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What We're Up Against...
anti-Bush stuff on the internet

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What We're Up Against
anti-Bush, anti-conservative stuff on the internet

Featured Anti-Bush Website: 

In an effort to make sure Iowa Presidential Watch visitors are aware of the ridiculous, vindictive accusations being made against President Bush, IPW will feature various radical websites throughout the Iowa caucus campaign. is just one of several websites dedicated to attacking the Bush administration. describes itself as “a forum for responsible public sentiment” offers a “protest toolkit” that features “peace rally” posters with GWB dressed in a Nazi uniform – complete with Adolf Hitler’s distinctive mustache. The toolkit copy says that the “greatest and most immediate threat from George W. Bush and his hawkish advisors is their unilateral and pre-emptive war against Iraq…it’s as imperative as ever to show the world that we will not stand this cowboy aggression.” opens with a random message from a “concerned citizen” –  here's one example:

“Bush is the ultimate distraction for the masses. An ignorant, corrupt right-wing puppet touted by the corporate controlled main-stream as a great war-time leader. In the 80’s we had Reagan’s White House basement cowboys. Today we have even worse: an extremist fascist conspiracy to gut the constitution, rape the environment and loot the economy under the distraction of 9/11 et al. We are living in historic times. Never in the history of our country have our freedoms been so threatened.”

IPW would like to hear your thoughts
about these radically negative Bush websites!

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this page was last updated: 09/27/03