the Iowa Daily Report
… Twenty years from
now, this could be the core curriculum for the
“How Not to Run For President” course: Kerry
and his consultants – on the eve of his
“formal” announcement – still undecided on the
message. Maybe they should have just flipped a
coin or let Teresa Heinz Kerry decide?
Headline from this morning’s The Union Leader:
“Senator spends 11th hour
writing candidacy speech” Excerpt
from coverage by the AP’s Mike Glover – who’s
normally stationed in IA watching for wannabes
threats, but just happened to be in Charleston
yesterday awaiting Kerry’s campaign
kickoff. Excerpt from Glover’s report: “Facing
a pivotal moment in his bid for the Democratic
presidential nomination, John Kerry worked
until the last minute on the speech that will
formally launch his candidacy. The 11th-hour
move exposed the divisions within his own team
over the campaign's direction. Once
considered the front-runner, Kerry now
trails Howard Dean in New Hampshire and
is bunched at the top of the field with Dick
Gephardt and Dean in Iowa.
Dean has gained traction with his
anti-Washington establishment campaign, which
has proven costly for lawmakers such as Kerry
and Gephardt. Dean's surge has revealed
a split among Kerry's advisers, with some
aides calling for aggressive tactics while
others urge caution, fearing that harsh
attacks would alienate the new voters Dean has
attracted to the Democratic Party.
Kerry dismissed the poll results, saying
‘they don't mean anything today’ because
voters are only beginning to pay attention,
and that's why he chose to officially announce
his campaign after Labor Day. ‘America is just
beginning to listen,’ said Kerry.
Critics, including some prominent Democrats,
have argued that Kerry needs to change his
approach to counter Dean's growth in the
polls. Kerry's aides, who spoke on condition
of anonymity, said the candidate was more
involved in the crafting of the speech, which
would reflect his personal view on the
campaign's direction. Some of Kerry's critics
have said the campaign is bloated with too
many aides and advisers. The Massachusetts
senator launches a high-profile swing formally
announcing his campaign for the Democratic
nomination on Tuesday, and that closely
watched speech likely will signal who has won
the internal campaign debate. The choice
Kerry faces is similar to what former
Vice President Al Gore had to deal with
before the 2000 election. Gore
relocated his campaign to Nashville, Tenn.,
and pared back his staff when his campaign
faltered early. After losing the New Hampshire
primary to Republican John McCain, George W.
Bush switched his message 180 degrees. At
the center of Kerry's claim for the nomination
is that his decorated Vietnam War-hero past
gives him credibility beyond any other
Democratic candidate in challenging Bush's
national security record. Some aides argued
for him to broaden that theme; it was certain
to be the centerpiece of his announcement.
Kerry was scheduled to deliver his
speech against the backdrop of the mammoth
aircraft carrier USS Yorktown in the harbor at
Charleston, S.C. At his side would be members
of the gunboat crew he commanded in Vietnam's
Mekong Delta. While Kerry voted last
October to authorize the use of military force
in Iraq, he has been critical of Bush's
handling of the conflict, particularly for
failing to enlist the help of other nations.
In recent weeks, Kerry has moved to
spell out his positions on issues ranging from
health care to the economy to protecting
veterans, but he was reserving his
high-profile announcement swing for an
‘overarching vision’ of where he would take
the country, aides said.’” (9/2/2003)
… “Economic focus helps
Kerry” – headline on Thomas Oliphant
column in Sunday’s Boston Globe. Oliphant
contends that Kerry’s economic thrust has
potential to redirect the Mass Sen to the Dem
nomination. Excerpt from Oliphant’s
column: “The presidential campaign that John
Kerry is ‘formally’ launching this week
in South Carolina is built on biography and
resume -- political sand castles that usually
disappear with the next tide. It is a
campaign, off its performance for most of this
weird year, that is capable of heading
straight into a ditch. But the campaign that
Kerry displayed last week is built on an
economic message that is just as capable of
heading in the opposite direction, toward the
Democratic nomination. Biography and
resume, by definition, are about him. An
economic message is about us. In a chat
with journalists before Kerry's
presentation in Durham, N.H., last week, a
senior Kerry adviser well versed in the
ways of Washington and Wall Street expressed
amazement at how easily Democrats have
forgotten the core lessons of Bill Clinton's
presidency, when getting economic
fundamentals right supported and stimulated
prosperity. The core of government policy, he
said, must focus on the most powerful engine
of growth -- America's middle-class -- for
reasons that include simple fairness and
politics as well as sound economics. In
addition, discipline must be maintained over
the huge federal budget, and trade policy must
be ‘progressive’ to foster American exports,
meaning no rollbacks of existing international
agreements and a willingness to pursue new
ones. That is the essence of Kerry's
approach, which stands not only as a solid
means of reversing an astonishingly poor
record by the Bush administration but as a
forceful rebuke of two competitors -- Howard
Dean and Dick Gephardt -- who have let their
fixation on a single issue (universal health
insurance) cloud their judgment about the
income tax burden on ordinary Americans…This
portion of Kerry's speech deserves
repeating: ‘We shouldn't make it harder for
middle-class families to make ends meet and we
shouldn't turn our backs on making the 21st
century work for all of us. But some in my
party are so angry at George Bush and his
unfair tax cuts that they think the solution
is to do the exact opposite.’ Anger, the
source of Dean's surge, is a poor substitute
for sound policy. His proposal would raise the
income tax burden on middle-income households
by as much as $2,000 a year, putting a
ridiculously brutal squeeze on families, the
elderly included, that are being pinched by
hard times and the rising cost of essentials
as never before. Kerry's proposal
shows how concentrating on the top-rate tax
cuts and other high-income areas yields more
than enough money to stimulate the economy in
the short-term, but also to slash the deficit
over time so massive federal borrowing doesn't
choke off recovery…One speech will not be
enough for Kerry -- or for John Edwards and
Joe Lieberman, who have similar views. The
key question is which candidate will fasten
upon a middle-class economic message, almost
to the exclusion of everything else, and make
the contrast with Dean a question of
values. I suspect most people believe Kerry is
as qualified to be president as anyone has
ever been. They want to know whether he can
make a difference in their difficult lives.”(9/2/2003)
… What will Teresa
focus on during his campaign appearances? Tax
credits for Botox treatments or prenuptial
agreements for gay marriages? Headline
from Sunday’s Boston Herald: “Kerry’s wife
spices up bid” Coverage by the Herald’s
Andrew Miga: “Teresa Heinz Kerry, stepping
back into the spotlight after a low-key
summer, will soon boost her profile on the
presidential campaign trail with appearances
for her husband in key states such as Iowa and
New Hampshire. The outspoken comments
by the wealthy wife of Sen. John F. Kerry
on matters ranging from marital fidelity and
prenuptial agreements to Botox cosmetic
treatments generated headlines last spring
during a round of media interviews. She was
less visible in the media during the summer
months, however. Kerry has complained that
the media has unfairly portrayed his wealthy
wife as a ‘loose cannon’ whose freewheeling
ways could undermine his candidacy. Kerry
advisers contend her brash, independent-minded
personality will be a campaign asset - a
dose of Sen. John McCain-style authenticity
that will play well with jaded voters turned
off by slick campaign messages. ‘She is her
own person and voters tend to like people who
speak their minds with no holds barred,’ said
one Kerry adviser. ‘She is an asset.’
Heinz Kerry plans to appear at a string of
fund-raising events on behalf of her husband,
campaign sources said, and will speak before
small groups of voters in grassroots-style
events over the next two months. She will
accompany her husband on his campaign plane
this week as he formally launches his
presidential bid in South Carolina, Iowa, New
Hampshire and Boston. She will also travel
to New Mexico for the first presidential
debate to be held Thursday in Albuquerque.
Next weekend she will host a major
fund-raising event for high-end Kerry
fund-raisers at her Brant Point, Nantucket
… Even when he’s
not in sight, Dean dominates latest wannabe
discussions. Headline from yesterday’s The
Union Leader: “Kerry, Lieberman fire at
front-runner Dean” Excerpt from AP report
– datelined Washington – by AP’s Jennifer C.
Kerr: “He wasn't even on the Sunday talk
shows, but Howard Dean got plenty of air time
as his Democratic rivals for the White House
took aim at the former Vermont governor.
‘Howard Dean has zero experience in
international affairs,’ said Massachusetts
Sen. John Kerry on NBC's Meet the
Press. ‘The presidency is not the place for
on-the-job training in this new security
world,’ he said. Dean has opened up a
wide lead over Kerry - by more than 20
points - in the latest poll in New Hampshire,
a key state because of its Jan. 27 primary.
Dean had been trailing Kerry earlier this
year. Kerry dismissed the new numbers,
saying, ‘I'm not concerned about it.’ He
added, ‘Summertime is not when presidential
races are won.’ Dean aides said their
candidate is gaining ground and that must be
making Kerry nervous. ‘For seven months
they ignored us, now they're attacking us,’
said campaign manager Joe Trippi. ‘I wonder
why that is?’ White House hopeful Joe
Lieberman also had Dean in the political
crosshairs. The Connecticut senator said Dean
is not the candidate to take on President
Bush: ‘I worry that he cannot win.’ On
CBS' Face the Nation, Lieberman also
accused Dean of flip-flopping on some of his
positions. ‘He's got to let the American
people know exactly where he stands,’ said
Lieberman.” (9/2/2003)
… Kerry starts
over, but it will probably take more than an
“announcement” tour to get him past Dean.
Excerpt from this morning’s coverage by Los
Angeles Times’ Ronald Brownstein, reporting
from Mt. Pleasant, SC: “Sen. John Kerry
(D-Mass.), in a ceremony suffused with symbols
of his service in Vietnam, formally launched
his presidential campaign today with a
sweeping indictment of President Bush — and a
newly combative edge toward Howard Dean, the
rival who has surged to the forefront of the
2004 Democratic race. Overall, Kerry's
speech did more to recapitulate than redefine
the case he has made over the past year.
But by drawing a succession of contrasts with
Dean on taxes, gun control and foreign policy,
the address outlined the arguments Kerry is
hoping will allow him to recapture the
initiative from the former Vermont governor.
Beyond the policy differences, the speech
dramatized the military service Kerry
believes will be one of his central advantages
in the race. He delivered the speech in a park
that houses the Yorktown, an aircraft carrier
that was deployed in Vietnam, where Kerry
won a Silver Star and Bronze Star as the
captain of a Navy gunboat. On the podium in
front of Kerry, his campaign placed a
placard that read: ‘The Courage to Do What's
Right for America.’ Kerry, 59, was forceful
and energetic, but apart from the stress on
military service, the speech mostly reprised
themes common to all of the Democratic
contenders: more reliance on allies abroad, a
rollback of Bush's tax cuts at home, and
increased focus on environmental protection
and the development of renewable energy
sources. ‘I am running so we can keep
America's promise to reward the hard work of
middle-class Americans to restore our true
strength in the world which comes from ideals,
not arrogance, [and] to renew the commitment
of our generation to pass this planet on to
our children better than it was given to us,’
Kerry declared to about 300 supporters
who gathered just outside of Charleston on a
steamy morning. For Kerry, now serving his
fourth term in the Senate, the speech came at
a critical moment. He began 2003 as the
consensus front-runner in the Democratic race.
