
the Iowa Daily Report
November 16-30, 2003
They came to the big show
The Iowa Democrat Party’s
Jefferson Jackson Day Dinner has been a big deal
since Gary Hart made it so with then-candidate
George McGovern. It still is. The nation and the
world’s media came to the show that featured the
ultimate star of the Democrats’ -- Hillary
Clinton. The event ranks as the end of the
preliminaries to the winnowing process. After Iowa
there will not be as many candidates as before
Iowa. After New Hampshire, there will be even
fewer. The whole thing is likely to be over by
March and the Democrat presumptive nominee will be
The fear was that Hillary would
make the Democrat candidates look small and the
fear was justified. Despite the Democrats’ best
efforts -- from being macho playing hockey with
firefighters (John Kerry) to handling a medical
emergency (Dr. Howard Dean) -- they failed to
resuscitate any political oxygen into their own
Interview after interview had
Democrats attending the event saying that if
Hillary were in the race that they would support
her over the current candidate they were working
for. Hillary’s appearance -- rather than affirm
the quality of the Democrat candidates -- affirmed
that they are all second-rate choices.
Kerry’s loss
Sen. John Kerry may have lost
the most from the event because he is the
candidate in the most desperate need to make gains
before he falls off the charts and leaves an
opening for John Edwards to move up to third
place. Kerry’s performance was calculated to gain
attention and make him stand out. Kerry’s problem,
as most agree, is that he voted for the war and he
shares the same constituency as Howard Dean who
has captured the anti-war sentiment. Kerry, who
even staged a photo opportunity by playing hockey
with firefighters whose union has endorsed him,
tried to attack the President’s war performance
and bring attention to his war hero status. His
reference to mission not accomplished in his
speech was just one such example. However, he did
not move to center stage in the nation’s or Iowa’s
attention despite his best try.
Dean’s bandwagon
There is a photo in the Des
Moines Register showing Howard Dean in the middle
of the street in downtown Des Moines waving to the
camera as 47 yellow school busses make a line
behind him. Iowans filled 43 of the 47 busses
headed to the event.
Edwards not cutting it
John Edwards has been trying to
move ahead of Kerry, but his point of attack at
the event was Dean and the Dean-crowd’s anger.
This from the candidate who says what Americans
want is a positive candidate. Edwards must remain
viable before he gets to S. Carolina where there
now exist tangible efforts by both Al Sharpton and
Wesley Clark to cut into the black and Southern
mantle of Edwards’ claim to the South’s
The Gephardt question
Dick Gephardt remains the person
who is shaping up to be the alternative candidate
to Dean. This is in part because they both pull
from different spectrums of the Democrat Party
unlike Dean and Kerry. However, the question is
whether the other candidates such as Kerry and
Kucinich, et al, can stay in long enough for
Gephardt to be able to whittle away at Dean
without all of those who share Dean’s slice of the
philosophy of the Democrat Party to coalesce
behind Dean.
Gephardt took a different
approach to the event his supporters were
encouraged not to attend this year's Jefferson -
Jackson dinner. Rather, they were encouraged to
stand outside. It was part of the campaigns
door-to-door campaign in the neighborhoods of
Iowa. Their goal is to knock on over 100,000
doors. Then, supporters rallied outside the
auditorium prior to the dinner.
"I have differences with some of
the other candidates on trade, on health care and
on Medicare, and I have talked about some of those
in the past," Mr. Gephardt said. "Tonight, I am
going to stay to the themes that I have been on,
that I can beat George Bush, why he must be
replaced and the big ideas I have."
Candidates beat up corporate agriculture
The Democrat candidates
attending an agricultural forum sponsored by the
League of Rural Voters, the candidates urged a
federal ban on the ownership of livestock by large
meat-packers and touted their plans to bring back
jobs to small towns
Dick Gephardt has been running
ads in Iowa for some time announcing his
opposition to packer ownership of livestock. "If
we lose the individual farmer and all of
agriculture ends up in the hands of two or three
corporations, we're going to lose this country,"
Gephardt said.
Howard Dean used the fact he was
Governor of the small state of Vermont to make his
connection with the group. "Agriculture is not
just about farming, it's about small-town rural
life," said Dean.
John Kerry staid on the theme
that everything is going to the rich and it has to
be stopped. “Two-thirds of farm subsidies that go
to the four largest agriculture firms instead of
individual farmers.” He also said that subsidies
couldn’t continue to be the answer to low
commodity prices. (11/16/2003)
Kerry pushing in New Hampshire
The Manchester
Union Leader story tells of how Sen. John
Kerry is going to be spending more time in New
Hampshire: Kerry has spent more than 17 days in
New Hampshire in the past month, and plans another
seven days in the state in the next two weeks,
according to his campaign. The story also
speculates about how this will mean more negative
attacks by Kerry on Dean. (11/16/2003)
Kerry: Dean weak on foreign policy
Sen. John Kerry renewed
charges in a Des Moines Synagogue that Howard Dean
is not up to the challenge of foreign policy.
Kerry pointed to the previous problems of
Governors having to learn foreign policy on the
job. Kerry offered his harshest criticism of Dean
regarding his past statements over Israel and
Palestine, according to the
Des Moines Register article covering the
"We are an ally of Israel. And when you say things
like "We don't take sides," you send messages that
have profound implications on people's
perceptions. I've never heard an American
politician call ‘Hamas’ soldiers, like Governor
Dean did," Kerry said.
This push by Kerry was the a
continuation of his line of attack against Dean to
use Kerry’s military service and experience on the
Senate Foreign Relations Committee to win back
Dean supporters to his camp.
Dean also attended the forum
separately and was asked what role the United
States should take concerning Israel.
