the Iowa Daily Report
October 16-31,
DSM Register columnist David Yepsen sifts
through the squabbling at yesterday’s AARP forum
in Des Moines. The bevy of six candidates (Dean,
Kerry, Edwards, Kucinich, Gephardt, M-Braun)
attended a 2-hour forum on senior issues,
sponsored by AARP. The Yepsen column, headlined,
“Pandering to old folks is center stage at
forum,”…AARP's own poll of caucus-goers finds
the single most important issue to a 50-plus
caucus-goer is strengthening the economy and
creating jobs. Which is why the candidates should
have spent even more time detailing how they'd pay
for their promises. Panders have price tags,
and in the federal government those are too often
charged to our kids …Two other observations from
Wednesday's event:
Winners: Gephardt and Kerry.
The two were forceful, informed and presidential-
Ultimate panderer: Dean. The
former Vermont governor once referred to "us rural
people" during his remarks. Right. (Born to a
wealthy family in small-town New York City, Dean
attended that one-room prep school, St. Georges in
Rhode Island, before donning his manure-caked
boots and heading to that great land-grant
college, Yale.) (10/16/2003)
… By golly, here’s a big
surprise – some of the Dem candidates have
(gasp) OVERSPENT their campaign funds. Which
three? According to Thomas Edsalls’ article in
Washington Post, it’s (1) John Kerry (2)
John Edwards (3) Dick Gephardt. And Senator Joe
Lieberman just barely escaped going into deficit
spending. Spending more than they raised, while
preaching fiscal responsibility seems a poor way
to campaign. Here is an excerpt from the
Washington Post article: “Three prominent
contenders for the Democratic presidential
nomination - Sens. John F. Kerry (Mass.) and John
Edwards (N.C.) and Rep. Richard A. Gephardt (Mo.)
- spent more than they raised during the last
quarter, depleting crucial resources as the Jan.
19 Iowa caucus and the Jan. 27 New Hampshire
primary fast approach. Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman
(D-Conn.) barely stayed out of the red for the
quarter, raising $3.63 million and spending $3.59
million. The third-quarter struggles of the four
candidates, all members of Congress, sharply
contrasted with the performance of former Vermont
governor Howard Dean and retired Gen. Wesley K.
Clark, who are campaigning for their party's
nomination as outsiders. Both raised substantially
more than they spent in the three-month period
ending Sept. 30.” (10/16/2003)
… The U.S. Senate may be
ready to vote as early as today on the $87 billion
request by the Bush Administration for the
reconstruction of Iraq. Campaigning senators will
be abandoning ‘Wannabe Trail’ and heading back to
Washington, D.C. to cast their vote. Notable,
is yesterday’s report concerning the yea or nay
inclinations of the 2004 presidential contenders:
John Kerry is his usual ‘no, yes, …uh, I mean…
no,..well…’ And John Edwards seems closer to a
semi-firm no vote. Joe Lieberman will cast a yes
vote on the proposed amount.(10/16/2003)
… More figures are available
on fundraising efforts – and spending – by the
2004 presidential candidates, according to today’s
Des Moines Register: (10/17/2003) |
President Bush |
raised $49.5M |
------ |
$70 M in the bank |
Howard Dean |
raised $14.8M |
spent $8.8 M |
$12.4M in the bank |
John Kerry |
raised $ 4 M |
spent $7 M |
$ 7.7M in the bank |
Wesley Clark |
raised $ 3.8M |
spent $107,000 |
------- |
Joe Lieberman |
raised $ 3.6M |
spent $3.5 M |
$ 4 M in the bank |
John Edwards |
raised $ 2.5M |
spent $5.8 M |
$ 4.8M in the bank |
Dennis Kucinich |
raised $ 1.6M |
spent $2.5 M |
$785,000 in the bank |
Carol M-Braun |
raised $125,000 |
spent $118,000 |
$ 29,000 in the bank |
Al Sharpton |
raised $121,000 |
spent $109,000 |
$ 24,000 in the bank |
… Television ads for the
Democratic presidential contenders have cost $6
million so far. And it’s still three months before
the first votes are tallied in the battle for the
Democratic presidential nomination, reports today. The Associated
Press report on detailed spending.