But lately he has surrendered that title to
Dean, who has moved past Kerry in fund-raising
and in the polls in Iowa and New Hampshire,
the critical first two contests on the
nomination calendar. Because the
speech did not offer a significant new
framework or message for Kerry's candidacy, it
may not end the concern among those Democrats
who fear that the senator has failed to
crystallize a single compelling rationale for
his campaign. But the speech signaled several
of the contrasts that Kerry will stress as he
tries to slow Dean's momentum. Although he
never mentioned Dean by name, Kerry
underscored his differences with his rival on
three distinct issues: Taxes…Gun control…War
in Iraq.(9/3/2003)
Whisper: Kerry-McGovern connection exposed.
Under the subhead “McGovern's
Paul Bedard reported in his “Washington
Whispers” column in U. S. News & World Report:
“It may have been wishful thinking when
Sen. John Kerry, the 1970s antiwar Vietnam
veteran, couldn't recall helping 1972
Democratic loser George McGovern. Well,
thanks to his foes in the Republican Party, we
have something that might jog his mind. It's a
brochure from his failed House campaign in
1972. ‘Recently at the request of Senator
George McGovern,’ it says, ‘Kerry campaigned
in the Oregon and California primaries.’
Still, the pander didn't work: McGovern won
the Massachusetts district, while Kerry lost
it.” (9/3/2003)
… Vilsack’s
“first tier” remains the same as it was weeks
ago: Dean, Gephardt and Kerry. Headline
from this morning’s Quad-City Times: “Vilsack’s
not ready to endorse candidate” Excerpt
from report by the Times’ Todd Dorman: “Gov.
Tom Vilsack was willing to handicap the
Democratic presidential race Tuesday, but
Iowa’s top Democrat said he is not ready to
hand out an endorsement just yet. With
Labor Day having signaled the start of a more
intense period in the campaign, Vilsack
said U.S. Rep. Richard Gephardt, D-Mo., former
Vermont Gov. Howard Dean and U.S. Sen. John
Kerry, D-Mass., make up the race’s ‘first
tier.’ Kerry formally announced his
candidacy Tuesday with a series of events that
included a speech in Des Moines. Recent
polls in Iowa, where the precinct caucuses
open the nomination process Jan. 19, show
Gephardt and Dean locked in a neck-and-neck
race with Kerry running third. U.S. Sens.
John Edwards, D-N.C., and Joe
Lieberman, D-Conn., trail the top three.
‘But there is opportunity for other candidates
to move into that first tier and to have a
successful caucus night,’ Vilsack said.
‘I think we’ll see a lot of activity the next
three or four months.’ The governor said he
expects Iowa Democrats to start paying more
attention to the race, partly because, he
says, they now see President Bush as
politically vulnerable. ‘We have a
situation in Iraq that clearly was not handled
very well. There was no plan for peace,’
Vilsack said. ‘With the economy, the
president talks about that fact that he
recognizes there is suffering, but he has no
plan.’ Vilsack, who chairs the Democratic
Governors Association, has hosted Edwards,
Gephardt, Dean and Lieberman at his Terrace
Hill residence. But the governor said he has
no plans at this time to endorse any of the
nine candidates. In 2000, Vilsack
remained neutral in the race between Vice
President Al Gore and former U.S. Sen.
Bill Bradley of New Jersey. The governor’s
wife, Christie Vilsack, endorsed Gore,
however. ‘I’ve left open the option for me to
endorse a candidate…I have no timeline,’ the
governor said. If he does pick a candidate,
Vilsack said he would do so to help
undecided voters make a decision. ‘It might be
an aid to people. I don’t think anyone’s
endorsement is a key for any candidate,’ he
said. As for undecided candidates, Vilsack
suggested Gen. Wesley Clark’s possible late
entry into the Democratic race would be
ill-advised. ‘He would clearly start
behind, and I think it would be very difficult
for him in the early states to catch up,’
Vilsack said.”(9/3/2003)
… Boston report:
Kerry’s candidacy announcement signals start
of another round of Dean-Kerry encounters.
Anticipation grows as the wannabes rally for
today’s debate in New Mexico, but Dukakis –
remember him? – downplays the Dean phenomenon.
Headline from yesterday’s Boston Herald: “Kerry
heads back to thwart Dean’s regional challenge”
Report – an excerpt – by the Herald’s David R.
Guarino: “Suddenly an underdog in his own
backyard, U.S. Sen. John F. Kerry today begins
a breakneck fight to reclaim New Hampshire
from an upstart fellow New Englander.
Fresh from a campaign kickoff in front of a
warship in South Carolina, Kerry
returns to hometown turf -- where allies
admit they worry a primary loss to Howard Dean
could be a death knell. Dean strategists,
relishing the latest poll that shows the
former Vermont governor beating Kerry by 21
points, want a quick TKO. ‘Kerry
has a huge advantage here. If he can't turn
that into something, that will mean
something,’ said Dean New Hampshire
adviser Debbie Butler, a prominent Democrat.
‘If he's not catching on with the people who
know him second best, that's trouble.’
Kerry allies said they're not writing off New
Hampshire - despite the buzz about Kerry's
South Carolina announcement. On the
ground, they're exuding confidence and saying
Dean loses because he can't win in the
long run. ‘Gov. Dean is striking a chord.
He's stirring up a lot of interest that we'll
enjoy having in our campaign when we win,’
said William Shaheen, a Kerry adviser,
longtime Democrat and husband of former Gov.
Jeanne Shaheen. ‘Democrats are now looking at
the guy who dislikes George Bush the most. In
the end, that's not enough. You need the guy
who will beat George Bush.’ Former Bay
State Gov. Michael S. Dukakis downplayed the
Dean phenomenon and said Kerry can still win
the nomination - even with a Granite State
loss. ‘With two other New Englanders in
the race, he has to do well but he doesn't
have to win,’ Dukakis said. ‘This one is a
long-distance race. You want to do well in
Iowa and New Hampshire, but it's what happens
afterwards that's critical.’”(9/4/2003)
… Kerry begins TV
spots in six Iowa markets. Excerpts from
report – dateline, Des Moines –
by AP caucus watcher Mike Glover: “One day
after the official launch of his presidential
candidacy, Democrat John Kerry unveiled ads
for Iowa television that criticize President
Bush's economic record. The commercials that
will be broadcast in six major media markets
in the state include excerpts from the rally
Kerry held in Iowa Tuesday night as part
of his four-state, two-day swing announcing
his bid. Iowa holds its precinct caucuses Jan.
19. ‘Three million jobs lost, too many of
them in the heartland,’ Kerry says in one ad.
‘That is an astonishing failure.’ Recent
polls in Iowa show Kerry trailing rivals
Howard Dean and Dick Gephardt.
In one ad, Kerry focuses on his differences
with Dean and Gephardt on repealing Bush's tax
cuts. The former Vermont governor and
Missouri congressman favor eliminating the
cuts; Kerry would preserve some of the
reductions. ‘If I am president I will roll
back the tax cuts for the wealthy so we can
invest in education, health care and the
skills of our workers,’ the Massachusetts
senator says in the ad. ‘We need to be on the
side of America's middle class and a tax cut
for them is the right way to strengthen our
economy.’ Kerry, one of nine candidates
seeking the party's nomination, formally
announced his candidacy Tuesday in South
Carolina and then traveled to Iowa for a
series of campaign events. He planned
appearances in New Hampshire and Massachusetts
Wednesday. ‘I believe the resolve of
Americans can break the grip of special
interests and bring back jobs and finally open
up health care to all,’ Kerry says in one spot
that shows Kerry making his announcement to a
cheering crowd in downtown Des Moines.
Kerry is the fourth Democratic candidate
to launch television commercials in Iowa.
Dean, Gephardt and Sen. John Edwards of North
Carolina have already aired spots in the state.”
… As if
Kerry didn’t have enough trouble getting his
campaign moving forward – not to mention
possibly being steamrolled by the Dean
bandwagon – the Union Leader editorialists are
after him, too. Headline on editorial in
yesterday’s Union Leader – “Kerry’s
courage: The reality, rhetoric don’t match”
Editorial excerpt: “Announcing his
candidacy for the office of President on
Tuesday, Sen. John Kerry wasted no time before
mentioning that he was a Navy combat veteran
in Vietnam. In fact, his service, as
usual, was the first thing about himself that
he highlighted. Kerry made his
announcement in Mt. Pleasant, S.C., with the
retired World War II aircraft carrier U.S.S.
Yorktown as his backdrop, for two reasons:
to be sure that no one who watched the speech
live or on television could miss the
connection between John Kerry and the U.S.
Navy; and to collect votes for the South
Carolina primary. The central buzzword of
Kerry’s address, which seems destined
to be the focus of his campaign, was
‘courage.’ He began by noting his courageous
service in Vietnam, and segued to the courage
that a President needs to deal with national
security and the economy in today’s world.
The unmistakable message: I am the right man
for the job because I am the most courageous.
This would be a good message for Kerry if his
political courage were as undaunted as his
physical courage. Unfortunately for him, it is
not. Kerry was a courageous
warrior, but he is a notorious political
coward. His long history of equivocation makes
him appear irresolute and wishy-washy. He
loves to try to please everyone, and he has
yet to realize that this indecisiveness has
cost him a great deal of credibility and
support. Much of that support has been
shifted to Howard Dean, who gives the
impression that he is nothing if not decisive.
If Kerry wants to win this nomination, he must
begin living up to his own rhetoric.”
… Kerry’s
Demise? – I: Washington Times columnist
Tony Blankley writes that “politically
speaking Kerry is campaigning while dead.”
Blankley says Kerry’s “South Carolina strategy
is nuts.” Headline from yesterday’s Times:
“The trouble with Kerry” Excerpt: “Over
a month ago (when John Kerry was known as
the frontrunner), I predicted on the
McLaughlin Group television show that by
September, Mr. Kerry's campaign would
be in crises. And here we are in the first
week of September with Sen. Kerry in third
place in Iowa (Dean-Gephardt- Kerry) and
behind Howard Dean in almost home-state New
Hampshire by 21 points…One of Mr.
Kerry's Boston aides said that ‘We're in
this no matter what happens in Iowa and New
Hampshire.’ All but writing off New
Hampshire by Kerry must be spooking his
troops. After all, as recently as a month
ago, New Hampshire was considered both safe
and a must-win state for Mr. Kerry. Mr.
Kerry explained Mr. Dean's lead
in New Hampshire by claiming that Mr. Dean
had ‘been out there, very visibly spending
money on TV and elsewhere.’ But, according to
pollster John Zogby, Mr. Kerry has visited
New Hampshire 38 times, has eight regional
offices there and flooded the state with TV
ads during his recent Senate re-election
campaign…If his supporters were spooked by
the bad numbers in New Hampshire, they must
be jumping out of the windows at the
Post-Modern Literary Deconstructionist
Department at Harvard once they heard the
South Carolina strategy. I understood
Nixon's and Mr. Reagan's southern strategies.