"The United States has a long-standing
relationship with Israel. But we have to be seen
as an honest broker at the bargaining table, as we
were under President Clinton and President
Carter," Dean said.
The Iowa Jewish community is
in the process of choosing a different candidate
with the withdrawal of Sen. Joe Lieberman from the
Iowa Caucuses. (11/17/2003)
CPR for Kerry campaign
The NY Daily News provided
the above headline regarding its analysis of
Kerry’s latest attempt to energize his campaign:
Sen. John Kerry, whose political obituary already
is being written, has launched a last-ditch effort
to compete in Iowa. Kerry, who lags behind
Missouri Rep. Dick Gephardt and ex-Vermont Gov.
Howard Dean, took aim at the two in weekend
appearances designed to make it clear he won't
give up the state without a fight. (11/17/2003)
Kerry’s new ad
Sen. John Kerry is going to try
and drive a wedge in Howard Dean’s coalition in
Iowa with a new television ad on the environment.
Recent polls showed that Kerry, while sharing the
same demographic group of Iowa Democrats, held an
advantage among those calling themselves
environmentalist. Excerpts from the ad:
Announcer: George Bush- he let
corporate lobbyists rewrite our environmental
laws, sided with polluters not taxpayers.
And now he’s trying to rollback the Clean Air Act.
John Kerry. He stopped George Bush and the oil
companies from drilling in the Artic and he has a
plan for energy independence.
John Kerry: I want to develop
alternative fuels and more efficient cars. We’ll
create 500,000 new jobs and we’ll never have to
send young Americans to war for Mid East oil
Announcer: John Kerry. The
courage to do what’s right.
John Kerry: I’m John Kerry and I
approved this message (11/18/2003)
Kerry, Dean wrong on guns
Sen. John Kerry took the
anniversary of the assault weapons band bill to
bring up the fact that he and Howard Dean
disagreed on gun control. The Dean campaign pushed
back with charges that Kerry is irrelevant because
he is from Washington. "Sen. Kerry must've seen
the latest New Hampshire poll and decided he would
try yet another Washington-insider attack on
Governor Dean," said Dean spokesman Matthew
Kerry would elevate SBA to cabinet post
Sen. John Kerry, still
campaigning in Iowa, would elevate the Small
Business Administration to a cabinet position.
Kerry contrasted his small business plans while
portraying the Bush administration as only
favoring the big and powerful.
Kerry proposed that the
government should raise federal contracts to small
business from 14 percent to 30 percent. Another
proposal by Kerry would allow short-term tax
deferrals that allow growing businesses to
reinvest money.
Kerry goes into great detail on
website about the four keys he sees as central
to his small business plan. Here are the four
Small Businesses A Large Voice in the Kerry
Health Care at One-Third the Cost
Help Small Businesses Get the Tools They Need to
Strengthen America’s Small Manufacturers
Full faith and credit
Gay marriages
Leading Democrat presidential
candidates are bringing back a new states’ rights
issue concerning gay marriages. The U.S.
Constitution requires states to give full faith
and credit in recognizing the actions of other
states, corporations and individuals. There is the
rub, for if the candidates back gay marriages
rather than gay unions granting equal rights to
gay couples, then states would have to recognize
under the U.S. Constitution the gay marriages of
other states. This is why the Democrat candidates
are running away from yesterday’s ruling after
courting the gay and lesbian community for all
these many months.
"As a society we should be looking for ways to
bring us together and as someone who supports the
legal rights of all Americans regardless of sexual
orientation, I appreciate today's decision. As
president, I would support giving gays and
lesbians the legal rights that married couples
get," said Wesley Clark.
However, Clark doesn’t seem to get it in the
following statement,
“If the Massachusetts legislature decides to
legalize same-sex marriages, it will be up to each
state to decide whether those marriages will be
valid in their state-- and that is a choice each
state, not the courts, will have to make.”
trial lawyer John Edwards leaves us confused he
says he opposes gay marriages and then says he
will oppose a U.S. Constitutional Amendment:
“As I have long said, I believe gay and lesbian
Americans are entitled to equal respect and
dignity under our laws. While I personally do not
support gay marriage, I recognize that different
states will address this in different ways, and I
will oppose any effort to pass an amendment to the
United States Constitution in response to the
Massachusetts decision.
"We are a nation comprised of men and women from
all walks of life. It is in our national character
to provide equal opportunity to all, and this is
what unites our country, in laws and in shared
purpose. That is why today, we must also reach out
to those individuals who will try to exploit this
decision to further divide our nation, and ask
them to refrain from that effort," said Edwards.
Kerry, a Massachusetts senator, said:
“I have long believed that gay men and lesbians
should be assured equal protection and the same
benefits – from health to survivor benefits to
hospital visitation - that all families deserve.
While I continue to oppose gay marriage, I believe
that today’s decision calls on the Massachusetts
state legislature to take action to ensure equal
protection for gay couples. These protections are
long over due.”
Gephardt’s response:
"While I support civil unions for same-sex
couples, I also support the right of states to
make decisions regarding the protections afforded
same-sex couples. I do not support gay marriage,
but I hope the Massachusetts State Legislature
will act in a manner that is consistent with
today's Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court
"As we move forward, it is my hope that we don't
get side-tracked by the right-wing into a debate
over a phony constitutional amendment banning gay
marriage. I strongly oppose such an effort as
purely political and unnecessarily divisive at the
expense of those who already suffer from
Lieberman’s response:
"Although I am opposed to gay marriage, I have
also long believed that states have the right to
adopt for themselves laws that allow same-sex
unions. I will oppose any attempts by the right
wing to change the Constitution in response to
today's ruling, which would be unnecessary and
divisive," said Joe Lieberman
takes 40 to tango, and I'm not sure we're there
yet," said Sen. Frank R. Lautenberg referring to
the number needed to filibuster the Medicare bill.
