the Iowa Daily Report
Associated Press reported that Kerry’s
political action committee raised $878,000
in soft money during the month before a
ban on contributions from corporations and
labor unions went into effect. (5/1/2003)
Washington Post headline: “Clinton Sits
Out Democratic Feud…Dean Campaign
Sought Ex-President in Dispute With Kerry”
Veteran political reporter Dan Balz reported
yesterday: “The presidential campaign of
former Vermont governor Howard Dean tried
to draw former president Bill Clinton into a
dispute with the campaign of Sen. John F.
Kerry (D-Mass.), but the former president
said he wanted no part of the feud. At
the same time, Clinton threw an unexpected
challenge to the candidates with strong words
of praise for Defense Secretary Donald H.
Rumsfeld, and encouraged his fellow
Democrats to start a serious debate over
reforming the military in ways Rumsfeld has
advocated. Dean and Kerry
continued to spar with each other in advance
of Saturday’s Democratic debate in South
Carolina, with Dean’s campaign
offering Clinton in defense of its candidate
on the question of whether the United States
will remain the lone military superpower in
the world…’I don’t want to get in the
middle of Dean and Kerry,’ Clinton said
in a telephone call yesterday from Mexico
City, where he was making an
appearance…’In all probability, we won’t
be the premier and economic power we are now’
in a few decades, he said, pointing to the
growth of China’s economy and the growing
strength of the European Union….But
he said he did not want to be misunderstood.
have the strongest military in the world…I
don’t think a single soul has thought I was
advocating scaling back our military.” (5/2/2003)
Headline from this morning’s NH Union
Leader: “Lieberman leads in new national
poll” Report says survey – released
yesterday by Sacred Heart University in
Connecticut – has Lieberman with 20.2%
followed by Gephardt (16.7%) and Kerry in
third with 10.7% -- followed by Dean
(6.5%) and Edwards (4.2%).
Boston Globe headline – “Kerry admits
to an error in boast about 1st speech”
The Globe report yesterday by Glen Johnson
said: “Senator John F. Kerry said
yesterday that he will stop declaring that
his first speech on the floor of the US Senate
highlighted his support for the Roe v. Wade
decision on abortion rights, a
recollection he has learned is not true.
As he has campaigned for the presidency, the
Massachusetts Democrat has on numerous
occasions stated that his maiden speech as a
senator was about abortion rights. Kerry
did so last month before a group of women
in Des Moines, as he pledged to nominate
only supporters of abortion rights to the
Supreme Court. But the Congressional
record shows that Kerry’s first speech in
the Senate, on March 19, 1985, was made in
opposition to President Reagan’s push to
build 21 MX missiles. A States News
Service report at the time said that Kerry’s
planned remarks were reduced to a relatively
brief four minutes, because more senior
colleagues wanted to speak and floor debate
was limited to 10 hours.” (5/2/2003)
… Greg Pierce
reported – under the subhead, “Gephardt’s
loss” -- in the “Inside Politics”
column in yesterday’s Washington Times:
“’Rep. Harold Ford Jr. spurned
entreaties by allies of Rep. Dick Gephardt and
endorsed Sen. John Kerry for the
Democratic presidential nomination,’ the
anonymous Prowler writes at
‘Kerry didn’t have to work
hard for the Tennessean’s nod, which
is all the more surprising when you
consider the two don’t know each other very
well. In that case, it also speaks
volumes about where Gephardt stands with his
House colleagues and where his campaign may be
headed …Ford’s jump to Kerry is the
latest blow to Gephardt’s attempts to line
up his own caucus’ support in his campaign.
With Democratic House leader Nancy Pelosi
still refusing to throw her support behind
him, his campaign, which is floundering in
Iowa and New Hampshire, is already looking
like an early loser in the primary season.”
(Iowa Pres Watch Note: The Ford
endorsement is a bigger deal that just one
congressman – because it includes the
endorsement of Ford’s father, longtime
Congressman Harold Ford Sr. and access to
their TN campaign operations. For more, see
the 4/29 Morning Report.) (5/2/2003)
For Lieberman, it’s too bad every
state isn’t South Carolina – because
he leads the Dem field in awareness,
favorability and ballot preference among
likely SC Dem voters. According to an American
Research Group survey (conducted 4/24-29), almost
half of the state’s Dem voters are still
undecided (47%) – but Lieberman
has nearly one-fifth (19%) the vote. Three
wannabes are bunched together behind Lieberman
– Gephardt 9%, Kerry 8% and Edwards (who
was born in Seneca, SC)
7% with Sharpton at 3%. The 2%
players are Dean and Graham,
while Biden (who’s not an announced
candidate), Hart (who’s not an
announced candidate) and Moseley Braun (who
is an announced candidate) register in with
1%. Bringing up the pack – Kucinich and
Gen/CNN war analyst Clark with solid 0%
Two of the Dem wannabes – Graham and Lieberman
– were among the missing when Senate
Democrats blocked floor action on
consideration of the Priscilla Owen judicial
nomination. The vote: 52-44 with two Dems
(Miller of GA, Nelson of NE) joining
Republicans, but 60 votes are required to
invoke cloture on the nomination. The other
Dem senator-candidates, Edwards and Kerry,
-- obviously – voted against the Owen
nomination. Senate Dems indicated they plan to
filibuster her nomination – meaning they
would be running duel filibusters against both
the Owen and Estrada nominations. Meanwhile,
the Washington Times reported yesterday that Senate
Republicans are studying strategies to break
the filibusters. (5/3/2003)
In a conference call from San Francisco that
was reported by several media outlets, Kerry
said it will take years – regardless of
who’s elected president – to balance
the federal budget. Kerry: “It’s
a matter of political honesty. There is no
politician in America who is going to balance
the budget this year or next. And any
politician who says he is going to do that is
lying to you.” He added, “There are
deficits as far as the eye can see.” (Iowa
Pres Watch Note: Let’s see now, Kerry wants
Americans to believe he’s an expert on
matters of “political honesty” –
the same John Kerry all Massachusetts
thought was Irish for all those years, the
same John Kerry who told Dem audiences
his first Senate speech was on pro-abortion
issues? And then, it was revealed his
grandfather was Jewish and his first Senate
floor speech was in opposition to President
Reagan’s Strategic Defense Initiative.)(5/3/2003)
Speaking of Kerry’s commitment to
political honesty, the account of Kerry’s
distortion of his pro-abortion Senate speech
was featured in Greg Pierce’s “Inside
Politics” column in yesterday’s Washington
Times. Under the subhead “Kerry’s
boo-boo,” Pierce summarized the Boston
Globes report about Kerry’s assertion that
his first Senate speech was about Roe v.
Wade. (For more on the Globe coverage, see
yesterday’s – 5/2 – Morning Report.) (5/3/2003)
More from the ABC/Washington Post poll:’s Langer also reports that Lieberman
has now established a “statistically
significant lead” over the other Dem
wannabes. He notes that Lieberman is
“likely the best-known Democratic candidate
by dint of his exposure as Al Gore’s running
mate on the 2000 ticket” – but that the
ABC News/Washington Post showing is “numerically
his best in any national media-sponsored poll
this year.” The Big Three – the group
that’s topped most recent polls –
continued their dominance: Lieberman 29%,
Gephardt 19%, Kerry 14%. All others in
single digits, but the surprise is Moseley
Braun in fourth with 6%. The rest: Edwards
at 4%, three – Sharpton, Graham and Dean –
at 3%, and Kucinich 2%. (5/4/2003)
Pre-debate handicapping and analysis
from yesterday’s Los
Angeles Times: “Each candidate
has begun to try to establish distinguishing
characteristics: Kerry has sought to
capitalize on his medal-winning service in the
Vietnam War – where he served in a Navy
unit in the Mekong Delta – to establish in
voters’ mind his competence on national
security issues. That could be a key in
running against Bush’s record as a wartime
leader …Dean, a strong critic of
Bush’s policy toward Iraq, has received
warm receptions from Democrats who opposed the
war. The early support Kerry and Dean have
attracted [was] likely to make them targets
[during last night’s debate]. Edwards,
an attorney before winning his Senate seat in
1998, raised more money than any of the
candidates during the first three months of
this year, with many of the contributions
coming from trial lawyers. Lieberman, who
was Al Gore’s vice presidential running mate
in 2000, is seeking to appeal to party
centrists. Gephardt has set out a detailed
health-care proposal that aims to provide
coverage for nearly all Americans – an issue
dear to many Democrats. Graham, who was
governor of Florida for eight years and is
now serving his third Senate term, has touted
himself as the most experienced candidate.”