I even understood father and son Bush's South
Carolina firewall strategy. But Mr. Kerry's
South Carolina strategy is nuts. (And he
accuses President Bush of not being a good
strategist.) I've been to South Carolina. In
fact, I was there just a few weeks ago at a
barbecue stand. There was a young man
waiting for an order, dressed in full
Confederate uniform. Inside, they were
selling beautiful color tee shirts which
portrayed General Robert E. Lee in battle
uniform on his fierce white horse leading a
magnificent confederate charge against the
Yankee intruders. Down the road a piece
from that stand was a restaurant named The
Swamp Fox — which I believe invokes the fond
memory of Confederate guerrillas sneaking up
on Yankee encampments to deliver justice to
the blue bellies from Maine, Michigan and
Massachusetts. If ever their was a figure from
Massachusetts, it is John F. Kerry. The
Senator is a man who doesn't look all that
comfortable dining at the Four Seasons in
Georgetown. The thought of this quintessential
moralizing, haughty, Boston Brahmin
campaigning over drawn pork down at the Swamp
Fox could persuade even a cheapskate to pay
the price of admission. And what on Earth
would he say to the South Carolina voters? Perhaps
he would repeat a line he used on Meet the
Press last Sunday regarding Iraqi policy: ‘I
think this administration has made an
extraordinary, disastrous decision not to
bring the United Nations in in a significant
way. I have said repeatedly that we must go to
the United Nations, we must internationalize
this effort’…South Carolinians only
begrudgingly recognized the command authority
of the U.S. Army. Somehow, I don't think
calling, yet again, for the grand old dream of
liberal internationalism is going to be a
winner in South Carolina — even amongst its
Democratic voters. Or perhaps he could repeat
his support for Bill Clinton's affirmative
action policy, or his equivocation on Bush's
tax cuts? South Carolina is not going to be
John Kerry's firewall — but a firestorm. A
strategy for a New England liberal to lose in
New Hampshire and win in South Carolina is not
a strategy at all. It is a delusion.
Politically speaking, Sen. Kerry is
campaigning while dead. Johnny boy, we hardly
knew ya.”(9/4/2003)
Demise? – II: Boston Globe columnist Scot
Lehigh writes that Kerry’s announcement “signals
that after long months of skirmishing, the
struggle for the hearts and minds of
Democratic voters has begun in earnest.”
Headline from yesterday’s Boston Globe: “Kerry’s
battle just beginning” Excerpt: “It’s
hardly the sort of send-off a candidate wants
as he begins his grand announcement tour. John
Kerry has failed to connect, says The
Washington Post. The Massachusetts senator is
sinking from the top tier in the Democratic
field, judges The New Republic. He's only a
distant fourth nationally, notes CNN. The
surging Howard Dean is the next Jimmy Carter,
declares the Economist. Yesterday evening
found Kerry denying that a shake-up of
his campaign staff might be imminent. And, as
any number of interviewers have reminded
Kerry, a new poll shows Dean, the
former Vermont governor, leading him by 21
points in New Hampshire, a must-win state for
the senator. So how does Kerry feel?
‘Absolutely spectacular,’ he said on Monday.
‘As we go into the next month, you are going
to see a lot of things change’ in the
campaign's dynamic, he predicted. Now,
there's no doubt an element of whistling past
the political graveyard in Kerry's profession
of optimism. The names on the tombstones
from campaigns past should be a warning. Names
like Edmund Muskie and John Glenn and Bob
Kerrey, men who also looked like strong
presidential prospects on paper but who left
voters cold. Still, the notion that
Kerry is already in some sort of political
death spiral misjudges the very nature of
presidential politics. It's true the last
month has not been a particularly good one for
Kerry…Meanwhile, it's been Dean who
has spoken to the passions of the party's
liberal base with his vehement opposition to
the war in Iraq and his call for repealing the
entirety of the Bush tax cuts. But credit
Kerry with this: He has largely resisted a
panicked impulse to slide leftward to contest
Dean, preferring instead to stake out
defensible general election ground…In his
announcement speech, Kerry also served
not-so-subtle notice he will go after Dean for
his leave-it-to-the-states stance on gun
control. Now, one can occasionally read
commentary counseling the Democrats not to
criticize each other. That's unrealistic.
Primary campaigns are ultimately about
defining, explaining, and debating differences
between candidates of the same party. And
until that debate occurs, the primary campaign
hasn't begun in earnest. Thus early leads
have to be greeted with considerable
skepticism. None of that is to say that
Dean hasn't been impressive, nimble, and
creative. He has. Just two months ago the
Kerry campaign could say with some confidence
that the senator had secured a spot in the top
tier and that the real question was who would
emerge as Kerry's chief rival. Today it's Dean
who appears to have a lock on a top-tier spot.
Yet the battle ahead still looks to be
between Dean and Kerry. To count
Kerry on a troubling trajectory before
fall's first shot is fired is to forget that
nominees are chosen not in the lazy days of an
inattentive summer but in the intense combat
that comes as the weather turns cool. And
that, more than anything he said yesterday, is
why Kerry's announcement is important: For all
the predictable anti-Bush boilerplate, it
signals that after long months of skirmishing,
the struggle for the hearts and minds of
Democratic voters has begun in earnest.”(9/4/2003)
… If Kerry starts
to look like a political punching bag, it’s
because every media player with a computer or
microphone weighs in on his ineptness. There’s
more hits on Kerry below, but we’ll start with
Deborah Orin’s commentary in yesterday’s
Washington Post. Post headline – “A far
cry from Dem-debate front-runner”
(Editor’s Note: The following column was
written prior to last night’s debate, but the
main points are still relevant.) Excerpt from
Orin’s column: “Maybe it's no surprise
that slipping Democratic presidential wannabe
John Kerry's emotions seem so close to
the surface that he burst into tears at a
jobless woman's sad story yesterday. For
many months, Kerry was riding high as the
Democratic front-runner, but now he seems to
be in freefall against surging anti-war
contender Howard Dean, and no one has more
than Kerry riding on tonight's Democratic TV
debate. Kerry (Mass.) has lost the
lead to Dean in New Hampshire, a key
state where Kerry must win the Jan. 27
primary to stay alive -- and where he's a
household name, since Massachusetts TV
blankets the Granite State…’The last
time they debated, Kerry had the most money,
was perceived to have the most solid operation
and was the perceived front-runner -- now it's
all been flipped around.’ In fact,
Kerry's own staffers stole attention from
his official campaign kickoff Tuesday as they
publicly squabbled over whether there
should be a staff shakeup. Public staff
squabbles over strategy beg questions about a
candidate's sincerity -- perhaps even about
his tears, which flowed in a response to a
woman's hardship story during a campaign stop
at a New Hampshire diner. ‘It's like a
politician kissing a baby -- I feel your pain.
Tears? Please,’ scoffed a Democratic
activist who supports a rival candidate. ‘It
looks scripted to show compassion. People lose
their jobs every day.’ The tears come at a
time when Kerry is at risk of morphing into Al
Gore, as he takes heat for being too stiff and
too ‘overconsulted’ -- with too many
strategists (several of them Gore
veterans) competing to tell him what to say.
By contrast, Dean's top strategists have
worked with him for a decade and are a tight
team.” (9/5/2003)
…Post debate
analysis: “Democrats target Bush, not each
other, in debate that may favor front-runner”
– headline from this morning’s The Union
Leader. Excerpt from analysis by AP’s Ron
Fournier: “President Bush was an easy
target. Too easy for eight presidential
candidates who railed, in harmony, against
White House policies in Thursday night's
debate. In doing so, they failed to
distinguish themselves from each other. Their
hands-off approach may have best served Howard
Dean, the former Vermont governor who left the
debate relatively unscathed and still the
party's presidential front-runner. ‘Dean
kept his shine on,’ said Democratic strategist
Donna Brazile who managed Al Gore's
2000 presidential campaign. ‘Nobody took any
of the gloss from the type of message and the
type of campaign he's been running.’ Joe
Lieberman tried. The Connecticut senator
accused Dean of pressing for fair trade
standards that would scuttle existing treaties
and cost millions of jobs. ‘If that ever
happened, I'd say the Bush recession would be
followed by the Dean depression,’
Lieberman said. It was the type of shot
Democratic activists had expected since Dean
surged this summer to the head of the
nine-candidate field. A day before the
first major debate of the 2004 campaign, New
Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson spoke for the
entire party when he predicted verbal
‘fireworks.’ But there was more fizzle than
fireworks. Democrats targeted Bush, not
each other. Sen. John Kerry of
Massachusetts accused the president of a
‘failure of leadership’ in the world.
Lieberman said Bush has been a ‘powerful
failure’ on the economy. Sen. John Edwards
of North Carolina and Dean accused Bush of
refusing to tell the truth about the conflict
in Iraq -- both its costs and risks. But
voters already knew that the Democrats don't
like the president; they learned nothing new
Thursday night about why they should favor one
candidate over another. The campaigns are
unsure how to respond to Dean's rise. Some
strategists fear the former Vermont governor
will pull away with the nomination unless he
is confronted. Others worry that
aggressive tactics will make their candidates
look mean while firing up Dean's
backers. That may be why the most pointed
criticism came outside the University of New
Mexico's Popejoy Hall - in press releases
distributed by campaign aides and in
post-debate interviews. Away from the debate
spotlight, Lieberman said he would have
criticized more Dean policies if given the
opportunity during the 90-minute debate.
Arguments over strategies to confront Dean
have deeply divided Kerry's campaign.
The senator has criticized his own staff while
promising there will be no shake-ups. His
wife, Teresa Heinz Kerry, complained publicly
that the campaign waited too long to air its
first television ads. ‘They all have to be
careful’ about attacking each other, said
Kathleen Sullivan, head of the Democratic
Party in New Hampshire. ‘Their job tonight was
to introduce themselves to voters.’…’I
don't think anybody had to win or lose tonight
- and nobody did.’” (9/5/2003)
… Headline of the
day: “Teresa gives strategy thumbs down”
– from yesterday’s Boston Herald. Coverage
by the Herald’s Andrew Miga: “You can add
Teresa Heinz Kerry to the lengthy list of
Democrats expressing doubts about how her
husband's slow-starting presidential campaign
has been run so far. Sen. John F.
Kerry's wife said yesterday she wishes
the campaign had launched TV ads two months
ago to stop former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean's
summer surge. ‘I've been asking for that
for a long time,’ she said of Kerry's
three new campaign ads airing in Iowa, New
Hampshire and Boston. ‘I'm not involved in
campaign decisions. I'm only the wife.’
Heinz Kerry, a wealthy philanthropist and
longtime activist, said she often shares her
view on the issues of the day with her
husband, usually over meals. ‘I talk to him
all the time about foreign policy, the
environment, the economy, women's issues,’ she
said aboard Kerry's campaign plane as
it jetted from Iowa to New Hampshire.