Kerry’s book
Sen. John Kerry’s website
features a cover by Atlantic Monthly reviewing the
forthcoming book next month by the historian
Douglas Brinkley. He will publish the first
full-scale, intimate account of Kerry’s Navy
career. In writing that account Brinkley has drawn
on extensive interviews with virtually everyone
who knew Kerry well in Vietnam, including all but
one of the men still living who served under him.
Kerry also turned over to Brinkley his letters
home from Vietnam and his voluminous “war
notes”—journals, notebooks, and personal
reminiscences written during and shortly after the
war. This material was provided without
restriction, to be used at Brinkley’s discretion,
and has never before been published. (11/20/2003)
Kerry’s new strategy
The Washington Times story
highlights the story of the day played out in
other stories about how Sen. John Kerry’s new
campaign to revive his campaign through changing a
“raw deal to a fair deal.” The centerpieces of his
new strategy are to establish he is the foreign
policy expert, he is the person who can beat
President Bush, use environment as wedge against
Howard Dean, and show that he has concrete ideas
to stick it to the rich and give to the poor (the
last being the key issue as to whether you are
supporting Bush or not). Excerpt from the Times
Mr. Kerry is expected to outline legislation,
executive orders and other actions he would take
to curb special interests, help the middle class
and make U.S. foreign policy more open to allies.
A mix of old and new initiatives are designed to
reintroduce Mr. Kerry in New Hampshire, where he
trails Mr. Dean by double digits in state polls,
and strengthen his relatively solid standing in
Iowa. (11/21/2003)
Kerry’s foreign policy
Sen. John Kerry’s website
carries a Boston Globe story about how Kerry has a
foreign policy conference call nearly every Monday
Nearly every Monday at 4:30 p.m., more than two
dozen experts on US national security dial into a
conference call and thrash over the Iraq war,
North Korean military brinkmanship, nuclear
weapons security in Russia, and other issues --
not to solve the world's problems, but to advance
Senator John F. Kerry's presidential campaign.
More than any other candidate, Kerry has set up
his own version of the White House's National
Security Council and assembled advisers with
eye-catching bona fides, such as senior foreign
policy aide Rand Beers, who until this past spring
was President Bush's special assistant for
combating terrorism. (11/21/2003)
Another Kerry ad
John Kerry hit the airwaves
today with a new television ad in New Hampshire.
The 30-second ad highlights John Kerry's record of
standing up to George W. Bush and his drug company
friends and doing what’s right for America’s
families. Text of Ad:
John Kerry:
George Bush believes
that what’s good for the drug companies and
insurance industries is good for America, and he's
Announcer: John Kerry. He has the
courage to take on the drug companies to lower
prescription prices for everyone. He’s taking on
the insurance industry to lower your costs and get
all Americans covered. And his plan gives everyone
access to the same health coverage as Members of
John Kerry: I'm John Kerry and I
approved this message because your family’s
healthcare is just as important as any
politician’s in Washington. (11/21/2003)
Kerry proposes 5-yr ban on lobbying
Unrolling the blueprint for his
first 100 days as president, Democrat John Kerry
says he would enact tight restrictions on
lobbying. In a speech prepared for delivery
Friday, Kerry said he would issue an executive
order requiring officials in his administration to
wait five years after leaving office before
lobbying government agencies. President Clinton
issued such an order in 1992 but revoked it weeks
before leaving office in 2000. (11/21/2003)
Another critical review by Heinz Kerry
Boston Globe has a story on John Kerry’s wife,
Teresa Heinz Kerry, review of the campaigns:
"[Representative] Dick Gephardt's very good, but
he's not in[to] foreign relations," Senator John
F. Kerry's wife said in an interview amid a tour
of Latino shops and restaurants. "And General
Clark certainly knows how to make war very well --
he's brilliant -- but he's not a diplomat."
As for
Dean, who leads her husband by a double-digit
margin in early-voting New Hampshire, Heinz Kerry
credited the former Vermont governor with the
"smart move" of beginning his own campaign TV ads
last summer, but added, "Having said that, it's
one thing to be appealing; it's another thing to
govern." (11/21/2003)
Kerry’s Indian appeal
"As President, I will work with
you to create an unprecedented partnership with
tribal governments to improve the lives of Native
Americans all over America. That has been far from
the case with George W. Bush. He has forgotten,
abolished, turned back on the good work that
President Clinton did to bring justice to Native
Americans and I will turn that around,” said
Kerry. “There are many success stories in Indian
Country and I want to work with you all as
President so that we can hear about more of these
successes.” (11/21/2003)
Kerry falls
Howard Dean remains ahead in New
Hampshire at 38 percent in the American Research
Group poll, but John Kerry's support dropped 7
percentage points to 17 percent. It is imperative
to each that they win New Hampshire. Dean and
Clark were the gainers of Kerry falling percentage
because Twenty-one percent remained undecided from
two weeks earlier.
Wesley Clark –7; Joe Lieberman -
5 percent; John Edwards and Dick Gephardt at 4
percent; Dennis Kucinich – 3; Carol Moseley Braun
– 1; Al Sharpton - less than 1. (11/22/2003)
The real goods
John Kerry, who has finally
become engaged in his campaign, is rolling out the
real goods on himself and offering the country his
real deal. Kerry’s campaign has launched a two
front attack with television ads. Kerry is taking
advantage of the fact that Howard Dean supporters
see Kerry stronger on the environment than Dean to
run a new ad in Iowa highlighting his record of
standing up against special interests to protect
our environment. The new ad in New Hampshire is
about standing up to Bush and his HMO and drug
company friends to lower the costs of prescription
drugs and cut the costs of health care.
