determination
South. His
actions were probably prompted by a headline – “Kerry might have written off the South”
– in The State newspaper in Columbia, S. C., earlier this
week. Kerry quote:
“I intend to campaign and talk to folks and think that we can win a number of states there,
Florida, Louisiana, Arkansas and a
number of others.”
Des Moines Register reports this morning four Dem aspirants
– Dean, Edwards, Kerry, Gephardt – have spent the $65,000
each to secure Iowa Democratic Party’s voter information
database. Also indicates Lieberman is “expected” to
buy the list in April and Kucinich has “expressed
interest” in getting the file. Moines Register’s Thomas
Beaumont writes that Hart is expected to visit IA
during April and he also has inquired about
purchasing the state Dem party’s voter database. (3/29/2003)
Three senators – including two of the Dem
presidential aspirants – were missing when legislation
providing tax relief for American troops was approved on a
97-0 vote earlier this week. Recorded as “not voting” were
Kerry, Lieberman and GA Sen. Miller. The same
trio – Kerry, Lieberman, Miller – also
missed Thursday votes (both 97-0) on a resolution “to
commend and express gratitude of the United States to the
nations participating in the Coalition to Disarm Iraq”
and to approve the nomination of James V. Seina as a district
judge for the Central District of California (Iowa
Presidential Watch, 3/29/2003)
Kerry has been working money players in DC,
Philadelphia, Rhode Island and New Jersey over recent days and
is scheduled to hit NYC Monday night. (Iowa Presidential
Watch, 3/30/2003)
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