the Iowa Daily Report
… Kerry – noted for campaign scuffles with Dean –
moves on to tackle Clark over casting votes for
Republican presidential candidates in past.
Headline from today’s Boston Globe: “Senator
decries Clark’s votes for GOP” Excerpt from
report by Patrick Healy: “Senator John F. Kerry
took a swipe at the Democratic Party credentials of
Wesley K. Clark yesterday because the retired
general voted for Republican presidents in the past.
Kerry, highlighting a new poll that showed he
and Clark each would beat Bush in theoretical
matchups, drew an implicit contrast with his
Democratic rival by noting his own longtime party
membership and by making a vague reference to his
past political battles with Richard Nixon and Ronald
Reagan, both of whom Clark supported for president.
‘I think that Democrats are going to look for
somebody that has a record of accomplishment on
issues that matter to them,’ said Kerry, who
has been in the Senate since 1984. ‘I think it
matters that I've been there fighting for education
reform. I think it matters I've been fighting for
health care and to protect the environment, and that
I have fought against the very people that General
Clark and others have supported. I think that's
important to Democrats.’ Clark, who was NATO
commander under President Clinton, has acknowledged
he ‘probably’ voted for Richard Nixon in 1972 and
supported Ronald Reagan. Kerry first came to
national attention in 1971 as a Vietnam veteran
opposed to a war that Nixon was then prosecuting.
As a freshman senator in the 1980s, Kerry was one
of the first Democrats to link the Reagan
administration with covert aid to the contras in
Nicaragua. Mark Fabiani, a Clark
spokesman, said he did not think Clark's
earlier support for Republicans would hurt him with
Democratic primary voters. "Wes Clark is
prochoice, pro-affirmative action, pro-health care,
antiwar, " Fabiani said. "If that's Republican,
we could use more of them in this country."
… “Kerry Endorsed By International Firefighters
Union” – headline on (Fox News
Channel). Excerpt from AP coverage: “Presidential
hopeful John Kerry is the first Democrat to get a
national union endorsement other than Dick Gephardt,
who now has 14. The International Association of
Fire Fighters planned to endorse the Massachusetts
senator on Wednesday after a vote of union leaders.
The union, which reported 214,000 dues-paying
members last year, likes Kerry's record as a
decorated Vietnam War veteran; his political, legal
and legislative experience; his sense of humor; and
his personal interests in athletics and
Harley-Davidsons, union President Harold
Schaitberger said. Late entrant Wesley Clark has
four-star credentials, but lacks political and
legislative experience, said Schaitberger, who spent
a couple of hours at breakfast with the retired
general several weeks ago, along with other union
presidents. ‘You've got to know how to navigate
and operate in Washington, D.C., to be a good
president and to be an effective executive,’ he
said. ‘I question Wesley Clark's experience, and
John Kerry clearly has that experience.’ Gephardt,
who accepted an endorsement Wednesday from the
Laborers' International Union of North America, is a
longtime ally of organized labor, yet some public
and service sector unions are hesitant to embrace
his second run for the White House. The
firefighters union wanted to support a candidate who
can beat President Bush next year. ‘Our view is
that Dick Gephardt is not the candidate who has that
best chance.’ Schaitberger said. One coveted
union endorsement remains up for grabs, the Service
Employees International Union. But actions by its
New York local union chief could indicate where its
support is headed. Local 1199 President Dennis
Rivera helped Howard Dean raise $30,000.
After a disappointing showing in fund raising,
Gephardt's third-quarter results, out Sept. 30, will
be a key indication of whether he can win enough
support for a laborwide endorsement from the AFL-CIO.”
… Ted Kennedy and son Patrick will campaign a day
– and two miles apart – in Waterloo this weekend,
but for different Dem wannabes. Headline from
today’s Boston Herald: “Kennedys take rival sides
on campaign trail” Coverage by the Herald’s
Noelle Straub: “On the presidential campaign
trail, it's not necessarily like father, like son
when it comes to Sen. Edward M. Kennedy and his son,
Patrick. Both the senior senator and his son, the
congressman from Rhode Island, will hit the trail in
Waterloo, Iowa, this weekend -- but for rival
candidates. The elder Kennedy speaks tomorrow
at a rally for White House hopeful Sen. John F.
Kerry at a Waterloo church. The next day, the
younger Kennedy will cheer for a competing
presidential wannabe, Rep. Dick Gephardt, at
a Democratic reception less than two miles away. ’I
never tell Patrick how to vote or who to support,’
the senior Kennedy said. ‘I'm sure he's making
plenty of friends in Iowa. I just hope he reminds
them to show up next November to vote for John after
he makes his run through the primaries and wins the
nomination.’ The senator, like all 10
Massachusetts congressmen, has endorsed his fellow
Bay State Democrat, Kerry, in the 2004 presidential
race. But Patrick Kennedy feels more allegiance to
his House colleague. The two worked closely
together when Gephardt (D-Mo.) was House
minority leader and the Rhode Island congressman
served as chairman of the Democratic Congressional
Campaign Committee, which recruits House candidates
and raises money. The elder Kennedy will start
his day of Kerry-boosting in Des Moines at an event
focused on health care issues and end it with
remarks to a Democratic barbecue in Iowa City. In a
daylong campaign blitz Sunday, Patrick Kennedy will
attend five Democratic receptions in the eastern
half of the state.” (9/26/2003)
… The Union Leader editorial this morning sees little
benefit to ex-guv Shaheen’s involvement in Kerry
effort in NH. Editorial headline: “Jeanne and
John: What will Shaheen bring Kerry?” The
editorial: “It was little surprise that Jeanne
Shaheen signed on with John Kerry’s presidential
campaign. The question now is, what does this mean
for Kerry? There’s no doubt that Jeanne Shaheen
is an excellent campaign manager. Both in and
outside of New Hampshire, Shaheen may prove
effective at generating some additional support for
Kerry. How much support remains to be seen.