Heinz Kerry, who has been freewheeling and
opinionated in recent interviews, said she has
learned to adopt a more serious approach.
‘I can't joke around anymore about myself,’
she said. ‘People take it seriously and I get
into trouble.’ She joked that her husband has
nicknamed her ‘Sassy.’”(9/5/2003)
… Columnist
Novak explores some of the “tricky”
contentions – like knowing GWB at Yale – that
challenge his credibility. He says Kerry
“looks like a trickster running for
president.” Headline from yesterday’s
Chicago Sun-Times: “For Kerry, snide comes
before and after the fall” Excerpt from
Novak column: “One reason why Sen. John
Kerry has precipitously toppled from being
putative Democratic nominee for president to a
potential also-ran was demonstrated at the
conclusion of his grueling interview on NBC's
‘Meet the Press’ Sunday. It had nothing to
do with Iraq or taxation but everything to do
with his credibility and likability.
Moderator Tim Russert ended the hourlong
program with the last blast from his massive
research. Kerry was quoted by Vogue
magazine last March as talking about George W.
Bush's ‘lack of knowledge,’ and adding this:
‘He was two years behind me at Yale, and I
knew him, and he's still the same guy.’
Implicitly, Kerry was saying the president was
the same empty-headed, hard-drinking playboy
he was in college. But when Russert twice
asked Kerry just what he meant, he
shrugged off these questions (‘I believe that
President Bush is a very likable fellow.’).
The conclusion widely drawn from that exchange
is that Kerry never knew Bush at Yale and that
he fibbed to Vogue's interviewer in trying to
denigrate the president. In fact, there is
an eyewitness: George W. Bush. He tells aides
he certainly did not know John Kerry at
Yale. Kerry, the Vietnam War
hero-turned-protester who out-debated
front-running Republican William Weld in the
1996 Massachusetts Senate race, looks like a
trickster running for president. On
Tuesday, Kerry was tricky again.
‘Re-launching’ his candidacy by announcing it
at Patriot's Point, S.C., he declared: ‘I
voted to threaten the use of force to make
Saddam Hussein comply with the resolutions of
the United Nations.’ Kerry's vote, which
seemed politically prudent at the time, was to
authorize--not to threaten--force in Iraq.
Meeting privately Tuesday on another matter, a
group of Democratic political operatives
agreed that Kerry blew it that morning
when interviewed by Katie Couric on NBC's
‘Today’ program. Only a few months ago,
Kerry was the presidential choice of
establishment Democrats. He led the party's
other eight candidates in the polls, and
seemed the strongest challenger against
President Bush. All this was predicated on
getting his primary election season off to a
winning start with being the sure primary
winner in his neighboring state of New
Hampshire Jan. 27…That explains the shock
inside the Kerry camp when the Zogby Poll
showed a 21-point lead by Dean on Aug. 27.
While Kerry has certainly not abandoned
New Hampshire, his campaign team has hastened
to construct a backup position in South
Carolina. However, Kerry's opponents
privately deride the switch of his Tuesday
announcement from Boston to South Carolina,
which holds its primary one week after New
Hampshire. The Zogby Poll in July gave
Kerry 5 percent in South Carolina for
fifth place. He had not been in that state for
three months prior to his Tuesday
announcement. The announcement from the
aircraft carrier USS Yorktown generated
chuckles among the Democratic lobbyists who
met Tuesday. These savvy Democrats used
the words ‘arrogant’ and ‘attitude’ in
describing what they felt was wrong with their
former front-runner. That may stem from
Kerry's failure to come to grips with his
ambivalence on the Iraq War. On ‘Meet the
Press,’ Russert played a tape of Kerry
addressing the Senate last Oct. 9 with a
hard-line speech declaring Iraq ‘is capable of
quickly producing weaponizing’ of biological
weapons that could be delivered against ‘the
United States itself.’…’That is exactly the
point I'm making,’ Kerry replied to
Russert. ‘We were given this information by
our intelligence community.’ But as a
senator, Kerry had access to the National
Intelligence Estimate that was skeptical of
Iraqi capability. Being tricky may no longer
be as effective politically as it once was.”(9/5/2003)
… Kerry
just might be overdoing his emphasis on
Vietnam background as he directs supports in
New Hampshire to “lock and load.” On the other
hand, what more can be expected of a guy who
calls his campaign plane “Bushwacker 1”?
Headline from yesterday’s The Union Leader: “Kerry
hits Bush policies in a pair of NH stops”
Excerpt from coverage by the UL’s Nancy
Meersman and Kimberly Houghton: “John
Kerry made a short but lively appearance in
Manchester yesterday to round up New Hampshire
supporters and tell them to ‘lock and load’ as
they departed in a 10-bus caravan to Boston.
Senator Kerry’s home state of
Massachusetts was the last stop in his two-day
‘American Courage’ tour marking the
official launch of his ‘fight’ theme campaign
for President. ‘I just flew in on
Bushwhacker I,’ Democrat Kerry
declared to loud cheers and the waving of
signs by several hundred people in ‘American
Courage’ T-shirts who rallied outside his
campaign headquarters. Kerry, a
decorated Vietnam War veteran, said it was
time for Americans to ‘take care of each other
the way the veterans did’ and to work together
to change the course set by Republican
President George Bush. With rock oldies
blaring from speakers, he urged his supporters
to fight to ‘take back the White House’
reminding them of the Vietnam battle cries
‘rock ‘n’ roll’ and ‘lock and load.’…’We need
to turn this country around, and those are not
just words,’ Kerry said. Kerry,
59, has slipped in the polls, to about 20
points behind former Vermont Gov. Howard
Dean. Kerry brushed aside questions
about how he would catch up to Dean. ‘The
challenges we face are the same as they were a
month ago or six months ago,’ he said. ‘People
have not made a decision yet.’ New
Hampshire supporters also shrugged off what
has been described as Kerry’s ‘free-fall.’
They say that poll results are meaningless
this early in the primary season. ‘It’s too
early to tell. A lot of candidates start off
fast but that doesn’t count,’ said Cheryl
Vezina of Manchester. ‘We have to do something
to turn the economy around. I think Kerry
can do that.’”(9/5/2003)
… The story
that – unfortunately for John Kerry – has been
surfacing over and over during the week.
Under the subhead “Kerry’s denial,”
Greg Pierce was the latest to report on rumors
of a Kerry staff shakeup in yesterday’s
“Inside Politics” column. Excerpt from the
Washington Times: “On
Tuesday, his first day as an official
Democratic presidential candidate, John Kerry
did not get past his second campaign stop
before having to deny a staff shake-up was in
the works. It was the last thing Mr.
Kerry needed on a day his campaign was
getting heavy media attention to his entry
into the race, and he hoped to focus it on
sharp differences he has with President Bush. Talk
of changes in Mr. Kerry's campaign have
surfaced as former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean
surged past Mr. Kerry in fund raising and
opinion polls in key early states like Iowa
and New Hampshire. Mr. Dean's
charge has ended the perception of Mr.
Kerry as the presumptive front-runner. Mr.
Kerry's political free fall has prompted a
fresh round of finger-pointing in his campaign
and has the candidate considering changes,
according to several campaign officials who
spoke on the condition of
anonymity. Initially, Mr. Kerry said he
had not considered a shake-up, though he
sounded as if changes could be made. ‘You
always hold the possibility open if
something's not working, you do something,’
Mr. Kerry said. ‘I always reserve the
right to do what I need to do to run a good
campaign.’ Mr. Kerry huddled with top
aides after the exchange, and quickly issued a
terse statement, the Associated Press
reports. ‘I have confidence in my campaign,’
the Massachusetts senator said. ‘I have
assembled a great team that is going to beat
George W. Bush, and any rumors to the contrary
are completely erroneous and there will be no
… “Kerry casts
himself as ‘first’ and ‘only’ on key issues” –
headline from this morning’s New Hampshire
Sunday News. But is he engaged in more
campaign trickery? Claims leadership on issue
that Kucinich also has addressed. Excerpt
from coverage – dateline: Salem – by AP’s
Holly Ramer: “Democratic presidential
hopeful John Kerry on Saturday accused his
rivals of following his lead on some key
issues and ignoring others that only he has
the ‘vision’ to recognize. In a speech laden
with the words ‘first’ and ‘only,’ Kerry cast
himself as a leader on the economy, health
care, foreign affairs and other issues. He
repeated his opposition to the Bush
administration's plan to design so-called
‘bunker buster’ nuclear bombs that could
destroy deeply buried targets, saying most
Americans aren't aware that the 2003 federal
budget includes money for the project. ‘I say
to this President and to the country -- and
I'm the only candidate who's had the vision to
talk about this and see this issue -- I don't
want a world in which we have more visible
nuclear weapons,’ Kerry told supporters at the
opening of his 10th New Hampshire campaign
office. But at least one of the nine
Democrats seeking the nomination has spoken
out against the project. U.S. Rep. Dennis
Kucinich of Ohio argues that American
officials will have little credibility in
asking North Korea to stop building nuclear
weapons if they're unwilling to do the same…Kerry
also touted his energy policy, which includes
fuel efficiency standards and creating a trust
to finance research into alternative energy.
His goal is to have 20 percent of the nation's
electricity produced by alternative fuels by
2020 and to end dependence on overseas fuel
within a decade. ‘Long before any of the
other candidates started talking about this
... I laid out an agenda for energy
independence,’ he said. ‘I see some of them
have even stolen my name for it, it's
fascinating.’ Asked later which candidate
had copied his plan, Kerry said, ‘I'm staying
generic.’ But he did name names when he
continued his criticism of Rep. Dick Gephardt
of Missouri and former Vermont Gov. Howard
Dean, both of whom support repealing all of
Bush's 2003 tax cuts to pay for health care
and other programs…Though Kerry
trails Dean in the latest New Hampshire
poll, a national poll released Friday showed
him bunched at the top of the pack with
Dean and Sen. Joe Lieberman of
Connecticut. ‘I've said it when polls are up,
I've said it when they're down: I don't pay
much attention to polls,’ Kerry said.
‘The polls aren't critical now... These next
months, it's still going to take time to move
in New Hampshire, it's still going to take
time to move in Iowa. But we're going to do
.. For everyone wondering
when Kerry would begin attacking
Dean, they have misjudged the situation.
