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Friday, January 30, 2004

“What’s Dean’s new mantra? Leaner and meaner? Perhaps more apt would be, ‘boasted and toasted.’” – Iowa Presidential Watch.

"This race is about the next seven weeks, not the next seven states. We will not let the pundits call this race, the people will, and that means this race comes down to winning delegates. Today, Howard Dean is winning the nomination fight with 114 of the delegates." -- Dean campaign memo.

“But make no mistake about it; this upcoming election is about what kind of America we’ll live in, what kind of choices we will have, and what kind of government will have its way over us,” said Hillary Clinton.

"Republicans are scared stiff," Kerry said. "That's why they are sending their attack dogs out. It isn't going to work, I'm a fighter."

A sign in Columbia, South Carolina: "Kerry or Edwards or Dean or Bubba -- just anybody but Bush."

“But, in many ways, I think that we can't allow the distortion, because Mr. Bush and some of his crowd have said they represent a Christian view against the Islamic. And I don't think Christ could join most of their churches,” said Al Sharpton.


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this page was last updated: 02/01/04