Excerpts: “Howard Dean leads the Democratic
field in fund raising and ad buys, about $2
million. He is trailed by John Edwards and
John Kerry, two senators struggling to show
much for their investment. Dick Gephardt has
spent less than $800,000, most of it in Iowa, and
yet Dean has erased his lead in the Jan. 19 caucus
state.” (10/17/2003)
… Targeting three of the Dem presidential
candidates, -- Senator John Kerry, Senator John
Edwards and former governor Howard Dean -- and
blunting a fourth (Wesley Clark), U.S. Senator
John McCain took the Democratic presidential
candidates to task yesterday for not supporting
the $87B Iraq reconstruction funding. The
Union Leader’s senior political reports, John
DeStaso, reports today that McCain had ‘harsh
words’ for Dean, Kerry and Edwards. Here are some
excerpts from today’s article: “…I’m not surprised
that Governor Dean would oppose this,” McCain told
The Union Leader. “I’ve lost confidence that he
has any understanding of the national security
responsibilities of a President.” Dean has
said he would support the expenditure only if it
was paid for with a repeal of $87 billion in Bush
tax cuts — an unlikely scenario. McCain, a
member of the Senate Armed Services Committee,
accused Kerry and Edwards of “pandering” to Dean
and the liberal base of the Democratic Party by
opposing the package after voting a year ago to
authorize force in Iraq. “I’m very
disappointed in my friends John Kerry and John
Edwards,” he said, “because they know better than
that. McCain also targeted the newest Democratic
contender, Gen. Wesley Clark, who has taken no
position on the package. “It’s very
unfortunate, and I’m disappointed in General
Clark,” McCain said. He said that “anyone who
wants to be considered a serious candidate is
obliged to express an opinion.” McCain,
however, said he was “impressed with and grateful
to” Rep. Richard Gephardt and fellow armed
services committee member Sen. Joseph Lieberman,
who voted last year to authorize the use of force
in Iraq. McCain said they are now acting
consistently in supporting the $87 billion
package. “I’m sure this will cost them with the
far left,” McCain said, “but I also believe they
are acting correctly in placing America’s national
security interests first.” (10/17/2003)
Well, it’s official – the votes have been cast and
the $87 billion for Iraq reconstruction is a ‘go.’
And as threatened earlier this week, both senators
John Kerry and John Edwards voted “no,” senator
Joe Lieberman voted “yes,” Dick Gephardt voted
“yes,” and Dennis Kucinich voted “no.”
According to the article in today’s, Republican political
consultant Greg Mueller commented, “It's bad
enough to be a dove. It's worse to be a
hypocritical dove going into the election.”
Democratic Presidential contenders Joe Lieberman
and John Kerry told the Arab-American Conference
on Friday that the Bush Administration should
dismiss Lt. General William Roykin for comments
Roykin made about Muslims. Lt. Gen. Roykin is the
leader of the hunt for Osama bin Laden, and is
quoted as saying that Muslims did not worship a
“real God.” According to the, Kerry called the Lt.
General’s works “un-American.” (10/18/2003)
Dem rivals Howard Dean and John Kerry were both in
Iowa Friday, repeating their stances on taxes and
continuing their verbal sparring, according to
Des Moines Register. The article quotes
Dean as saying it’s unlikely he’ll raise taxes.
However, Dean has stated that if elected he will
repeal all of the Bush tax cuts – something Dean
does not consider ‘raising taxes.’ Semantics
aside, the net effect of repealing the Bush tax
cuts has not been lost on rival John Kerry. Kerry
is vehemently opposed to a blanket repeal of the
tax cuts. Excerpts from the article:
“Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry has
called the proposal to roll back the tax cuts on
all income levels the equivalent of a tax increase
for the middle class. Campaigning in Des Moines on
Friday, Kerry, a Massachusetts senator, said
Dean's proposal would hurt those who can afford it
least. "It would have a disastrous impact on
families with children," Kerry said after
addressing the Polk County Democratic Party's
annual fall dinner. "Howard Dean thinks the middle
class has too much money." Both men were in Iowa
courting Democratic activists in advance of the
lead-off nominating caucuses set for Jan. 19. …
Recent polls in Iowa show Dean and Gephardt in a
statistical dead heat with Kerry solidly in third
place. (10/18/2003)
AP story today highlights Kerry’s newest try
to bring attention back to his campaign. Kerry, a
Massachusetts senator, toured a community college
job training site in Waterloo, Iowa, as he spelled
out what he would do to support job training and
education and invest in high-tech industries
likely to create jobs. He put no price tag on the
idea. His proposal includes giving $25 billion to
the states in each of two years to help avoid
soaring college tuition that have blocked many
from higher education and tax credits for college
tuition and vocational training. Kerry said the
help to the states is needed because a sour
economy and deep tax cuts pushed by President Bush
have left them with cumulative budget shortfalls
of up to $90 billion. (10/19/2003)
Manchester Union reports That Kerry speaking
outdoors at the University of New Hampshire,
accused Bush of sacrificing the nation's natural
treasures in the name of short-term profit.