Dean, in a phone interview with Des Moines
Register Reporter Thomas Beaumont, has Dean
blasting Kerry for mimicking his position
of bringing in the U.N and specifically Arabic
speaking peace keepers. Kerry spokesperson
David Wade counters the claim of mimicking
Dean by siting a Senate speech of Oct. 9, 2002
where Kerry calls for post-war assistance from
nations in the region. Dean further lays claim
to the fact that Kerry is copying his position
at the same time he is claiming he has no
foreign policy experience. In the article,
reaction from Polk County Democrat Party
Chairman Tom Henderson is as follows: “I
just don’t think they [caucus attendees]
listen to that [spats]. There is no copyright
on ideas.”(9/8/2003)
… From the House of
Political Pancakes: Kerry confronts Lieberman
accusation that he’s a serial “waffler.” He
says Smokin’ Joe is just fishing for
headlines. Headline from yesterday’s
Boston Herald: “Miffed Kerry responds to
Lieberman’s attack” Excerpt of report from
Albuquerque by the Herald’s David R. Guarino:
“Sen. John F. Kerry yesterday tried to
shake off the ‘waffler’ tag given him by
opponent Joseph Lieberman, saying his
struggling rival is just fishing to get
headlines. Appearing at an Albuquerque
community center the morning after the
Democrats first major debate, Kerry
shrugged off Lieberman's post-debate attacks
on Kerry's Iraq stance. ‘He's fishing,
he's just fishing, I'm not worried about it,’
Kerry said of Lieberman, a
Connecticut senator and the 2000 Democratic
vice presidential nominee. ‘I think I've been
clearer than Joe Lieberman, who only
recently has started to try to talk about how
we ought to be managing (post war Iraq).’
The sudden infighting between Lieberman and
Kerry, two New England senators battling to
upend front-runner Howard Dean of Vermont,
showcases frustrations simmering among the
crowded field and attempts by candidates to
break out from the nine-person pack. In
the post-debate spin room, Lieberman
was asked why he only targeted Dean
during the debate. Lieberman responded by
teeing off on Kerry, who during his recent
campaign announcement tour said he voted in
the Senate on the Iraqi resolution just as a
threat to Saddam Hussein - not to go to war.
‘It was clearly an authorization for President
Bush to use force against Saddam, I don't get
it,’ Lieberman said. ‘(Kerry's)
been criticizing Howard Dean for
lacking experience to lead America in the
world today. It's true, it's not the best time
to put a rookie in charge of our country's
future, it hasn't been a good time to have a
cowboy (in Bush) in charge of our country's
future,’ Lieberman said. ‘But we
also don't need a waffler in charge of our
country's future.’ But Kerry said
yesterday he always maintained the vote was to
authorize force -- despite his most recent
statements. ‘Of course it was, I've said that
everywhere I go’ Kerry told reporters.
‘The threat came from the authorization, it's
that simple. Without the authorization, you
wouldn't have had a threat - it's very clear.
My language has been clear from day one, it's
been the clearest of anybody.’ Kerry
said he, unlike Lieberman and the other
Democrats, warned Bush that he needed more
support from Americans and international
allies before rushing into war. He said the
post-war debacles have proved him right. ‘My
experience comes out stronger as a consequence
of the way President Bush has screwed up what
we are doing in Iraq, it's what I predicted,’
Kerry said. ‘Joe Lieberman never
talked about those things, nor did the other
Sharecroppers, milkman, anti-Bush, courage –
The themes for the initial flight of media
spots being seen by the initial players in the
2004 nominating contests. Washington Post
media guru Howard Kurtz says the wannabes are
projecting the image that they feel best suits
them in early TV spots. Headline from
today’s Post: “Media Primary Commences as
Democrats Run First Ads” Excerpts from
Kurtz’ report: “ John Edwards talks about
hailing from a family of sharecroppers. Dick
Gephardt says his father was a milkman. Howard
Dean says he's the man to stand up to
President Bush, unlike many timid Democrats in
Washington. John Kerry talks about the courage
of Americans -- while using a flag-bedecked
backdrop that may remind viewers of his own
courage in Vietnam. The initial television
ads of the Democratic presidential candidates,
even at this early stage, shed considerable
light on how they want to present themselves
to primary voters in the only format they
fully control. If you get just one chance
to make a good first impression, these
30-second snapshots are an important clue to
each man's media strategy. Despite their
stylistic differences, the commercials,
running mainly in Iowa and New Hampshire, all
trumpet the need for jobs and, almost as
often, expanded health care -- an issue about
which Democrats had been skittish since the
Clinton health plan crashed and burned in
1994. The ads all strike an us-vs.-them
tone in which the candidates sell themselves
as champions of the middle class. ‘I'm not
sure how much it does with voters,’ said
former Clinton White House spokesman Joe
Lockhart. ‘But the unwritten rule is if you
don't do well in the media primary, you may
not get to the real primary. Obviously,
Dean has passed the test, so he's in a
different place than everyone else. But
several of the others have to move numbers to
keep reporters from dismissing them.’
Republican media consultant Don Sipple agreed
that ‘the shelf life of early advertising is
very short. But these candidates need to show
movement in key early states in order to raise
money around the country.’…Kerry
says nothing about himself in the three ads
unveiled this week, taped at Iowa and New
Hampshire speeches. But two of them
mention ‘courage,’ which dovetails with the
Vietnam-era photo of Kerry on his Web
site, featuring the headline: ‘The courage to
fight for America.’ The colorful, fast-moving
ads, which keep cutting to cheering crowds,
hit the unemployment issue hard. ‘Three
million jobs lost, too many of them in the
heartland," Kerry says in one. ‘That is
an astonishing failure. If I am president, I
will roll back the Bush tax cuts for the
wealthy so we can invest in education, health
care and the skills of our workers. We need to
be on the side of America's middle class."(9/8/2003)
… Kerry says he’ll
vote no on Bush Iraq funding without policy
changes, but his real target is Dean. He
emphasizes that ex-governors – Carter, Reagan
and GWB – get in “trouble real fast” on
foreign policy. Has he forgotten that his
buddy Bill Clinton also was a governor?
Excerpt from last night’s report by AP’s Ron
Fournier: “Democratic
presidential candidate John Kerry said Monday
he would not support President Bush's $87
billion request for Iraq and Afghanistan
without a dramatic shift in White House
policies. ‘I'm not going to vote for an
open-ended ticket,’ Kerry told The
Associated Press. He said Bush should get more
foreign troops into Iraq and use oil revenues
to help pay for reconstruction before
Americans are forced to foot the bill.
Kerry said the United States cannot
abandon the Persian Gulf nation. In a
wide-ranging interview, the Massachusetts
senator said Democratic rival Howard Dean,
a former governor of Vermont, lacks foreign
policy experience in a post-Sept. 11 period
that demands it. ‘We've seen governors
come to Washington who don't have the
experience with Washington and they get in
trouble real fast. And they don't have the
experience in foreign policy, and they get in
trouble pretty fast,’ Kerry said.
‘Look at Ronald Reagan. Look at Jimmy Carter
and now, obviously, George Bush.’ On
foreign and domestic policy, Kerry
said, ‘We've got to have somebody who knows
how to pull the levers of this city and get
something done.’ Kerry, fielding
questions from AP reporters and editors for
more than an hour, condemned Bush's
policies on North Korea, the Middle East,
homeland security, the environment and taxes.
While shrugging off his own political
problems, Kerry criticized Dean and fellow
Democratic candidate Dick Gephardt for seeking
to repeal Bush-backed tax cuts for the middle
class. Kerry waded into the
California recall fight -- he'll campaign for
embattled Gov. Gray Davis later this month --
and gingerly addressed his own state's liberal
political lineage. While he would
‘absolutely and with pleasure’ welcome Sen.
Ted Kennedy, D-Mass., on the campaign trail,
Kerry noted that he didn't always agree with
former Massachusetts Gov. Michael Dukakis, the
1988 Democratic nominee who lost to Bush's
father. Kerry once served as Dukakis'
lieutenant governor…Kerry insisted he
is comfortable being 12 points behind Dean in
a recent poll of voters in New Hampshire,
which shares a media market with Massachusetts
and is considered vital to his chances.
‘Absolutely. Are you kidding? Al Gore
was way behind that with Bill Bradley’ in the
2000 primary fight, Kerry said. Gore
eventually defeated the former New Jersey
senator in New Hampshire. Asked what he was
doing to slow Dean's momentum, Kerry
replied, ‘I don't know what you mean. What
about my momentum?’ He cited national polls
as proof that his campaign has grown stronger.”
… Must-see TV:
Wannabe Candid Camera playing in DC this week
– as union members seek to find “human sides”
of the Dem contenders. Headline from
yesterday’s Washington Post: “Union Puts
Democratic Candidates on Candid Camera”
The report: “The Democratic presidential
candidates will troop before another of the
party's constituency groups here in Washington
[Monday] at the convention of the Service
Employees International Union, but this will
be more than the ordinary candidate forum.
The SEIU is one of the largest unions in the
AFL-CIO, and its members have not yet endorsed
a candidate for the Democratic nomination.
This week's meetings will help determine
whether any of the Democratic candidates
receive the union's backing. The candidates
will each speak to the members and will be
seen in other ways. SEIU officials
recruited a group of young filmmakers to
travel with each of the candidates and prepare
short videos designed to present the human
sides of the politicians. The SEIU members
will see Sen. Bob Graham (Fla.) talking about
what his grandchildren call him (‘Doodle,’ and
when he's really good to them, ‘Super
Doodle’). They'll see Rep. Richard A. Gephardt
(Mo.) try to rave about how much he likes hot
dogs. And they'll see Sen. John F. Kerry
(Mass.) threading a microphone up through his
shirt as one of the filmmakers asks him if he
would drink a beer with them if they brought a
six-pack to the interview the next day.
‘You're damn right I would,’ Kerry
says. ‘I might drink more than one.’ ‘Good
news,’ says the filmmaker. The candidates
won't get anywhere with the SEIU leadership
without a plan for expanding health care
coverage, but union President Andrew L. Stern
said that the films and other activities
planned for the candidates will help his
members gauge how well the Democratic
contenders connect with voters. ‘We think
it's very important that by the [time of the]
elections, voters have a sense this is a
candidate they would like to have dinner with,
go bowling with,’ he said. ‘I think George
Bush did incredibly well in the last election,
and Al Gore had his problems.’”(9/9/2003)
Yankee John Kerry
finds tough going in the South as his
Northeastern liberal reputation follows him to
South Carolina. Headline from Sunday’s The
State: “Kerry needs to shed liberal tag”
Excerpt: “Democratic presidential hopeful
John Kerry is having a dickens of a time
shedding his image as a Northeastern liberal
from Massachusetts. It haunts him
everywhere he travels in South Carolina, site
of the first-in-the-South Democratic primary
on Feb. 3. ‘The word Massachusetts keeps
creeping into the conversation,’ said
College of Charleston professor Bill Moore.
‘Massachusetts and liberalism are identified
as one and the same.’ S.C. voters, more
conservative than the Democratic electorate
nationwide, see Kerry as a wealthy
Northeastern politician. ‘That's all they
know,’ said Winthrop University political
scientist Scott Huffmon. Consequently, his
message of hope and opportunity gets lost in
the process. ‘His image trumps his
message,’ Huffmon said. Aware of the
problem, Kerry made little mention of
his home state as he formally launched his
campaign for the Democratic nomination Tuesday
in South Carolina. Selection of the state
to kick off his campaign was no accident,
campaign operatives say. Kerry needs to change
his image and let folks here know he is on
their wavelength, Huffmon says. And one
way to do that is for the senator to distance
himself from the ‘Massachusetts liberal’ label
-- a moniker that doomed the presidential
bid of another Bay State Democrat, former Gov.
