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Edwards to end exploitation

Senator John Edwards outlined his vision for strengthening America's struggling middle class in a speech delivered today at the Creative Visions community center in Des Moines. Edwards highlighted how America has become divided in two under George Bush - with one America that is doing well and has its every wish granted by Washington, DC, and another that is living paycheck-to-paycheck and struggling to get by.

"Today under George W. Bush, there are two Americas, not one. One America does the work, while another America reaps the reward. One America pays the taxes, while another America gets the tax breaks," Edwards said. "If we want America to be a growing, thriving democracy with the strongest middle class on earth, we must choose a different path."

“While the middle class across America has been under assault during George Bush's presidency, the impact has been particularly hard in Iowa. Since Bush took office in January 2001, Iowa has seen: 32,000 lost jobs - 23,000 of them in manufacturing; a 52 percent increase in bankruptcy filings; 59,000 more Iowans living in poverty; and 22,000 fewer Iowans with health insurance.”

"When I'm president, we'll be one America, not two," Edwards said. "As president, I'll give every American the chance to build their future again. I have a plan to make America work for all of us, by creating 5 million new jobs in my first two years, reforming the tax code, and helping middle-class families save, invest, and get ahead."

In Iowa, Edwards' plan will:

·        Create 52,000 Iowa Jobs: In his first two years in office, Edwards will create jobs by cutting taxes for companies that export products, not jobs; standing up for U.S. trade rights; aiding overburdened state budgets; and restoring fiscal discipline.

·        Offer Tax Cuts for Working Families: John Edwards will offer targeted tax cuts to help over 1 million Iowans get ahead. These tax cuts include:

·        Homeownership: 70,000 Iowa families will use Edwards' first-time homebuyer tax credit to buy their first homes during Edwards' first term.

·        Newborns: 120,000 Iowa families will receive the family leave tax credit over four years. The $2,500 credit for each new child will allow parents to take time off work or meet other expenses.

·        Retirement Savings: 980,000 Iowa families will be eligible for matching savings tax credits.

·        Investments: 260,000 middle-class Iowa families will benefit from lower capital gains rates and 315,000 middle-class Iowa families will benefit from lower dividend rates.

Edwards also called for an end to the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy and highlighted his proposals to protect middle-class families from irresponsible credit card companies, payday lenders and predatory lenders. In addition, he questioned Democrats who would raise taxes on middle-class families.

"I can't understand why some other candidates in this race want to raise taxes on work and make life harder for the middle class," Edwards said. "We know that President Bush's tax cuts did not do enough for working people. But our answer cannot be to raise taxes on the people who make the least. We cannot say to an average family of four in Iowa: your taxes are going up by more than $1,700."

Edwards said the steps he outlined today would change America by taking on the insiders and big corporations and strengthening the middle class and the economy. "I have been fighting this fight all my life and will fight harder as president."


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