Times’ staff writers James Gerstenzang and
Mark Z. Barabak concluded their report: “Braun,
Sharpton and Kucinich are liberal underdogs in
the race who are seeking to present themselves
as realistic alternatives to the more
prominent candidates.” (5/4/2003)
Excerpt from Los
Angeles Times coverage: “Nine
Democratic Presidential candidates, trying
to kick-start their race to oppose President
Bush in the 2004 election, agreed Saturday
night it was time to turn Bush out of the
White House but agreed on little else.”
The Dems, in fact, wasted little time focusing
on their main target. Kerry: “I’m
running for president to put our economy back
on a track that will get America back to work.
The one person in America who does deserve
to be laid off is George W. Bush.” Sharpton:
“The way to move a donkey is to slap the
donkey. I’m going to slap the donkey until
the donkey kicks and we are going to kick
George Bush out of the White House.”…On
the Iraq war – Lieberman took issue with
Dean’s argument that Saddam wasn’t a
threat, saying: “Saddam Hussein was a
threat to the United States and, most
particularly, to his neighbors. We did the
right thing by fighting this fight, and the
American people will be safer as a result.” Sharpton
said, however, that “we could have disarmed
Hussein by working with the United Nations.”(5/4/2003)
New Hampshire columnist Jack Kenny – under
the headline, “Whatever he says,
Kerry’s no ‘Dixie Chick’” in
yesterday’s New Hampshire Sunday News
– writes that if Dixie Chicks singer
Natalie Maines “wants to speak her mind
again it probably won’t take very long
and would not distract too much from the
harmony of the music. Meanwhile, we
have the likes of U. S. Sen. John Kerry,
D-Mass., to entertain us. Kerry, a
Presidential hopeful, visits here often and is
trying to recover from what radio talkmeister
Don Imus called ‘a Dixie Chicks’ moment,
when he called for a ‘regime change’ here
in America …Last week Kerry was
attempting to ‘clarify’ the statement.
‘It was not about the President and it was
not about the war. It was about the
election.’ But don’t expect him to
apologize and don’t expect him to pose nude
for any magazine. The White House has
already passed judgment on his appearance
(‘He looks French’) and no one would
mistake him for one of the Dixie Chicks,
anyway. ‘Vive la differance!’”(5/5/2003)
Washington Post coverage of the Saturday South
Carolina Dem debate by political reporter Dan
Balz: “The Democratic presidential
candidates tangled here over Iraq and who
can keep the country safe, and they differed
sharply over how to provide health care to all
Americans in a lively debate that helped
kick off the next phase of the battle to
become the party’s challenger to President
Bush in 2004. Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman (D-Conn.)
pointedly criticized former Vermont
governor Howard Dean for opposing the war in
Iraq and attacked Sen. John F. Kerry (D-Mass.)
for seeming to be ambivalent about supporting
Bush on the war. ‘No Democrat will be
elected president in 2004 who is not strong on
defense, and this war was a test of that
strength,’ he said. Kerry disagreed,
saying that his quarrel was over whether Bush
had exhausted all other options for disarming
Iraqi President Saddam Hussein before going to
war. But he said he supported that
objective. ‘There’s no ambivalence,’ he
said. Dean said Bush had waged ‘the wrong
war at the wrong time’ and said the
United States could face new threats if Iraq
falls into the hands of Islamic
fundamentalism. But he said he was
‘delighted to see Saddam Hussein gone,’ a
stronger declaration than he has made
previously.” (5/5/2003)
More post-debate reaction: From AP’s
Nedra Pickler – “Democrats pursuing the
presidency emerged from their first primary
debate with deep divisions over foreign
policy, health care and tax cuts and no clear
front-runner to challenge President Bush.
After Saturday night’s 90-minute
confrontation at the University of South
Carolina, Democrats were left with a field of
nine candidates who face a long, tough
challenge to sell themselves as the best
opponent to unseat the popular Republican
incumbent. With eight months until the
first nominating contest in Iowa, several
among the nine have head starts in money,
experience and organization.” Pickler says
those four – all members of Congress – are
Edwards, Kerry, Lieberman and Gephardt. (5/5/2003)
Kerry continues to insist his “regime
change” comment was just a quip, but
apparently nobody in New Hampshire remembers
laughter when he made it. From New
Hampshire – The Union Leader political
reporter John DiStaso, in his column, wrote
that Kerry is “still trying
to explain his recent call for a ‘regime
change’ in Washington. The latest
attempt came [last] Tuesday in Alabama. He
said, ‘When I fought in Vietnam and fought
for my country, I didn’t give up my right
to make quips and to participate in the debate.’
We don’t recall any reports of people
laughing in Peterborough when he made the
comment. ‘That’s because it wasn’t a
joke,’ said a Democratic onlooker. ‘It
was red meat he was throwing out to the crowd
– and probably wishes now that he hadn’t.’”(5/6/2003)
Kerry won’t be making any quips or
statements about ‘regime change’ – or
anything else – in the immediate future
since he’s been sidelined with a hoarse
voice. He told syndicated radio superstar
Don Imus yesterday that allergies and a spring
cold caused him to lose his voice. Associated
Press reported that Kerry has
rescheduled a planned policy speech on
Wednesday until later this month to rest his
voice. He’s also cancelled a New York
campaign appearance Thursday in New York –
but his campaign folks said that’s due more
to a scheduled Senate Finance Committee
meeting (to discuss the president’s tax cut
proposal) than his vocal challenges. The
Union Leader in New Hampshire reported this
morning that Kerry also postponed a scheduled
noon appearance there Thursday – at Central
High School in Manchester. (5/6/2003)
More post-debate analysis: Washington Post’s
Dan Balz – headline, “Debate Bares
Democrats’ Great Divide” – wrote in
yesterday morning’s editions: “Democrats
are united in their determination to send
President Bush back to Texas in November 2004,
but the first debate of the presidential
campaign exposed the limits of that unity and
the near-total absence of consensus about how
best to challenge the president in the general
election. The president was barely a
presence at Saturday’s 90-minute debate on
the campus of the University of South
Carolina, attacked from time to time for
his tax cuts and record on the economy but
hardly the main focus of the nine candidates
on the stage. Instead, the Democrats
turned on one another – in some cases to
bare serious differences over the war in Iraq
or how to expand health care coverage; in
other cases to reveal personal animosities and
to begin in earnest the jockeying for
position in what now
promises to be an especially
tough battle for the
nomination.” Balz noted that during
the debate Kerry and Dean “attacked one
another” …Edwards attacked Gephardt
… Lieberman “attacked any
number of his rivals” …Graham and
Sharpton, at different points, “urged
their fellow candidates to aim their fire at
the president, rather than give the
Republicans ammunition to use against the
Democratic nominee – but to no avail.”
aspiring First Lady – recognized in a
Washington Post headline as “The
Ungaggable Teresa Heinz” – speaks.