He has launched a bus tour of
New Hampshire where he will outline what he would
do in the first 100 days of his Presidency.
believe in a Democratic Party of real solutions,
of real leaders, that offers a real deal to the
American people. I’m running to replace George
Bush’s Raw Deal with a Real Deal that stands up to
the powerful interests. That’s built on people and
products not privileges and perks. And that stands
on the side of those who are standing up for
what’s right,” said John Kerry.
“It’s a
President we’re choosing here. That’s why today I
want to lay out some of what I’ll do in the first
hundred days of a Kerry Administration to make the
Real Deal a reality. In the weeks ahead, I’m going
to lay out an Action Plan for the First 100 Days.
The specific steps we will take to change America
– the steps I will fight for in the early days of
a Kerry Presidency.”
And the
real deal would:
1. ban lobbying for five years
will reinstate the five-year ban on lobbying so
that government officials - like Bush’s former
campaign manager and FEMA director - cannot cash
in by peddling influence. We will also shine the
light on the secret deals in Washington by
requiring every meeting with a lobbyist or any
special interest deal inserted into a bill by a
lobbyist be made public.
2. First major legislative
affordable health care
Kerry’s first major proposal to Congress will be a
realistic plan that stops spiraling healthcare
costs, covers every child in America, and makes it
possible for every American to get the same health
care as any Member of Congress.
3. Reward companies that create
jobs not phony corporate profits
will work to reward companies that create jobs by
helping with health care costs, a new
manufacturing jobs tax credit and new assistance
for small businesses. We will also close every
single loophole for companies that take jobs
offshore and apply new criminal penalties, such as
RICO penalties, on companies that defraud their
customers and workers.
4. A new national education
trust fund
will propose a National Education Trust Fund to
make sure that, for the first time ever, we fully
fund our schools so they have the tools to assure
our kids can succeed in the 21st century economy.
We will make a new deal on education – if
Washington is going to mandate something for our
schools, then the funding should be mandatory.
5. End of an era of Ashcroft
Ashcroft has launched an all-out assault on
individual rights, allowing for a wholesale
invasion of attorney-client conversations, e-mails
and telephone calls. Immediately after the
election, John Kerry will name a new Attorney
General whose name is not John Ashcroft. We will
also fight to protect women’s rights, civil rights
and workers rights and enforce anti-trust laws.
6. Repeal Bush assault on the
environment &make US energy independent
will rollback the George W. Bush assault on clean
air and clean water and work to strengthen our
nation’s environmental laws. Kerry will also put
forward a plan to make the U.S. energy independent
of Middle East oil in ten years—and create 500,000
jobs by investing in energy renewable sources,
such as ethanol, solar, and wind.
7. A new era of national service
Kerry will call on Americans of all ages – from
students to America’s seniors - to serve in our
classrooms, after school programs, nursing homes
and nursery schools. We will fight to allow
students to earn four years of college tuition in
exchange for two years of national service. His
plan will require mandatory national service for
high school kids and enlist a million Americans in
service a year.
8. Create a middle class economy
and end the privileged class economy
will fight to repeal the Bush tax cuts for the
wealthiest Americans so that we can invest in
education and health care. We will also protect
middle class tax cuts, such as the child credit
and the elimination of the marriage penalty and
propose additional tax credits to help middle
class families make ends meet.
9. Cut the deficit in half in
four years
will put forward a budget to restore fiscal
sanity, eliminate corporate welfare, and cut the
deficit in half in four years. However, we will
keep our compact to seniors by securing Medicare
and Social Security and protecting our children
and veterans.
10. Rejoin the community of
will immediately declare the Bush policy of
unilateralism over and work to rebuild our
shattered alliances all across the globe. We will
launch a successful war against terrorism and also
restore trust here at home and abroad by making
sure that America always tells the whole truth.
Poll Watching
Howard Dean in a Boston Globe/WBZ-TV
survey of likely voters that has a 5 percent
margin of error show Dean locked at the top with
Sen. John Kerry in his home state of
Massachusetts. In fact poll numbers have Dean at
27 and Kerry at 24. How embarrassing.
Unlikely help
Sen. John Kerry is getting help
from unlikely places. However, family is family.
Chris Heinz, the 30-year-old son of Kerry's wife,
Teresa Heinz Kerry, has quit his job as a venture
capitalist to work as a fundraiser and surrogate
speaker for his stepfather's campaign for the
Democratic presidential nomination. The
Boston Globe reports that Chris has some
political interests of his own:
Should he run, Heinz said, it would probably be
for a congressional seat in his family's
stronghold in Western Pennsylvania. And it would
be as a Democrat. That would be a switch from his
father, the late Senator John Heinz, a Pittsburgh
Republican who was killed in a collision between
his airplane and a helicopter in 1991. But it
would be in line with his mother's decision this
year to register as a Democrat after concluding
that the GOP had become too conservative and
intolerant. (11/23/2003)
Likely help
Sen. John Kerry’s wife is on the
campaign trail and the
Boston Globe says she’s impressing the folks
with her abilities to be an interloper and
interlocutor for her husband. She caught one
staunch Republican off guard when he told her not
to bother, he was supporting the guy in the White
House and was a Republican. Teresa Heinz Kerry
replied that she was, too, until December. The
person did not know that she was formerly married
to Senator John Heinz who died in a plane crash
before marrying Sen. Kerry. Her fluency in five
languages as a former interpreter at the United
Nations is also serving her well:
Greeting a man at the counter in Spanish, she is
rebuffed in accented English. Recognizing a native
of Haiti when she hears one, Heinz Kerry switches
seamlessly to French. The disarmed diner smiles
and shakes her extended hand. (11/23/2003)
Debate and Medicare in doubt
While the national political
spotlight turns once again onto Iowa as the
Democratic National Committee sponsors a
presidential candidate debate in Des Moines
tomorrow, that spotlight has succumbed to the
shadow of the Senate debate on Medicare. John
Kerry has already announced that he would not
attend the debate -- scheduled for 3 p.m. Monday
at the Polk County Convention Complex -- in order
to join his fellow Mass. Sen. Edward Kennedy in
the Senate debate. According to the
Associated Press, Kerry called the legislation
"a boondoggle for the pharmaceutical industry and
a raw deal" for the nation's elderly.