Michael Dukakis. ‘The interesting thing
is, South Carolina would probably be more
receptive to Kerry's message if it came
from another person,’ Huffmon said. Kerry
didn't help himself earlier this year when he
told a California audience the Democrats could
win without the South. He since has backed
away from that. He now says he can win
Louisiana, Georgia and perhaps Alabama. In an
effort to change his image, Kerry chose
Mt. Pleasant for his formal announcement,
launching his campaign with the aircraft
carrier USS Yorktown as a backdrop. He focused
on his record as a decorated Navy veteran who
served in Vietnam…Francis Marion University
political analyst Neal Thigpen, a Republican
activist, suggests it is somewhat unfair to
tar and feather Kerry as a flaming liberal
from Massachusetts. If you analyze the
senator's entire voting record, you would find
him to be ‘moderately liberal.’…’Just
being from Massachusetts is a big problem,’
Thigpen said. ‘Somehow, he needs to remove the
curse of being from the commonwealth. He is a
very respectable candidate.’ The latest Zogby
International poll of likely S.C. primary
voters shows the race has not yet caught fire
here. Four candidates are in a virtual tie for
the lead: Kerry, U.S. Sens. John
Edwards of North Carolina and Joe
Lieberman of Connecticut, and former
Vermont Gov. Howard Dean. …Kerry
needs a win in South Carolina. It would
help him shed some of his Massachusetts
liberal baggage and show he has traction
outside New England. But it's a fine line he
must walk:” If he goes too far to the right
to court the South, he could fall ever further
behind Dean in the more left-leaning
Democratic battlegrounds of Iowa and New
… Least surprising
report of the day: Dem hopefuls take turns
blasting Bush’s Sunday night speech.
Headline from yesterday’s Chicago Tribune: “Candidates
offer sharp criticism over holes in Iraq plan”
Excerpt from coverage by Trib national
correspondent Jeff Zeleny: “The leading
Democratic presidential candidates, already
relentless in their criticism of the Bush
administration's handling of postwar Iraq,
said the president's address to the nation
Sunday night did little to ease concerns about
achieving stability in the region. ...
‘Other than telling the country that this will
be expensive, the president did very little to
demonstrate he has a true plan,’ said Sen.
John Kerry of Massachusetts, adding that the
speech failed to answer several other
questions. ‘How do we get others involved
to take the target off the back of American
soldiers?’ he asked. ‘How will we assure our
soldiers they won't be overextended? How do we
end the sense of occupation in Iraq?’
footsteps II: Kerry wants to follow
While Edwards tries to follow in Carter’s
footsteps, Kerry has higher ambitions –
although not all candidates with war records
are treated equally. Headline from
Sunday’s Boston Globe: “Candidates with war
records are popular, but they don’t always win
elections” Excerpt from report by Globe’s
Anne E. Kornblut: “George
Washington started the trend -- riding his
military experience into the presidency in
few years later, however, John Adams started
the countertrend. With no military experience,
he occupied the White House from 1797 to 1801,
even overseeing the development of the first
Department of the Navy. Does military
service matter in electoral politics? More to
the point today: Will Senator John F. Kerry of
Massachusetts gain any advantage by harking
back to his Vietnam days? The historical
record is divided almost evenly. While a total
of 21 presidents have been elected after some
kind of military service -- and in more than a
dozen instances, both major party candidates
have been veterans of some sort -- there
are numerous instances when civilians have
beaten veterans. Bill Clinton, who didn't
serve in Vietnam, beat two respected veterans
in back-to-back elections. Senator John S.
McCain of Arizona, a decorated former Vietnam
POW, lost the 2000 Republican primary to
George W. Bush, who spent a brief period in
the Texas Air National Guard. Bush then beat
Al Gore, who had volunteered for Vietnam as a
military journalist. Seventeen of the 43 US
presidents never served in the armed forces,
according to data compiled by historian Henry
E. Mattox for the University of North
Carolina. ‘A direct relationship between a
heroic military reputation and election at the
highest national level can be demonstrated
explicitly in only a half-dozen cases over the
past two centuries,’ Mattox wrote. At
times of war or national crisis in the past,
voters have turned to respected military
leaders -- most obviously Dwight D.
Eisenhower, who had commanded Allied forces in
World War II. ‘When Dwight Eisenhower ran,
[military service] was terribly important
because we were locked in this Korean War that
people were terribly frustrated by,’ historian
Robert Dallek said. ‘Just the hint that
Eisenhower was going to get us out of the war
by saying he would travel to Korea was enough
to give him an additional boost in the polls.’
Civil War General Ulysses S. Grant also
parlayed his military success into electoral
prowess. Eight other generals besides Grant
and Eisenhower have become president,
according to Mattox. In the 20th century,
Theodore Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy, Richard
M. Nixon, Gerald Ford, and George H. W. Bush
all used their military service as a political
asset. Another historical footnote: Almost
every major US war to date has produced a
future American president, according to
Mattox's study. The central exception is
Vietnam -- a gap that Kerry now hopes to fill.”(9/9/2003)
… Will the new, improved cuddly Kerry
image sell better than the aloof, stoic,
patrician personality that he’s been using
during the campaign? Headline from
Sunday’s Miami Herald: “Kerry warms up his
campaign with a new image, strategy”
Excerpt from coverage – dateline: Derry, NH –
by the Herald’s Peter Wallsten: “It was hardly
an intimate lunch at Mary Ann's diner as Sen.
John Kerry of Massachusetts sat down to
chat with six jobless New Hampshirites: Forty
reporters, a scrum of TV cameras and a
campaign crew filming video for an ad loomed
inches away. But suddenly, to the excitement
of reporters who had settled in for another
predictably staged event along the road to the
White House, there they were: tears welling
up in Kerry's eyes. Camera bulbs flashed
and pens scribbled as he wiped a drop from his
nose. ‘That's really moving,’ Kerry
said, his voice quivering, as he pondered the
tale of Barbara Woodman, 46, a laid-off
medical bibliographer who declared that, no
matter what, her kids would go to college.
‘It's tough, it really is,’ Kerry
added, comforting Woodman with a rub on the
shoulder. One day later, in the otherwise
staid environment of Thursday night's debate
in New Mexico, there was Kerry, smiling and
cracking jokes about President Bush. On
his campaign plane earlier in the week, wife
Teresa Heinz Kerry, outspoken philanthropist
and heiress to the steak sauce fortune, handed
out brownies and bragged about her baking
prowess. This was not the John Forbes Kerry
of conventional political wisdom: the aloof
millionaire, Boston blue blood, devoid of
humor and incapable of relating to the little
guy. This is the new Kerry, the one that
campaign strategists hope will be introduced
-- or reintroduced -- in the coming months.
The old Kerry has so far failed to
connect with enough Democratic primary voters
in key states where he has been campaigning
for years. Until recently, it appeared that
Kerry, 59, had banked on his biography
alone to make his case for the presidency: his
military service in Vietnam, his 20 years in
politics, his foreign affairs experience in
the U.S. Senate. It seems that his
personality -- or at least the perception of
it -- was getting in the way.”(9/9/2003)
… Boston
columnist attempts to advise Kerry: Says it's
time to put down the hairbrush, heat up the
campaign and lighten up. Notes that no matter
what happens, the Mass Sen will still have
houses in Georgetown, Beacon Hill, Idaho and
Nantucket. Headline on Brian McGrory’s
column in yesterday’s Boston Globe:
“Where’s the beef, Kerry?” Excerpt: “John,
put that hairbrush down and pull yourself away
from the mirror for a second. We need to have
a little talk. What's that, you're not
sure you want to sit? You'd like to sit some
of the time and stand some of the time? You're
saying that by sitting, that in no way means
you don't like standing? OK, but that's
exactly what we need to address. You were
supposed to be a maverick, a thoroughbred,
galloping toward the Democratic nomination
with all those glue horses in futile pursuit.
But what's happened is, you're starting to
look like a jackass. In New Hampshire,
you're 12 points down in a Globe poll to a guy
nobody knew back in May. Howard Dean? When
you were railing on the Senate floor about
huge national issues, he was, what, speaking
to the Montpelier Elks? When you were
fighting in Vietnam, he was, where, in a white
coat learning how to give a flu shot? So how
did this happen? All that stuff in your
speeches about you being a courageous soldier
with years and years of experience in
international affairs -- can it. Can the
impatient air of entitlement. Biography
rarely wins an election, especially in modern
times. Ask John Glenn. It gets you a seat at
the table -- and in your case, a seat at the
head of the table. But voters are fickle.
They take your past for granted; they care
more about their future and what you're saying
about it. Can, too, the campaign of
inevitability. The scariest aspect of the
Globe poll wasn't that you're down by 12
percent in a state that's turning into a
Boston suburb. It's that people believe Dean
is as capable as you of beating Bush. All
that blathers from your staff about Dean
being from an insignificant state? You've
heard of Bill Clinton, right? Before he was a
New Yorker he came from Arkansas. Forget, as
well, your creed that we can't afford a
president who needs on-the-job training.
Prancing around Washington with a Senate pin
on your lapel is not the best preparation to
live in the White House. In fact, the last
senator to get there was John Kennedy;
meantime, four of the last five presidents
were governors. Hate to say it, but your
resume is not your friend. It's early, you
like to say, and in some ways you're right.
But perceptions have already been formed by
opinion leaders. Campaign contributions have
already sculpted paths of little resistance.
Heading into the final stretch, every
candidate has been assigned a role, and yours
is of the waffling patrician disconnected from
the common man. So what to do? First,
heat up. Dean looks angry, like someone
just wrecked the car. You look confused, like
someone just stole yours. Second, lighten
up. This should be fun, running for
president, one of life's great experiences,
and win or lose, you're still going to have
houses in Georgetown, Beacon Hill, Idaho, and
Nantucket. Third, give us clear reason.
Nearly every president had a short message.
Richard Nixon was law and order; Jimmy Carter
was honesty; Ronald Reagan was strength and
optimism; Bill Clinton was economy and
empathy; George W. Bush is -- well, I'm not
sure, which is part of the point. Your
slogan – ‘The courage to do what's right for
America’ -- is one of the worst ever.
Fourth, speak from your heart, not your
memory. The public wants conviction, not
know-it-all nuance…The voters not only know
sincerity, they demand it. There's a lot of
politics to be played in the next four-plus
months, and you've proven in the past that you
know how to play it well. The lip-lock
between Dean and the national press will
inevitably end, and be sure that some tearing
down will begin. When that happens, it will
again be up to you.”(9/10/2003)
… “Democrats
court union with anti-Bush themes” –
headline from yesterday’s Washington Times.
Excerpt from coverage by the Times Stephen
Dinan: “The Democrats seeking the
presidency tried to win approval of the
nation's largest and fastest-growing union
yesterday by portraying President Bush as the
worst option for union members and for the
nation as a whole. ‘... Sen.