Lloyd Grove in his “The Reliable Source”
column in yesterday’s Washington Post wrote:
“Fabulously wealthy Teresa Heinz, wife of
Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry,
dishes an earful to writer Lisa DePaulo in the
upcoming issue of Elle magazine – such as
her ambivalence about taking her second
husband’s surname and her requirement of a
prenuptial agreement with the 59-year-old
Massachusetts senator, whom she wed in
1995. ‘Now, politically, it’s going to be
Teresa Heinz Kerry, but I don’t give a
[bleep], you know?’ explains the
64-year-old Heinz, who generally uses the
surname of the late senator John Heinz
(R-Pa.), who was killed in a 1991 plane crash.
‘There are other things to worry
about.’” Among other tidbits from Heinz Kerry
– “Everybody has a prenup. You have
to have a prenup …You can be as generous or
as sensitive as you want. But you have to have
a prenup.” …”Her views on marital
fidelity: ‘I don’t think I could have
coped as well’ with a mate’s philandering
as Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N. Y.)
has.” Update: While CNN anchor Judy
Woodruff was reading one of the Heinz/Kerry
quotes during a like report yesterday
afternoon she started coughing, choked up
–and the network cut to a commercial.
(Iowa Pre Watch Note: Woodruff probably is not
the first – or last – to choke up while
reading the comments. She returned to host her
daily “Inside Politics” show.) (5/7/2003)
haven’t exactly been acting like buddies
over recent weeks – or during last Saturday
night’s debate – but Dean and Kerry
probably have more motivation this morning to
escalate the two-wannabe exchange of charges
and countercharges: A new New Hampshire
poll shows them in a 23%-all deadlock.
The Franklin Pierce College poll (conducted
4/27-5/1) indicates they have left the rest of
the field in the political dust with Lieberman
a distant third (9%) and Gephardt in fourth
(8%). An indication of the overall
situation – Dean and Kerry have 23% each
and 31% are undecided, leaving the other nine
wannabes (and potential wannabes) included
in the poll to divide up the remaining 23%.
Making the poll even stranger, two
non-candidates – Hart and General Wesley
Clark – are next, registering 2% each.
Then, at 1% -- Edwards, Graham, Kucinich
and Moseley Braun. Sharpton,
as in most NH polls, registered a solid 0%.
Two more notes: The number of undecideds
dropped 7% -- from 38% a Franklin Pierce poll
early last month.
most of the Dem candidates are not well-known
in New Hampshire, six of the wannabes have
higher unfavorable ratings than favorable
impressions – Clark,
Graham, Hart, Kucinich, Moseley-Braun and
The worst
– Sharpton (60%) to a 5% favorable showing, followed by Hart (52%
unfavorable, 23% favorable).(5/7/2003)
Senate Republicans attempted – and failed --
for a fifth time to try to break the
Democratic filibuster against judicial nominee
Miguel A. Estrada, only one Dem wannabe voted
against it: Edwards. That’s
because the other three senator-wannabes – Graham,
Kerry and Lieberman – were AWOL from
the Senate on Monday. The vote was 52-39
on the Estrada filibuster this time, but 60
are required to proceed with the nomination.
The Senate also confirmed – on a 66-25 vote
– Ohio Supreme Court Justice Deborah Cook
for the U. S. 6th Circuit Court of Appeals in
Cincinnati. Same lineup – Edwards voted
no with Graham, Kerry and Lieberman absent. (5/7/2003)
Rich Galen’s “Mullings” column on the
South Carolina Dem debate: “John Kerry and
Howard Dean really don’t like each
other. Dean is trying to climb down
from the Leader-of-the-Anti-War-Faction cliff
on which he placed himself. Kerry can’t
let more that seven minutes go by without
reminding everyone of his service in Vietnam. Both
are tiresome …Dick Gephardt bothers
everyone else because – even though his
health care plan is wrong in its conception
– Gephardt is the ONLY candidate who
has come up with an original idea.” (5/7/2003)
Kerry’s anticipated arrival in Iowa
tomorrow (unless he’s still using the
lost-my-voice-ploy to skip campaign events),
it’s a good time to point out that the
Washington Times – under the headline, “Kerry’s
revisionist history” – said yesterday
in an editorial that Kerry was “rather
slippery on the ‘Imus in the Morning’
radio show Monday, where he rewrote history
– not long after his presidential campaign
had accused Vermont Gov. Howard Dean of
‘pathological recklessness with the
facts.’ To hear Mr. Kerry tell it, in
1993 Bill Clinton inherited a lousy economy.
Without the benefit of a single Republican
vote, Mr. Kerry’s fairy tail continued,
Mr. Clinton’s deficit-reduction plan, which
congressional Democrats passed in the summer
of 1993, singlehandedly destroyed the deficit
monster…As history records, it wasn’t
until the Republican Congress forced the
president’s hand that a credible path to a
balanced budget was ultimately achieved. No
amount of puffing from Mr. Kerry can change
this fact.” (5/8/2003)
Moines Register caucus watcher Thomas Beaumont
– under the headline, “Democrats to
descend on Iowa in May” – writes that
the state’s Dem caucusgoers will have “a
chance to see each of the nine Democrats
running for president in person during May.”
He noted that Moseley Braun will make her
first visit to the state as a “declared
candidate” and Sharpton is
scheduled to make his first visit since
February. Five of the candidates are expected
in Iowa over the coming weekend, but the big
May day is a week from Saturday when all
the candidates except Kerry and Lieberman are
scheduled at a “town hall meeting”
sponsored by the American Federation of State,
County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME).
Beaumont reported that Lieberman won’t
attend because he observes the Jewish Sabbath on
Saturdays and Kerry had a
prior commitment to address a
New Hampshire law school graduation, but will
address the AFSCME meeting by satellite.(5/8/2003)
from caucus column by the Des Moines
Register’s Thomas Beaumont: Subhead – “A
Grand Old Poll” Beaumont wrote: “A
poll conducted by a Republican firm out of
Davenport and released last week shed little
light on the caucus race, with former caucus
winner Gephardt of Missouri leading. Lieberman,
Kerry, Dean and Edwards followed Gephardt,
according to a poll released by Victory
Enterprises, the political consulting firm run
by former Republican Party Chairman Steve
Grubbs. Gephardt has almost 30
percent, Lieberman had about 12 percent
and Kerry had 10.6. But the results
were based on responses from only 150
Democrats contacted for the poll, in which
400 people were asked to rate their approval
of President Bush. It provides a look at
the race so far, but from a sample hardly
large enough to get an accurate picture of the
candidates’ real support.” (5/9/2003)
Lloyd Grove’s “The Reliable Source”
column in yesterday’s Washington Post:
“Razor-tongued Sen. Fritz Hollings, who memorably
noted that Bill Clinton was ‘as popular as
AIDS in South Carolina’ and once referred to
a Jewish colleague as ‘the senator from
B’nai B’rith,’ is not known for his
gentle quips. So folks took notice when the
81-year-old South Carolina Democrat, greeting
Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.) before last
Saturday’s televised debate in Columbia, sharply
needled the presidential candidate and his
liberal media consultant, Bob Shrum. ‘John,
do you want to win or do you want to lose?’