"That is why I am going to join Senator Ted
Kennedy to lead the filibuster of this
legislation," said Kerry. "Unfortunately that
means I will miss the debate in Iowa. But I think
the people of Iowa will understand that potential
harm of this bill is worth the effort."
In addition, Sen. John Edwards
may miss the Iowa debate for the Washington debate
as well. “We hope we won't have to miss the
debate, but we may have to," said Edwards campaign
spokeswoman Jennifer Palmieri.
The real focus of the debate
will undoubtedly be the exchange between Howard
Dean and Rep. Dick Gephardt. Wesley Clark is sure
to tackle the new GOP ad knocking them for
knocking Bush’s war on terrorism.
Kerry has made sure that his
point will be made on the GOP ad in his absence by
putting up an ad in Iowa that starts airing on
Monday. The ad starts with the announcer saying,
"No, Mr. President, America's united against
terror. The problem is, you declared 'mission
accomplished' when you had no plan to win the
peace and handed out billions in contracts to
contributors like Halliburton." Then Kerry appears
onscreen and says: "We can't go it alone in Iraq
We have to share the burden. We shouldn't be
cutting education and closing firehouses in
America while we're opening them in Iraq."
The Iowa debate will be carried
live on WHO-TV 13, and rebroadcast at 8 p.m. on
MSNBC. NBC news anchor Tom Brokaw will moderate
the two-hour debate. Six of the nine Democrats in
the race are firm in their participation: Former
Illinois Sen. Carol Moseley Braun, retired Army
Gen. Wesley Clark, former Vermont Gov. Howard
Dean, Rep. Dick Gephardt of Missouri, U.S. Rep.
Dennis Kucinich of Ohio and the Rev. Al Sharpton
of New York. (11/23/2003)
Kerry’s review
USA Today has a story about how Kerry is
clawing his way back. The strategy of focusing on
Iowa and New Hampshire is highlighted:
Focus on Iowa and New Hampshire. More than
65 paid staffers are now working in New Hampshire;
the Iowa staff has almost doubled to more than 80.
TV ads are on the air in both states, and Kerry's
decision not to accept federal matching funds
means he won't have to follow rules that limit
The strategy of showing strength in later contests
has been sidelined. If he can't win in New
Hampshire, his standing in later states isn't
likely to matter.
"I intend to win in New Hampshire," Kerry says. He
acknowledges that, more than any tactical
calculation, his campaign will revive only if he
can articulate a more combative, compelling
message to voters. (11/24/2003)
Kerry new ad
Sen. John Kerry is responding to
the Republican terrorist ad. Here is his press
release on the subject:
John Kerry will hit the airwaves on Monday in Iowa
with a new television ad to fight back against a
recent spot released by the Republican Party
regarding George W. Bush’s handling of the war on
Kerry spokesperson Stephanie Cutter said, “John
Kerry believes that George Bush’s failed and
flawed go-it-alone policies have made our country
less safe and more vulnerable to terrorism. As
President, John will restore America’s leadership,
rebuild our broken alliances, and get back to the
war that counts—the war on terrorism. If George
Bush wants to make this election about national
security, John Kerry is ready to take him on.”
Today marks the fifth round of ads from John
Kerry’s campaign in Iowa. The ad will be aired in
every Iowa media market. It shows President Bush
on the aircraft carrier with the “mission
accomplished” banner in the background as well as
a photo of the Halliburton headquarters.
Text of Ad:
George Bush’s ad says he's being attacked for
attacking the terrorists. No Mr. President,
America’s united against terror. The problem is
you declared “mission accomplished” but you had no
plan to win the peace, and handed out billions in
contracts to contributors like Halliburton.
John Kerry: I’m
John Kerry and I approved this message because we
can't go it alone in Iraq. We have to share the
burden with other countries. We shouldn't be
cutting education and closing firehouses in
America while we're opening them in Iraq.
Kerry’s friends surprised
Washington Times’ Inside the Beltway
reports that the National Association of
Manufacturers welcomed Sen. John Kerry’s support
of the small and medium manufacturers. However,
they were wondering about his lack of past
…[T]he National Association of Manufacturers'
(NAM) chief advocate for small- and medium-sized
manufacturers says he's "heartened to see that
another presidential candidate appears to
understand just how important small manufacturers
are to our U.S. economy."
"This appears to be a turning point for Senator
Kerry, who compiled but a 7 percent NAM Key Vote
rating during the 107th Congress while
Massachusetts was on its way to losing more than
80,000 factory jobs since July 2000," NAM Senior
Vice President Patrick Cleary says.
"The senator's new proposals are welcomed, but
until he and his political allies are willing to
take real action against self-imposed domestic
costs, American manufacturers will be hamstrung in
the face of unprecedented global competition."
Kerry’s bad times roll on
The Boston Herald confirmed with
a separate poll that Sen. John Kerry is in trouble
in his home state of Massachusetts. Howard Dean
would receive 33 percent to 24 percent for Kerry
if voting were held today.
Wesley Clark drew 7 percent,
followed by Sen. Joe Lieberman of Connecticut at 4
percent and Rep. Richard A. Gephardt of Missouri
at 3 percent. The other candidates polled at 2
percent or lower. (11/25/2003)
Corn stalks have ears
The Drudge report nailed the
Kerry staff who talked openly in at the Hotel Fort
Des Moines bar and it all wound up on the report.