Every week it seems that more and more Democrats in
New Hampshire are being caught in Howard Dean’s
gravitational pull. Though polls show that
undecided New Hampshire Democrats lean more toward
Kerry than Dean, Kerry
continues to fall behind Dean in each
successive poll. Despite her skills, Shaheen’s
impact on Kerry’s campaign could be negative in New
Hampshire. Shaheen is an establishment Democrat, so
she is not likely to bring along large numbers of
the young, angry Democrats who are drawn to Dean.
During her Senate campaign last fall she vocally
supported President Bush’s tax cuts and his
leadership in the war on terror. The last thing
Kerry needs in New Hampshire is to turn off liberal
voters by making himself look more moderate. By
adding Shaheen to his team he risks doing just that.
Stealing a line from rival Howard Dean, Kerry
described Kennedy as "the undisputed, absolute
leader of the Democratic wing of the Democratic
Party." Kerry, while campaigning with Sen.
Edward Kennedy at the AME Church in Waterloo,
Iowa said he's not concerned the media spotlight
settled on retired Gen. Wesley Clark earlier
this month after Clark became the 10th Democrat to
join the presidential race. "It will turn. I'm
not worried about it. I have more national
security experience, and I certainly have more
experience with the domestic issues, and I think
that will break through. I'm very confident about
it," Kerry said. Kerry touted the health
care plan he's proposed, arguing it's the only
one offered that deals with spiraling health care
costs. Kerry's proposal calls for the government to
pay for the most catastrophic and expensive cases,
avoiding driving up costs for others. Events in Des
Moines, Waterloo and Dubuque on Saturday were aimed
at pitching expanded health care. Kerry and
Kennedy were introduced by nurses who are
part of a heath care reform effort. In Des Moines,
Carol Shores, a middle school nurse in Saydel, told
of youngsters who come to school sick. (9/28/2003)
Boston Globe article by staff writer
Patrick Healy, “Kennedy gives Kerry campaign
a lift in Iowa”. Excerpts: “WATERLOO, Iowa.
Twenty-three years after Iowans helped derail his
presidential ambitions, Senator Edward M. Kennedy
roared back into the state yesterday to add a little
liberal fire to John F. Kerry's campaign for the
White House. And with Kennedy standing by his
side, Kerry delivered tough attacks on President
Bush, charging that the war in Iraq has become a
"quagmire" and calling on Bush to reimburse the
federal treasury for his cinematic visit to an
aircraft carrier in May. The Kennedy-Kerry star
turn sent Democratic audiences into a fever pitch
and reinforced a belief among some Kerry
strategists that Kennedy may be their best hope for
shoring up Kerry's left flank against former Vermont
governor Howard Dean, one of Kerry's nine rivals
for the Democratic nomination. Dean is quickly
becoming the burr in Kennedy's side that Kerry
himself was in the 1980s and '90s, when the
junior Massachusetts senator challenged Democratic
priorities on public education and health care that
were close to Kennedy's heart. Now Dean is the
skeptic, attacking Medicare, the Patients' Bill of
Rights, and education reform, all issues closely
identified with Kennedy, while Kerry seems to
have reconciled with Kennedy. "The hard slogging
on issues that make a difference -- I've seen John
there. Howard has his own experience," Kennedy said
in an interview, quickly turning the subject back to
policy. "HMO reform, Patients' Bill of Rights --
these are big important issues. . . . I've worked
with John over a long period of time, and I can
relate my experiences with him as a leader." Kerry
aides say the senior senator was eager to campaign
in Iowa, earlier than the Kerry campaign had
planned, because he felt the case for traditional
Democratic values needed to be made. Yesterday,
recalling his debilitating loss to President Carter
in the 1980 Iowa caucuses, Kennedy joked that Iowans
owed him a vote for his kinsman Kerry: "Are you
going to make it up? Are you going to make up with
me?"… The Kennedy-Kerry tensions are a thing of
the past, both men say, but that doesn't mean the
senior senator is quietly stepping offstage to give
Kerry the spotlight. Kennedy was in
full-throated, liberal lion mode yesterday, and
he made Kerry look a little like a cub.
Attending rallies in Des Moines, Waterloo, and Iowa
City, Kerry stood frozen as Kennedy punched the air
and roared and cajoled. By contrast, when it was
Kerry's turn to speak, Kennedy sat a few feet away
and looked into the distance, rising only five times
to applaud the candidate, who called for broader
health insurance and energy independence from the
Middle East (9/29/2003)
1-15, 2003
16-23, 2003
24-30, 2003
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