Hollings asked pointedly as he indicated Shrum,
whose class-warfare rhetoric was blamed by
some for contributing to Al Gore’s defeat in
2000. Yesterday Shrum told us: “I’ve known
Hollings since I met him at the 1960
Democratic convention when I was 16 years old,
and whenever I see him he usually teases me. I
love the guy.” (5/9/2003)
from this morning’s Sioux City Journal
online: “Kerry gives Bush thumbs-up for
carrier landing” Report from Des
Moines by Todd Dorman says Kerry said
“he will not join a chorus of Democrats
criticizing President Bush for the
headline-grabbing landing on a U.S. aircraft
carrier last week.” Excerpt: Kerry said
“he’s ‘grateful’ to the president for
thanking U.S. troops. Kerry made a
quick campaign trip to central Iowa
Friday…’It’s the prerogative of the
commander in chief,’ Kerry said,
‘These troops worked hard. They’ve been
out there a long time. I think they
appreciated his visit. Speaking as a pilot,
I was jealous of his stick-time, and not a bad
photo,’ he said.” (5/10/2003)
Union Leader political reporter John DiStaso
– under the headline “Kerry: Bush tax
cut plan ‘ridiculous’ waste of funds”
– wrote that Kerry “called New
Hampshire reporters from Capitol Hill
yesterday to label President Bush’s tax cut
plan an ‘incredibly inefficient,
ridiculous’ waste of federal revenue. The
Massachusetts senator is a member of the
Senate Finance Committee, which debated
scheduled votes on the plan yesterday. Kerry
said he filed an alternative plan to
cut the payroll tax by $765 a person. He
said he knows it will not be in the final
version passed by the Republican-controlled
Senate because it simply does not have enough
support. Kerry called the Bush plan a
‘cheap political trick’ to convince
average Americans that the economy will be
spurred on by tax that Kerry said clearly
would benefit the wealthy …Kerry called
yesterday’s committee meeting ‘one of
the disappointing moments of the
administration in terms of its choices.’”(5/10/2003)
Boston Globe online – under the headline,
“For Kerry and Kennedy, chill is gone …Campaign
puts thaw in relations” – reported: “A
few years ago, Senator John F. Kerry parked
his car in a Capitol Hill space some thought
was reserved for the handicapped and an aide
to his home-state colleague, Senator Edward M.
Kennedy, called the newspapers to alert
them. Snickers echoed through Kennedy’s
suite in the Russell Senate Office Building. Curses
filled Kerry’s quarters across the hall. There
was tension between the two offices, and at
times, Kennedy and Kerry themselves.
Kennedy had a reputation as the liberal lion
of the Senate and the embodiment of
Massachusetts politics. Kerry, in the
eyes of some of Kennedy’s staff, was a like-minded
opportunist who rode Kennedy’s coattails in
Washington and Boston while pursuing his
personal political agenda. So when Kerry announced
his intentions to run for president – the
office Kennedy tried to win in 1980 – many
who knew the two men expected backbiting. Sure
enough, rivals whispered that Kennedy
secretly supported another candidate, Senator
John Edwards of North Carolina, and that
any public endorsement of Kerry – as
Kennedy delivered at the National Press Club
in January – was a sham …This week, Kennedy
took the rare step of opening his Washington
home to Kerry and inviting friends in the
labor community for dinner with the candidate.
It is a
constituency with which Kennedy has close ties
and which otherwise might be expected to
support Representative Richard A. Gephardt of
Missouri, a
candidate for the Democratic
nomination.” (5/12/2003)
-- at Dem statewide event in Michigan –
caters to and reinforces labor union rhetoric
and (mis)perceptions.
from yesterday’s Detroit News online: “Kerry
targets state’s lost jobs”
The News said Kerry
– who
spoke at Saturday night’s annual
Jefferson-Jackson fundraising event in Detroit
– told the audience “they should help him
unseat President Bush in 2004. That way, he
said, he can do
something about the 2.5 million lost jobs
across the country, 200,000 of them in
Michigan …Kerry
the first presidential hopeful to appear in
Michigan. His stop underscored Michigan’s
more visible role in selecting the party’s
nominee …He [Kerry]
said Bush needs to shift
his focus from the war to the economy.
‘It’s time to remind Americans that
landing on an aircraft carrier doesn’t make
up for a failed economic policy,’ Kerry
said. Noting
President Bush’s emphasis on fuel-cell
vehicles, Kerry said:
know who I want to build that car. I want it
built in America. I want it built in Michigan.
And I want it built by the UAW. Nearly
350,000 union members live in the Detroit
area, according to the U.S. Department of
Labor. Many
are United Auto Workers members.”(5/12/2003)
Union Leader – under the headline, “University
official says Kerry invitation unlikely”
– carried an Associated Press report from
Columbia, S.C. about the status
of Kerry’s invitation to speak at Bob Jones
University. AP’s
Jim Davenport reported: “Democratic
presidential candidate John Kerry
said he would speak at Bob Jones University
and would ‘challenge
the university on some of its views,”
according to his campaign. A school spokesman
made it clear Friday that an
invitation would not be forthcoming. ‘Is he
crazy?’ Jonathan
Pait asked. Any politician, Republican or
Democrat, ‘would be inviting media
scrutiny’ similar to what happened to George
W. Bush in the 2000 presidential race, the
spokesman said. Last weekend, as the Democrats
gathered in South Carolina for the first
debate, Kerry
asked if he would be willing to speak at the
university. Kerry
he would, a response his campaign described as
a ‘spontaneous but a serious answer.’
Questioned Friday, school officials said no
invitations have been made to the nine
Democratic candidates although President Bob
Jones III said he would consider inviting
Democrats.” (5/12/2003)
CNN’s “Capital Gang” Saturday, Novak
(from the CNN rush transcript) gave the
following assessment of the Dem campaign –
“The only candidates who have any excitement are those who can’t
possibly be elected president.
My friend Al Sharpton is
not going to be elected president. Governor Dean is
not going to be elected president. And what
you have is that there was some
hope that John Kerry was Mr. Excitement and
boy, he looked more dreary in that debate than
anybody. They said he had some – people said
he has laryngitis, or hay fever, that he
didn’t look good. The thing about Joe Lieberman,
who has the name ID, I really can’t find any
Democrat who thinks he’d going to be the
nominee.” (5/12/2003)
Des Moines Register reported on Saturday that
Iowa House Dem Leader Dick Myers of Iowa
City said that Gephardt and Kerry “stand the
best chance of beating President Bush.” Myers,
who has not endorsed a candidate, said: “Gephardt has
got to do well here. If
he doesn’t, why, he probably will not
from last week – commentary on the first Dem
debate in James Taranto’s “Best of the Web
Today” column on An
excerpt: “No doubt Kerry
doesn’t need any lectures in courage from a
pipsqueak like Dean, but why is he even
dignifying Dean’s comments with a response? Unfortunately,
this is par for the course for Kerry.
He’s constantly whining that people are
questioning his patriotism, lecturing him on
courage, etc. For a man who served with valor
and distinction in Vietnam, he
sure is a big baby.
As for Dean,
he backed
others had rightly criticized him. He
proclaimed himself ‘delighted to see Saddam
gone’ (last
and he said he wouldn’t allow America to
lose its military superiority (last
was one of three senators to miss the latest
cloture votes to end the filibusters
against the judicial nominations of Miguel A.
Estrada and Priscilla Richman Owen. The other
three Dem senator-wannabes – Edwards,
Graham and Kerry – were present
and voted against ending the filibusters. Lieberman
also was the only Dem presidential
candidates missing when the Senate voted 96-0
to add seven eastern European nations to NATO
– Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania,
Romania, Slovakia, and Slovenia. (5/12/2003)
Washington Times political ace Donald Lambro
– under the headline, “Kerry gets high
liberal marks on defense” – reported:
“Sen. John Kerry has the most liberal
voting record on defense legislation of all of
his Senate rivals for the Democratic
presidential nomination, according to several
advocacy groups that rate lawmakers’ votes. The
Americans for Democratic Action, one of the
nation’s oldest and most liberal advocacy
organizations, gives the Massachusetts
senator a stellar 93 percent score for the
votes he has cast on national security
amendments and bills during his Senate career
– from questioning antimissile defense
systems to supporting nuclear test-ban
treaties. His grade is by far the most
liberal among the top tier of Senate
Democratic candidates seeking their party’s
nomination for president in 2004.”