Drudge pointed out that even the stripped corn
stalks in Iowa have ears:
"The campaign advisers spoke frankly at the
hotel's bar on Sunday night about the state of the
White House race and their frustrations of living
in the shadow of Howard Dean.
"All of Dean's money is coming from Republicans,
one member of Kerry's kitchen cabinet told the
group. Another adviser asked if that had been
researched. No one had an answer.
"The staff said Kerry should — and will — use a
motorcycle for campaigning more often.
“The advisers discussed how Kerry should stop
trying to defend his Iraq vote and develop how
Kerry's the real antiwar protester, not Dean.
"The staffers talked about doing an ad where they
would contrast Kerry's antiwar activism with Dean
as a draft-dodging ski bum. The ad would feature
vault clips of Kerry speaking at antiwar rallies
and testifying on Capitol Hill vs. Dean statements
on how he could have served in the military, but
decided not to.
"The Kerry staffers talked about the possibility
of doing a documentary on the campaign, like the
one Spike Jonze did with Gore. One frustrated
operative said it would help with Kerry's 'aloof'
image problem.
"The advisers carelessly talked about how thick
Kerry's accent used to be.
"Kerry did the thick accent when cameras were
around to sound like JFK, laughed one senior
staffer. (11/25/2003)
Kerry’s wife
Associated Press has a story on Teresa Heinz
Kerry campaigning in Seattle. There she called for
the detainees in Guantanamo Bay to receive
prisoner of war status: "They were captured while
fighting a war," Teresa Heinz Kerry said at an
informal discussion with minority activists in
Seattle. "They should have the rights that other
prisoners of war have had."
Heinz Kerry said that denying
the detainees the protections of the Geneva
Convention is "insulting, ignorant, and
insensitive" to the rest of the world. She added
that under President Bush, the United States, once
known as the standard-bearer for human rights, is
now considered a hypocrite. "The arrogance shown
by this administration on human rights and in its
foreign policy is horrible," she said.
Make mine healthcare
Rep. Dick Gephardt and Sen. John
Kerry both put up new TV ads on the subject of
healthcare. Both of the candidates use personal
stories to show their desire to bring all
Americans healthcare coverage. After listening to
Bob Dole’s erectile dysfunctional problem,
listening to Kerry’s prostrate cancer survival is
not shocking anymore.
Kerry’s ad makes this point:
"A few months ago, I was diagnosed with prostate
cancer," Kerry says in his ad. "I'm cured now, but
I was lucky. As a United States senator, I could
get the best health care in the world. Most people
aren't so lucky, and we need to change that.
That's why my plan gives every American access to
the same health care that Congress gives itself."
Gephardt's ad features old
pictures of him with his son. Here is his ad:
"Thirty-one years ago, our 2-year-old, Matt, was
diagnosed with terminal cancer. Our health
insurance paid for experimental treatments that
saved Matt's life. But in the hospital, we met a
lot of parents who didn't have insurance. I'll
never forget the terror in their eyes."
Kerry on education
Sen. John Kerry campaign in Iowa
called for the creation of a Education Trust fund
that would support education and not be subject to
political whims according to a Des
Moines Register story:
Kerry said the trust fund is needed because
education spending today "is vulnerable to
presidents like George W. Bush who send new
mandates to the states but don't provide the
necessary funding," he said. "With the National
Education Trust Fund, never again will teachers
and parents and students have to worry about the
whims of politicians in Washington."
Kerry said his plan would
increase federal money for schools from $23.8
billion to about $35 billion by 2008. Kerry’s plan
would also:
The trust fund also would pay for special
education students and provide a $10,000 tax
deduction for educators and other professionals
who work in low-performing schools in under served
areas, Kerry said.
The federal government also would issue $24.8
billion in school modernization bonds to help
states and school districts repair old schools and
build new ones.
Tax credits to help parents pay for after-school
programs also would be included in his plan, Kerry
He said his plan would ensure that chronically
disruptive or violent students would be placed in
alternative learning environments where they could
receive intensive help and the services they need.
The erudite mugging
Boston Globe story by is a must read. Poor
Kerry is beat up in ways he may never know, or
maybe the subtle and sophisticatedly aloof Kerry
might get it. You be the judge:
His campaign on the ropes, Kerry has gone the way
of all Bob Shrum candidates. The man who once
quoted Andre Gide in admiring his own complexity
(``Do not try to understand me too quickly'') now
finds that voters really don't get him at all. So
he has entered the great consultancy cocoon and
emerged as the most unlikely of pseudo-populists,
a self-styled road warrior embarking on a bus
barnstorming mission to reclaim the state that
served as his primary toehold back before blunt,
plain-speaking Howard Dean stole it away.
Thus it is that the man who has repackaged his
campaign around a slogan - ``The Real Deal'' - so
silly it sounds like he's promoting an Evander
Holyfield fight has in four sentences offered
three clichéd catch phrases, the last recycled
from Jimmy Carter's 1976 campaign. All while not
so subtly accusing Dean of empty-calorie politics.
Honestly, watching Kerry speak and then file his
candidacy papers at the secretary of state's
office, you can't help but feel a little sorry for
him. Jeanne Shaheen, the former Granite State
governor, has added some star power, and her
husband, Billy, has helped fire up a claque to
clap at the State House, but Kerry looks drawn and
exhausted, like a patient badly in need of a shot
of Vitamin B-12 and two days' sleep.