"George Bush is the kind of politician who would
cut down a tree and then climb on the stump that
remains and give a speech about conservation,"
Kerry said. "George Bush has put pollution ahead
of preservation, campaign contributions ahead of
conservation, special interests ahead of America's
interests." Kerry's plan includes:
Creating "green and clean
communities": Kerry would reinvigorate the
Superfund cleanup program, establish a task fore
to identify toxins in communities and coordinate
transportation and housing policies to control
traffic congestion and sprawl.
Protecting public land: Kerry would
require thorough evaluation before remote public
lands are opened to new uses, reinstate the
protection of roadless areas in national forests
and put new teeth into requirements that those who
lease public land return it to its original state
after energy, grazing or timber operations.
Reducing air pollution: Kerry
proposes reversing the Bush-Cheney changes to
federal Clean Air laws, vigorously enforcing those
laws and plugging loopholes in them.
Restoring America's Waters: Kerry
would work with states and cities to tackle water
quality problems, encourage the efficient use of
water in industrial, urban and farming operations
and restore wetlands and watersheds by enforcing
the Clean Water Act.
Restoring America's leadership role
on global warming: Kerry would focus on the
development of an international climate change
strategy to identify solutions that provide
opportunities for American technology.
Reduce reliance on foreign oil:
Kerry would create an Energy Security and
Conservation Trust to reduce dependence on Middle
East oil. He also wants to increase fuel
efficiency and ensure that 20 percent of
electricity comes from renewable sources by 2020.
Dean has the support of 33
percent to Kerry's 19 percent in the latest
Franklin Pierce College poll conducted Oct. 13-15.
The results for the other contenders are as
follows: Clark- 7; Gephardt-4; Edwards-4; and
Lieberman-3. The poll has a margin of error of 4
percent and interviewed 600 individuals.
A poll conducted by a group of
Democratic political consultants called the
"Democracy Corps" shows Gephardt with 27 percent;
Dean with 26 percent; John Kerry with 16 percent;
John Edwards, 8 percent; Wesley Clark, 6 percent,
and Joseph Lieberman, Carol Mosley Braun and
Dennis Kucinich each with 2 percent. Nine percent
of the caucus-goers were undecided in the survey,
which was taken Oct. 2-13 and has a margin of
error of 4.4 percent. (10/21/2003)
Ed Tibbitts of the
Quad City Times reports on the dust-up between
Kerry and Dean. As Democratic presidential
contender Howard Dean pushed his economic plan
Monday in western Iowa, he and rival John Kerry
traded charges that the other had changed
positions in the debate over a middle-class tax
cut. The dispute stems from Dean’s desire to get
rid of all of President Bush’s tax cuts, while
Kerry wants to maintain those aimed at the middle
class, including the child tax credit that
increased by $400 to $1,000. Dean’s campaign says
a quarter of all households got no benefit from
the tax cuts, while half got less than $500. And
the governor says Americans know it is too much to
expect increased services and retain all of the
Bush tax cuts. (10/21/2003)
John Kerry’s website has a separate
website on the environment if you want to
get the full text of his environmental policies.
By the way the website says that Kerry’s next
Internet Meet Up is tomorrow. (10/22/2003)
Senator John F. Kerry declined
to provide specifics yesterday about his televised
comment Monday night that French and Russian
officials at the United Nations were poised to
compromise with the Bush administration on the eve
of the Iraq war. In a brief interview in
Manchester yesterday by Patrick Healy of the
Boston Globe, Kerry said that he believed his
information was solid and that he intends to focus
on the issue in the coming weeks as he continues
to critique President Bush’s foreign policy and
attempts to distinguish himself from the eight
other Democrats running for the White House. For
more on the story go to: (10/22/2003)
Associated Press has a story today detailing
the history and current position of candidates
regarding the issue of partial birth abortion.