John Kerry of Massachusetts said the
president's economic philosophy is failing for
working-class and middle-class
families. ‘They're tired of being trickled on
by George W. Bush,’ Mr. Kerry said. ... In
addition to the SEIU, the Democratic
candidates met privately with leaders from the
American Federation of State, County and
Municipal Employees, which is the nation's
second-largest union. The SEIU's leaders
will meet [Wednesday] to decide whether they
have enough information to make an
endorsement. SEIU President Andrew Stern
said the union has committed 2,004 members to
work full time on politics for the nine months
leading up to the November 2004 election, and
plans to have 50,000 members volunteer to make
phone calls and campaign door to door.”
… Kerry
continues veterans/military theme with
proposal to help ease the burden on reservists
called to military duty. Excerpt: “Democratic
presidential candidate John Kerry introduced
legislation Tuesday aimed at easing the
financial burden of military reservists called
up for active duty, a day after the Army
told thousands of reservists that their time
in Iraq would be extended to a full year --
weeks or months longer than some had expected.
The Massachusetts senator's plan would give
tax credits to small businesses to use for
subsidizing the pay of workers who had been
called to serve, and to hire temporary
replacements. Businesses with 50 or fewer
employees would get up to $12,000 in tax
credits, while manufacturers with 100 or fewer
workers could get up to $20,000 in tax
credits. Half of the money would be for salary
differential and half for replacement workers.
‘This tax credit is critical to immediately
help the families of reservists while they
serve our nation," said Kerry, a veteran who
served in Vietnam.(9/10/2003)
… “John Kerry
Unplugged”: Kerry – apparently changing music
tastes to appeal to younger voter group –
scheduled to play guitar with Moby tonight.
Headline from yesterday’s Boston Globe: “Kerry
gets in tune for Moby gig…Classical-loving
senator will play electric guitar in Boston
concert” Excerpt from report by the Globe’s
Joanna Weiss: “At a big FleetCenter
fund-raiser in 1996, Senator John F. Kerry was
serenaded by a group of baby boom all-stars:
Joe Walsh; Crosby, Stills and Nash; and Peter,
Paul and Mary (who called the senator "our own
magic dragon"). For this year's presidential
bid, Kerry, 59, is reaching out to a younger
crowd, and playing the tunes himself. On
guitar. [Wednesday] at the Boston Park
Plaza Hotel, he'll share a bill with Moby.
Yes, Moby, the environment-saving,
animal-loving, war-hating electronic music
sensation, and Kerry devotee. The senator
from Massachusetts has ‘the best chance of
beating George Bush,’ the smooth-headed star
said in an e-mail to the Globe. This is
Moby's chance to help: the tickets, marketed
to young professionals, range from $75 to
$100. It's also a chance for Kerry, who
forged his political profile in the Vietnam
era, to prove he can play convincingly to the
modern music masses. And while the
event is called ‘John Kerry Unplugged’ -- and
Kerry has been known to favor Spanish
classical fare and selections from ‘Cats’ --
his staff now says he plans to go electric.
He'll sit in for one song with local band The
Popgun Seven; probably a Springsteen tune, an
aide said. Moby plans to play cover songs by
Boston bands. Also, he says he has no sour
feelings toward Boston, where, last December,
someone punched him outside the Paradise Rock
Club. As for the candidate's musical prowess,
Moby is optimistic. ‘He seems to be quite good
at most of the things that he does, so I'm
sure that he'll be good on the guitar,’ he
wrote. ‘Or at least as good as Bill Clinton is
on saxophone.’”(9/10/2003)
… Kerry vs. Dean:
Wannabes find new area for battle as Kerry
suggests he may break federal spending cap.
Headline from this morning’s Boston Globe:
“Kerry says he might exceed spending limit…Would
follow suit if Dean rejects public
financing” Excerpt from report by the Globe’s
Michael Kranish: “Senator John F. Kerry
said yesterday that he would break a federal
spending cap, reject public financing for the
presidential primaries, and possibly use his
personal funds if Howard Dean's fund-raising
strength leads the former Vermont governor to
go beyond the federal spending limit. Dean
sent a letter to the government in June saying
he would abide by the limit, but is now
considering exceeding the cap. ‘If Howard
Dean decides to go live outside of it, I'm not
going to wait an instant,’ Kerry said in an
interview at his campaign headquarters.
‘Decision's made. I'll go outside. Absolutely.
I'm not going to disarm.’ As recently as
Aug. 31, the Massachusetts Democrat expressed
indecision on the matter, saying only that he
would ‘reserve the right’ to exceed the cap if
Dean did so. No major Democratic
candidate has rejected public financing and
the spending cap since the voluntary program
became law after the Watergate scandal. If
Kerry and Dean exceed the cap, it would also
enable them to break the spending limit of
$729,000 in New Hampshire, setting off a
financial arms race that could dramatically
alter the way the campaign is run in the
first-primary state, said Larry Noble,
executive director of the Center for
Responsive Politics, which studies money and
politics. ‘It would probably signal the
demise of the public financing system, at
least as it is presently constituted,’ Noble
said. ‘If the calculation is that you can't
win if you take public funding and the limits
that come along with it, the serious
candidates are going to have to figure out a
way out of that system.’ Kerry bristled
when asked about the possibility that Dean may
break the cap, pointing out that Dean had
pledged in a letter to the Federal Election
Commission that he would abide by the spending
cap. The issue prompted Kerry to use
some of his strongest language yet about Dean,
criticizing the former Vermont governor for
changing his positions on a variety of issues.
‘Somebody who wants to be president ought to
keep their word,’ Kerry said. ‘I think
it goes to the core of whether you are a
different politician or a politician of your
word or what you are.’ Dean campaign
manager Joe Trippi said in a telephone
interview that he didn't want to respond
directly to Kerry's criticism of
Dean. But Trippi said that ‘the facts have
changed’ since Dean said he intended to
abide by spending limits, observing that
Dean has surprised people by collecting so
many small donations from so many Americans.
‘I think a couple of million Americans
giving $77 is totally within the spirit of our
democracy,’ Trippi said. ‘I don't think
writing a check to yourself or collecting
bundled money is.’ He was alluding to the
practice of prominent fund-raisers collecting
contributions to one candidate from a number
of associates…In the interview, Kerry
was asked repeatedly whether he would use
personal funds if Dean exceeds the cap.
‘Whatever's legal under the law,’ Kerry
responded. He is married to one of the
country's wealthiest women, Teresa Heinz
Kerry, but there are restrictions that
probably would prevent the senator from
tapping her wealth. Kerry probably
could tap half of their jointly owned assets,
including a Beacon Hill townhouse that may be
worth around $7 million. In his 1996 Senate
race against William F. Weld, Kerry
used jointly owned assets as collateral to pay
for loans for campaign advertising.”
… “Senator
– subhead in yesterday’s “Best of the Web
Today” column on James
Taranto wrote:
“Although Sen. John Kerry voted last
October to authorize the president to use
force in Iraq, as soon as it became clear that
the president was actually going to act on
that authority, Kerry joined his party's
defeatist chorus. During yesterday's
debate, journalist Ed Gordon asked Kerry
to explain his vote in light of his subsequent
opposition to liberating Iraq. Here is his
answer, in full: ‘The vote is the vote. I
voted to authorize. It was the right vote, and
the reason I mentioned the threat is that we
gave the--we had to give life to the threat.
If there wasn't a legitimate threat,
Saddam Hussein was not going to allow
inspectors in. Now, let me make two points if
I may. Ed [Gordon] questioned my answer.
The reason I can't tell you to a certainty
whether the president misled us is because I
don't have any clue what he really knew about
it, or whether he was just reading what was
put in front of him. And I have no knowledge
whether or not this president was in depth--I
just don't know that. And that's an honest
answer, and there are serious suspicions about
the level to which this president really was
involved in asking the questions that he
should've. With respect to the question of,
you know, the vote--let's remember where we
were. If there hadn't been a vote, we would
never have had inspectors. And if we hadn't
voted the way we voted, we would not have been
able to have a chance of going to the United
Nations and stopping the president, in effect,
who already had the votes, and who was
obviously asking serious questions about
whether or not the Congress was going to be
there to enforce the effort to create a
threat. So I think we did the right thing.
I'm convinced we did.’ There actually is a
simple explanation for Kerry's
behavior: In October he believed supporting
Iraq's liberation would be politically
expedient; by the spring, he realized that
opposing America's effort was much more
appealing to Democratic primary voters. He
can't just say he was changing his position
for political reasons, so he is making the
logically untenable claim that he's been
consistent all along. Thus when asked to
explain his thinking on the most important
issue of the day, the haughty, French-looking
Massachusetts Democrat, who by the way served
in Vietnam, is reduced to incoherent blather.
Poor John Kerry has sunk into a verbal
quagmire.” (9/11/2003)
… Service
Employees International delays decision as
Edwards gains – and Kerry stumbles – in the
endorsement derby. Excerpt from report by
AP’s Leigh Strope: “The largest union in
the AFL-CIO decided Wednesday to delay making
a presidential endorsement, although John
Edwards surged from unknown to contender while
John Kerry stumbled. Service Employees
International Union officials said members
weren't ready to commit to one of nine
Democrats vying to challenge President Bush
next year. An endorsement probably won't
come until November, said President Andy
Stern. Even so, the top contenders shuffled
slightly after 1,500 state and local union
leaders heard from the candidates Monday.
Edwards, the North Carolina senator,
catapulted into the top three, pushing out
Kerry, the Massachusetts senator. Former
Vermont governor Howard Dean and Rep. Dick
Gephardt of Missouri, the traditional labor
favorite, remained on the list, Stern said.
He would not disclose rankings and vote
totals…SEIU members before Monday didn't know
much about Edwards. But he
‘introduced himself powerfully, and moved from
having almost no support to being one of the
top three candidates that the members leaving
this conference are interested in,’ Stern
said. Several SEIU members said they liked
Edwards' populist message and his John F.
Kennedyesque good looks. In nearly every
speech he gives, and Monday's was no
different, he highlighted his working-class
background as the son of a mill worker.
Stern cautioned that Kerry, who has lost his
front-runner status to Dean, still had a lot
of support in the union, with the rankings
reflecting just the views of the 1,500 leaders
at this week's conference. Conference
participants were asked to rank their two
favorites before and after they heard the
candidates. Many arrived already
enthusiastic about Dean, and after hearing
him, ‘their enthusiasm is unabated,’ Stern
said. ‘I think Howard Dean is making a series
of statements that are very important and
powerful,’ he said. Gephardt, who
has been plagued with concerns about his
ability to excite Democratic voters,
increased his support, Stern said, noting that
members responded favorably to his fiery and
passionate speech. He too emphasizes his
blue-collar roots and his Teamster father in
his speeches. Gephardt has staked his
presidential ambition on support from
organized labor, and has received 12 union
endorsements so far. No other candidate has
won backing from an international union. But
Gephardt's support is mostly from trades and
industrial unions, reflecting the common
divide in organized labor between traditional,
blue-collar unions and public and service
sector unions. SEIU is the nation's
fastest growing union and among the most
liberal and racially diverse, making it an
enticing prize for Democrats seeking labor
support. Its members are janitors, nursing
home workers, home health care workers,
hospital nurses and government employees. Many
are Hispanic. Gephardt, who stumbled in
his 1988 bid, must convince leaders like Stern
that the lectern-pounding, red-faced,
emotional candidate of Monday is for real if
he is to have a shot at a laborwide, AFL-CIO
endorsement next month. It's a difficult
task made even tougher by Dean, who is wooing
labor leaders with the large crowds he has
attracted and his successful Internet
fund-raising. The wild card remains Wesley
Clark. Stern said his union would take a
serious look at the retired Army general who
has been flirting with a run. Clark
was invited to this week's conference, but was
unable to attend. SEIU leaders hope to meet
with him in the next week or two, Stern said.