That’s enough …go
read the story. (11/26/2003)
Missing in action
Sens. John Kerry and Joe
Lieberman made a big deal about fighting to stop
the Medicare bill and then both skipped out to
campaign and didn’t even vote no. Here is what
Kerry has to say about the Medicare defeat he
John Kerry said, “I cancelled my campaign schedule
to return to Washington to fight tooth and nail
against this special interest giveaway with a
Senate filibuster. We lost that critical vote and
I returned to Iowa to take the fight for real,
affordable prescription drug relief to the country
as I run for President. I fought to stop this
special interest giveaway because it offers the
wrong prescription for America’s seniors."
"I am traveling on a bus today in Iowa with
seniors who understand that this bill is a raw
deal and who want to replace George W Bush with a
President who has the courage to fight for real
prescription drug benefits that helps our seniors,
instead of lining the pockets of drug companies
and insurance companies. This vote was a big win
for drug companies and a loss for America’s
seniors. Seniors are going to find out that they
were misled by the Bush Administration when they
begin to feel the effects of a bill that does not
give them more affordable prescription drugs or a
quality Medicare plan that allows them to choose
their own doctors and their own hospitals. I ask
all seniors to stand with me as we take a stand
against this sham."
Sen. Joe Lieberman, skiddadled
to Arizona to share the spotlight with President
Bush. There he lashed out at Bush and criticized
the Republican-backed legislation changing
Medicare and providing prescription drugs benefits
to seniors.
"This bill gives less in the way of drug benefits
to millions of seniors who are low-income. This
bill gives billions of dollars to insurance
Lieberman, who came to Arizona
on Tuesday to file his presidential candidacy for
the state's Feb. 3 primary, said he had cautioned
seniors against supporting the Medicare measure.
Kerry’s backyard
Boston Globe story provides insight as to why
Sen. John Kerry is having trouble in his home
state, as seen through the view of two state
Democrat scions:
Grossman family has been active in Massachusetts
and national Democratic circles for decades and
has helped raise millions for Democratic
candidates and causes. Jerome Grossman, a leader
of the peace movement since Cold War days and a
pioneer in grassroots political organizing,
supports Massachusetts Senator John F. Kerry in
his bid to be the Democratic presidential nominee.
His nephew, Steven Grossman, a former national and
state party chairman and unsuccessful
Massachusetts gubernatorial candidate, supports
former Vermont Governor Howard Dean. (11/27/2003)
New Hampshire begins in Iowa
Sen. John Kerry has come to the
decision that the New Hampshire campaign begins in
Iowa, according to
the Boston Globe story:
The Massachusetts Democrat is bulking up his
political organization in Iowa, spending more time
campaigning in the state, and sustaining an
advertising blitz that began two weeks ago. His
redoubled efforts are designed to try to offset
the union support of Representative Richard A.
Gephardt of Missouri and the backing that antiwar
activists have given former Vermont governor
Howard Dean, who are running first and second in
recent polls, with Kerry in third place. In New
Hampshire, Dean has maintained a double-digit lead
over Kerry.
"I believe that the Iowa result will have a major
impact on the last eight days of the New Hampshire
campaign," said Jerry Crawford, a Des Moines
lawyer who serves as Kerry's Iowa campaign
chairman. "Dean has created enormous expectations
in Iowa. I think the expectation for his victory
here creates an enormous opportunity for us. We
have a great organization here and a candidate who
can exceed expectations. And that can have a great
impact on the psychology of the New Hampshire
voters." (11/27/2003)
Kerry’s borrowing – Wife’s spending?
NY Times has a story that is as clear as Sen.
John Kerry’s financial disclosure about how Kerry
plans to fund his campaign. It also leaves us
guessing about what his wife plans to do.
Praise and criticism
The following are quotes from
the Democrat candidates concerning Bush’s visit to
Baghdad as reported in the
NY Times:
“It's nice that he made it over there today, but
this visit won't change the fact that those brave
men and women should never have been fighting in
Iraq in the first place," said Jay Carson, a
spokesman for Howard Dean.
“The right thing to do for our country. When
Thanksgiving is over, I hope the president will
take the time to correct his failed policy in Iraq
that has placed our soldiers in a shooting
gallery," said John Kerry.
"Daring move and great politics. I think these
kids need more. I'm sure they were buoyed by his
coming, but they need more," commented a spokesman
for John Edwards.
Matt Bennett, the communications director for Gen.
Wesley K. Clark, said: "We're not going to throw
stones at the guy for trying to do a nice thing
for the troops. When the president goes and spends
time with the troops, that's a good thing." … They
made their bed with that `Mission Accomplished'
trip, and that's going to be around for a long
time," he said. "That's not the last ad you will
see with that. I will guarantee you that whoever
the nominee is will have that image up."
Jano Cabrera, a spokesman for Senator Joseph I.
Lieberman of Connecticut, said: "In fairness,
visiting with the troops is exactly what a
commander in chief should do. That said, we hope
that he's also reassuring them that the
administration will eventually have a plan to win
the peace and bring our troops home soon."
Money can’t buy me love
While it is said that money
can’t buy love, the unlimited spending in two
small states may decide who the next Democrat
nominee for President is. A New York Times story
explores what it will mean for Sen. John Kerry and
Howard Dean as they blow through the spending
limitations in New Hampshire and Iowa:
Aides to Mr. Kerry and Dr. Dean said the exact
amount spent in Iowa and New Hampshire would be
based on how much they raised before the end of
the year, what their standing is in polls a month
from now, and, in Mr. Kerry's case, how much of
his own money he ultimately invests in his
campaign, or raises by borrowing against his
Candidates opting into the
Federal Election Commissions matching funds
program are limited to spending $45 million this
primary cycle. In addition there are state
spending limits of $1.3 million in Iowa and
$730,000 in New Hampshire. There are minor ways to
get around those limits, like making staff spend
the night in neighboring states hotel rooms,
flying into adjacent states and renting cars, etc…
Wesley Clark and other opponents
have asked Dean and Kerry to abide by these
spending limits so that they can compete fairly
with the two opting out. Dean has stated that he
opted out to be able to compete with President
Bush. Dean has left little doubt that he was
prepared to break the limits. Kerry, whom it is
believed will use his own money, opted out because
of Dean. Kerry has said he would abide by the
overall $45 million limit, but has not pledged to
abide by the state-by-state limits.