Lambro wrote that the ADA ratings indicated Edwards
was Kerry’s nearest rival with a grade of
71.5 percent, followed by Lieberman (51%)
and Graham (48%). The report
noted three of the senators supported the
resolution approving use of military force in
Iraq with Graham opposed.(5/13/2003)
now comes one of the toughest challenges of
being an Iowan – no off-color jokes,
please – as most Americans can’t even name
a Dem presidential candidate while they become
household names (and café visitors) in places
like Eldon, Strawberry Point and North
Buena Vista. reported last
night that the most common response to a
question about whether respondents could
name “any Democratic presidential
candidates” was a resounding 66% that
answered, “No, cannot recall any.” That
means 34% -- presumably residents of IA, NH,
SC and the candidate’s respective home
states – could name at least one Dem
wannabe. The numbers: 9% know Lieberman is
running for the Dem nomination followed by
Kerry (7%) and Gephardt (6%). The order
– Graham at 3%, Edwards and Sharpton
at 2%, Dean at 1% and the others
with a combined 4%. (Iowa Pres Watch
Note: Watch out – Graham, who just
announced a week ago, obviously has captured
the momentum while Lieberman continues
to build on his 2000 V.P. run. That, by the
way, is Sharpton moving up on the
outside. Yes, it really is too bad
Hillary’s not in the field – yet –
because she’d show the wannabes bow to
create headlines, not to mention that
she’s already well known for various
Sun-Times columnist Steve Neal – under the
online headline, “Battle-tested Kerry
emerges as top gun among Democrats” –
wrote: “He’s got what it takes. Sen.
John Kerry of Massachusetts, who is
gaining momentum in the race for the
Democratic presidential nomination, delivered
a winning performance in the first nationally
televised debate of the 2004 presidential
season. In his closing remarks, he declared
that the nation’s next chief executive
must take the lead in making health care
accessible to every American, improving the
quality of public schools, ending the
nation’s dependence on foreign energy
sources, and ‘making America safer,
stronger, and more secure.’ What gives Kerry,
59, an edge over the Democratic pack is
that he projects a sense of command and has a
record of substantial accomplishment. The
former commander of a gunboat on the Mekong
Delta has a chance to become the first
veteran of the Vietnam War to win the
presidency of the United States …Among
the reasons that Kerry is gaining
momentum is that he is viewed by a growing
number of Democrats as their party’s best
hope against President Bush. How would
Kerry match up? His 1996 re-election
provides some clues. Republican Gov. William
Weld, who won with 71 percent in 1994,
challenged Kerry as his first move
toward a presidential bid. Weld led in
early polls. But Kerry fought back, waged a
terrific campaign, outpointed Weld in a series
of debates, and won a third term. If Kerry
wins the ’04 nomination, it will be a
contest.” (5/14/2003)
– who was scheduled to announce an $80
billion health care plan at a Des Moines
hospital today – has postponed the planned
high-profile event to return to Washington for
votes on the tax cut package. Aides
indicated he hopes to reschedule the health
care announcement tomorrow. In an interview
with AP’s Mike Glover in DSM, Kerry
“sought to cast the schedule shift in the
best possible light, scrubbing an important
campaign event for a vote on principle.
‘The tax bill is so important to all the
things we need to do as a country,’ said Kerry,
arguing the tax cuts made dealing with health
care issues vastly more complicated.” (5/15/2003)
what is rapidly becoming the most
anticlimactic event of the 2004 Dem
presidential campaign so far, Kerry is
expected to surface somewhere in Iowa –
Hampton? Ottumwa?
Des Moines? – sometime soon (maybe
today?) to finally outline his version of
health care insurance. The main problem
and challenge for Kerry, however, is
that most Iowa Dems probably have read or
heard about the Kerry health package. Kerry
was scheduled to deliver his Health Care
Grand Plan in DSM yesterday – but he
backed off to return to DC for votes on the
tax-cut legislation. The Quad-Cities Times
reported that Kerry had planned to use
yesterday’s health care announcement (and
apparently his expected DSM news conference
today) to outline an $80 billion health
care initiative “intended to rein in
skyrocketing costs while providing
insurance coverage to 95 percent of Americans.” (5/16/2003)
political reporters scurried around, in
wake of Gephardt announcing congressional
endorsements, to see how the Dem wannabes
are doing in the endorsement derby. From
yesterday’s Los Angeles Times – under
headline, “Gephardt Leads Pack in
Endorsements by Colleagues” – staff
writer Nick Anderson wrote: “In the jostling
among Democratic presidential contenders for
endorsements from elected officials, Rep.
Richard A. Gephardt of Missouri laid
claim Wednesday to being king
of the hill – Capitol Hill, that is.”
The Times report said Gephardt “scooped
up the formal backing” of House leaders
Pelosi and Hoyer – and 28 other House
members – which places him “well ahead
of his rivals in the hunt for congressional
support.” The endorsements, Anderson
noted, are important because congressional
Dems are among the 800
“super-delegates” eligible to vote on the
eventual nominee at the party’s national
convention. The count, according to the
Times coverage: Lieberman has a dozen, Dean
has four, Kerry has “at least
four” and Moseley Braun has
two Illinois congressional backers. (Note: For
the Quad-City Times, the Gephardt announcement
was a local story. The Times’ Ed Tibbetts
reported that Dem Rep. Lane Evans – who
represents the Illinois side of the
Quad-Cities – was among those endorsing
Gephardt’s candidacy. The Times noted
that Evans, the ranking member on the House
Veterans Affairs Committee, has been a
“beneficiary” of Gephardt’s
campaign help over the years.)(5/16/2003)
from the Boston Herald: “Kerry made his
Bones in secret club – like Bush”
Report by Andrew Miga said that Kerry
“expounds on many issues in his presidential
campaign, but he’s completely silent on one
topic: his membership in Skull and Bones,
Yale’s infamous secret society. ‘John Kerry
has absolutely nothing to say on that subject.
Sorry,’ said Kerry spokeswoman Kelley
Benander. Kerry is a respected senator
and a decorated Vietnam War combat veteran, but
36 years after he was initiated into what has
been called the ‘ultimate old boy
network,’ he’s wary of breaking the
ultra-exclusive club’s strict secrecy code.
There’s also another high-profile member of
the club: President Bush. Bonesmen already are
buzzing over the prospect of the first
Bones vs. Bones presidential race should Kerry
win his party’s nomination and face Bush in
2004. ‘Bones don’t care who wins,’
said author Alexandra Robbins, whose book
‘Secrets of the Tomb’ pierced the secrecy
shrouding the 171-year-old society. ‘If
Kerry wins, it’s still a Bones presidency.”(5/16/2003)
weeks of attacking each other and spending the
past week or so pretending to be universal
health care experts, the Dem wannabes in
Des Moines yesterday shifted their focus to
red meat politics – attacking GWB.
Associated Press Iowa watcher Mike Glover
reported that virtually all of
the Dem contenders “charged
that Bush is pushing tax cuts for the rich as
the nation’s economy staggers and budget
deficits swell.” Quote from Kerry – in New Hampshire, but
addressing the AFSCME forum by phone: “Under
this president, America is off course. Time
and time again, he [Bush] has chosen to
protect the privileged at the price of
progress for the whole nation.”