The story indicates that the political pendulum is
likely to swing back towards the choice side
because women will are now likely to feel that Roe
v Wade is in danger. This has been the historical
pattern in the past. It is also due to the fact
that after a success, either by pro-choice or
anti-abortion, the successful side relaxes their
attack. Of all
the candidates, Dick Gephardt has the most
checkered past on the issue. He voted with the
Republican majority last year for legislation that
would ban what critics call partial birth
abortion. In 1996, the Missouri congressman voted
to overturn then-President Clinton’s veto of a
similar bill. One of Gephardt’s many missed votes
earlier this year was the Partial Birth Abortion
Bill. He did issue a release saying he did not
favor the bill without a provision concerning the
health of the mother.
Speaking of missing the vote, Senator John Edwards
did. That left Lieberman and Kerry as the only
candidates on the floor voting ‘no’ on the bill.
After the vote, Kerry’s campaign issued a
statement accusing the President of managing a
silent campaign against abortion rights. “This
vote is a step backward for women, as George
Bush’s stealth agenda to roll back the right to
choose is pushed forward,” Kerry said. Lieberman
did not have a press statement on his website
despite the fact he is hiring new press people in
Arizona, Oklahoma and North Carolina. Doctor Dean
was outraged to learn that Congress was practicing
medicine and said so. “This bill will chill the
practice of medicine and endanger the lives of
countless women,” said Dean. However, all the
candidates received a pass from the Pro Choice
group. “In general, we’re confident we’ve got nine
pro-choice candidates, any one of whom would do a
far better job than the incumbent,” said David
Seldin, communications director for NARAL-Pro-Choice
America. It seems that rather than question the
strength of their candidates’ opposition to the
bill that the invectives were spewed against the
other side who was victorious. “It certainly
solidifies the position of George Bush and the
majority in Congress as being anti-choice,” said
Kathy Sullivan, the Democratic Party chairwoman in
New Hampshire. “In terms of the Democrats, the
important thing is that they be pro-choice, not
when they became pro-choice.” (10/22/2003)
Washington Post has a great story on the
District pushing hard for statehood with its
unofficial Jan. 13 Presidential Primary. The
Democrat National Committee does not recognize the
primary officially but says they are not directing
the campaigns to stay out. The event is scheduled
before both Iowa’s caucuses and the New Hampshire
Primary. The story shows that this is not quite
the case as Mark Plotkin, a commentator on D. C.
politics, recently had lunch with Democratic
National Committee Chairman Terence McAuliffe.
Plotkin said McAuliffe stood up at the table
"looking agitated and screamed, 'We told every
single candidate not to come into this primary!
And if you report it, I'll deny it.' " Part of the
problem for the candidates is that Sean Tenner,
director of the D.C. Democracy Fund, has made
participation in the Primary tantamount to
endorsing the District’s statehood. He has also
made it into a race issue, as the Washington Post
article insinuates: "How can you just sit here and
say you don't want to spend time with
disenfranchised minorities in D.C.?" says Sean
Tenner, director of the DC Democracy Fund, "so you
can go up there and spend time instead with those
. . ." (Pauses here. Should he say it or not?
Settles for racial euphemism) ". . . those New
Hampshire people. We aren't going to put up with
that." In response to this problem, Sen. John
Kerry has the trickiest position. Kerry volunteers
have shown up at ward meetings, showing videos,
handing out fliers, asking for votes. But when
asked to elaborate, spokesman Leonard Joseph says:
"The senator intends -- and let me say this
carefully -- to campaign in D.C. He intends to
campaign for delegates," which is a sly way of
saying he is campaigning for the Feb. 10 caucus,
according to the story. As the page 2 of the
on-line story sub-headline says, D.C. Primary
Puts the 'Pain' In Campaign for Democrats.
