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Edwards ‘fix’ for job losses

Speaking with families in Sumter, South Carolina, Senator John Edwards today outlined his plan to help communities across the country devastated by job loss. In particular, Edwards focused on the need to create jobs in communities losing them, to prevent more jobs from moving overseas, and to oppose military base closings when communities do not get the help they need.

"I understand how job loses impact small communities-they have a domino affect on the entire community from the storeowners to the barbers," Edwards said. "That is why it is so critical for us to have a president who understands-whether it is fighting for fair trade or opposing unfair military base closings-how these decisions impact your lives."

Edwards today outlined his plan to reverse the devastating job loss suffered under George W. Bush. Over the last three years, our nation has lost 2.6 million manufacturing jobs, including almost 46,000 in South Carolina. To help struggling communities, Edwards will:

Overhaul US Trade Policies. Edwards will oppose any trade agreements that fail to include strong and enforceable labor and environmental standards. He will end China’s manipulation of the value of its currency, which gives its industries an unfair advantage, and keep quotas on textiles until China plays by the rules.
Fix the Tax Code to Help American Businesses Compete. Edwards will encourage corporations to create jobs here at home by cutting taxes by 10 percent for companies that produce goods and create jobs within the U.S. He will end tax incentives that give deductions and other special tax breaks to companies that build factories overseas.
Create and Protect Jobs in Hard-Hit Communities. Edwards has opposed new rounds of base closings-known as BRAC (Base Realignment and Closing)-because government has not done nearly enough to help towns devastated by base closings. He will bring venture capital, small business loans, and business expertise to create jobs in struggling communities, and create a Training Works initiative with one goal: to ensure that when people get job training, they are getting training for jobs that exist in their communities.
Increase U.S. Savings And Investment. Edwards will increase national savings by helping regular families save, invest, and get ahead, offering tax credits to match the savings of working families and cut capital gains and dividend taxes for 95 percent of Americans.

"For me, the fight to save these communities is personal," Edwards said. "These are types of towns that I grew up in, and the kinds of towns where my parents still live. The people who live in these communities are the kind of people I grew up with. I will never give up because this is our fight together."

Fattah Endorses Edwards

The Edwards campaign announced today that Congressman Chaka Fattah has officially endorsed Edwards. Fattah will serve as National Honorary Co-Chair of Edwards for President and Senior Advisor on Urban Policy. Congressman Chaka Fattah (D-PA), a national leader on education policy, today endorsed Senator John Edwards for president of the United States, citing his vision of better schools and a better opportunity for every child.

Grady Patterson endorses Edwards

John Edwards has picked up another presidential endorsement – this time from two-star general and SC State Treasurer Grady Patterson. Excerpt from the press release:

"Senator Edwards has proven that he can win the Democratic nomination," State Treasurer Patterson said. "But most importantly, as a native of a South Carolina mill town, he understands the plight of hard-working South Carolinians. As president, I know he will be an advocate for the working-class people in South Carolina, because those are the people he grew up with, and those are the people he cares about."

Patterson is a native of Abbeville County, South Carolina, and has served as South Carolina's State Treasurer for 35 years. Patterson is the longest serving Democratic Constitutional officer in South Carolina.

Patterson served America as a fighter pilot in World War II, flying combat missions from Iwo Jima. Patterson is a former Chief of the South Carolina Air National Guard, receiving the Distinguished Service Medal from the President of the United States for: "...exceptionally meritorious service in a duty of Great Responsibility."

"State Treasurer Patterson's record of service to his country and the people of South Carolina is unparalleled," Edwards said. "He fought bravely for his country in World War II and for the people of South Carolina as Assistant Attorney State General and State Treasurer. He understands what we as Americans can achieve, and knows that to get there we must offer Americans an optimistic vision for the future. I am honored to have him supporting my campaign to create an America that works for all of us."


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