Meanwhile, Clark has promised to reveal
his presidential plans by the end of next
week.” (9/11/2003)
… Kerry to
campaign for Davis next week in CA recall
battle. The Boston Globe’s Glen Johnson
reported that Kerry will campaign with Guv
Davis, a fellow Vietnam veteran, in Los
Angeles next Wednesday during a two-day
fundraising swing through California.
Accelerated Iowa campaign effort highlighted
by four Dem wannabes taking to the TV
airwaves. Headline in yesterday’s
Quad-City Times: “Caucus field is opting
for TV” Excerpt from report by the Times’
Ed Tibbetts: “There’s still four months to
go before the Iowa caucuses, but Democrats
running for president have begun filling the
airwaves with television commercials. Four of
the candidates are already on the air, and one
says he’ll continue running commercials until
the Jan. 19 caucuses. Experts say the
advertising — which appears to be happening
earlier than in past Democratic caucus races —
is being prompted by the heavy slate of
candidates, peer pressure and the proximity to
Labor Day. And another says the ads are
spurred by a desire to look presidential to
political types beyond our borders. U.S.
Sens. John Kerry, D-Mass, John Edwards,
D-North Carolina, former Vermont Gov. Howard
Dean and U.S. Rep. Richard Gephardt,
D-Missouri, all are advertising on television.
In fact, Dean kicked it off with a $300,000
buy this summer. Edwards’ campaign says it
will continue with its commercials right up to
the caucuses. Like many of the happenings
on the campaign trail this year, Dean
appears to have been a catalyst for some of
the activity. ‘Dean upped the ante by
airing his ads,’ says Steffen Schmidt, a
political science professor at Iowa State
University.” (9/14/2003)
… And along
comes Teddy – to campaign for Kerry. In
yesterday’s Boston Globe, Glen Johnson
reported: “Senator Edward M. Kennedy will
return to the presidential campaign trail
later this month when he visits Iowa to stump
on behalf of his fellow Massachusetts
Democrat, Senator John F. Kerry. The two
will appear together Sept. 27 at rallies and
forums focused on health care in the capital
city of Des Moines, as well as
Blackhawk (Waterloo) [Editor’s Note:
That’s actually Black Hawk.] and Johnson (Iowa
City) counties, two Democratic
strongholds. Kennedy will also help Kerry
kick off an ‘Iowa Barnstorm’ the following
week, in which Kerry supporters in all 99 Iowa
counties will meet in homes, libraries,
theaters, and community centers to plan future
campaign events. Kennedy himself was a
candidate for the Democratic nomination in
1980. In recent weeks, he has increased his
appearances on Kerry's behalf, hosting
a Faneuil Hall rally in which Kerry
publicly declared his candidacy and a
fund-raising clambake at the Kennedy compound
in Hyannis Port.” (9/14/2003)
… “Candidates
try to be hipper-than-thou” – headline on
Mark Silva’s column in yesterday’s Orlando
Sentinel. Silva reports other wannabes try
to outdo Howie – jog with Edwards or jam with
Kerry. Excerpt: “Everybody wants to be
Howard Dean. He's the former governor of
Vermont raising millions of dollars for his
campaign for president from small donors
logging on to his Web site. Here are some
actual outtakes from the imaginary set of
Being Howard Dean: * ‘Jog with
John.’ Forty-four dollars and a little
chain e-mail buys a headband with that
inscription. That's $44 for the campaign of
U.S. Sen. John Edwards, the jogging junior
senator from North Carolina seeking the
Democratic nomination. That's 44, as in 44th
president. Buy one, and get four friends
to donate $44 online, and the headband is
yours. Or, if you want to skip the hard
work of recruiting four friends, the campaign
says, you can buy the headband for $220.
Really. * Howard Dean has his
"Meet-Ups," town-hall styled Internet salons
for supporters. John Kerry has
Meet-Ups, too, fourth Thursday of each month.
Howard Dean played guitar at a blues club
in Des Moines, Iowa, this summer. But Kerry
already was playing guitar for a long time.
‘Kerry Unplugged’ is prominently featured
on his Web site, complete with pictures of the
senator from Massachusetts and his sunburst
Gibson ES-137 guitar. See Kerry playing
with Moby, and see Kerry practicing a
routine he hopes to run on the Democratic
field: Bruce Springsteen's ‘Tenth Avenue
Freeze-Out.’” (9/14/2003)
Washington Post: Most Dem wannabes are haunted
by their past records -- but Dean benefits
since he’s the one without a voting record on
the Bush agenda. Headline from Friday’s
Post: “Past Votes Dog Some Presidential
Candidates… Democrats Defend Siding With
Bush” Excerpt from report by Jim VandeHei: “Presidential
candidate John F. Kerry is bashing President
Bush's policies on Iraq, education and civil
liberties. What he rarely mentions, however,
is that his Senate votes helped make all three
possible. The Massachusetts Democrat is
not alone. Rep. Richard A. Gephardt
(Mo.) -- who is calling Bush's Iraq policy a
‘miserable failure’ -- led the House fight
last year to allow the president to wage the
war without the international help the
lawmaker now demands. Gephardt, then the
House Democratic leader, also voted for the
USA Patriot Act, which expands the
government's surveillance powers, and for
Bush's No Child Left Behind education program.
He often criticizes the policies now. Sen.
John Edwards (N.C.) is calling for Bush to
enlist the help of the United Nations in Iraq,
even though he, like Kerry and Gephardt, had
the opportunity to vote against the war
resolution and in support of one measure
demanding U.N. involvement during last fall's
congressional debate. Edwards is
also calling for changes to the Patriot Act,
for which he voted, and more funding for the
education plan, which he voted to authorize.
Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman (Conn.) voted with
Bush on all three, too. That these
lawmakers voted with Bush on key issues is
complicating their bids to win their party's
nomination, as fellow Democrats demand
explanations. As the campaign progresses,
it also could make it harder for them to draw
sharp distinctions with Bush on what are
shaping up as among the biggest issues of the
2004 campaign, according to political
strategists. Kerry, Edwards, Lieberman and
Gephardt contend that their votes for Bush's
agenda took place in much different political
climates and were predicated on their beliefs
the president would carry out each initiative
in a different manner than he has. In
Iraq, they say, they believed he would work
harder to win U.N. assistance. On the Patriot
Act, they believed the administration would
carefully protect citizens' privacy and civil
rights. And on education, they believed Bush
would fully fund the program. Moreover, a
large number of congressional Democrats voted
the same way they did. ‘Your votes are your
votes, and you need to stand and explain,’
Gephardt said. ‘You have to also describe
changes you would like to now make and also be
legitimately critical of where the
administration has done something’ wrong.
Still, their rivals are starting to use the
votes against the lawmakers, especially Kerry
and Gephardt. In Tuesday night's debate at
Morgan State University, Rep. Dennis J.
Kucinich (Ohio) -- the only House member
running for president who opposed the Bush
agenda in Congress -- and others repeatedly
accused their rivals of trying to have it both
ways, voting with Bush in Congress and bashing
him on the campaign trail, especially on Iraq.
The most stinging rebuke came when Al
Sharpton turned Gephardt's new favorite phrase
against the Missouri lawmaker, saying it was a
‘miserable failure’ for Gephardt and other
Democrats to have helped authorize the war.
The biggest beneficiary of all this appears
to be Howard Dean, who as a former Vermont
governor did not have to vote for or against
the president's agenda, party strategists
said. ‘He does get a break, because he didn't
have to lay it on the line with a vote,’ said
Gerald W. McEntee, international president of
the American Federation of State, County and
Municipal Employees. This has freed Dean to
become Bush's biggest critic of the war and
helped distinguish him from the Democratic
pack by allowing him to ridicule Bush's
domestic agenda without having to defend a
series of votes.” (9/14/2003)
… Kerry – practicing his southern strategy
– tells South Carolina audience he wants to
help historically black colleges thrive.
Excerpt from report in yesterday’s The State
of Columbia by AP’s Jennifer Holland: “Historically
black colleges are an important part of
America, Democratic presidential hopeful John
Kerry said Friday, and he wants to help the
schools find the financial support to thrive.
The U.S. senator from Massachusetts sat in
a semicircle and talked with about 50 students
at Benedict College, one of five predominantly
black colleges in South Carolina, about his
plans to pay for higher education.
Kerry said he understands many minorities
want to attend colleges where they can
celebrate their heritage and share
similarities with their peers. ‘They are
extraordinarily valuable,’ he said. ‘We have
to respect that.’ Kerry is one of nine
Democrats vying for the presidential
nomination who have made an effort to reach
out to South Carolina's black population,
which could make up almost half the voters in
the state's first-in-the-South primary Feb. 3.
While he didn't have a specific plan to
support historically black colleges, Kerry
said he would push money into science and
technology research and increase spending on
Pell Grants, a need-based grant program aimed
at aiding low-income college students.
Kerry also highlighted his plan for a tax
credit to help middle-class families afford to
pay for college. His proposal would apply to
100 percent of the first $1,000 spent on
tuition and 50 percent of the rest, up to
$4,000 a year. His plan includes a ‘service
for college’ initiative, which would offer
students the equivalent of their state's
four-year public college tuition in exchange
for two years of service. Students asked
whether Kerry's plan would apply to
private schools like Benedict College. He said
students at private college would qualify for
assistance. Kerry said he would pay for
part of the plan by closing corporate
loopholes that allow companies to avoid paying
taxes and the rest would be paid for by some
of the money the government would get back by
repealing President Bush's tax cut. Some
of Kerry's proposals sounded familiar
to one of his Democratic rival's plans. U.S.
Sen. John Edwards of North Carolina
wants the government to pay for students'
first year of college in exchange for
community service.” (9/14/2003)
… Kerry’s
on both sides of the fence… again. In an AP
article in today’s, written by Lolita
C. Baldor, Dem wannabe John Kerry
attempts to identify and separate
himself from Michael Dukakis. Headline:
“Kerry draws contrasts with Michael
Dukakis”. Excerpts: “… John
Kerry knows Michael Dukakis. He worked
for Michael Dukakis. But he says he's no
Michael Dukakis. In a delicate balancing
act, Kerry said he's thrilled to have
the ultimate Massachusetts liberal - Sen.
Edward Kennedy - campaign by his side in
his race for the White House. But he carefully
distanced himself from Dukakis, the
last Bay Stater to seek - and lose - the
presidency. (9/15/2003)
1-15, 2003
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