Democratic presidential
candidate John Kerry picked up his second labor
endorsement Wednesday, receiving the backing of
the 50,000-member Utility Workers Union of
America. The union represents U.S. workers in the
gas, water, nuclear and electric industries. It
joins the International Association of Fire
Fighters in backing the Massachusetts senator.
Kerry, visiting the University
of Iowa Wednesday, pushed a plan that would allow
seniors/grandparents who completed a two-year
service program to donate four years worth of
in-state tuition stipend to their grandchildren.
The plan would also give students who complete a
two-year service program a stipend equivalent to
four years worth of in-state tuition. Kerry also
proposed $4,000 tax credits for students to use at
public or private universities and a proposed $25
billion aid package for states to offset tuition
increases at public universities. "Would I bet
money on whether I'll see it if he's president in
2005? No," he said. "There's very few things I
expect a Democratic president to get through a
Republican Congress facing a deficit of billions
of dollars," said Cary Covington, a UI associate
professor of political science, according to
The Daily Iowan. (10/23/2003)
Sen. John Kerry in an article in
Quad City Times recounts Kerry’s visit to
eastern Iowa where he criticized Dick Gephardt’s
claim that he was the chief architect of the
Clinton economic boom. Kerry claimed that NAFTA
was a key component in creating jobs and economic
prosperity. He also criticized (10/24/2003)
Former Ambassador Joseph Wilson
who is at the center of several conflicts with the
Bush administration endorsed Sen. John Kerry’s
candidacy Thursday. He made the announcement in a
conference call with reporters in New Hampshire.
Kerry is in second place in New Hampshire, but
polls have him gaining ground against first place
Howard Dean. Wilson cited his and Kerry’s
experience of challenging the government as
central to the reason for his endorsement. In a
conference call with New Hampshire reporters,
Wilson said he and Kerry have shared the
experience of challenging their government —
Wilson when he questioned the "rush to war" with
Iraq, Kerry when he challenged America's role in
Vietnam -- according to an
Associated Press story. (10/24/2003)
New Hampshire Zogby’s latest poll shows Dean
earned 40%, compared to Massachusetts Senator John
Kerry’s 17%. None of the other candidates have
exceeded single digits in the polling. Retired
General Wesley Clark and North Carolina Senator
John Edwards are tied for third with 6% each.
Missouri Congressman Richard Gephardt received 4%,
followed by Connecticut Senator Joseph Lieberman’s
3%. Civil rights activist Rev. Al Sharpton, former
Illinois Senator Carol Mosley Braun, and Ohio
Congressman Dennis Kucinich each received less
than one percent. More than half (57%) feel the
Democrats should nominate someone with a political
ideology closer to that of former president
Clinton, while 24% feel the party should take on a
more liberal leaning. Zogby International
conducted interviews of 500 New Hampshire likely
Democratic primary voters, chosen at random
statewide. All calls were made from Zogby
International’s headquarters in Utica, NY from
October 21-23, 2003. The margin of error is +/-
4.5%. Margins are higher in sub-groups. Slight
weights were added to region, party, age,
religion, and gender to more accurately reflect
the voting population. (10/24/2003)
David M.
Halbinger of the
New York Times offers up a story titled,
Kerry Still Dogged by Questions on Vote to
Authorize War. While it is not a snappy title,
it is a good snapshot of Kerry’s difficulty with
the issue in his campaign swing through Iowa.
Halbinger writes:
In the interview, Mr. Kerry said that he was
frustrated at the way the debate about Iraq was
playing out and that he believed that Dr. Dean had
escaped scrutiny. He said Dr. Dean had criticized
him and others who accepted the administration's
assertions that Iraq had unconventional weapons,
although Dr. Dean himself had previously said he
believed Iraq had such weapons. And he said Dr.
Dean had expressed support for the same alternate
Iraq resolution that Mr. Kerry and many other
Democrats had preferred. It would have allowed Mr.
Bush to go to war without further United Nations
or Congressional approval, though it would have
given him somewhat less latitude. That proposal
never came up for a vote. "Nobody has paid
attention to his duplicity," Mr. Kerry said of Dr.