Washington Times reported this morning that Kerry
“blamed the Bush administration
yesterday for not doing enough to prevent last
week’s terrorist bombings in Saudi Arabia, saying
it was not enough to warn that an attack was
imminent and ask for protection …’It’s
the obligation of this administration to make
sure that they are doing something, and you
don’t do it by passing on a communication
and then sitting there. You have to be
engaged,’ Mr. Kerry, Massachusetts
Democrat, said on CBS’ ‘Face the
Nation.’ …The Bush administration
‘got overly focused on Iraq’ and is in
‘complete disarray’ as opposed to the
al Qaeda network, which Mr. Kerry said
‘never went out of business.’”(5/19/2003)
from this morning’s The Union Leader – “Kerry
would draft students for community service”
Coverage by senior political reporter John
DiStaso: “With a sharp dig at President
George W. Bush, Democratic Presidential
candidate John Kerry yesterday proposed
a new federal requirement that all high
school students perform community service
before receiving their diplomas. ‘High
School Service’ is a component of a new $3.5
billion program Kerry unveiled
yesterday in calling for ‘a new era of
national service’ and an effort ‘to make
national service a way of life for each new
generation of Americans.’ He would spend
$2.5 billion of the total on having the
federal government pay the state college
tuition of youths who commit to community
service for two years. Kerry, who
said he’d pay for the ‘easily
affordable’ program by closing at least one
tax loophole, would also withhold federal
aid to universities that ban campus ROTC
programs …Kerry said Bush and the
Republicans have used calls for volunteerism
as meaningless ‘punch lines’ and
‘commonplace backdrops for political events
– background music for their march to
replace shared sacrifice with
selfishness.’” (5/20/2003)
in today’s The Union Leader assails
Kerry’s latest brainstorm – see
headline at top of this Morning Report –
“Someone needs to acquaint Sen. John Kerry
with the U.S. Constitution, specifically
the 13th Amendment. In Manchester on Monday, Kerry
unveiled his plan for the conscription of
every American teenager into involuntary
servitude …Kerry can call his
program ‘High School Service’ or
‘community service’ or whatever he wants. It’s
still involuntary servitude, and it’s still
unconstitutional. Even if forcing
people to work X number of hours (Kerry
suggested between 50 and 100) for a diploma
were constitutional, it would remain morally
wrong and strategically unsound. Kerry argues
that drafting teenagers into volunteer work in
their communities will reinvigorate a
charitable spirit in America. Of all the
candidates currently running for President,
Vietnam veteran Kerry should know that
drafting young people into service to their
country fuels contempt for, not love of,
one’s country and government …Neither Kerry
nor John Edwards, who has a similar
proposal, has sufficiently explained how
voluntarism, by definition freely given, can
be compelled, or why the federal government
must institute this compulsion now. This
is not a right vs. left issue. But both
sides should be just as outraged by Kerry’s
and Edwards’ readiness to dispense with
personal freedom. And both sides need to work
together to squash this idea immediately.” (5/21/2003)
headline, “Field of 9 down to leaders,
longshots” – Donald Lambro reported in
yesterday’s Washington Times: “The
nine-member field of Democratic presidential
candidates has been effectively whittled down
to about three or four top contenders in the
early nominating contests, with everyone else
nearly off the radar screen. Democratic
strategists say it will be difficult for
anyone to catch up to Missouri Rep. Richard A.
Gephardt in the Jan. 19 Iowa caucuses,
where the former House Democratic leader has widened
his lead to 25 percent or more. His
closest rival, Sen. John Kerry of
Massachusetts, trails behind in second place
with 13 points, according to pollster John
Zogby. None of the other candidates is
running even close to the two front-runners in
the state. Former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean,
who was catapulted into contention earlier
this year as a result of his opposition to the
war in Iraq, has fallen back in the caucus
state, drawing around five points. Sen. Joe
Lieberman of Connecticut doesn’t fare much
better than that. Freshman Sen. John R.
Edwards of North Carolina is ‘barely on
the radar screen’ in Iowa, Mr. Zogby
said.” Lambro wrote the rest of the field
– Moseley Braun, Sharpton,
Kucinich and Graham – are “at 1
percent or 2 percent or register no support at
all.” In making his case that the field is
narrowing down, Lambro also noted that Kerry
and Dean lead the Dems in New Hampshire
with Gephardt and Lieberman following –
and “the rest of the field registering 1
percent or less.” He noted, however, that Lieberman
has been leading in national polls at 19
percent, followed by Gephardt (14%) and
Kerry (12%).(5/22/2003)
has joined other wannabes – including
Graham, Edwards and Hillary (if she
chooses to run) – among the Dem
candidates who would lose to the president in
their home states. (KCVB-TV)
reports that Kerry “received some
startling news Wednesday from his own back
yard” – a poll by the research
institute Mass Insight indicating that he
trails President Bush by 6 percentage points.
KCVB said the exact numbers for the poll,
which surveyed 500 Massachusetts voters at the
end of April, were not released. The report
said the latest results are “in stark
contract to a similar poll taken by the group
in January. Back then, Kerry had a
commanding 16-point lead in Massachusetts in a
theoretical matchup with the president.” (5/22/2003)
the Senate voted Tuesday night (7:24 p.m. EDT)
– by a 51-43 margin – to end
a 10-year ban on research and development of
low-yield nuclear weapons,
only one of the Dem presidential candidates
was present and voting: Lieberman.
The other three Senate wannabes – Edwards,
Graham and
Kerry – were
among six senators recorded as not voting. Lieberman (along
with Harkin
and Hillary)
voted for a Democratic amendment to keep the
ban. Grassley
with Republicans and a couple Dems to end the
10-year restriction on nuclear arms R&D.
Quote worth quoting: Ted Kennedy – “This issue is as clear as any issue ever gets.
You’re either for nuclear war or you’re
not. Either you want to make it easier to
start using nuclear weapons or you
don’t…If we build it, we’ll use
it.” (5/22/2003)
and headlines from the coverage of the
EMILY’s List forum – which attracted seven
of the nine Dem candidates – were included
in yesterday’s Morning Report, but some of
the comments and accusations against the Bush
Administration should be noted and remembered:
– “I can’t wait to remind this
country that landing on an aircraft carrier
with a Navy pilot doesn’t make up for the
lack of an economic plan or a security plan
for the United States…The Supreme Court
is at stake in this race as never before in
modern history…We don’t need a second
Republican Party.”(5/22/2003)
poll revealed. Excerpt from coverage of
the Dem candidates by Chicago Sun-Times
Washington Bureau Chief Lynn Sweet: “In a
poll of 1,000 Illinois Democratic Senate
primary voters conducted by one of the
Illinois U.S. Senate candidates from April
22-24, Braun and Rep. Dick Gephardt (D-Mo.)
led the pack with each polling 17 percent.”
Lieberman had 16%, Kerry
Edwards 4%,
and Graham
The poll has 26% as undecided with a margin of
error of 3.1%. More excerpts from the Sweet
coverage: “For months, Edwards
been making trips to the Chicago area to woo
local donors, fund-raisers and the political
elite…an Illinois Senate campaign shared the
poll with the Sun-Times on the condition that
its name not be used because it did not want
to get involved in presidential politics. The
poll, in an oversight, forgot to include Rep.
Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio).
In looking at the bottom rungs of an April ABC
News poll, Braun polled 6 percent to 4 percent
for Edwards
and 3 percent or less for Dean,
Sharpton, Graham and
from today’s The Union Leader: “No
front-runner, Democrats plot strategy for
nomination” Analysis by AP’s veteran
political reporter Ron Fournier: “The
campaign for the Democratic presidential
nomination will pit the tortoises against the
hares, three patient plodders hoping to
overtake three confident sprinters after the
race’s first lap.” Fournier described Kerry,
Gephardt and Dean as “the pacesetters.
Following the traditional nomination path,
they are seeking victories Jan. 19 in Iowa or
eight days later in New Hampshire to build
momentum for the first multistate showdown
Feb. 3.” He wrote that three others – Lieberman,
Edwards and Graham – are “betting
their candidacies on a
largely untested theory that they can wait
until Feb. 3 or beyond for their first
victories. They will need a lot of money
and a bit of luck to pull it off. At least one
of the slow-starters, Edwards, may air
the campaign’s first ads early this summer
to jump-start his bid.” Another excerpt:
“Eight months before the first vote is cast,
no front-runner has emerged in a campaign that
may last just six weeks in early 2004,
according to Democrats in key states and the
candidates’ own strategists…After the Feb.