The latest expenditure
percentages are for the end of September. Dean had
spent 18 percent of the Iowa limit and 17 percent
of the New Hampshire limit. Kerry had spent 27
percent of the Iowa limit and 33 percent of the
New Hampshire limit. Gephardt had spent 27 percent
of his spending limit in Iowa. Edwards had spent
33 percent of the allowable amount in Iowa and 40
percent in New Hampshire
The Times article points out
that staying inside the limits is not always
complied with:
Mr. Gephardt overshot the 1988 state limit by
about $457,500, or about 60 percent, allowing him
to sweep to victory in Iowa. Four years later, his
campaign agreed to repay almost $119,000 of his
federal campaign subsidies, and three years later
he paid a civil penalty of about $80,000 for that
and other violations, according to the Federal
Election Commission.
Gephardt is probably in the best
situation concerning limitations than his rivals
due to his making his stand in Iowa -- if he only
puts up a token fight in New Hampshire after Iowa
and moves on to the Feb. 3 round. This is because
TV ads in Iowa are a lot cheaper than in New
Hampshire. In addition, Iowa caucuses are more of
an organizational battle versus New Hampshire’s
open primary process that relies on expensive TV
The place where the spending cap
campaigns are most vulnerable is from Kerry and
Dean’s direct mail blitzes, sure to be utilized
greatly with their unlimited spending status. The
NY Times covers the advantage in their story:
And aides to Dr. Dean and Mr. Kerry said they
would flood Iowa and New Hampshire with mail in
the final weeks of the campaign, a crucial
advantage because mailing costs in the final 28
days of a campaign, when voters are presumably
paying the most attention to the race, are counted
against the spending limit. In Iowa in particular,
late mail has historically proved to be a damaging
means of attack.
"You can do it below the radar screen," Mr.
Hildebrand said.
Steve Hildebrand is a Democratic
strategist who ran Al Gore's winning campaign in
the Iowa caucuses in 2000. (11/28/2003)
Kerry’s volunteerism
Sen. John Kerry highlighted his
volunteer proposals yesterday. He has proposed
mandatory volunteer service and college education
for volunteer service. He even would allow
grandparents to volunteer to provide grandchildren
with college tuition. According to the Manchester
Union Leader, Kerry volunteered at a homeless
veterans shelter by helping to prepare it for
Presidential candidate John Kerry yesterday
proposed mandatory community service for high
school students and free college tuition in return
for two years of national service.
The Massachusetts senator outlined his proposal
after helping clean woodwork and a stairwell at
The Liberty House, a homeless shelter for veterans
that is set to open next month.
Kerry provided some specifics
about his hopes for the plan:
His community service proposal is a $3.5 billion
plan to enlist 1 million Americans in community
service that he would pay for by closing tax
Kerry said he wants to return a sense of community
service to the country.
His service-for-college initiative would offer
students the equivalent of their state’s
four-year, public college tuition in exchange for
two years of national service. He hopes to enroll
500,000 young people a year in the program.
Kerry’s hired gun
A Boston Globe article profiles
political consultant Michael J. Whouley’s joining
Sen. John Kerry’s campaign. Whouley is part of a
last-minute Massachusetts contingent joining the
campaign. He has played in the top tiers of
presidential campaigns before:
Whouley is widely respected in Democratic circles
for his organizing prowess, running aggressive
field operations to canvass voters, identify
caucus-goers, and rally supporters with direct
mail and phone banks. He is valued also because he
eschews the spotlight; he declined to be
interviewed for this profile.
With his gravelly voice and no-nonsense demeanor,
Whouley is also known for cutting through the red
tape that can strangle a campaign. Last week,
Kerry aides in Iowa were buzzing after a call from
Whouley won instant approval of the state
campaign's direct-mail budget, which had been tied
up at headquarters.
"We're happy to have Michael helping us," said
Jerry Crawford, Kerry's Iowa campaign chairman.
"He certainly knows Iowa and is very well
respected out here." (11/30/2003)
Kerry’s not cutting it
NY Times article goes in depth on Sen. John
Kerry. The question that keeps coming back in all
of these articles on Kerry is, why isn’t the
patrician Kerry doing better? Maybe the answer is
just that simple -- it is that he considers
himself a patrician:
Mr. Kerry wants it to be simple. "Gary Hart
endorsed me the other day by saying, `I subscribe
to the quaint notion that when somebody runs for
the president of the United States, they ought to
be qualified for the job,' " he told an audience
in New Hampshire last month. It was a bit of
nominal understatement he often uses — one that
does nothing to mask a patrician undertone of
disdain for both President Bush and his Democratic
His present wife says that he is
not aloof:
Ms. Heinz Kerry said of her husband: "He's not
aloof. He's just so goddamned, excuse me, busy.
He's so busy that he's off here, he's off there,
doing something. That might seem to some people
aloof. As I've said, that's something that I had
to get used to as well and try to say, `Hey! Hey!
Hey! I'm here.' But it's not aloof. It's busy."
The article ends with a review
that Kerry has been in tough spots before and come
On Feb. 28, 1969, while Mr. Kerry was on patrol in
Vietnam, his boat came under hostile fire. With
his crew's support, he ordered the boat straight
toward the shore, transforming it from a wide
horizontal target into a skinny vertical battering
ram that hit the beach, where a solitary Vietcong
held a B-40 rocket-propelled grenade launcher. Mr.
Kerry chased and killed him. (11/30/2003)
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