Dean. "We're going to have to point it out more,
but he was allowed a complete free ride."(10/25/2003)
John Kerry is holding a campaign
event outside of Tyco in Exeter, N.H. on Friday
where, originally, he was supposed to talk about
corporate greed. Now we can also expect Kerry to
add words like tax loopholes, Washington lobbyists
and Clark together in reference to Tyco’s moving
off shore for tax loopholes. (10/25/2003)
Former Ambassador Joe Wilson is
not only endorsing Kerry. He is also going online
Oct. 29, at 11 a.m. EST. So if you want to discuss
the leaking of his wife’s identity as an agent for
the C. I. A., or his trip to Africa to find out
about nukes, go to Kerry’s
website and sign up. (10/25/2003)
IPW recently reported on Kerry’s visit to Iowa
City where he announced his plan to allow
grandparents to volunteer for 2 years so their
grandchildren could get 4 years of in-state
tuition. Now, Kerry’s education plan is spelled
out in more detail in the
Register. If you want to know more detail
about his plan you can visit his
website. However, don’t expect to find
anything about grandparents volunteering there.
His proposal includes:
"I Have a Dream Scholarships," which
would provide an additional $1,000 for students to
participate in early intervention programs that
help prepare students for college.
A "College Opportunity Tax Credit"
on the first $4,000 paid in tuition for each year
of college. The credit would provide 100 percent
of the first $1,000 of tuition and 50 percent of
the rest. It also would make the credit refundable
for those who receive other credits.
Fiscal relief to states to help stop
rising tuitions, encourage colleges and
universities to streamline services and reduce
duplication, and keep students in college.
A "Service for College" plan that
would provide the cost of four years at a public
college to young people in exchange for community
and national service. (10/25/2003)
The Manchester
Union Leader reports on a Union rally in New
Hampshire yesterday where Democrat candidates
tried to outbid each other in their loyalty to the
union cause. Sen. John Kerry, former Vermont Gov.
Howard Dean, U.S. Reps. Dennis Kucinich and
Richard Gephardt, and Gen. Wesley Clark faced the
union delegation in separate appearances,
answering the same set of questions on trade, jobs
and health insurance. Gephardt participated by
telephone. More than 100 vocal union members
cheered relentlessly yesterday as five Democratic
Presidential Primary candidates pledged to create
jobs for the nation’s millions of unemployed and
to keep American jobs from going overseas.
Even top Democrat operatives are suggesting after
last night’s debate in Detroit that the Democrats
are too shrill to win. However, it is clear that
the Democrat candidates are finding a welcome
audience among the primary going party faithful
for the vitriolic invectives. Some top Democrats
are arriving at a consensus that the Democrats’
hatred of Bush is greater than Republicans’ hatred
of Bill Clinton. Jerry Crawford, a general in Iowa
Democrat Party politics, commented on Iowa Public
Television’s Iowa Press that all you need to do to
fire up Iowa Democrats is say John Ashcroft -- and
it doesn’t matter which candidate says it. With
just two months before Iowa’s Jan. 19th
caucuses, many top Democrats are hoping to hear
more about offering Americans hope and a vision of
how they will lead America. Others are concerned
that the Democrat candidates’ focus on the War on
Terror is misplaced. "There's a huge credibility
gap our party has on national security — not
because we don't have enough military medals, but
because we have no plan of action," said
Democratic strategist Donna Brazile in an
Associated Press story about the debate. The
Democrat candidates are trying to buck the
historical trend of Americans believing that
Republicans are better in foreign policy and
Democrats are better at domestic policy in
focusing on Bush’s handling of the War on
Terrorism. American soldiers continuing to die in
Iraq combined with Osama bin Laden and Saddam
Hussein whereabouts still in question could be
like the shifting sands in Iraq if anything
changes -- including another terrorist attack.
Still criticism of the war and each other was the
centerpiece of last night’s debate. Here is some
of what the candidates said regarding the war:
John Kerry: "Our troops are today more
exposed, are in greater danger, because this
president didn't put together a real coalition,
because this president's been unwilling to share
the burden and the task. And I will tell you, the
American people understand that."
Wesley Clark: "I didn't believe last year
we should have given George Bush a blank check in
Iraq. He said he was going to go to the U.N.
Instead, he started a war. Now we're trying to
give him another blank check. There's no telling
what's going to happen."
Howard Dean: "I don't think service men and
women do view my position as short of supporting
the troops. I've made it very clear that we need
to support our troops, unlike President Bush, who
tried to cut their combat pay after they'd been
over there and he'd doubled their tour of duty."