3 elections in Arizona, South Carolina,
Delaware, Missouri, New Mexico and Oklahoma,
eight more states plus the District of
Columbia select delegates in the next three
weeks. Then comes Super Tuesday on March
2, when California, New York and at least
seven other states choose delegates. After
that big day, more than half of the 2,161
delegates needed for the nomination will have
been awarded.” (5/26/2003)
Angeles Times headline from Sunday – “Democrats’
Plans Could Be Costly… Party analysts
fear the presidential candidates’ spending
proposals will undermine their economic
argument against reelecting Bush.” Times
political ace Ronald Brownstein writes – “Even
with the federal government facing record
budget deficits, many of the 2004 Democratic
presidential contenders are advancing much
larger spending programs than Al Gore was
willing to risk as the party’s 2000 nominee.
Some Democratic analysts are increasingly
concerned that these substantial new
proposals may threaten the party’s ability
to challenge President Bush in next year’s
election on what could become a major
vulnerability: the federal budget’s sharp
deterioration, from record surplus to massive
deficits, during his presidency. ‘At some
point, the Democrats will be called to task to
see if their own programs meet the fiscal test
they are holding up for the Bush
administration,’ said Elaine Kamarck, senior
policy advisor to Gore in 2000. Already,
the spending proposals – especially for
health care – are emerging as a key divide
in the Democratic race. Three leading
contenders – Sens. Joseph I. Lieberman of
Connecticut, John Edwards of North Carolina
and Bob Graham of Florida – are questioning
whether health-care plans by three rivals –
Sen. John F. Kerry of Massachusetts, former
Vermont Gov. Howard Dean and, especially, Rep.
Richard A. Gephardt of Missouri – are
affordable, economically and politically. Yet
the pressure to produce bold ideas attractive
to Democratic primary voters may be triggering
a spending competition that will make it
difficult for all of the candidates to hold
down the cost of their agendas. And that
prospect has Republicans practically
salivating at the opportunity to portray the
Democrats as recidivist big spenders.” (5/26/2003)
Press reported over the weekend that Lieberman
– with 27 % -- leads among Dem voters in
Michigan. The EPIC/MRA poll published in
Sunday’s Detroit Free Press had Gephardt
(19%) in second Kerry (15%) holding down third.
The other six candidates were in single digits
with one in five Michigan Democrats undecided.
In a separate EPIC/MRA poll of Democrats,
Republicans and independents 48% said they
would vote for President Bush with 41% saying
they would vote for “the Democratic
candidate for president.” (5/26/2003)
Sunday, the Washington Post’s Lois Romano
– headline, “Military Record May Gain
Role in 2004 Presidential Race’ –
wrote: “Since the election of Bill Clinton
in 1992, a candidate’s military service has
seemed an issue of the past, one that
intrigued the news media but not necessarily
the voters, who in the past three
presidential elections have rejected war
veterans in favor of candidates who managed to
avoid combat at the height of the Vietnam War.
But perhaps for the first time since Dwight D.
Eisenhower rode his World War II service into
the Oral Office in 1952, candidates for the
White House today must face the possibility
that – for an electorate scarred by
terrorism and coming out of war in Afghanistan
and Iraq – military service has taken on a
new relevancy. Sen. John F. Kerry (Mass.)
– the only one of the nine Democratic
presidential with battlefield experience –
has made his military record a centerpiece of
his campaign. President Bush put the issue of
military leadership at front and center
earlier this month with his showy landing on
the USS Abraham Lincoln – complete with
flight suit emblazoned with ‘commander in
chief.’ The dramatic images surrounding
Bush’s on-deck address to the troops that
day made it abundantly clear that the
president – who spent the Vietnam War
stateside in the Texas National Guard – will
flaunt his military leadership in his bid for
reelection. According to a Washington Post
survey, 29 percent of Americans say that when
considering a candidate for president, it is
‘extremely’ or ‘very’ important that
the person has served in the military. Among
Democrats, that rises to 31 percent…The
day after Bush’s speech, Kerry met
with veterans in South Carolina and pointedly
noted that his military experience makes him
qualified to take on a wartime president. ‘I
don’t have to sit in the Situation Room and
be taught everything…I learned a lot on the
front lines,’ he said. In a later
interview, Kerry was blunt about his
strategy. ‘If the president is going to
wear a flight suit on deck, I have one to
match, so to speak,’ he said. ‘If we want
to make those comparisons, I think it can
become dangerous territory for them. If he can
talk to the troops, I can talk to veterans.
And my experience is a little more
real.” (5/26/2003)
Washington Times yesterday reported that Gephardt
dominates while Graham and Kucinich lag in
endorsement battle. Headline: “Gephardt
takes early lead in ‘endorsement primary’”
Coverage by Times’ Charles Hunt says Gephardt
“leads the pack of presidential hopefuls in
the so-called ‘endorsement primary.’ Earlier
this month, Mr. Gephardt announced
endorsements from 30 House colleagues,
including Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi,
California Democrat, and Minority Whip Steny
H. Hoyer, Maryland Democrat…Sen. Joe Lieberman,
Connecticut Democrat, has the second-highest
number of endorsements from congressional
colleagues – 12 – from eight states,
including fellow Connecticut Democratic Sen.
Christopher J. Dodd.” The Times report
continues to note that Edwards has
“rounded up support from six congressmen
from his state and one more from Texas,” Kerry
has is supported by Sen. Edward Kennedy
and three other members of Congress, Dean has
endorsements from both Vermont senators and
two House members, Moseley Braun has
two congressional endorsements, and Sharpton
announced last week that “he had the
support of Rep. Jose E. Serrano, New York
Democrat.” Graham and Kucinich
haven’t listed any endorsements yet, but
the Times noted “Mr. Graham’s office
said he has not yet sought endorsements from
fellow legislators.” The significance of
the endorsement battle – outside of
generating media coverage and showing a
support base – is that members of Congress
are voting super-delegates to the
Democratic national convention. (5/28/2003)
from Sacramento Bee on new AP report from DC
last night – “John
Kerry cites Bush campaign goals in donor
The report by Associated Press’ Sharon
Theimer said Kerry is “using President
Bush’s fund raising to motivate his donors,
urging them to help counter the $200,000 or
more each member of Bush’s new ‘rangers’
fund-raising group will raise.
‘I think I have an agenda that can change
our nation’s direction for the better –
and it starts by getting the Democratic Party thinking big again,’
the Massachusetts senator wrote Tuesday in an
e-mail appeal. ‘To make that happen, we
must first beat the Bush money machine –
but that won’t happen by magic.’…Kerry
said the [Bush] rangers will be ‘dominated
by special interests and Republican fat cats…Bush’s
fund raising is ‘putting
the Democratic nominee at a distinct financial
disadvantage,” Kerry wrote.”(5/28/2003)
from yesterday’s San Francisco Chronicle:
“Kerry pushes for health care in Bay Area
visit…Bush opponent tours hospital in
Peninsula” The Chronicle’s Carla
Marinucci reported: “Massachusetts Sen. John
Kerry toured a San Mateo County
hospital overburdened by scores of new
patients – including laid-off dot-commers
– to highlight his health care proposals
and argue Tuesday that President Bush ‘has
offered nothing’ to address the medical
needs of working Americans…Chris Lehane,
a spokesman for Kerry, said the senator
– on his 15th trip to California –
intended to stress how the Bush
administration’s economic policies have had
a ripple effect on health care, education and
a variety of issues that affect every
American. ‘John Kerry stands as the only
candidate in the field who can take these
issues directly to George W. Bush,’ he
said. In San Mateo, Kerry pushed his
$72 billion health care plan, which he said
could eventually cover 96 percent of
Americans, and nearly 99 percent of all
children without health insurance. ‘It is
the only health care plan that has been
offered in this country than deals with
bringing down costs for all Americans,’ he
said…Kerry, responding to a question
about health care for undocumented immigrants,
said the country needs ‘immigration
reform,’ but ‘it is important for us to
recognize that the children of an undocumented
immigrant are Americans’ who deserve health
care, proper nutrition and education.” (5/29/2003)
from the San Jose Mercury News coverage: “To
campaign successful in the early caucuses and
primaries in Iowa and New Hampshire,
candidates must raise money in places like
California and New York. They have been
coming West for months, courting support from
Silicon Valley, San Francisco, Hollywood and
Los Angeles. Sens. John Kerry of
Massachusetts and John Edwards of North
Carolina have been two of the most successful.