Kerry responded to Lieberman by
calling on his Viet Nam experience, "Seared into
me an experience you don't have, and that is being
one of the troops on the front line when the
policy has gone wrong." Clark was not to be left
behind in the war credential department and cited
his having come home on a stretcher from Viet Nam.
Lieberman also launched into an attack on Clark
for not being able to articulate his opposition to
the war. Clark responded by saying that he had
been consistent. (10/27/2003)
The Democrats’ assault on Bush
and each other also centered on the budget deficit
in last night’s debate. Clark failed to offer
detail concerning his economic plan that would
repeal some of the tax cuts and which he said
would save $2.3 trillion over 10 years. He also
failed to offer a time when he would offer more
details. Dean stayed consistent and called for the
raising of taxes with the repeal of all of Bush’s
tax cuts. He once again claimed he could balance
the budget in five years without cutting Social
Security or Medicare. Kerry referred to an Iowa
family that he said would have to pay $2,178 in
higher taxes if Dean's program went into effect.
Kerry said that this would be the result in part
of repealing the child tax credit and bringing
back the marriage-penalty tax. Kerry also said we
would reduce the deficit in four years.
Kerry’s website has a drive for
individuals to sign a petition to honor Senator
Paul Wellstone. The site says, “ One year ago this
week we lost a great champion for mental health
and so many important issues: Senator Paul
Wellstone. There is no better way to honor his
memory than to pass the Senator Paul Wellstone
Mental Health Equitable Treatment to Act of 2003.”
The visitor can then click on the petition and
sign on-line. (10/28/2003)
In a poll done for the Boston
Globe and Boston CBS affiliate WBZ, Dean continues
to lead in New Hampshire with 37 percent of
Democrats and independents supporting him. Sen.
John Kerry, D-Mass., is 13 points back at 24
percent. Trailing Dean and Kerry are Sen. John
Edwards at 9 percent, retired Gen. Wesley Clark at
8 percent, Rep. Dick Gephardt at 7 percent, Sen.
Joe Lieberman at 5 percent, Rep. Dennis Kucinich
at 3 percent and Rev. Al Sharpton and former Sen.
Carol Moseley Braun, both at less than 1 percent.
The survey was taken by KRC/Communications
Research from Oct. 20 to Oct. 22 and has a margin
of error of plus or minus five points.
Lieberman in trouble: In the latest survey, 28
percent reported having a favorable opinion of
Lieberman and 42 percent said they regarded him
unfavorably. That's an almost complete reversal
from six weeks ago when 46 percent viewed him
favorably and 25 percent did not.
Clark’s numbers are fading, Dean
moves back to front, Gephardt moves up and
Lieberman is in free fall according to the poll.
The numbers are: Dean-16; Clark-15; Gephardt-12;
Lieberman-12; Kerry-10; Edwards-6; Sharpton-6;
Moseley-Braun-4; Kucinich-1. The other startling
find was that the Democrats are going more
liberal. Democrats are 39 percent in favor of a
liberal up from 27 percent in August. Those
wanting a moderate are now at 53 percent.
Des Moines Register carries an interesting
story regarding Democrat candidates’ position on
medical marijuana: On medical marijuana.
The candidates' positions on medical marijuana,
according to their campaigns:
JOHN EDWARDS: Science is still unclear. There
needs to be a high-level Food and Drug
Administration commission to determine right away
whether medical marijuana is the best way to treat
JOHN KERRY: Supports the use of real science
to determine the effectiveness, safety and need
for the controlled medical use of marijuana. If
scientifically warranted, and studied by an
objective commission, the use must be closely
restricted to prevent abuse and illegal
HOWARD DEAN: As a doctor, he believes
marijuana should be treated no differently from
any other drug. It should be evaluated by the FDA
for its safety and then approved if it is safe and
effective, rejected if it is not.
DENNIS KUCINICH: Disagrees with President
Bush's methods of "harassing medical marijuana
patients" and instead favors medical marijuana
being used to relieve the suffering of seriously
ill patients.
LIEBERMAN: Is aware of reports that marijuana
may provide therapeutic relief for some
individuals, but isn't aware of any reputable
studies to support this. He opposes legalizing a
drug that many health professionals believe has
greater health risks than therapeutic benefits.
CAROL MOSELEY BRAUN: Is in favor of medicinal
marijuana use.
Campaigns for Dick Gephardt,
Wesley Clark and Al Sharpton did not respond
timely to requests for information about their
position on this issue. (10/29/2003)
They just can’t get along
If Democrat presidential
campaigns aren’t gay bashing they are inflaming
Jewish hatred according to the
Associated Press. However, Sen. John Kerry
upon hearing about the incident reported in The
Arizona Republic that state Democratic Rep. Ben
Miranda was trying to persuade backers of
Lieberman to switch allegiance because the
Connecticut senator, who is Jewish. Lieberman
campaign manager Craig Smith issued a statement
Wednesday morning calling on Kerry to "take swift
action to rebuke these statements and disassociate
himself from these individuals who have used these
tactics on his behalf." That's just what Kerry
did. Kerry spokesman Robert Gibbs issued a
statement that said the campaign investigated the
matter and found that no campaign staffers were
responsible, but the campaign "severed its
association" with Miranda. (10/30/2003)
Now it’s name-calling
Kerry at a book-signing event in
Iowa City called Howard Dean, “Mr. Avoidance. The
reference to Mr. Avoidance came up in a Daily
Iowan interview regarding Dean’s refusal to
participate in a debate in Iowa City with Kerry
and Gephardt. According to the
Daily Iowan: Kerry also made some noise by
calling former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean "Mr.
Avoidance" in response to his decision not to
participate in an Iowa City Press-Citizen debate.
The three-way meeting would include Dean, Kerry,
and Rep. Dick Gephardt, D-Mo. - the three
Democratic front-runners in Iowa, according to an
Oct. 22 Zogby International poll. "He ought to
defend the issues," Kerry said. "It's inexcusable
that he's ducking." Dean’s response: "If
anyone is 'Mr. Avoidance,' it's Sen. Kerry for
avoiding opportunities to make his position on the
war in Iraq clear," said Sarah Leonard, Dean's
Iowa communications director. She added that she
did not recall Dean's campaign ever receiving any
formal invitation to the specific debate to which
it could have responded. (10/30/2003)
Kerry gets NY endorsements
Democratic presidential
candidate John F. Kerry received endorsements
yesterday from two New York Democrats,
Representatives Tim Bishop and Carolyn McCarthy.
He now has the support of 19 House members and two
senators. (10/30/2003)
Book’s effect
USA Today is running excerpts from Walter
Shapiro’s forthcoming book, One-Car Caravan: On
the Road with the 2004 Democrats Before America
Tunes In, in Today’s edition. There is the
likelihood that the book could change some
opinions about who to support. Excerpts:
“Even though Kerry was the only man in the room
who removed his suit jacket in an effort to appear
informal and relaxed, he came across as tense and
a bit defensive. Kerry's presentation provided the
first intimations of a flaw in his candidacy -- he
tried so hard to be reassuring and was so
conscious of the ''Massachusetts liberal'' label
that he failed to make clear his rationale for
Attie, who was Al Gore's chief speechwriter during
the 2000 campaign, was about to re-enter the
real-life world of presidential politics. The
60-page ''script'' under the TV writer's arm was
really a compilation of a Democrat's policy
positions and stump speeches, printed out on the
only paper used in the fax machines of The West
Wing. And the candidate who joined Attie for a
drink at the Four Seasons was far more Heartland
than Hollywood. [Regarding Atti’s meeting with
Dick Gephardt and helping with Gephardt’s
the midst of taping commercials for her husband
John Edwards' 1998 Senate race, Elizabeth
Edwards was asked by media consultant Tad Devine,
''Why did you marry him?'' Instead of the usual
prattle about a good heart or love at first sight,
she responded with an answer that captured the
essence of Edwards' political appeal: ''I married
him because he was so optimistic.'' (10/30/2003)
NRA blacklist
Democratic Presidential
candidate John Kerry wrote a letter to the
hundreds of individuals, celebrities, authors,
religious organizations, and businesses
blacklisted by the NRA, to join him in standing up
to the divisive agenda of the gun lobby and stand
up for gun safety. For full details visit Kerry’s
main page