Each has raised more than $1 million in the
state.” The report noted that Kerry,
Gephardt and Lieberman were
scheduled in CA this week, and Graham is
due in next week. (5/29/2003)
Boston Herald – headline “GOP seeks to
link Gore with Kerry” – reported: “GOP
operatives have already launched a shadow
campaign branding Sen. John F. Kerry as a
carbon copy of another Democrat maligned as
aloof and phony: Al Gore. ‘Wherever he
goes, Kerry walks in thinking he’s
the smartest guy in the room – and he just
has to show it,’ said one Massachusetts
Republican, echoing party insiders. ‘Gore
was the same way. They’re really birds of a
feather.’ Kerry aides, however,
consider such comments from Republicans a
back-handed compliment, saying it shows
that the Bush team views Kerry as the
strongest potential challenger. ‘If you
go behind the fence at 1600 Pennsylvania
Avenue, into that dark, secret room where
George Bush and Karl Rove are plotting the
race, I guarantee you the candidate who
strikes the most fear in their hearts is John Kerry,’
said Kerry spokesman Chris Lehane, who also
served as Gore’s campaign spokesman…Gore,
the former vice president who began the 2000
contest as a favorite against Bush, struggled
to shed the same disparaging labels in his
troubled White House bid three years ago. ‘Gore
and Kerry are a couple of pompous guys,’
said former Reagan White House political
director and GOP analyst Lyn Nofziger. ‘You
don’t see much humility in either one. They
seem very pleased with themselves – and that
can sure hurt in the long run.’…Kerry
strategists contend such harsh tactics
will only backfire. ‘If these guys think
they’re going to run the 1988 Michael
Dukakis campaign all over again, they’re in
for a rude surprise,’ said Lehane, asserting
that Kerry is a decorated Vietnam
combat veteran with strong national security
credentials.” (5/29/2003)
names Gephardt, Kerry and Dean as the top
three in the nine-wannabe field. Fox News
reported: “Iowa’s Democratic caucus voters
are weighing the candidates and have some
bad news to would-be presidential contenders
– not many of them can count on making it
very far in the primary season. Democratic
Iowa Gov. Tom Vilsack, the unofficial
gatekeeper of the crucially important first
presidential caucuses in the nation –
scheduled for Jan. 19, 2004 – said that with
eight months to go, he has already narrowed
down the field of nine to three serious
contenders – Missouri Rep. Dick Gephardt,
Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry and
former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean. ‘The
first tier is Gephardt, Dean and
Kerry. They either have very aggressive
organizations or they’ve spent a lot of time
in the state,’ Vilsack told Fox News.
This could come as tough news for the likes
of Sen. John Edwards of North Carolina, Joe
Lieberman of Connecticut and Bob Graham of
Florida, whom Vilsack relegates to second-tier
competitors. The Iowa governor has all but
anointed Gephardt the man to beat if
the former House minority leader can win over
Iowa’s influential labor unions. ‘If
Gephardt gets those endorsements as I think
folks expect him to, then he’s clearly in
the driver’s seat. If he fails to get
those endorsements, it’s going to be a very,
very competitive race,’ Vilsack said.” (5/30/2003)
it weren’t for this morning’s Sioux City
Journal, Kerry’s visit to Sioux City
yesterday might have gone largely unnoticed.
Headline – “Kerry pushes health care,
national service plans” Bret Hayworth
coverage says Kerry was on familiar turf
Thursday speaking with fellow military
veterans at Sioux City VFW Post 1973…Meeting
with a dozen veterans gathered around five
tables, Kerry took a folksy manner in
completely avoiding the podium and sitting
down with the men. The first presidential
candidate to visit Sioux City without a
suit-and-tie, he was attired in khakis and
running shoes.” Excerpts: “He said his
[health care] plan wasn’t a case of yet
another Democrat putting forth a
big-government solution…Kerry also
discussed his plan to engage more than one
million Americans in national service. He said
the vets in attendance understood how to give
back to their countries, that citizenship is a
two-way street. Kerry said, ‘When I
am president, I am going to grow national
service in America.’…Kerry spoke at
length on the problems experienced by war
veterans, particularly with underfunded
Veteran’s Administration hospitals.” (5/30/2003)
Dem political ace named to No. 2 slot in Kerry
campaign. The Miami Herald’s Peter
Wallsten – whose byline usually appears on
reports about the Graham candidacy –
reported that Kerry has “named one of
Florida’s leading Democratic political
operatives to a senior post in his
presidential campaign. Marcus Jadotte,
formerly chief of staff to U.S. Rep. Peter
Deutsch, D-Pembroke Pines, is now Kerry’s
deputy campaign manager – the campaign’s
No. 2 staff job. The appointment is a
coup of sorts for Kerry, of Massachusetts,
who is raising money and campaigning
aggressively in Florida despite the fact that
the state’s favorite Democratic son, U.S.
Sen. Bob Graham, is one of his rivals
for the party’s presidential nomination.”
The Wallsten report continues that Jadotte,
31, could “help Kerry navigate primaries
in key southern states such as South Carolina,
Georgia and Florida. Kerry, a
Vietnam veteran, and Graham, former
chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee,
are touting themselves as the most credible
wartime rivals to President Bush, but each
is battling the impression that he is a
regional candidate – Kerry in the Northeast
and Graham in South. While recent polls
suggest that Sen. Joseph Lieberman of
Connecticut would place a distant second
behind Graham in the Florida presidential
primary, Kerry has raised the most money in
the state behind Graham...A spokesman for Graham,
Jamal Simmons, said Wednesday in an interview:
“We wish Marcus well, but not too well.’
” (5/30/2003)
from earlier in the week (Tuesday), Boston
Herald headline: “Republicans grin as
Dean attacks foe” Andrew Miga reports
from DC: “You can almost hear Republicans
cheer whenever the sniping breaks out between
Democratic presidential hopefuls Howard Dean
and Sen. John F. Kerry. ‘Howard Dean is
pretty much doing our dirty work,’ laughed
one senior Massachusetts Republican.
‘We’re enjoying the show for now.’ The
bitter feud between Kerry (Mass.) and the
former Vermont governor has provided plenty of
fireworks and political theater as the 2004
White House race unfolds. Kerry and
Dean pointed accusatory fingers when they
shared the stage at the Democratic debate in
Columbia, S.C., earlier this month, squabbling
over health care, gay rights and who is fit to
be president. Dean’s caustic
criticism has, to some degree, slowed Kerry’s
early ascension to the top tier of
Democratic candidates. Dean’s unabashed
liberalism has forced Kerry to court his
party’s left wing. Dean has made
strong inroads in New Hampshire, a must-win
state for the Bay State senator. Most
Democratic analysts agree that Kerry botched a
golden opportunity to lift himself from the
pack at the South Carolina debate, sparring
with Dean instead of offering a positive
message.” (5/30/2003)
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